How to formulate a research question. Ghebghoub
How to formulate a research question. Ghebghoub
How to formulate a research question. Ghebghoub
It is not obligatory
Research Methods
Week 1: How to formulate a research question?
To develop an understanding of
• How to formulate research questions
• Key features of good research questions
Learning Outcomes
• Develop research questions of an appropriate scale for a
masters dissertation
Research questions (RQs) aim to address and solve a problem
A good RQ defines exactly what you would like to find out
• Narrow literature coverage
• In-depth readings of key texts
• Challenging existing literature
• Questioning what is taken for granted
• Theoretical, i.e., not enough information in the literature
• Practical (personal experience) e.g., a new technology,
Examples of research questions 1
Research questions
1. Are there any differences between more and less experienced
teachers’ use of the target language?
Original unambiguous
Variables Coherent
Examples of research questions 3
Research questions
They should be neither too broad (so that you would need a massive grant to
study them) nor too narrow (so that you cannot make a reasonably significant
contribution to your area of study).
They should have some connection(s) with established theory and research.
Bryman, A. (2015). Social research methods. (Fifth ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Characteristics of good research questions
They should explicitly state the specific issue you are addressing
What is
the difference
Between a
research question
and a hypothesis?
Observation Confirmation
VS Observation
Hypothesis Hypothesis
Theory Theory
Research Hypothesis
Question • Predictive in nature
• Inquisitive in nature • A prediction about a
• A question relationship
• Can be used even with little • Developed based on previous
previous knowledge knowledge
• Qualitative and quantitative • Experimental, quantitative
nature nature
• Wide range of outcomes • Limited outcomes
Examples of hypotheses 1
Research Question