Rollway Spherical Bearing

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Spherical Roller


SRB-01.p65 1 3/29/01, 1:13 PM

Customers across the globe recognize the value,
price, and quality of ROLLWAY Spherical Roller
Bearings. For over 25 years, ROLLWAY has been
providing a solid performing, interchangeable
product that is economically priced and readily
available. In today’s global marketplace, the value
that ROLLWAY Spherical Bearings provide is
definitely a plus. See for yourself what makes
ROLLWAY Spherical Roller Bearings out of this world!

Centrifugally cast, machined

brass, two-piece cage with
heavy section to stand up to
tough applications

100% Forged Rings

for greater fatigue
Center Inner Race Flange
for more positive roller
guidance and less roller

Superfinished races for

long life when operating
with adverse, marginal Stock in Syracuse, New York
lubrication and Antwerp, Belgium for
fast availability
ROLL WAY is a registered trademark of Emerson Power Transmission Manufacturing, L.P.
© Emerson Power Transmission Manufacturing, L.P. 2001. All Rights Reserved.

SRB-01.p65 2 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

21300 Series

r r
• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

d D d D
vibratory applications requiring a solid outer
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

21308 40 1.5748 90 3.5433 23 0.9055 1.5 .059 99 22257 120 26978 4500 6000 0.7 1.6
21309 45 1.7717 100 3.9370 25 0.9843 1.5 .059 120 26978 135 30351 4000 5300 1.0 2.1
21310 50 1.9685 110 4.3307 27 1.0630 2.0 .079 120 26978 130 29227 3600 4800 1.2 2.6
21311 55 2.1654 120 4.7244 29 1.1417 2.0 .079 135 30351 155 34847 3200 4300 1.7 3.6
21312 60 2.3622 130 5.1181 31 1.2205 2.5 .098 150 33723 180 40468 3000 4000 2.0 4.3
21313 65 2.5591 140 5.5118 33 1.2992 2.1 .083 220 49460 290 65198 2800 3800 2.5 5.4
21314 70 2.7559 150 5.9055 35 1.3780 2.5 .098 250 56205 310 69694 2600 3400 3.1 6.8
21315 75 2.9528 160 6.2992 37 1.4567 2.1 .083 280 62950 360 80935 2400 3200 3.6 7.8
21316 80 3.1496 170 6.6929 39 1.5354 2.1 .083 310 69694 400 89928 2200 3000 4.3 9.4
21317 85 3.3465 180 7.0866 41 1.6142 3.0 .118 350 78687 450 101169 2200 2800 5.1 11.2
21318 90 3.5433 190 7.4803 43 1.6929 3.0 .118 385 86556 510 114658 2200 2800 5.8 12.8
21319 95 3.7402 200 7.8740 45 1.7717 3.0 .118 420 94424 580 130396 2000 2600 7.4 16.4
21320 100 3.9370 215 8.4646 47 1.8504 3.0 .118 460 103417 640 143885 1800 2400 9.1 20.0
21322 110 4.3307 240 9.4488 50 1.9685 3.0 .118 510 114658 690 155126 1500 2000 12.0 26.5

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SRB-01.p65 3 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

22200 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

22209 45 1.7717 85 3.3465 23 0.9055 1.1 .043 93 20908 105 23606 4500 6000 0.6 1.2
22210 50 1.9685 90 3.5433 23 0.9055 1.1 .043 100 22482 120 26978 4000 5300 0.6 1.3
22211 55 2.1654 100 3.9370 25 0.9843 1.5 .059 120 26978 140 31475 3800 5000 0.8 1.8
22212 60 2.3622 110 4.3307 28 1.1024 1.5 .059 145 32599 175 39344 3400 4500 1.2 2.6
22213 65 2.5591 120 4.7244 31 1.2205 1.5 .059 180 40468 220 49460 3000 4000 1.5 3.2
22214 70 2.7559 125 4.9213 31 1.2205 1.5 .059 180 40468 225 50585 2200 3800 1.6 3.4
22215 75 2.9528 130 5.1181 31 1.2205 1.5 .059 190 42716 250 56205 2800 3800 1.7 3.6
22216 80 3.1496 140 5.5118 33 1.2992 2.0 .079 210 47212 275 61826 2600 3400 2.1 4.5
22217 85 3.3465 150 5.9055 36 1.4173 2.0 .079 230 51709 295 66322 2200 2800 2.8 6.1
22218 90 3.5433 160 6.2992 40 1.5748 2.0 .079 290 65198 410 92176 2200 2800 3.6 7.9
22219 95 3.7402 170 6.6929 43 1.6929 2.1 .083 340 76439 415 93300 2000 2600 4.1 9.0
22220 100 3.9370 180 7.0866 46 1.8110 2.1 .083 340 76439 455 102293 2000 2600 4.9 10.7
22222 110 4.3307 200 7.8740 53 2.0866 2.1 .083 540 121403 700 157374 1700 2200 7.1 15.7
22224 120 4.7244 215 8.4646 53 2.0866 2.1 .083 510 114658 740 166367 1500 2000 9.0 19.9
22226 130 5.1181 230 9.0551 64 2.5197 2.3 .091 660 148381 960 215827 1700 2200 14.0 30.9
22228 140 5.5118 290 11.4173 68 2.6772 2.5 .098 670 150629 990 222572 1110 1670 18.1 39.9
22230 150 5.9055 270 10.6299 73 2.8740 3.0 .118 810 182104 1190 267536 1200 1600 18.0 39.7
22232 160 6.2992 290 11.4173 80 3.1496 3.0 .118 950 213579 1420 319245 1100 1500 23.3 51.4
22234 170 6.6929 310 12.2047 86 3.3858 4.0 .157 1080 242806 1610 361960 1100 1400 28.9 63.7
22236 180 7.0866 320 12.5984 86 3.3858 4.0 .157 1110 249550 1720 386691 1100 1400 30.4 67.0
22238 190 7.4803 340 13.3858 92 3.6220 4.0 .157 1220 274281 1870 420414 1000 1300 37.7 83.1
22240 200 7.8740 360 14.1732 98 3.8583 4.0 .157 1250 281025 2020 454137 1100 1400 45.0 99.2
22244 220 8.6614 400 15.7480 108 4.2520 4.0 .157 1485 333858 2483 558228 850 1100 63.0 138.9
22248 240 9.4488 440 17.3228 120 4.7244 4.0 .157 1815 408049 2701 607239 750 1000 85.5 188.5
22252 260 10.2362 480 18.8976 130 5.1181 5.0 .197 2150 483363 3232 726619 670 900 111.0 244.7
22256 280 11.0236 500 19.6850 130 5.1181 5.0 .197 2260 508094 3502 787320 630 850 116.0 255.7
22260 300 11.8110 540 21.2598 140 5.5118 5.0 .197 2615 587905 4072 915468 600 800 145.0 319.7
22264 320 12.5984 580 22.8346 150 5.9055 5.0 .197 3095 695818 4892 1099820 560 750 181.0 399.0
22272 360 14.1732 650 25.5905 170 6.6929 6.0 .236 3955 889164 6435 1446718 560 750 255.0 562.2

SRB-01.p65 4 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

22300 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

22308 40 1.5748 90 3.5433 33 1.2992 1.5 .059 125 28103 135 30351 3800 5000 1.2 2.6
22309 45 1.7717 100 3.9370 36 1.4173 1.5 .059 150 33723 175 39344 3400 4500 1.4 3.0
22310 50 1.9685 110 4.3307 40 1.5748 2.0 .079 195 43840 220 49460 3000 4000 1.8 4.1
22311 55 2.1654 120 4.7244 43 1.6929 2.0 .079 220 49460 255 57329 2800 3600 2.4 5.4
22312 60 2.3622 130 5.1181 46 1.8110 2.1 .083 200 44964 310 69694 2600 3400 3.0 6.6
22313 65 2.5591 140 5.5118 48 1.8898 2.1 .083 280 62950 330 74191 2400 3200 3.5 7.7
22314 70 2.7559 150 5.9055 51 2.0079 2.1 .083 340 76439 420 94424 2200 2800 4.3 9.5
22315 75 2.9528 160 6.2992 55 2.1654 2.1 .083 380 85432 475 106790 2200 2800 5.9 12.9
22316 80 3.1496 170 6.6929 58 2.2835 2.0 .079 410 92176 500 112410 1800 2400 6.2 13.7
22317 85 3.3465 180 7.0866 60 2.3622 3.0 .118 460 103417 520 116906 1700 2200 7.3 16.0
22318 90 3.5433 190 7.4803 64 2.5197 2.3 .091 530 119155 670 150629 1700 2200 8.7 19.2
22319 95 3.7402 200 7.8740 67 2.6378 3.3 .130 570 128147 740 166367 1500 2200 10.2 22.5
22320 100 3.9370 215 8.4646 73 2.8740 3.0 .118 610 137140 850 191097 1400 1800 12.7 28.0
22322 110 4.3307 240 9.4488 80 3.1496 3.0 .118 800 179856 1060 238309 1300 1700 17.7 39.0
22324 120 4.7244 260 10.2362 86 3.3858 3.0 .118 930 209083 1230 276529 1100 1500 22.0 48.5
22326 130 5.1181 280 11.0236 93 3.6614 4.0 .157 1080 242806 1450 325989 1100 1400 28.5 62.8
22328 140 5.5118 300 11.8110 102 4.0157 4.0 .157 1240 278777 1720 386691 1000 1300 34.5 76.1
22330 150 5.9055 320 12.5984 108 4.2520 4.0 .157 1400 314748 1940 436151 1000 1300 43.5 95.9
22332 160 6.2992 340 13.3858 114 4.4882 4.0 .157 1520 341727 2160 485612 900 1200 50.8 112.0
22334 170 6.6929 360 14.1732 120 4.7244 4.0 .157 1690 379946 2380 535072 850 1100 62.2 137.1
22336 180 7.0866 360 14.1732 120 4.7244 4.0 .157 1880 422662 2380 535072 850 1100 62.2 137.1
22338 190 7.4803 400 15.7480 132 5.1968 5.0 .197 2060 463129 2920 656475 750 1000 84.8 187.0
22340 200 7.8740 420 16.5354 138 5.4331 5.0 .197 1910 429406 2750 618255 670 900 95.4 210.3
22344 220 8.6614 460 18.1102 145 5.7087 5.0 .197 2450 550809 3614 812500 700 950 128.0 282.2
22348 240 9.4488 500 19.6850 155 6.1024 5.0 .197 2650 595773 4000 899281 560 750 151.0 332.9
22352 260 10.2362 540 21.2598 165 6.4961 6.0 .236 3215 722797 4836 1087230 600 800 187.0 412.3
22356 280 11.0236 580 22.8346 175 6.8898 5.0 .197 2490 559802 2300 517086 470 700 234.0 515.9
22364 320 12.5984 670 26.3779 200 7.8740 7.5 .295 4650 1045414 6990 1571493 480 630 339.0 747.4
22368 340 13.3858 710 27.9527 212 8.3464 7.5 .295 5180 1164568 7874 1770234 450 600 403.0 888.5
22380 400 15.7480 820 32.2834 243 9.5669 7.5 .295 6570 1477068 10233 2300585 360 480 648.0 1428.6

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SRB-01.p65 5 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

23000 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

23028 140 5.5118 210 8.2677 53 2.0866 2.0 .079 435 97797 750 168615 1500 2000 6.6 14.4
23030 150 5.9055 225 8.8583 56 2.2047 2.1 .083 480 107914 830 186601 1400 1800 7.8 17.2
23032 160 6.2992 240 9.4488 60 2.3622 2.1 .083 560 125899 970 218076 1300 1700 9.7 21.4
23034 170 6.6929 260 10.2362 67 2.6378 2.1 .083 680 152878 1170 263040 1200 1600 13.4 29.5
23036 180 7.0866 280 11.0236 74 2.9134 2.1 .083 800 179856 1380 310252 900 1200 23.0 50.7
23038 190 7.4803 290 11.4173 100 3.9370 2.1 .083 1080 242806 1980 445144 850 1100 24.3 53.6
23040 200 7.8740 310 12.2047 82 3.2283 2.1 .083 880 197842 1560 350719 1100 1500 23.5 51.8
23044 220 8.6614 340 13.3858 90 3.5433 3.0 .118 1025 230441 1730 388939 1000 1300 31.5 69.4
23048 240 9.4488 360 14.1732 92 3.6220 3.0 .118 1105 248426 1969 442671 900 1200 34.5 76.1
23052 260 10.2362 400 15.7480 104 4.0945 4.0 .157 1380 310252 2417 543390 850 1100 50.5 111.3
23056 280 11.0236 420 16.5354 106 4.1732 4.0 .157 1430 321493 2571 578013 750 1000 53.0 116.8
23060 300 11.8110 460 18.1102 118 4.6457 4.0 .157 1720 386691 3052 686151 670 900 73.5 162.0
23064 320 12.5984 480 18.8976 121 4.7638 4.0 .157 1810 406924 3313 744829 630 850 79.5 175.3
23068 340 13.3858 520 20.4724 133 5.2362 5.0 .197 2203 495279 4020 903777 600 800 108.0 238.1
23072 360 14.1732 540 21.2598 134 5.2756 5.0 .197 2255 506969 4214 947392 560 750 111.0 244.7
23076 380 14.9606 560 22.0472 135 5.3150 5.0 .197 2225 500225 4195 943121 530 700 117.0 257.9
23080 400 15.7480 600 23.6220 148 5.8268 5.0 .197 2645 594649 4970 1117356 500 670 152.0 335.1
23084 420 16.5354 620 24.4094 150 5.9055 5.0 .197 2825 635117 5480 1232014 500 670 160.0 352.7
23088 440 17.3228 650 25.5905 157 6.1811 6.0 .236 4345 976844 6700 1506295 530 700 180.0 396.8
23092 460 18.1102 680 26.7716 163 6.4173 6.0 .236 3200 719424 6170 1387140 450 600 209.0 460.8
23096 480 18.8976 700 27.5590 165 6.4961 6.0 .236 3300 741906 6900 1551259 480 630 215.0 474.0

SRB-01.p65 6 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

23100 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

23126 130 5.1181 210 8.2677 64 2.5197 2.0 .079 540 121403 860 193345 1500 2000 8.6 18.8
23128 140 5.5118 225 8.8583 68 2.6772 2.1 .083 600 134892 990 222572 1400 1800 10.5 23.1
23130 150 5.9055 250 9.8425 80 3.1496 2.1 .083 800 179856 1320 296763 1300 1700 16.3 35.9
23132 160 6.2992 270 10.6299 86 3.3858 2.1 .083 930 209083 1510 339478 1200 1600 20.5 45.2
23134 170 6.6929 280 11.0236 88 3.4646 2.1 .083 990 222572 1650 370953 1100 1500 22.3 49.2
23136 180 7.0866 300 11.8110 96 3.7795 3.0 .118 1160 260791 1940 436151 1100 1400 28.4 62.6
23138 190 7.4803 320 12.5984 104 4.0945 3.0 .118 1320 296763 2290 514838 1100 1400 35.6 78.5
23140 200 7.8740 340 13.3858 112 4.4094 3.0 .118 1370 308004 2460 553058 1100 1400 43.5 95.9
23144 220 8.6614 370 14.5669 120 4.7244 4.0 .157 1455 327113 2380 535072 900 1200 54.5 120.2
23148 240 9.4488 400 15.7480 128 5.0394 4.0 .157 1640 368705 2720 611511 850 1100 67.5 148.8
23152 260 10.2362 440 17.3228 144 5.6693 4.0 .157 2025 455261 3391 762365 750 1000 93.5 206.1
23156 280 11.0236 460 18.1102 146 5.7480 5.0 .197 2295 515962 4050 910522 670 900 100.0 220.5
23160 300 11.8110 500 19.6850 160 6.2992 5.0 .197 2508 563849 4318 970773 630 850 130.0 286.6
23164 320 12.5984 540 21.2598 176 6.9291 5.0 .197 2855 641862 4892 1099820 600 800 171.0 377.0
23168 340 13.3858 580 22.8346 190 7.4803 5.0 .197 3270 735162 5520 1241007 560 750 216.0 476.2
23172 360 14.1732 600 23.6220 192 7.5590 5.0 .197 3443 774056 6031 1355890 530 700 228.0 502.6
23176 380 14.9606 620 24.4094 194 7.6378 5.0 .197 3535 794739 6350 1427608 500 670 242.0 533.5
23180 400 15.7480 650 25.5905 200 7.8740 6.0 .236 3920 881295 7164 1610612 480 630 270.0 595.2
23184 420 16.5354 700 27.5590 224 8.8189 6.0 .236 4600 1034173 9000 2023381 500 670 363.0 800.3
23188 440 17.3228 720 28.3464 226 8.8976 6.0 .236 5250 1180306 10000 2248201 500 670 360.0 793.7
23192 460 18.1102 760 29.9212 240 9.4488 7.5 .295 5760 1294964 11025 2478642 480 630 441.0 972.2
23196 480 18.8976 790 31.1023 248 9.7638 7.5 .295 5800 1303957 11800 2652878 450 600 485.0 1069.2

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SRB-01.p65 7 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

23200 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

23224 120 4.7244 215 8.4646 76 2.9921 2.1 .083 670 150629 1020 229317 1100 1500 12.0 26.5
23226 130 5.1181 230 9.0551 80 3.1496 3.0 .118 760 170863 1170 263040 1100 1500 14.0 30.9
23228 140 5.5118 250 9.8425 68 2.6772 3.0 .118 880 197842 1380 310252 1000 1300 18.5 40.8
23230 150 5.9055 270 10.6299 96 3.7795 3.0 .118 1030 231565 1610 361960 1000 1300 24.5 54.0
23232 160 6.2992 290 11.4173 104 4.0945 3.0 .118 1180 265288 1830 411421 900 1200 31.7 69.9
23234 170 6.6929 310 12.2047 110 4.3307 4.0 .157 1340 301259 2120 476619 850 1100 37.8 83.3
23236 180 7.0866 320 12.5984 112 4.4094 4.0 .157 1420 319245 2330 523831 750 1000 40.8 89.9
23238 190 7.4803 340 13.3858 120 4.7244 4.0 .157 1610 361960 2640 593525 750 1000 48.9 107.8
23240 200 7.8740 360 14.1732 128 5.0394 4.0 .157 1620 364209 2590 582284 750 1000 58.5 129.0
23244 220 8.6614 400 15.7480 144 5.6693 4.0 .157 1850 415917 2899 651754 600 8000 82.5 181.9
23248 240 9.4488 440 17.3228 160 6.2992 4.0 .157 2370 532824 3837 862635 560 750 110.0 242.5
23252 260 10.2362 480 18.8976 174 6.8504 5.0 .197 2700 607014 4350 977968 500 670 142.0 313.1
23256 280 11.0236 500 19.6850 130 5.1181 5.0 .197 2806 630845 4645 1044290 480 630 153.0 337.3
23260 300 11.8110 540 21.2598 192 7.5590 5.0 .197 3305 743031 5528 1242806 450 600 195.0 429.9
23264 320 12.5984 580 22.8346 208 8.1890 5.0 .197 4130 928507 7060 1587230 430 560 247.0 544.5
23268 340 13.3858 620 24.4094 224 8.8189 6.0 .236 4577 1029002 7918 1780126 450 600 305.0 672.4
23276 380 14.9606 680 26.7716 240 9.4488 6.0 .236 4880 1097122 8440 1897482 360 480 390.0 859.8
23284 420 16.5354 760 29.9212 272 10.7086 7.5 .295 6215 1397257 10720 2410072 320 430 553.0 1219.1
23288 440 17.3228 790 31.1023 280 11.0236 7.5 .295 6700 1506295 12780 2873201 360 480 595.0 1311.7
23292 460 18.1102 830 32.6771 296 11.6535 7.5 .295 7560 1699640 13970 3140737 340 450 695.0 1532.2

SRB-01.p65 8 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

23900 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

23952 260 10.2362 360 14.1732 75 2.9528 2.1 .083 845 189973 1604 360612 850 1100 24.0 52.9
23956 280 11.0236 380 14.9606 75 2.9528 2.1 .083 845 189973 1767 397257 900 1200 26.0 57.3
23960 300 11.8110 420 16.5354 90 3.5433 3.0 .118 1175 264164 2261 508318 750 1000 40.0 88.2
23964 320 12.5984 440 17.3228 90 3.5433 3.0 .118 1215 273156 2409 541592 670 900 42.0 92.6
23968 340 13.3858 460 18.1102 90 3.5433 3.0 .118 1306 293615 2691 604991 630 850 45.0 99.2
23972 360 14.1732 480 18.8976 90 3.5433 3.0 .118 1230 276529 2527 568121 600 800 46.0 101.4
23976 380 14.9606 520 20.4724 106 4.1732 4.0 .157 1785 401304 3750 843076 630 850 70.0 154.3
23980 400 15.7480 540 21.2598 106 4.1732 4.0 .157 1850 415917 3990 897032 600 800 72.0 158.7
23984 420 16.5354 560 22.0472 106 4.1732 4.0 .157 1960 440647 4130 928507 600 800 75.0 165.3
23988 440 17.3228 600 23.6220 118 4.6457 4.0 .157 2100 472122 4690 1054406 560 750 102.0 224.9
23992 460 18.1102 620 24.4094 118 4.6457 4.0 .157 2305 518210 5036 1132194 530 700 105.0 231.5
23996 480 18.8976 650 25.5905 128 5.0394 5.0 .197 2525 567671 5500 1236511 450 600 128.0 282.2

Contact us at

SRB-01.p65 9 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

24000 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

24028 140 5.5118 210 8.2677 69 2.7165 2.0 .079 550 123651 990 222572 1100 1500 8.5 18.6
24030 150 5.9055 225 8.8583 75 2.9528 2.1 .083 620 139388 1140 256295 1100 1400 10.5 23.1
24032 160 6.2992 240 9.4488 80 3.1496 2.1 .083 720 161871 1320 296763 1000 1300 13.3 29.3
24034 170 6.6929 260 10.2362 90 3.5433 2.1 .083 880 197842 1610 361960 1000 1300 17.7 39.0
24036 180 7.0866 280 11.0236 100 3.9370 2.1 .083 1030 231565 1900 427158 900 1200 23.2 51.1
24038 190 7.4803 290 11.4173 100 3.9370 2.1 .083 1080 242806 1980 445144 850 1100 24.3 53.6
24040 200 7.8740 310 12.2047 109 4.2913 2.1 .083 1140 256295 2060 463129 850 1100 30.5 67.2
24044 220 8.6614 340 13.3858 118 4.6457 3.0 .118 1190 267536 2098 471673 750 1000 39.5 87.1
24048 240 9.4488 360 14.1732 118 4.6457 3.0 .118 1460 328237 2841 638714 750 1000 42.5 93.7
24052 260 10.2362 400 15.7480 140 5.5118 4.0 .157 1775 399056 3494 785522 600 800 66.0 145.5
24056 280 11.0236 420 16.5354 140 5.5118 4.0 .157 1795 403552 3471 780351 560 750 68.5 151.0
24060 300 11.8110 460 18.1102 160 6.2992 4.0 .157 2385 536196 4702 1057104 560 750 97.0 213.8
24064 320 12.5984 480 18.8976 160 6.2992 4.0 .157 2500 562050 5240 1178058 530 700 106.0 233.7
24068 340 13.3858 520 20.4724 180 7.0866 5.0 .197 3000 674460 6350 1427608 500 670 143.0 315.3
24072 360 14.1732 540 21.2598 180 7.0866 5.0 .197 3150 708183 6530 1468076 480 630 145.0 319.7
24076 380 14.9606 560 22.0472 180 7.0866 5.0 .197 3150 708183 6710 1508543 450 600 152.0 335.1
24080 400 15.7480 600 23.6220 200 7.8740 5.0 .197 3600 809353 7545 1696268 430 560 205.0 451.9
24084 420 16.5354 620 24.4094 200 7.8740 5.0 .197 3753 843750 7910 1778327 430 560 210.0 463.0
24088 440 17.3228 650 25.5905 212 8.3464 6.0 .236 4100 921763 8850 1989658 400 530 245.0 540.1
24092 460 18.1102 680 26.7716 218 8.5827 6.0 .236 4370 982464 9570 2151529 380 500 280.0 617.3
24096 480 18.8976 700 27.5590 218 8.5827 6.0 .236 5023 1129272 11320 2544964 360 480 300.0 661.4

SRB-01.p65 10 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

24100 Series

• Radius (r) is maximum shaft or housing fillet r
that bearing corner will clear.

• Standard tolerances to PO/RBEC-1


• Available with normal (C0) or C3 internal

clearance. Other clearances upon request.

• W33 relubrication feature is standard. For

vibratory applications, requiring a solid outer d D
ring and close O.D. tolerance, W22 should be
d D
specified. For relubrication feature and close
O.D. tolerance, specify W502.

Tapered Bore Cylindrical Bore

Bearing Dynamic Static Limiting

Number Bore O.D. Width Radius Capacity Capacity S p eed Weight
d D B r C Co R.P.M.
mm in mm in mm in mm in kN lbs kN lbs grease oil kg lbs

24128 140 5.5118 225 8.8583 85 3.3465 2.1 .083 740 166367 1280 287770 850 1100 13.2 29.1
24130 150 5.9055 250 9.8425 100 3.9370 2.1 .083 1080 242806 1840 413669 850 1100 19.5 43.0
24134 170 6.6929 280 11.0236 109 4.2913 2.1 .083 1280 287770 2230 501349 750 1000 27.3 60.2
24136 180 7.0866 300 11.8110 118 4.6457 3.0 .118 1460 328237 2590 582284 700 950 33.7 74.3
24138 190 7.4803 320 12.5984 128 5.0394 3.0 .118 1540 346223 2750 618255 600 800 41.8 92.2
24140 200 7.8740 340 13.3858 140 5.5118 3.0 .118 1400 314748 2385 536196 560 750 51.5 113.5
24144 220 8.6614 370 14.5669 150 5.9055 4.0 .157 1780 400180 3109 698966 530 700 65.0 143.3
24148 240 9.4488 400 15.7480 160 6.2992 4.0 .157 1970 442896 3477 781700 480 630 80.5 177.5
24152 260 10.2362 440 17.3228 180 7.0866 4.0 .157 2620 589029 5000 1124101 500 670 114.0 251.3
24156 280 11.0236 460 18.1102 180 7.0866 5.0 .197 2635 592401 4848 1089928 400 530 118.0 260.1
24160 300 11.8110 500 19.6850 200 7.8740 5.0 .197 3213 722347 6011 1351394 430 560 159.0 350.5
24164 320 12.5984 540 21.2598 218 8.5827 5.0 .197 3750 843076 7300 1641187 400 530 215.0 474.0
24168 340 13.3858 580 22.8346 243 9.5669 5.0 .197 4290 964478 8005 1799685 340 450 283.0 623.9
24172 360 14.1732 600 23.6220 243 9.5669 5.0 .197 4510 1013939 8525 1916592 360 480 279.0 615.1
24176 380 14.9606 620 24.4094 223 8.7795 5.0 .197 4500 1011691 9565 2150405 340 450 300.0 661.4
24180 400 15.7480 650 25.5905 250 9.8425 6.0 .236 5230 1175809 10500 2360612 320 430 340.0 749.6
24184 420 16.5354 700 27.5590 280 11.0236 6.0 .236 5770 1297212 13065 2937275 300 400 445.0 981.0
24188 440 17.3228 720 28.3464 280 11.0236 6.0 .236 6000 1348921 12300 2765288 300 400 460.0 1014.1
24192 460 18.1102 760 29.9212 300 11.8110 7.5 .295 6720 1510791 13800 3102518 280 380 560.0 1234.6

Contact us at

SRB-01.p65 11 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

Radial Clearance
with Cylindrical Bore
Bore Radial Internal Clearance µm/in.
d mm./in. C2 Normal C3 C4 C5
Over Incl. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
14 24 10 20 20 35 35 45 45 60 60 75
0.5510 0.9450 0.0004 0.0008 0.0008 0.0014 0.0014 0.0018 0.0018 0.0024 0.0024 0.0030
24 30 15 25 25 40 40 55 55 75 75 95
0.9450 1.1810 0.0006 0.0010 0.0010 0.0016 0.0016 0.0022 0.0022 0.0030 0.0030 0.0037
30 40 15 30 30 45 45 60 60 80 80 100
1.1810 1.5750 0.0006 0.0012 0.0012 0.0018 0.0018 0.0024 0.0024 0.0031 0.0031 0.0039
40 50 20 35 35 55 55 75 75 100 100 125
1.5750 1.9690 0.0008 0.0014 0.0014 0.0022 0.0020 0.0030 0.0030 0.0039 0.0039 0.0049
50 65 20 40 40 65 65 90 90 120 120 150
1.9690 2.5590 0.0008 0.0016 0.0016 0.0026 0.0026 0.0035 0.0035 0.0047 0.0047 0.0059
65 80 30 50 50 80 80 110 110 145 145 180
2.5590 3.1500 0.0012 0.0020 0.0020 0.0031 0.0031 0.0043 0.0043 0.0057 0.0057 0.0071
80 100 35 60 60 100 100 135 135 180 180 225
3.1500 3.9370 0.0014 0.0024 0.0024 0.0039 0.0039 0.0053 0.0053 0.0071 0.0071 0.0089
100 120 40 75 75 120 120 160 160 210 210 260
3.9370 4.7240 0.0016 0.0030 0.0030 0.0047 0.0047 0.0063 0.0063 0.0083 0.0083 0.0102
120 140 50 95 95 145 145 190 190 240 240 300
4.7240 5.5120 0.0020 0.0037 0.0037 0.0057 0.0057 0.0075 0.0075 0.0094 0.0094 0.0118
140 160 60 110 110 170 170 220 220 280 280 350
5.5120 6.2990 0.0024 0.0043 0.0043 0.0067 0.0067 0.0087 0.0087 0.0110 0.0110 0.0138
160 180 65 120 120 180 180 240 240 310 310 390
6.2990 7.0870 0.0026 0.0047 0.0047 0.0071 0.0071 0.0094 0.0094 0.0122 0.0122 0.0154
180 200 70 130 130 200 200 260 260 340 340 430
7.0870 7.8740 0.0028 0.0051 0.0051 0.0079 0.0079 0.0102 0.0102 0.0134 0.0134 0.0169
200 225 80 140 140 220 220 290 290 380 380 470
7.8740 8.8580 0.0031 0.0055 0.0055 0.0087 0.0087 0.0114 0.0114 0.0150 0.0150 0.0185
225 250 90 150 150 240 240 320 320 420 420 520
8.8580 9.8430 0.0035 0.0059 0.0059 0.0094 0.0094 0.0126 0.0126 0.0165 0.0165 0.0205
250 280 100 170 170 260 260 350 350 460 460 570
9.8430 11.0240 0.0039 0.0067 0.0067 0.0102 0.0102 0.0138 0.0138 0.0181 0.0181 0.0224
280 315 110 190 190 280 280 370 370 500 500 630
11.0240 12.4020 0.0043 0.0075 0.0075 0.0110 0.0110 0.0146 0.0146 0.0197 0.0197 0.0248
315 355 120 200 200 310 310 410 410 550 550 690
12.4020 13.9760 0.0047 0.0079 0.0079 0.0122 0.0122 0.0161 0.0161 0.0217 0.0217 0.0272
355 400 130 220 220 340 340 450 450 600 600 750
13.9760 15.7480 0.0051 0.0087 0.0087 0.0134 0.0134 0.0177 0.0177 0.0236 0.0236 0.0295
400 450 140 240 240 370 370 500 500 660 660 820
15.7480 17.7170 0.0055 0.0094 0.0094 0.0146 0.0146 0.0197 0.0197 0.0260 0.0260 0.0323
450 500 140 260 260 410 410 550 550 720 720 900
17.7170 19.6850 0.0055 0.0102 0.0102 0.0161 0.0161 0.0217 0.0217 0.0283 0.0283 0.0354
500 560 150 280 280 440 440 600 600 780 780 1000
19.6850 22.0470 0.0059 0.0110 0.0110 0.0173 0.0173 0.0236 0.0236 0.0307 0.0307 0.0394

SRB-01.p65 12 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

Radial Clearance
with Tapered Bore
Bore Radial Internal Clearance µm/in.
d mm./in. C2 Normal C3 C4 C5
Over Incl. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
18 24 15 25 25 35 35 45 45 60 60 75
0.7090 0.9450 0.0006 0.0010 0.0010 0.0014 0.0014 0.0018 0.0018 0.0024 0.0024 0.0030
24 30 20 30 30 40 40 55 55 75 75 95
0.9450 1.1810 0.0008 0.0012 0.0012 0.0016 0.0016 0.0022 0.0022 0.0030 0.0030 0.0037
30 40 25 35 35 50 50 65 65 85 85 105
1.1810 1.5750 0.0010 0.0014 0.0014 0.0020 0.0020 0.0026 0.0026 0.0033 0.0033 0.0041
40 50 30 45 45 60 60 80 80 100 100 130
1.5750 1.9690 0.0012 0.0018 0.0018 0.0024 0.0024 0.0031 0.0031 0.0039 0.0039 0.0051
50 65 40 55 55 75 75 95 95 120 120 160
1.9690 2.5590 0.0016 0.0022 0.0022 0.0030 0.0030 0.0037 0.0037 0.0047 0.0047 0.0063
65 80 50 70 70 95 95 120 120 150 150 200
2.5590 3.1500 0.0020 0.0028 0.0028 0.0037 0.0037 0.0047 0.0047 0.0059 0.0059 0.0079
80 100 55 80 80 110 110 140 140 180 180 230
3.1500 3.9370 0.0022 0.0031 0.0031 0.0043 0.0043 0.0055 0.0055 0.0071 0.0071 0.0091
100 120 65 100 100 135 135 170 170 220 220 280
3.9370 4.7240 0.0026 0.0039 0.0039 0.0053 0.0053 0.0067 0.0067 0.0087 0.0087 0.0110
120 140 80 120 120 160 160 200 200 260 260 330
4.7240 5.5120 0.0031 0.0047 0.0047 0.0063 0.0063 0.0079 0.0079 0.0102 0.0102 0.0130
140 160 90 130 130 180 180 230 230 300 300 380
5.5120 6.2990 0.0035 0.0051 0.0051 0.0071 0.0071 0.0091 0.0091 0.0118 0.0118 0.0150
160 180 100 140 140 200 200 260 260 340 340 430
6.2990 7.0870 0.0039 0.0055 0.0055 0.0079 0.0079 0.0102 0.0102 0.0134 0.0134 0.0169
180 200 110 160 160 220 220 290 290 370 370 470
7.0870 7.8740 0.0043 0.0063 0.0063 0.0087 0.0087 0.0114 0.0114 0.0146 0.0146 0.0185
200 225 120 180 180 250 250 320 320 410 410 520
7.8740 8.8580 0.0047 0.0071 0.0071 0.0098 0.0098 0.0126 0.0126 0.0161 0.0161 0.0205
225 250 140 200 200 270 270 350 350 450 450 570
8.8580 9.8430 0.0055 0.0079 0.0079 0.0106 0.0106 0.0138 0.0138 0.0177 0.0177 0.0224
250 280 150 220 220 300 300 390 390 490 490 620
9.8430 11.0240 0.0059 0.0087 0.0087 0.0118 0.0118 0.0154 0.0154 0.0193 0.0193 0.0244
280 315 170 240 240 330 330 430 430 540 540 680
11.0240 12.4020 0.0067 0.0094 0.0094 0.0130 0.0130 0.0169 0.0169 0.0213 0.0213 0.0268
315 355 190 270 270 360 360 470 470 590 590 740
12.4020 13.9760 0.0075 0.0106 0.0106 0.0142 0.0142 0.0185 0.0185 0.0232 0.0232 0.0291
355 400 210 300 300 400 400 520 520 650 650 820
13.9760 15.7480 0.0083 0.0118 0.0118 0.0157 0.0157 0.0205 0.0205 0.0256 0.0256 0.0323
400 450 230 330 330 440 440 570 570 720 720 910
15.7480 17.7170 0.0091 0.0130 0.0130 0.0173 0.0173 0.0224 0.0224 0.0283 0.0283 0.0358
450 500 260 370 370 490 490 630 630 790 790 1000
17.7170 19.6850 0.0102 0.0146 0.0146 0.0193 0.0193 0.0248 0.0248 0.0311 0.0311 0.0394
500 560 290 410 410 540 540 680 680 870 870 1100
19.6850 22.0470 0.0114 0.0161 0.0161 0.0213 0.0213 0.0268 0.0268 0.0343 0.0343 0.0433

Contact us at

SRB-01.p65 13 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

Popular Variations
The following suffixes are commonly added to bearing part designations to indicate a variation from standard.

ROLLWAY ZKL* Bearing* S K F*
CA - - CA Separate guide ring; inner ring side flange
C AB - - C AB Separate guide ring; pin type cage
Inner ring with close running accuracy (SKF includes standard
C 01 - - C 01
internal clearance). 1/2 RBEC 1

C3 C3 C3 C3 Radial internal clearance greater than normal

C4 C4 C4 C4 Radial internal clearance greater than C3
C5 C5 C5 C5 Radial internal clearance greater than C4
C - - J, _ Pressed steel cage
Y Y Y Y Pressed brass cage

K K K K 1:12 tapered bore

K 30 K 30 K 30 K 30 1:30 tapered bore
M M M M2 One piece machined brass cage guided on the rollers
MA MA MA MS Machined brass cage guided on the outer ring raceway
MB MB MB MC Two piece machined brass cage, inner ring or guide ring centered

Spherical roller bearing with three oil holes; circumferential groove

W33 W33 W33 W33
holes plugged

— Any combination of the ROLLWAY spherical suffixes will be printed in full i.e. 22220C3W33W25
** On demand
* Other manufacturers of comparable products

SRB-01.p65 14 3/29/01, 1:19 PM

Shaker Screen
ROLLWAY® Shaker Screen Bearings have machined brass cages guided on the outer race (MA), radial clearances
between C3 and C4 and reduced tolerances for bore, outside diameters and internal clearance (F80).

Dynamic Static Bore O.D. C4 F80 Clearance Group

Capacity Capacity Tolerance Tolerance Min. Max.
Bearing Type kN kN in. in. in. in.

22310MAC4F80W33 195 220 0 -0.005 0.085 0.100

-0.007 -0.013
22311MAC4F80W33 220 255 0 -0.005 0.100 0.120
-0.009 -0.013
22312MAC4F80W33 260 310 0 -0.005 0.100 0.120
-0.009 -0.013
22313MAC4F80W33 280 330 0 -0.005 0.100 0.120
-0.009 -0.013
22314MAC4F80W33 375 455 0 -0.005 0.120 0.145
-0.009 -0.013
22315MAC4F80W33 380 475 0 -0.005 0.120 0.145
-0.009 -0.018
22316MAC4F80W33 410 500 0 -0.005 0.120 0.145
-0.009 -0.018
22317MAC4F80W33 460 570 0 -0.005 0.150 0.180
-0.012 -0.018
22318MAC4F80W33 570 730 0 -0.010 0.150 0.180
-0.023 -0.023
22319MAC4F80W33 570 740 0 -0.010 0.150 0.180
-0.012 -0.023
22320MAC4F80W33 670 880 0 -0.010 0.150 0.180
-0.012 -0.023
22322MAC4F80W33 815 1080 0 -0.01 0.180 0.210
-0.012 -0.023
22324MAC4F80W33 930 1230 0 -0.01 0.180 0.210
-0.012 -0.023
22326MAC4F80W33 1080 1450 0 -0.01 0.205 0.240
-0.015 -0.023
22328MAC4F80W33 1240 1720 0 -0.01 0.205 0.240
-0.015 -0.023
2330MAC4F80W33 1400 1940 0 -0.013 0.240 0.280
-0.015 -0.028
22332MAC4F80W33 1520 2160 0 -0.013 0.240 0.280
-0.015 -0.028
22334MAC4F80W33 1690 2380 0 -0.013 0.260 0.310
-0.015 -0.028
22336MAC4F80W33 1900 2700 0 -0.013 0.260 0.310
-0.015 -0.028

Contact us at

SRB-01.p65 15 3/29/01, 1:19 PM





P.O. Box 4827
Mounted Ball Bearings Syracuse, NY 13221
Helical Speed Telephone 315-457-6211
Reducers & Gear Motors Fax 315-451-8596



Maysville, KY 41056
Telephone 606-564-2011
® 1-800-626-2120
® Fax 606-564-2052
Clutches Shaft Mount Reducers 1-800-262-3292
7120 Buffington Rd.
P.O. Box 728
Florence, KY 41022 APPLICATION
Telephone 606-342-7900 The proper selection and
1-800-354-9825 application of power transmission
products and components,
Fax 606-342-5652 including the related area of
606-342-5654 product safety, is the
responsibility of the customer.
® EMERSON POWER TRANSMISSION / WEST Operating and performance
requirements and potential
Mounted Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 3553 Placentia Ct. associated issues will vary
Chino, CA 91710 appreciably depending upon the
use and application of such
Telephone (CA) 909-591-9561 products and components. The
1-800-468-3751 scope of the technical and
Other 1-800-421-6047 application information included
in this publication is necessarily
Fax 909-628-1983 limited. Unusual operating
1-800-261-6516 environments and conditions,
lubrication requirements, loading
supports, and other factors can
KOP-FLEX, INC. materially affect the application
® P.O. Box 1696 and operating results of the
Baltimore, MD 21203 products and components and the
® customer should carefully review
V-Belt Drives Chain Drives Telephone 410-768-2000 its requirements. Any technical
Fax 410-787-8433 advice or review furnished by
Emerson Power Transmission
Corporation and its divisions with
McGILL MANUFACTURING CO., INC. respect to the use of products and
909 North Lafayette St. components is given in good faith
Valparaiso, IN 46383 and without charge, and Emerson
assumes no obligation or liability
Telephone 219-465-2200 for the advice given, or results
Fax 219-465-2290 obtained, all such advice and
review being given and accepted
at customer's risk.
® ®
9999 Highway 48 For a copy of our Standard Terms
Markham, ONT L3P 3J3 and Conditions of Sale,
Couplings Conveyor Pulleys Disclaimers of Warranty,
Telephone 905-294-9330 Limitation of Liability and
1-800-268-4149 Remedy, please contact
ROLLWAY customer service,
Fax 1-800-668-9005 1-800-448-2260. These terms and
conditions of sale, disclaimers
EMERSON POWER TRANSMISSION / EXPORT and limitations of liability apply to
7120 Buffington Rd. any person who may buy, acquire
or use an Emerson Power
Florence, KY 41042 Transmission Corporation
Telephone 606-727-5273 product referred to herein,
including any person who buys
606-727-0721 from a licensed distributor of
these branded products.
Worm Gearing Precision Bearings
Form # 8749
Visit us on the Web today! 03/01, 25M Printed in USA

SRB-01.p65 16 3/29/01, 1:20 PM

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