Paper 9
Paper 9
Paper 9
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11, 3428
Tharun Jose,a Jamal Ftounib and Pieter C. A. Bruijnincx *a
Herein, we report the use of structured hydroxyapatite composite (SHCs) as highly efficient and recyclable
solid base catalysts for various condensation reactions. Catalyst performance as function of catalyst
loading, reaction time and reaction temperature were studied in the solventless self-aldol condensation
reaction of butyraldehyde to 2-ethylhexenal under mild reaction conditions. SHC catalysts were found to
outperform benchmark solid base catalysts such as MgO, TiO2, calcium carbonate and hydroxyapatites.
Characterization of the synthesized SHC catalysts by a range of surface analysis, spectroscopic and
electron microscopy techniques, showed that a moderate acid/base ratio and high BET surface area to be
Received 19th January 2021, key to their high efficiency. Furthermore, recycling experiments showed the catalyst to be stable over
Accepted 7th April 2021
multiple runs. Moreover, the most active SHC catalyst was investigated in other prototypical condensation
DOI: 10.1039/d1cy00102g
reactions such as the Knoevenagel condensation, Claisen–Schmidt condensation and Henry reaction, again
showing excellent performance. These results highlight the versatility of these SHC materials and their potential for industrial employment as solid base catalysts.
3428 | Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3428–3436 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3428–3436 | 3429
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Fig. 2 XRD structures of SHC catalysts. (a) Before thermal activation and (b) after thermal activation at 200 °C for 4 h.
of 22 h under solvent-free conditions at 3 mol% catalyst perform better. The results thus show that the high HAP
loading, conditions typically described in literature (see Table content materials (SHC-3, SHC-4 and SHC-5) gave the highest
S2† for an overview of literature results).40–46 The results, yield.
presented in Table 3, show that no conversion was obtained The reaction parameters (reaction time, catalyst loading
in the absence of a catalyst after 2 or 6 h and a 6% yield of and reaction temperature) were optimized using the most
the desired product at 8% conversion after 22 h (entry 1). active catalyst (SHC-3) under solvent-free conditions. As the
Entries 2 to 6 are commercially available solid base catalysts selectivity for the 2-ethylhexenal product was found to be
such as MgO, TiO2, CaCO3 and HAP, and are included for high throughout (>97%), butyraldehyde conversion will be
benchmarking. Among the benchmark solids, HAP-H showed used to describe catalyst performance. Variation of reaction
the best catalytic activity up to 6 h, whereas for 22 h MgO time showed that after 4 h butyraldehyde conversion is
and HAP-H showed similar performance, both having higher almost complete, showing only a very small gain after that
surface area compared to the rest of the commercial solids. (Fig. S3†). Catalyst loading was varied from 0.5 to 3 mol%,
Compared to these conventional solid base catalysts, SHC-3, resulting in a butyraldehyde conversion increase from 11 to
SHC-4 and SHC-5 (entries 9–11) exhibited excellent catalytic 96% (Fig. S4†). Generally, catalyst loadings of around 10
activity. While most SHC catalysts reached full conversion mol% or higher are described for the self-aldol condensation
after 22 h, the results after 6 h showed the activity to increase reactions (Table S2†).40,45–48 Typically, base catalysts are
in the order SHC-1 < SHC-2 < SHC-4 < SHC-5 < SHC-3. sensitive to atmospheric CO2 and moisture, and deactivation
Overall, under the selected reaction conditions, the desired of basic sites occurs to a greater extent compared to acid
product (2-ethylhexenal) is obtained in good yield and catalysts.19,39 Moreover, the condensation reaction generates
excellent selectivity throughout. As SHCs contain both CC
and HAP phases, a physical mixture of CC and HAP-L
Table 2 Nitrogen physisorption data for the SHC catalysts and
catalysts (entry 12), in the same proportion as SHC-3, was benchmark solid base materials
also tested; this combination proved to be the least active,
underperforming even in comparison with the individual BET surface area Total pore volume
(m2 g−1) (cm3 g−1)
components (entry 4 and 5). A comparison of the best
Entry Catalyst Beforea Afterb Beforea Afterb
performing SHC material (SHC-3) and HAP-H at the same
wt% of added catalyst (Table S3†) again showed the former to 1 SHC-1 21.0 19.3 0.03 0.13
2 SHC-2 56.7 58.1 0.10 0.41
3 SHC-3 156.2 160.3 0.30 0.87
Table 1 Bulk and surface composition of the SHC catalysts 4 SHC-4 86.7 85.5 0.19 0.18
5 SHC-5 105.5 106.7 0.67 0.65
ICP-OES XPS 6 MgO n.d. 239.5 n.d. 0.24
Ca P Ca/P Ca P Ca/P 7 TiO2 n.d. 7.4 n.d. 0.03
Catalyst (at%) (at%) (at. ratio) (at%) (at%) (at. ratio) 8 CaCO3 n.d. 6.6 n.d. 0.05
9 HAP-Lc 9.4 n.d. n.d. n.d.
SHC-1 87.9 12.1 7.3 14.2 6.7 2.1 10 HAP-Hc 100 n.d. n.d. n.d.
SHC-2 79.7 20.3 3.9 13.0 6.7 1.9
SHC-3 83.3 16.7 4.9 14.4 7.8 1.9 a
Before thermal activation. b After thermal activation at 200 °C for 4
SHC-4 79.7 20.3 3.9 14.1 6.7 2.1 h. c Publicly available information on commercial samples; n.d.-not
SHC-5 70.2 29.9 2.3 14.5 8.1 1.8 determined.
3430 | Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3428–3436 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
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Table 3 Screening of self-aldol condensation reaction of butyraldehyde into 2-ethylhexenal using various catalysts
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Time (h)
2 6 22
Entry Catalyst X (%) Y (%) X (%) Y (%) X (%) Y (%)
1 — 0 0 0 0 8 6
2 MgO 0 0 30 29 71 70
3 TiO2 0 0 9 9 50 47
Open Access Article. Published on 12 April 2021. Downloaded on 11/19/2024 8:52:20 AM.
4 CaCO3 2 2 40 39 60 59
5 HAP-L 7 7 41 39 62 60
6 HAP-H 10 10 53 53 70 68
7 SHC-1 0 0 28 28 50 48
8 SHC-2 9 9 29 29 57 55
9 SHC-3 73 72 100 99 n.d. n.d.
10 SHC-4 18 18 70 69 88 85
11 SHC-5 58 57 91 89 100 98
12 CaCO3 + HAP-L 3 3 10 10 43 43
Reaction conditions: temperature = 130 °C; catalyst loading = 3 mol%; X = conversion, Y = yield; HAP-L = hydroxyapatite with lower surface area
(9.4 m2 g−1); HAP-H = hydroxyapatite with higher surface area (100 m2 g−1); entry 12, catalyst loading – CaCO3 = 0.5 mol%, HAP-L = 2.5 mol%;
n.d. = not determined; conversion and yield were determined by 1H NMR (CDCl3) using mesitylene as an internal standard.
water that can further tamper the basic active sites and activity (Table 3). The BET surface area of the SHC catalysts
require higher catalyst loadings to obtain good catalytic (Table 2) did correlate with catalytic activity (SHC-3 > SHC-5
activity.1 The SHC catalysts, however, already showed > SHC-4 > SHC-2 > SHC-1), i.e. the catalytic activity
excellent results at low loading of 3 mol%. The dependence increases along with the catalysts BET surface area. Similarly,
of butyraldehyde conversion on the reaction temperature was the pore volume also followed the similar trend as of BET
also investigated (Fig. S5†). Expectedly, at lower reaction surface area, except for SHC-4. SHC-4 (0.18 cm3 g−1) showed a
temperatures, the aldol addition products dominate, while at lower pore volume compared to SHC-2 (0.42 cm3 g−1),
temperatures above 100 °C, typically only the unsaturated whereas BET surface area, as well as surface Ca/P ratio (from
condensation products are detected. At temperatures above XPS) for SHC-4, was found to be higher compared to the
200 °C, further condensation to the trimer products could SHC-2 catalyst. In addition, SHC-4 contains more acidic and
also be observed.28 With the dimer 2-ethylhexenal being the basic sites than SHC-2, as discussed in the next section. In
desired product, we screened by varying the temperature general, the crystallinity, BET surface area and catalytic
range from 80 to 130 °C. Excellent activity with a selectivity of activity all negatively correlate with an increasing carbonate
>99% for the dimer product was obtained at 130 °C. content for the SHC materials, in agreement with literature.31
As presented in Table 1, XPS data showed that all the SHC The acid–base properties of the SHC solid catalysts and
catalysts have a Ca/P ratio higher than 1.67 and would act as the commercially available HAPs were studied with NH3 and
base catalysts, but this ratio did not correlate with catalytic CO2 TPD (Table 4). Detailed distribution of acidic/basic sites
Table 4 Number of acidic and basic sites as determined by NH3 and CO2-TPD, respectively
Hap = stoichiometric hydroxyapatite; Hap-CO3 = carbonated hydroxyapatite; HapE-NaCO3 = sodium-containing carbonate-rich hydroxyapatite;
Ca-HA = hydroxyapatite; ref. = references.
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SHC-5) and Fig. S6† for SHC-1 and SHC-2. It is known that a
combination of moderate acidic and basic sites is beneficial
Fig. 4 NH3-TPD curves for the SHC solids. Moderate acidic sites =
for catalytic activity for aldol condensation reactions.11,28 The 150–400 °C.
results here are in line with this, with e.g. the least active
SHC-1 material possessing only weak basic sites (Fig. S6†).
The most active catalysts (SHC-3 and SHC-5) mainly have
basic sites of moderate strength (temperature of desorption anticipated, vital to impart good catalytic activity in this aldol
between 150–400 °C) and fewer weaker ones (<150 °C). SHC- condensation reaction.
4, in contrast, has more weak basic sites than moderate ones. Catalyst recycling or reusability is evidently important
In line with this, the probability for basic site from economic and environmental points of view.49,50
accommodation increases with pore volume,19 and SHC-4 is Deactivation may even be more of a concern for solid base
at the lower end of the pore volume range with 0.18 cm3 g−1. catalysts compared to solid acid catalysts particularly in
As noted above, some acidity is also important for the self- liquid phase reactions at elevated temperatures with polar
aldol condensation reaction, e.g., to aid the dehydration step. substrates.39 To validate the potential for reuse of the SHC
Acidity measurements with NH3-TPD were comparable to the solid catalysts, recycling experiments were performed with
CO2-TPD results, with SHC-3 giving the highest number of SHC-3. After each run, the catalyst was recuperated, washed
acidic sites. The acidity of all the SHC catalysts was found to thoroughly with solvent, dried, weighed and subsequently
be in the moderate range (150–400 °C), as shown in Fig. 4. applied in an ensuing run. As a slight amount of material is
That striking the right balance in strength and ratio of inevitably lost during such a protocol, the substrate amount
basic and acid sites is more important than only strong was adjusted to keep the catalyst loading at 3 mol% in each
basicity, is illustrated by the fact that while MgO has both reuse (Table 5). In general, no physical change to the catalyst,
more and stronger basic sites than SHC-3, it is less active in nor dissolution of the material into solution were noticed.
the condensation reaction (Table 3 and Fig. S7†). Commercial Entries 1 and 2 show the first recycle experiments with SHC-
hydroxyapatite (HAP-H), on the other hand, has a
comparable, but basic sites are distributed as a border line
between weaker and moderate region than the active SHC Table 5 Recycle studies of the SHC catalysts
catalysts (Fig. S8† and Table 4), resulting in a lower activity Yield (%)
(compare to SHC-3, SHC-4 and SHC-5) (Table 3). For HAP-L, Entry Catalyst solvent Run no. 4h 22 h
all basic sites are of weak strength (Fig. S8†). In summary,
1 SHC-3 Ether 1 (fresh) 88 n.d.
the presence of moderate acidic and basic sites is, as 2 11 55
3 7 58
4 13 57
2 MeOH 1 (fresh) 89 n.d.
2 21
3 SHC-4 Ether 1 (fresh) 42 n.d.
2 36 74
3 35 73
4 35 73
4 SHC-4 MeOH 1 (fresh) 42 n.d.
2 33
3 39
4 39
5 SHC-3 MeOH 1 (fresh) 90
2 25
3 64
4 66
3432 | Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3428–3436 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
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3, highlighting a drastic drop-in catalytic activity in the fresh run, the catalyst was subjected to a thermal activation
second run, giving only an 11% yield after 4 h. Extending the at 200 °C for 4 h, whereas for runs 3 and 4 the thermal
reaction time to 22 h led to an increase in yield to around activation was performed at 200 °C overnight. For both
55%, a level that was maintained also upon subsequent catalysts, a small drop-in activity was still seen in the 2nd
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recycling. These results thus demonstrate the catalyst to still run; whereas an improvement in the catalytic performance
be active under these recycling conditions, but much less so was observed in runs 3 and 4. Analysis of the spent and
than the fresh catalyst. XRD analysis (Fig. S9†), for entry 1, regenerated materials by FT-IR (Fig. S12†) again points at the
showed that the structure remained intact after the first formation of carbonaceous materials as primary cause for
recycle. Similarly, SEM images (Fig. S10†) did not show any catalyst deactivation. For both SHC-3 and SHC-4, IR spectra
visual change in SHC-3's morphology. Encouragingly, ICP of the catalysts recovered after first run showed more
Open Access Article. Published on 12 April 2021. Downloaded on 11/19/2024 8:52:20 AM.
analysis of the reaction mixture of entry 1 (Table S5†), after carbonaceous materials, as indicated by bands seen between
separating the catalyst by filtration, showed no leaching of 3000–2800 cm−1, which can be attributed to aldehyde C–H
Ca or P (entry 3, Table S5†); elemental analysis however, did and/or C–H alkyl stretching vibrations; additionally, the
show an increase in carbon content (entry 2, Table S5†), spectra of the SHC-3 catalyst also showed a broad OH peak
suggesting carbonaceous material deposition to cause the around 3400 cm−1.54,55 As previously stated, prior to the 2nd
drop in catalytic activity by blockage of active sites.39,51–53 run, the recovered catalysts were subjected to thermal
Changing the catalyst washing solvent from diethyl ether to activation at 200 °C for only 4 h, whereas for runs 3 and 4,
more polar methanol resulted in an improved catalytic the thermal activation was done overnight. The resulting
activity upon reuse (entry 2, Table 5), but did not yet lead to improvement seen in activity for runs 3 and 4, coincided with
full restoration of activity. As carbon deposition may likely the disappearance of the peaks around 3000 and 3400 cm−1,
also be a function of total basicity/acidity, this was expected after the 4th run. The results thus show that the catalyst
to be less of an issue for some of the other SHC materials, activity can be close to completely regained by proper
thus providing a payoff between (initial) activity and stability. thermal reactivation and selection of catalyst washing
Indeed, upon switching to SHC-4 (entry 3, Table 5), we noted solvent. Overall, SHC-4 catalyst showed better recyclability,
that activity could be close to fully maintained upon recycling even though its catalytic activity was on the lower end,
up to four times. Again, as for SHC-4 XRD analysis showed compared to the SHC-3 catalyst. The difference in pore
that crystallinity was preserved (Fig. S11†). That SHC-3 volume (0.87 vs. 0.18 cm3 g−1 for SHC-3 and SHC-4,
showed a more dramatic loss in activity than SHC-4 respectively), while initially unfavorable for activity, could
correlates with the larger loss of BET surface area and basic then have the upside of allowing less coke to be
sites (CO2-TPD) of the former (Table S6†), in line with accommodated.
deactivation by carbon deposition. The applicability of the SHC materials was finally tested in
Further improvement of the catalyst regeneration protocol other condensation reactions, using SHC-3 in prototypical
involved reversal of active site blockage by CO2 or H2O.19,39,52 Knoevenagel, Claisen–Schmidt and Henry reactions. The
Indeed, thermal reactivation after washing further improved reaction conditions were optimized similarly to the self-aldol
recyclability. Table 5, entries 4 and 5, illustrates the recycling condensation reactions and the results are displayed in
experiments for both SHC-4 (entry 4) and SHC-3 (entry 5) Table 6. Entry 1 shows the results of the Knoevenagel
where after each cycle the catalyst has been subjected to a condensation reaction between benzaldehyde and
thermal reactivation and washing using methanol as the malononitrile to produce 2-benzilidenemalononitrile, a
solvent. For both catalysts (entries 4 and 5), after the first versatile chemical building block. Compared to the self-aldol
Time (h)
T 2 6 22 44
Entry Reactions Product (°C) X (%) Y (%) X (%) Y (%) X (%) Y (%) X (%) Y (%)
1 Knoevenagel condensation 70 40 38 87 83 100 95 n.d.
130 67 67 93 92 100 96
Reaction conditions: catalyst loading = 3 mol%; catalyst: SHC-3; T = temperature; X = conversion, Y = yield; entry 1, substrate 1 = benzaldehyde,
substrate 2 = malononitrile; entry 2, substrate 1 = benzaldehyde, substrate 2 = acetophenone; entry 3, substrate 1 = benzaldehyde, substrate 2 =
nitromethane; substrate ratio: 1 : 2; n.d. = not determined; conversion and yield were determined by 1H NMR (CDCl3) using mesitylene as an
internal standard.
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and acetophenone (entry 2). Finally, the Henry reaction (≥99.5%), malononitrile (≥99%), nitromethane (≥99%),
between benzaldehyde and nitromethane gave β-nitrostyrene mesitylene (98%), HAP-L nanopowder (<200 nm, particle
as the main product. The Henry reaction is well-known for size, ≥97%), HAP-H (5 μm, particle size) and TiO2
the reversible nature of the nitroaldol addition product and nanopowder (<100 nm particle size, 99.5%) were purchased
after 2 h of reaction, both the nitroaldol product (2-nitro-1- from Sigma-Aldrich. Benzaldehyde (98+%), acetophenone
phenylethanol) and the condensation product (β-nitrostyrene) (98%), CC (98+%) and MgO (98%) were obtained from Acros
Open Access Article. Published on 12 April 2021. Downloaded on 11/19/2024 8:52:20 AM.
3434 | Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3428–3436 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
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to induce desorption of NH3. A procedure similar to the one = 122.26, 128.44, 128.59, 128.65, 128.77, 130.65, 132.91,
described for NH3-TPD was employed for temperature 134.58, 137.26, 145.03, 198.24.
programmed desorption of CO2 (CO2-TPD), the main Henry reaction, 2-nitrovinylbenzene (β-nitrostyrene): 1H
difference being the lower temperature (50 vs. 100 °C) at NMR (CDCl3, 400 MHz) δ 7.41–7.51 (m, 3H), 7.54–7.57 (m,
which CO2 pulses are fed to the sample. For calculating the 2H), 7.59 (d, J = 13.7 Hz, 1H), 8.01 (d, J = 13.7 Hz, 1H) ppm.
number of acidic or basic sites, it was assumed that only one 13
C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3); δ = 129.10, 129.39, 130.08,
Open Access Article. Published on 12 April 2021. Downloaded on 11/19/2024 8:52:20 AM.
molecule of NH3 or CO2 can adsorb on a single site. Detailed 130.15, 132.11, 137.69, 139.03.
procedure in ESI† (E1).
The aldol condensation of butyraldehyde was performed Conflicts of interest
in a batch reaction system, under vigorous magnetic stirring
and a nitrogen atmosphere. Prior to the reaction, all the SHC T. J., J. F. and P. C. A. B. are listed as inventors on a patent
solids were thermally activated at 200 °C for 4 h. In a typical application filed by Omya International related to the results
experiment, a 50 mL two-necked flask connected to a reflux described in the manuscript.
condenser was filled with 55.6 mmol of butyraldehyde, 3
mol% SHC (mol% = catalyst loading (mmol)/butyraldehyde Acknowledgements
(mmol) × 100) of catalyst (SHC solids) and mesitylene as the The authors thank Dr. Craig DePorter, Dr. Daniel E. Gerard,
internal standard. After passing the N2 through the Dr. Nicole Russ and Sarah Gysin, from Omya International,
headspace of the reaction system and setting a constant, for their support. Omya International is kindly acknowledged
vigorous stirring rate, the reaction mixture was heated up to for financial support.
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3436 | Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3428–3436 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021