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Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :

P1007 [Total No. of Pages : 4
[5319] - 2002
F.Y. B.C.A. (Science)
(2016 Pattern) (Semester II)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No.1 (a and b) are compulsory.
2) Attempt any two questions from Group-I.
3) Attempt any two questions from Group-II.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Choose correct option: [7]

i) _____ symbol is used to terminate a string.

1) NULL 2) \0

3) . 4) /0

ii) Trace the output.

char str [20] = “Bye”;

printf ( “ % C ” , * str) ;

1) Bye 2) B

3) y 4) Error

iii) Which of the following is macro continuation preprocessor operator.

1) # 2) ##

3) / 4) \



iv) Which of the following is appropriate for reading multi - word string?
1) printf ( ) 2) scanf ( )
3) gets ( ) 4) puts ( )
v) Data written into a file using fwrite ( )
Can be read back using
1) fscanf ( ) 2) fread ( )
3) fgets ( ) 4) All of the above
vi) If variable is a pointer to a structure, then which of the following
operator is used to access data members of the structure.
1) & 2) .
3) * 4) →
vii) Which of the following is compiler control directive?
1) # ifdef 2) # define
3) # include 4) All of the above
b) Answer the following: [7]
i) What is # pragma directive?
ii) What is purpose of strtok ( ) Function?
iii) Define pointer to pointer.
iv) How is a union declared?
v) Give syntax of fseek ( ) function.
vi) Find memory required for the following:
struct demo
int x ;
char y [15] ;
[Note - Assume ‘int’ takes 4 bytes]

vii) What is significance of orgv [0]?

[5319] - 2002 2


Group - I
Q2) Attempt the following:
a) What do you mean by ‘ Array of pointers’ and ‘pointer to array’? Explain
with an example. [5]

b) Write a C program that accepts ‘n’ words and display the longest word.[5]

c) Explain Bitfield concept with an example. [4]

Q3) Attempt the following:

a) Write a C program to check whether a string is palindrome or not. [4]

b) Write a difference between structure and union with example. [4]

c) Trace the out put and Justify. [3]

int main( )
static char s [ ] = “Tendulkar” ;
char * P ;
P = &S [8] - 8 ;
while ( * P )
printf (“ % C ” * p++ ) ;
d) Explain nested structure with an example. [3]

Q4) Attempt the following:

a) Explain ‘Function returning pointer’ concept. [4]
b) Write a C program to copy contents of one file into another file. [4]
c) Trace the output and Justify. [3]
union exam
int a, b;
union exame ;
e.a = 5;
e.b =7
printf ( “ % d ”, e.a );

d) List any three string handling function with their usage. [3]
[5319] - 2002 3


Group - II
Q5) Attempt the following:
a) Write a C program to accept and display book details of ‘n’ books as
book-title, author, publisher and cost. [5]
b) Write user defined functions to copy one string into another string and
reverse the string without using standard library functions. [5]
c) Define Dynamic memory Allocation. What are the advantages of dynamic
memory allocation over static allocation? [4]
Q6) Attempt the following:
a) Explain fseek ( ) function in detail. [4]
b) Compare Macro and Function. [4]
c) Trace the output and Justify. [3]
struct student
int roll ;
char name [10];
} S1, * P, S[5];
printf (“% d % d % d”, sizeof (S1), sizeof (P), sizeof (S));
d) Define union. Explain how to access it’s member. Give example.[3]
Q7) Attempt the following:
a) Explain ‘pointer to structure’ concept with example. [4]
b) Discuss file opening modes in detail. [4]
c) Explain any three predefined macros. [3]
d) Explain the purpose of each of the following. [3]
i) int *P [5]
ii) int f1 (int *P [ ])
iii) int * f2 (int *P [])

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