Letter of Complaint
Letter of Complaint
Letter of Complaint
Parts of a Letter
A letter consists of the following parts:
1. Sender’s Name and Address. It includes the writer’s address. It is written at the
top on the left hand corner of the page. If the address consists of several parts,
each part is given a separate line as follows:
125, Punjabi Basti
Anand Parvat
New Delhi
2. Date. While writing the date, note that the day is written in figures, month in
words and year in full figures. The year is preceded by a comma, when the date is
written before it. The date should be written as follows: 12 April 20XX
3. Receiver’s Address/The Inside Address. The official letters are not addressed to
the individual but to his/her official capacity; as,
The Editor
The Times of India
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg
New Delhi–1100XX
6. Body of the Letter. This is the main part of the letter. It consists of three parts:
an introduction which gives the reason for the letter, the message which includes
the main information and a conclusion, which is always expressed politely or gives
suggestions about the problems expressed. It should be well arranged and divided
suitably into separate paragraphs unless it is very short. Be brief, courteous and to
the point.
7. The Subscription (or the complimentary close). The most common form in
business letters is ‘Yours faithfully’. If you have used a personal name in the
salutation, the subscription should be ‘Yours sincerely’
8. Signature. The formal letters require your full signature. Below the signature,
the name of the person and the position are mentioned. Note. Do not use any
punctuation mark after the signature.
Letters of complaint are written when you have a problem with a product or a
thing. The tone of this letter has to be very polite. Take care of the following
things while writing these letters.
• Describe what is wrong with the product or describe the issues/problems.
Give the date of purchase and place of purchase, if applicable.
• Explain how you would like to resolve the problem.
• Explain that you look forward to receiving a reply with a resolution. Set a
date or time limit in which to receive the reply.
SENDER'S Address
Subject: ………………………………..
Body of letter -
Para I – Purchased
• When?
• Where?
• What? Model/Brand
○ Bill No.
Yours faithfully
You had bought a mobile phone from a reputable showroom in Mumbai but after
a month it developed a serious fault. Write a complaint letter to the manager
asking for immediate repair or replacement of the same. You are Sadiq/Razia,
123, TT Nagar, Bhopal.
The Manager
Shiv Ram & Sons
Dear Sir
In fact, just a few days after its purchase, it had started giving me trouble off and
on but I related it to the connectivity issue or some minor fault that I thought
would settle with time. The touch screen isn't working properly and at times it
does not respond. Also I have noticed that the sound quality isn't very effective.
Since it is still in warranty period, you are requested to replace it immediately.
Needless to say that mobile phones are not a luxury but a necessity these days.
An early and appropriate action will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully
You are Ravi/Rama of 52, Shah Road, Agra. You had bought a textbook ‘First Flight
for Class X from a neighbourhood bookstore. After browsing through the book,
you realized that a few pages were missing and the print overlapping on a few
pages. Write a complaint letter to the Manager, Prakash Books, Sadar Bazar, Agra
requesting him for a replacement or refund.
The Manager
Prakash Books
Sadar Bazar
Dear Sir
I bought the book ‘First Flight’ for class 10 from your shop with the cash memo
number. 123 . I had purchased it on 5 October 2020. After going through the
book, I found that a few pages are missing and the print is overlapping.
The book is also not properly bound. My unit tests are scheduled to begin next
week and English is my first paper. As I mentioned earlier, the overlapping of print
is in the first few chapters and the few last chapters. I need to prepare for the
forthcoming tests.
I therefore, request you to replace the book at the earliest. The copy of cash
memo is enclosed herewith for your reference. It would be deeply appreciated if
such blunders are avoided in future for your reputable shop to continue enjoying
the reputation that it has earned in the previous years.
Yours faithfully
The unsanitary conditions in your colony are causing multiple diseases. Write a
letter to the Municipal Commissioner bringing the problem to his notice and
request him to take urgent action in the matter. You are Deepak/Deepa of C 2/8,
Ankur Enclave, New Delhi.
Dear Sir
I have been a resident of Ankur Enclave for the past eleven years. I would like to
bring to your notice the insanitary conditions in our colony. Rubbish and garbage
lie in heaps. Lack of drainage system raises a persistent foul smell in the area.
During rainy season water stagnates in pits on the street which makes the whole
condition even worse. These become the breeding ground for mosquitoes, which
expose the residents to multiple diseases like dengue, malaria, etc. Our colony
has become an unhealthy and disease–prone area. Every day, someone or the
other is succumbing to deadly diseases. Some of the families have also shifted to
better localities.
You are requested to look into the matter and take an immediate remedial action
to set things right.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
You are Raman/Reena of 240, Shahid Nagar, Agra. Write a letter to M/s Raju Sales
Corporation complaining about the poor performance of the washing machine
purchased from their showroom, mentioning clearly the specific problem you are
facing and the action you want. Give all the relevant details.