NURS 606 Fall 2024 Assignment 2 Tips for Success

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NURS 606 Fall 2024

Assignment 2 Tips for Success

Black – from instructions in syllabus

Green – additional tips/information

For Assignment 2 you will create a concept map depicting the results of your literature
search (the format for the map is up to you – more details/options will be provided in class).
SEE overview of assignments – slides and recording from seminar.

This map will serve as a source of information for the scholarly paper outline you will
develop for Assignment #3. Be sure to keep good records of your searches and results.

It will also be useful as a template for exploring other concepts in later courses and
project/thesis work. The skills you are learning will be great resources in future academic
and practice settings.

Suggested Preparation:

• Read your feedback from assignment 1 and apply any elements that need addressing

• Revisit the overview of assignments slides/seminar recordings posted on Moodle

• Re-read the instructions for assignments 2, 3 and 4 as each assignment in this course
builds on previous work.

The concept map is a tool to help you organize your data in a way that will
make It easier for others to visualize what you found and how you
identified the key elements. Each one will be different, but they should be
organized enough that you can summarize your work for others and they
can follow along.

Completing the concept map:


• After applying any feedback received from assignment 1 Conduct 2 literature


1. The health/nursing literature search (same for all group members)

2. Your selected discipline/area (individual)

• Apply inclusion/ exclusion as outlined in assignment 1.

• Keep good records of what you are doing and finding.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your framework is GUIDING your coursework. You are not completing a
full concept analysis. As discussed in class, at this stage you will NOT be able to
read/review every article you identify. Manually pick key articles that answer the
questions/areas outlined in assignments 2 and 3.

Start to enter what you find on your map. It will be messy and overwhelming at first – that is
part of the process.

The map will include [NOTE: the exact content/format may vary depending on the
concept analysis framework you are using]
The concept your group has chosen
HISTORICAL EVOLUTION - How the concept was developed and has evolved
over time
CURRENT INFLUENCES - How and why is our understanding of the concept
changing today?
Within nursing
In other disciplines
Within nursing
In other disciplines
Within nursing
In other disciplines

Start to put things together in logical ways.

KEY FEATURES//THEMES you identify - To do this, look for words or phrases

that might be used to describe the concept or aspects of it. For example, if the
concept you are thinking about is “participation,” labels that might be used
could include patient choice, decision-making, and consent.

As you make links/connections/identify conflicts etc. show these graphically. Format is your
choice but try to be consistent so others can follow your logic.

LINKS - must be visible on the map (see examples provided and discussed in
class) to indicate connections, differences and/or contradictions between the
various elements. The aim is NOT to find one definition/description that fits all.
It is to explore how the concept may mean different things to different people
in different contexts. Even if you think you know a lot about the concept – keep
an open mind as you complete your map. You may be surprised what you
Preparing the presentation:

Think about how you will present your work in 5 minutes in a way that helps others
understand what you found during the concept mapping process.

You will have 5 minutes to present a brief summary on Moodle of your map
including the key points you learned through your critical analysis of the

Provide a link to your concept map (may be on a slide/.pdf/link to app.


You may use PowerPoint or similar but please have no more than 5 slides.

Your presentation may include the following elements (also refer to the instructions
for assignment #3):
 Introduction - identify the selected concept
 Describe why you are interested in the concept – include details of the practice
context or setting where you have encountered the concept being used.
 Describe what you have identified as the key features/elements/aspects of
the concept
 Note similarities and differences in how the concept is depicted in various
 Summarize your current perspective on this concept.
o What did you learn from your concept map?
o What new knowledge did you gain?
 What surprised you most?
 What answers did you not find?
 What do you still need to know?

Submission Details
Submit electronically by November 1st, 2024, at midnight to Moodle
Provide details of where the viewer can access your concept map (upload if
Instructions will be provided on uploading the presentation.

You will upload 3 parts for assignment 2:

1. Your recorded presentation including highlights of your map {instructions for

recording and uploading at link below]
2. Provide a link to your concept map (may be on a slide/.pdf/link to app.
website/image] For the presentation you can use slides, but they will likely be
difficult to read in detail so you will also need to post the actual map in a format that
can be accessed by me and your other group members. This may be in a separate
PowerPoint, Google doc. or similar. If your map is hand drawn you can take photo(s).
If you used an app. you can share a link (read only so no one else can make changes!)

3. Reference list (APA format)

instructions for recording and uploading presentation:

If you get stuck, please ask!

Upload parts to your group forum so you can watch each other’s presentations and see all

To the Moodle Dropbox for assignment 2 please upload the map and references only DON’T
upload the video twice.

Include your section and group number in the file name.

Preparing for assignment 3

Watch your other group members videos to get a preview of the discussion that will inform
your paper outline.

Criteria for Evaluation Assignment 2

Concept map


 Layout and general appearance

 The concept map includes all elements described above
 Comprehensiveness of themes, concepts, sub-concepts and key words

You are being marked on the completeness of the map and our ability to read and follow the
map – not on your artistic abilities.

Critical Analysis:

 Map elements demonstrate a systematic review of the literature

(where possible show us where info is from – you may want to use a
numbering system – the map itself is not APA)
 Meaningful interrelationships between concept map elements demonstrated
through pathways, links or pictures (clearly show how elements are linked or
not – check instructions for assignment 3 to help guide you on what may be
important here).


 Clear links between the contents of the concept map and the presentation
(TIP: ask a peer to review – you may be so immersed in the map you forget
something key!)
 Uses the findings to describe key features/elements/aspects of the concept
(tell us how your results/map informed your conclusions – avoid showing us
that you found only what you were looking for/expecting to find!)

Critical analysis:

 Summary of the concept map elements demonstrates a critical reflection of

the sources (a chance to apply what you have learned from the course
 Compares and contrasts different approaches to the concept (show us
differences, contradictions and contrasts – you are NOT aiming for consensus)
– see assignment 3.


 The presentation is within the specified length.

 Points are articulated clearly

Reference list
ALL sources for concept map not just presentation complete and in APA format
(NOTE: a numbering system can be used on the concept map)

Hope this helps!


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