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1 Java Notes Class X

Revision of Class IX Syllabus
Programming paradigms are a way to classify programming
languages based on their features. Paradigm means organizing
principle of a program. It is an approach to programming.
Procedure Oriented Programming: A Procedure oriented
programming approach allows the users to develop their logic by
using a number of functions that would enhance the program’s
Object Oriented Programming: An Object Oriented Programming
is a modular approach, which allows the data to be applied with
a stipulated program area. It also provides the reusability feature
to develop productive logic, which means to give more emphasis
on data.
Basic Principles of OOP:
1. Abstraction: The act of representing essential features,
without including the background details.
2. Inheritance: Capability of one class of things to inherit
capabilities or properties from another class.
3. Encapsulation: Wrapping up of data and functions into a
single unit.
4. Polymorphism: Polymorphism is the ability for a message or
data to be processed in more than one form.

Java compilation process:

1. Java programs are written in “.java” file. (source code) and
then compiled by Java compiler.
2. Byte code: Java compiler converts the source code into an
intermediate binary form called the byte code.

2 Java Notes Class X

3. Java Virtual Machine (JVM): It a java interpreter that

converts byte code into machine to various platforms.
4. Just In Time(JIT): It is part of the JVM and it compiles byte
code into executable code in real time, one piece-by-piece,
demand basis.

Characteristics of Java:
1. Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA): The Java programs
need to be written just once, which can run on different
platforms without making changes in the Java program.
2. Light Weight Code: With Java, no huge coding is required.
3. Security: Java offers many enhanced security features.
4. Object Oriented Language: Java is Object Oriented
language, thereby, very near to real world.
5. Platform Independent: Java is essentially platform
independent. Change of platform does not affect the
original Java program.

Types of Java program:

1. Internet Applets: The programs executed inside the Java
based web browser.
2. Java Applications: The programs developed by the users.

Java libraries:
A package is a collection of various classes. Each class
contains different functions.
A package can be inclued in the program by using a keyword
ex) import*;
import java.util.*;

3 Java Notes Class X

The (*) sign denotes that all the classes of the concerning
package will be made available for use in your program.
Keywords or Reserved words:
Java reserved words or the keywords are the words which
carry special meaning to the system compiler. Such words
cannot be used for naming a variable in the program.
case , switch, else, break , static, do, const, throws, float , char,
try, int, double, void, goto, for, while, new, import , boolean,
long, if, byte , package, private, catch, short, public, class ,

Output statement: System.out.println( );

Comment line: The comment statement is a non executable
statement in Java.
These are the remarks given by the user.
Types: single line comment //----------
Multiline comment /* ---------- */
Document comment /** --------- **/
A - Z 65 - 90
a-z 97 - 122
0-9 48 - 57
white space 32
Token: The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a

4 Java Notes Class X

1. Keywords: Keywords are the reserved words that convey a

special meaning to the language compiler. These are
reserved for special purpose.
Example) class, int, void, float

2. Literals: Literals or constants are data items that are fixed

data values (do not during the execution of the program).
a) Integer Literals are whole numbers without any fractional
Decimal, Octal, Hexa decimal.
Ex) a= 505, b=-15
b) Real literals are numbers having fractional parts.
Ex) p=16.79 , q=-1.005
c) character literal is one character enclosed in single
Ex) ‘x’, ‘9’,’*”
d) String literals are multiple character enclosed with double
Ex) name= “aravind”
e) Boolean literal: the Boolean type has two values, true or

f) Null literal has one value, the null reference. A null literal is
always of the null type.

3. Separators: The following nine ASCII characters are the

( ) { } [ ] ; , .

4. Identifier: Identifiers are fundamental building block of a

program such as a variable, class, method etc.

5 Java Notes Class X

It’s used as the general terminology for the names given to

different parts of the program. double area=15.6;

Rules for forming identifiers:

• Identifiers can have alphabets, digits and underscore and
doller sign characters.
• They must not be a keyword or Boolean literal or null literal
• They must not begin with a digit
• They can be of any length

5. Operators: Operators are special symbols that cause an

action to take place.
Arithmetic, relational, logical, conditional operators.
Escape sequences: Nongraphic characters are those
characters that cannot be typed directly from keyboard.
E.g. backspace, tabs etc.,
An escape sequence is represented by a backslash ( \ )
followed by one or more characters.
Escape sequence Nongraphic character
\b Backspace
\f Formfeed
\n Newline or linefeed
\r Carriage return
\t Tab space
\\ Backslash
\’ Single quotes
\” Double quotes
\? Question mark
\0 null

Data types:
Data Types are means to identify the type of data and
associated operations of handling it.
Two types:
1. Primitive or fundamental or Instrinsic ( predefined)

6 Java Notes Class X

int, long, float, double, char, short, byte , boolean

2. Reference or composite ( user defined)

class, string, array


Primitive Size Details
Data Type
byte 1 byte Stores positive and negative numbers ranging from -128 to 127.
int 4 bytes Stores positive and negative numbers ranging from -2,147,483,648
to 2,147,483,647.
short 2 bytes Stores positive and negative numbers ranging from -32,768 to
long 8 bytes Stores positive and negative numbers from -
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
float 4 bytes Stores Decimal numbers. It can be used for storing numbers having
6 to 7 decimal digits
double 8 bytes Stores Decimal numbers. It can be used for storing numbers having
15 decimal digits.
boolean 1 bit Can Store Only true or false.
char 2 bytes It can be used for storing only a single character, letter or ASCII
NOTE: (1byte=8bits)
A variable is a named temporary memory location to
store the values.
eg) float b = 15.5; <data type> <var name> =
char ch = ‘G’;
Initializing a variable:
Initializing a variable means specifying an initial value to assign to
it (i.e., before it is used at all). Notice that a variable that is
not initialized does not have a defined value, hence it cannot be
used until it is assigned such a value.
Static initialization: Initialize the variable at the time of declaration
int b=5,a=0; float c=0.0

7 Java Notes Class X

Data type Value

Int 0
Long 0
Float 0.0
Double 0.0
Char ‘\u000’
String ““
Boolean False

Dynamic initialization : Inilialize the variable at program

execution time.(at run time)
int b=5, c=6;
int A= b+c;
Arithmetic expression:
A set of variables, constants and arithmetical operators
used together to yield
a meaningful result is known as Arithmetical Expression.
d= a*b+c/4;
1. Pure Expression: An arithmetical expression that uses all
its components of same data type.
int a,b;
int c=a+b*4;

2. Impure expression: An arithmetical expression in which

one or more components are of different data types.
int a; float f; double d;
double s= a*f/d;
Type conversion: In a mixed expression, the result can be
obtained in any one form of its datatypes. Hence, it is
needed to convert the various datatypes into a single
type. Such conversion is termed as Type conversion.
[Converting one form of data type into another form of
data type]


8 Java Notes Class X

1. Implicit type conversion ( Coercion)

The data type of the result gets automatically converted
into the highest data type available into the expression
without any intervention of the user.
Hierarchy of Data types ( DFL ISC B)
double -> float-> long-> int -> short -> char -> byte
int a; float b; double c;
d= a+b*c;
The data type of d is double.

2. Explicit conversion (Type casting)

When the data type gets converted to another data type
after the user's intervention.
int a; float b; double c;
d= (float) a+b*c;
The data type of d is float.

Note: Explicit conversion of literals is allowed in Java

float a= 14.67 F;
double b= 14.67 D;
int c= 59;
long f= 59 L;
Operators: Operators are special symbols that cause an
action to take place.

Unary operators:

9 Java Notes Class X

1. Unary(+): int a=5;

int b= +a; //5
2. Unary(-): int a=5;
int b= -a; //-5
int a=-5; int b=-a ; //5
3. Increment operator(++): ( increased by 1)
a) Post increment a++
b) Pre increment ++a
4. Decrement operator(--): (decreased by 1)
a) Post decrement a--
b) Pre decrement --a

Binary operators: (Two operands and one operator)

1. Arithmetic operators: + , - , * , / , %
a=5, b=2
a+b, a - b, a*b, a/b, a%b

2. Relational operators:( comparing the values)

>, >= ,< , <= , == , !=
a>b, a>=b, a<b, a<=b, a==b, a!=b

3. Logical operators: AND ( && ) , OR ( ||) , NOT ( ! )

Ternary operator (or) Conditional operator: (?:)
Syntax: Condition ? Expression 1 : Expression 2 ;
1) a= 19 , b= 15

max = (a > b) ? a : b ;
2) salary = 15000
bonus = ( salary> 10000) ? salary*15/100 : salary*
5/100 ;

10 Java Notes Class X

Special operators:
new: dynamically allocate the memory for the object.
Example: example e = new example( );

Dot (.) operator: invoking members of class

Example: System.out.println(); (

Operator precedence:
Operator precedence determines the order in which
the operators in an expression are evaluated.
Object is an instance of a class. It is an identifiable entity with
some characteristics and behavior.

Class represents a set of objects that share common

characteristics and behavior.

Abstraction : it is the act of representing essential features and

hiding the background details.

Encapsulation: it is an act of wrapping of the data and function

as one single unit. Provides insulation of the data from the direct
access by the program.

Inheritance : it is the capability of one class to inherit the

properties from another class

Polymorphism: it is the ability of data to be processed in more

than one form

11 Java Notes Class X

Message passing – when the objects need to interact with one

another, they pass /request information to one another. This
interaction is known as message passing.

Compiler : It is a software which converts high level language

program to machine language and viz. as a whole. It is faster but
hard to debug.

Interpreter: It is a software which converts high level language

program to machine language and viz line by line. It is slow but
easy to debug.

Bytecode : When a java source code is compiled the resultant got

is called a bytecode.

Keywords: These are words have a specific meaning to a

language compiler.

Tokens: It is the smallest unit of a program

Literals : is a token whose value does not change during the

execution of a program.

Comments: Giving remarks for a statement is called as a

comment. There are 3 different types of giving a comment.
▪ // single line comment
▪ /* ……
▪ …….. */ multi line comment
▪ /** …………….. */ documentation

12 Java Notes Class X

Jdk – Java development kit.

Constant: a data item that never changes its value during a

program runs.

Final: The keyword final makes a variable as constant. i.e., whose

value cannot be changed during the program execution

Operators: a symbol used to depict a mathematical or logical


Arithmetic operators: they provide facilitation to the mathematical

calculations within a program: they are + - * / %

Assignment operators: These operators are used to assign the

value of an expression to a variable : =

Shorthand operators : allows ease while programming instructions

and feature with all the available operators with two operands :
+= -= *= /= %=

Relational operators: provide facilitation for comparing numbers

and characters for calculation and do not function with strings.: >
< <= >= == !=

Increment operator : is used to increment the variable by 1: ++

13 Java Notes Class X

Logical operators: used to conduct the logical combination of

Boolean values within a program.: && || !

Expression : is a combination of operators, constants and


Type conversion: The process of converting one predefined type

into another.

Explicit type conversion: The process of converting one

predefined type into another.
It is user defined conversion that forces an expression to be of
specific type (also called as type casting) e.g. int x= 65; char c
= (char) x; it is called type casting.

Implicit type conversion: The process of converting one

predefined type into another is called type conversion. It is
performed invisible without user intervention and hence known as
automatic conversion.

When two operands of different types are encountered in the

same expression the lower type variable is converted to the type
of the higher type variable automatically and is also known as
type promotion.:
byte x=8; int y=x; it is called coercion

A variable is defined as a location in the memory of the computer
where the values are stored.

14 Java Notes Class X

Static initialization: it is an expression that initializes a variable

during compile time.
E.g., int a=10;
Dynamic initialization: it is an expression that initializes a variable
during runtime;
E.g.: int a= c * b;

Package : is a collection of classes. Each package includes

related built-in functions.

Statement : A set of instructions which terminate with a colon are

called a statement.
E.g., int a =4;

Compound statement / Block statement: Multiline statements are

called compound/block statement. They are enclosed in curly
brackets { }
E.g., if(a>b)

Selection statement: These are statements which allows to choose

a set of instructions for execution depending upon an expression.

15 Java Notes Class X

if-else statement tests an expression and depending upon its truth

value one of the two sets of action is executed.

Dangling else: In Nested if statement the number of it is more than

the number of else.(unmatched if and else)

Switch is a multiple branching statement, this statement tests the

value of an expression against a list of integer or character
constants for equality.

Default statement gets executed when no match is found in the

switch cases.

Fall through: the fall of control to the following cases of matching

case (or)
execution of multiple cases after matching takes place in a
switch statement.
Iteration statements : executing a set of statements repeatedly
until a given condition is met.
Types: for, while and do- while statements.

for is the easiest to understand of the Java loops. All its loop
control elements are gathered in one place(on the top of the

While statement is another looping statement and it is entry

controlled. The statement will work only if the condition is true.

16 Java Notes Class X

Do-while: It is another looping statement and it is exit controlled.

The statement will work once even if the condition is false.

Jump statements: unconditionally transfer program control within

a function.

Break: it is used as a terminator from the enclosed loop and

transfers the control to the statement after the loop.(terminate the
current loop)
Break : When break statement is executed it comes out of the
inner most loop(if it is a loop statement ) and it comes out of a
switch-case statement.

continue: Causes the control to transfer from within the block to

the next iteration of the loop. (Terminates the current iteration)

POP and OOPs

Emphasis is given to functions Emphasis is given to functions
and data


= = =
= is an assignment operator, = = is a relational operator,
used to assign values to a used to check for equality

e.g., a=4; if(a = = 5)

17 Java Notes Class X

Variables & constant

Variable Constant
A variable is defined as a A constant is the value which
location in the memory of the is stored in a variable
computer where the value is

E.g.: a, amount “Ida” “37 P.S.M. st”

Pre increment and post increment both increment the value by

Pre increment Post increment

Prefix the variable gets post increment is incremented
incremented first and then use. after the operation of function
of its associate operator,

Whereas e.g., a=4; a+=a++; = 8

a+=++a; =9

& and &&

& &&
& is a bitwise operator ( for the && is a logical operator( the
manipulation of data at the bit logical operator evaluates to
level) true value if either of the 2
expressions is true.

Implicit Type conversion & Explicit type conversion

Implicit Explicit
Is a conversion of one data It is user defined that forces an
type into another by the expression to be of specific
compiler without the user’s type
Implicit –E.g. float a=4.5f; int x=66;
double x=987.9998; char c=(char)x;

18 Java Notes Class X

If any operation is done using

the above data types then the
resultant will be double.

Expression and operators

Expression Operators
Expression is a combination of Operators : it is a symbol used
operators, constants and to represent logical or
variables. It can be arithmetic, arithmetic operations
relational etc. E.g. : + - * / %
E.g. : u+1/2 at2
Unary and Binary operators

Unary operator Binary operator

1 operator 1 operand 1 operator 2 operand
E.g. -4 E.g. 2+4

if else- switch case

If else Switch case

All the different data types Only char and int type can be
can be used used
Does not have a default Has a default operation
Can be tested for logical and Only for equality
relational fn
for and while

For While
Can be used for only fixed Can be used when the no of
iteration times for a loop to be done is
not known
Can use only char or int type Any data type

19 Java Notes Class X

do-while and while statement

Do while While
Exit controlled Entry controlled
If the condition is false then If the condition is false then the
also the loop will be done loop will not be done at all
E.g.: int a=1; int a=1;
While (a>=5) do
{ {
a++; a++;
} }while(a>=5);
loop will not be done even loop will be done at least
once once

/ and %

/ %
Returns the quotient Returns the remainder
E.g.: int c=7/2 answer =3 E.g.: int c=7%2
float c=7/2 answer = 3.5 Answer =1

Compiler and interpreter

Compiler Interpreter
It is a software which converts It is a software which converts
high level language into high level language into
machine language as a whole machine language line by line
It is faster Slower
Debugging is harder Debugging is easier

character and string literal

Character literal String literal

A single character enclosed Zero or more characters
within single quotes enclosed within double

primitive and user defined datatype

20 Java Notes Class X

Primitive data type User defined data type

These are built in data types Created by user
The sizes of these objects are The sizes of these data types
fixed depend upon their constituent
These data types are available The availability of these data
in all parts of a java program types depends upon their

print() and println()

Print() Println()
The successive output will The successive output will
come in the same line come in a new line

Break & continue

Break Continue
it serves as a terminator from Continue-causes the control to
the enclosed loop,(i.e.) it transfer from within the block
comes out of an inner loop. to the next iteration of the
And transfers the control to the loop.
statement after the loop.

Break –E.g. While(amount<100) E.g. for(i=0;i<5;i++)

{ {
if(amount = = 11) if(a= =0)
break; } continue;
if amount is 11 then the control System.out.println(a*a);
will be transferred to the
statement following the while

21 Java Notes Class X

Operator Precedence
Precedence Operator Type Associativity
15 () Parentheses Left to Right
[] Array subscript
· Member selection
14 ++ Unary post-increment Right to left
-- Unary post-decrement
13 ++ Unary pre-increment Right to left
-- Unary pre-decrement
+ Unary plus
- Unary minus
! Unary logical negation
~ Unary bitwise complement
(type) Unary type cast
12 * Multiplication Left to right
/ Division
% Modulus
11 + Addition Left to right
- Subtraction
10 << Bitwise left shift Left to right
>> Bitwise right shift with sign
>>> extension
Bitwise right shift with zero
9 < Relational less than Left to right
<= Relational less than or equal
> Relational greater than
>= Relational greater than or equal
instanceof Type comparison (objects only)
8 == Relational is equal to Left to right
!= Relational is not equal to
7 & Bitwise AND Left to right
6 ^ Bitwise exclusive OR Left to right
5 | Bitwise inclusive OR Left to right
4 && Logical AND Left to right
3 || Logical OR Left to right
2 ?: Ternary conditional Right to left
1 = Assignment
+= Addition assignment
-= Subtraction assignment
*= Multiplication assignment
/= Division assignment
%= Modulus assignment

22 Java Notes Class X

Objects & Classes

Object An identifiable entity with certain characteristics, behavior,
and attributes.
Classes A group or collection of similar objects with similar
characteristics and behavior. (An instance of a class).
Variable A named memory location to store values.

Local: Defined inside a block or method

Static/Class: Declared with static keyword, these variables have a

common copy for each object

Non-Static/Instance: Each and every object will have a common copy of

it and can only be accessed with the help of an object

Constructor is a special method which is used to initialize
instance/non-static variable.
Properties of constructors
▪ A constructor has the same name as the class
▪ It does not have a return type, not even void
▪ It doesn’t have a calling statement
▪ The constructor gets called when an object is created
Types of constructors



Non Parameterised

23 Java Notes Class X

Parameterized: Non-Parameterized:
1. Int num1, num2, sum; 1. Int num1, num2, sum;
2. Sum(int num1, num2){ 2. Sum(){
3. num1=num1; 3. Sum=0;
4. num2=num2; 4. }
5. }

Constructor Overloading When there are more than one

constructor in a program, it’s called constructor overloading.
“this” keyword “this” is a keyword which refers to the current
1. String flavor; float cost;
2. Fruitjuice(String flavor, float cost){
3. this.flavor=flavor;
4. this.cost=cost;
5. }

Return types indicate the type of outcome of a method to be

returned to its caller. Ex: int, double, float, char, short, byte,
Boolean, void

1. Public int sum(int a, int b){

2. c=a+b;
3. Return c;
4. }

24 Java Notes Class X

Function is a set of Java executable statements enclosed in a
function definition.

Built in methods

User defined

Advantages of methods:
▪ Reusability
▪ Manage complex programs into smaller parts
▪ Hide details
Method definition/prototype refers to the first line of a method
which contains the access specifier, modifier, return type, method
name and the method signature.

1. <access specifier> <modifier> <return type> <method name> (list of

2. {
3. <statements>
4. }
5. //eg:
6. public static int(int a, int b){
7. int c=a+b;
8. return c;
9. }

Method call syntax:

1. <object name>.<method name>(arguments);

2. //Example:
3. a.example();

new keyword is used to dynamically allocate memory for the


25 Java Notes Class X

Static keyword is a modifier which identifies the method as a class

method. It means that the method is not called through an object

Access-specifier: Keywords (except friendly) that control the

visibility of a data member
Private: the data members or member methods which are
specified as private can be used only within the scope of the
class. These members are not accessed outside the class.
Public: The class members specified as public can be used even
outside the visibility of a class
Protected: the protected members are used in the class as private
members which can only be applied within the class but can be
inherited to another class

Return types indicate the type of outcome of a method to be

returned to its caller. Ex: int, double, float, char, short, byte,
Boolean, void
Method signature: Collection of data type and variable names
written inside a function definition.
Parameters: The value which is passed into the function to


Actual Formal
parameters parameters
In method calling In method definition

Actual parameters: The parameters that appear in method calling

Formal parameters: The parameters that appear in method

26 Java Notes Class X

Actual Parameters Formal Parameters

Appear in method calling Appear in method definition
Original value Copied value of actual
Ways of Pass/call by value:
values to Any change made in the formal parameters
a function will not reflect in the actual parameters

Pass/call by reference:
Any change made in the formal parameters
will reflect in the actual parameters

Call by value Call by reference

Changes made in the formal Changes made in the formal
parameters will not reflect in parameters will reflect in the
the actual parameters actual parameters
Primitive type data are passed Reference type data are
to the method using pass by passed to the method using
value pass by value
It is a pure function It is an impure function
Pure function/accessor method: A method that returns a value
but does not change the state of an object
Impure function/mutator: A method that may not return a value
but change the state of an object
Recursive Function: A function that calls itself / A function that
refers to itself for execution

27 Java Notes Class X

Method Overloading
Method overloading: Multiple functions sharing the same name
with different parameters/ method signature.

1. void Area(int side){

2. area=side*side;
3. }
4. void Area(int l, int b){
5. area=l*b; }

Array: An Array is a set of like variables which are referred to by a
common name. A number called subscript/index is used to
distinguish one from the other.

1. <data type> <array name>[]=new <data type>[<n>];

‘n’ denotes the maximum number of elements that the array can
Assigning values for an Array

1. int arr[]={1, 2, 3, 4}

.lenght function – Tells the number of elements in an array


1. int len=arr.length;

28 Java Notes Class X

Linear search: The search element is checked with all the

elements of the array. If the element is found, the flag variable is
made to ‘1’ otherwise, it remains ‘0’.
Linear Search Binary Search
Can work with both sorted and Works only with sorted arrays.
unsorted arrays.
Reads and compares each Works by dividing the array in
element of the array one by two segments out of which only
one. one needs to be searched.

String Handling & Library Classes

In Java, String is an object which contains a sequence of
characters. String class is used to create and manipulate strings.
The String class is available in java.lang package.

Declaration and Assigning a String

1. //Declaration:
2. String <variable>;
3. //Ex:
4. String str;
5. //Assigning:
6. <variable>=<String literal>;
7. //Ex:
8. str=”Hello World!”;

Input a String
1. //For a string without any space (For a single word):
2. <variable>=<Scanner object>.next();
4. //For a String with spaces (For a sentence):
5. <variable>=<Scanner object>.nextLine();
6. Str=sc.nextLine();

29 Java Notes Class X

String Functions
For all the below examples, str=”COMPUTER”; Output will be displayed as a single line
comment (//).

Quick Tip

1. Function names start with lowercase and then the second

word starts with uppercase letters. Eg: indexOf();
2. Topics asked in board questions are marked with

.length() (int)
This function is used to return the length of the string.

Syntax with example:

1. <int variable>=<string var>.length();

2. int Len=str.length();
3. //8

.charAt() (char)
This function returns the character from the given index.

Syntax with example:

1. <char variable>=<string var>.charAt(<index>);

2. char ch=str.charAt(2);
3. //O

30 Java Notes Class X

.indexOf() (int)
This function returns the index of first occurrence of a

Syntax with example:

1. <int variable>=<string var>.indexOf(<character>);

2. int idx=str.indexOf(‘M’);
3. //2

.indexOf(char ch, int start_index) (int)

This function returns the index of a given character from the
given index.
Syntax with example:

1. <int var>=<String var>.indexOf(<char var>,<int var>);

2. char ch=’M’;
3. int ind=str.indexOf(ch, 1);
4. //2

.lastIndexOf(char ch) (int)

This function returns the index of the last occurrence of a
given character.
Syntax with example:

1. <int var>=<String var>.lastIndexOf(char ch);

2. int ind=str.lastIndexOf(‘E’);
3. //6

.substring(int start_index, int last_index) (String)

This function is used to extract a set of characters
simultaneously from a given index upto the end of the String or till
a given index.
Syntax with example:

1. <String var>=<String var>.substring(<int var>,<int var>);

2. String ext=str.substring(3);
3. //PUTER

31 Java Notes Class X

.toLowerCase() (String)
This function is used to convert a given String to lowercase
letters (entire string).
Syntax with example:

1. <String var>=<String var>.toLowerCase();

2. String lc=str.toLowerCase();
3. //computer

.toUpperCase() (String)
This function is used to convert a given String to uppercase
letters (entire string).
Syntax with example:

1. <String var>=<String var>.toUpperCase();

2. String uc=str.toUpperCase(ind);

.replace(char old, char new) (String)

This function is used to replace a character or a sequence of
characters in a String with a new character or sequence of
characters. (NOTE: This does not work with int values)
Syntax with example:

1. <String var>=<String var>.replace(<char var>,<char var>);

2. String rep=str.replace(“PUTER”,”PUTE”);

.concat(String second) (String)

This function is used to concatenate/join two Strings together.
(NOTE: This does not add any spaces in-between)
Syntax with example:

1. <String var>=<String var>.concat(s);

2. String s=”STUDENT”;
3. String con=str.(s);

32 Java Notes Class X

.equals(String srt) (boolean)

This function is used to check for equality between two
Strings. (NOTE: This function returns a boolean value. This function
cannot be used for characters. //You can simply use == for
characters. This can be used in if statements)
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var>=<String var>.equals(<String var>);

2. String s=”COMPUTER”;
3. boolean chk=str.equals(s);
4. //true

. equalsIgnoreCase(String str) (boolean)

This function does the same function of .equals() function.
The only difference is that it does not care about the case (It
ignores the case).
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var>=<String var>.equalsIgnoreCase(<String var>);

2. boolean chk=str.equalsIgnoreCase(“cOmPuTeR”); //true

.compareTo(String str) (int)

This function is used to compare two Strings. It also checks
whether a String is bigger or smaller than the other and returns a
suitable int value. It returns 0 if both are equal. A positive value
when the first is bigger than the second and a negative value
when the second String is bigger than the first. It returns the no. of
additional characters when both the Strings’ first sequence of
characters are equal but the other has additional characters.
Syntax with example:

1. <int var>=<String var>.compareTo(<String var>);

2. String s=”SCIENCE”;
3. int cmp=str.compareTo(s);
4. //A, B, C, (C is the 3rd letter in the Alphabet and S is the 19 th)
5. //the value of cmp will be-16 because (3-19=-16)

33 Java Notes Class X

.compareToIgnoreCase(String str) (int)

This function does the same function as .compareTo but it
ignores the case.
Syntax with example:

1. <int var>=<String var>.compareToIgnoreCase(<String var>);

2. int cmp=str.compareToIgnoreCase(“cOmPuTeR”);
3. //0

.trim() (String)
This function removes spaces at the start and end of the
String. (NOTE: This function does not remove spaces in-between
Syntax with example:

1. <String var>=<String var>.trim();

2. Str=” He llo World! “;
3. String trm=str.trim();
4. //He llo World!

.startsWith(String str) (boolean)

This function is used to check if the given String is a prefix to
the other.
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var>=<String var>.startsWith(<String var>);

2. pfx=”COM”
3. boolean chk=str.startsWith(pfx);
4. //true

.endsWith(String str) (boolean)

This function is used to check if a given String has a specified
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var>=<String var>.ends with(<String var>);

2. boolean chk=str.endsWith(“TER”);

34 Java Notes Class X

.equals() .compareTo()
Returns a Boolean value Returns a an int value
It checks for equality between It checks if a String is equal,
two Strings bigger or smaller than the
Difference Between equals() and compareTo() functions

Library Classes & Wrapper Classes

For better understanding:

Before we get into Library Classes & Wrapper Classes, it’s

important to know what is a primitive and composite data types.
Primitive Data Type: These are fundamental built-in data types of
fixed sizes. Ex: int, long, float
Composite/Reference/User-Defined Data Type: These are
data types created by the user. The availability of these data
types depends upon their scope and sizes depend upon
their constituent members. Ex: array, class, object

Primitive data type Composite data type

These are built in data types Created by user
The sizes of these objects are The sizes of these data types
fixed depend upon their constituent
These data types are available The availability of these data
in all parts of a java program types depends upon their
Difference between primitive and composite data type.

35 Java Notes Class X

Library Classes
JDK (Java Development Kit) V1.5 and above contains Java Class
Library (JCL) which contains various packages. Each package
contains various classes containing different built-in functions.






Ex: java.lang, java.math

Wrapper Class
Wrapper Classes are a part of java.lang (A Library Class Package).
Wrapper classes contain primitive data values in terms of objects/
Wrapper Class wraps a primitive data type to an object. There are
8 wrapper classes in Java. Ex: Integer, Byte, Double
(NOTE: Wrapper Classes always start with an uppercase letter
Ex: Integer, Boolean, Float)

Need for Wrapper Classes

▪ To store primitive values in the objects
▪ To convert a string data into other primitive types and vice-

36 Java Notes Class X

Wrapper Class Primitive Type

Byte Byte
Short short
Integer int
Long long
Float float
Double double
Character char
Boolean boolean
Wrapper Classes and their primitive types

Functions/Methods of Wrapper Classes

Conversion from String to Primitive types
For converting String to any primitive data type, Wrapper
Class functions can be used. For any primitive data Wrapper Class,
the parse<prm data type>(<String arg>) (or) valueOf(<String arg>)
functions can be used.
Eg: int i=Integer.parseInt(s); int j=Integer.valueOf(s);
For better understanding:

1. <prm data type var>=<prm data type Wrapper Class>.parse<prm data

type name>(<String arg>);
2. <prm data type var>=<prm data type wrapper class>.valueOf(<String
4. //Examples:
5. int a=Integer.parseInt(“238”);
6. doubleb=Double.parseDouble(“23.45”);
7. int c=Integer.valueOf(“37”);
8. float d=Float.valueOf(“42.87”);

Examples of each <> (In the above syntax):

prm data type: int a | double b prm data type name: Int | Long | Double
prm data wrapper class: Integer | Double String arg: “38.743” | “1874293856”

37 Java Notes Class X

Conversion from primitive type data to String

For converting a primitive type data to a String, the toString()
Wrapper Class function can be used.
Ex: Integer.toString() | Double.toString()

1. <String var>=<Wrapper Class>.toString(<prm data arg>);

2. String cnv=Integer.toString(38);
3. String dbl=Double.toString(94.53);

Boxing, Unboxing & Autoboxing

Conversion of primitive type data to an object.
Syntax with example:

1. <wrapper class> <object name>=new <wrapper class>(<prm type arg>);

2. int a=239;
3. Integer x=new Integer(a);

Conversion of an object to primitive type data.
Syntax with example:

1. <int var>=<wrapper class obj>

2. int b=x;

Boxing is the mechanism and autoboxing is the feature of
the compiler which generates the boxing code.
Syntax with example:

1. <wrapper class> <object name>=new <wrapper class>(<prm type arg>);

2. int a=239;
3. Integer x=new Integer(a);

38 Java Notes Class X

Character is defined as a letter, a digit or any special
symbol/UNICODE enclosed within single quotes. Ex: ‘@’, ‘s’, ‘5’

Assigning a character
A Character is declared under char data type.
Syntax with example:

1. char <var name>=’<char literal>’;

2. char ch=’a’;

Input a character
A Character is declared under char data type.
Syntax with example:

1. <char var>=<Scanner obj>.next().charAt(0);


Character Functions
Character.isLetter() (boolean)
This function is used to check if a given argument is a letter or
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var>=Character.isLetter(<char arg>);

2. boolean‘A’); //true

Character.isDigit() (boolean)
This function is used to check if a given argument is a digit or
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var>=Character.isDigit(<char arg>);

2. boolean‘7’); //true

39 Java Notes Class X

Character.isLetterOrDigit() (boolean)
This function is used to check if a given argument is either a
letter or a digit or none of these.
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var><char arg>);

2. boolean‘A’); //true

Character.isWhitespace() (boolean)
This function is used to check if a given argument is a
blank/gap/space or not.
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var><char arg>);

2. boolean‘A’); //false

Character.isUpperCase() (boolean)
This function is used to check if a given argument is an
uppercase letter or not.
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var><char arg>);

2. boolean‘A’); //true

Character.isLowerCase() (boolean)
This function is used to check if a given argument is a or not.
Syntax with example:

1. <boolean var><char arg>);

2. boolean‘A’); //false

Character.toUpperCase() (char)
This function is used to convert/returns a given
argument/character/letter to/in uppercase character/letter.
Syntax with example:

1. <char var>=Character.toUpperCase(<char arg>);

2. char uc=Character.toUpperCase(‘a’); //A

40 Java Notes Class X

Character.toLowerCase() (char)
This function is used to convert/returns a given
argument/character/letter to/in lowercase character/letter.
Syntax with example:

1. <char var>=Character.toLowerCase(<char arg>);

2. char lc=Character.toLowerCase(‘A’); //a

Revision/Review Questions
Revision of Class IX Syllabus
1. What is a token? Give examples
2. What are non-graphic characters? Explain their usage in Java
programming language.
3. Name any two OOPs principles. [ICSE 2015]
4. What is a class?
5. Define encapsulation. [ICSE 2016]
6. What is inheritance? [ICSE 2017]
7. What are keywords? Give an example. [ICSE 2016]
8. Define byte code. [ICSE 2010]
9. Name any two types of programs. [ICSE 2007]
10. What is a literal? [ICSE 2013]
11. Rewrite the following using ternary operator [ICSE 2018]

1. if(bill>10000)
2. dis=bill*10.0/100;
3. else
4. dis=bill*5.0/100;

12. Differentiate between

• if-else & switch [ICSE 2014]
• = , == [ICSE 2007]
• while & do-while [ICSE 2018]
• break & continue [ICSE 2013]
• class & object [ICSE 2011]
• Primitive & Non-Primitive data types [ICSE 2016]
13. Name any two access specifiers. [ICSE 2016]

41 Java Notes Class X

14. Why is a class called a factory of objects? [ICSE 2009]

(Ans.) A class contains all the statements needed to create an
object, as well as statements to describe the operations that
the object will be able to perform.
15. Name the primitive data type in Java that is [ICSE 2014]
i) A 64-bit integer and is used when you need a range of
values wider than those provided by int
What is the size of long data type?
ii) A single 16-bit Unicode character whose default value is
‘\u0000’ (Ans. char)
Objects and Classes, Constructor, Functions, Arrays
1. Define
▪ Class
▪ Object
▪ Function
▪ Function prototype
▪ Array
2. Differentiate between
▪ Actual & Formal parameters
▪ Call by value & call by reference
▪ Pure & Impure functions
▪ Static & Non-Static variables
▪ Linear & Binary search
3. What is the role of the keyword void in declaring functions?
[ICSE 2007]
4. What is the OOP principle implements function overloading?
[ICSE 2007]
5. Write the prototype of a function check() which takes an
integer value as an argument and returns a character.
[ICSE 2018]

42 Java Notes Class X

String Handling & Library Classes

1. What does compareTo() return? [ICSE 2014]
a) boolean
b) double
c) int
d) A detailed list of analysis of the values of the Strings
2. What does equals() return? [ICSE 2014]
a) int
b) float
c) String
d) boolean
3. Name a function that removes the blank spaces at the start
and at the end of the String. [ICSE 2015]
a) removeSpace()
b) trim()
c) delSpace()
d) Dear Examiner, there is no such function which does
that. -Candidate
4. What is the value of ind if ind=str.indexOf(‘a’); while str=”Tata,
bye bye!”;
a) 2
b) 2,4
c) 1
d) ERROR. Please check the question!

Answer the following

1. Name any two wrapper classes [ICSE 2013]
2. What is the return type of the following library functions
e) isWhiteSpace() b) Math.random [ICSE 2013]
3. What are library classes? Give an example. [ICSE 2011]
4. Why is class known as composite data type? [ICSE 2009]

43 Java Notes Class X

5. A method that converts a String to an Integer primitive data

type [ICSE 2009]

Programs (Includes questions out of board papers)

1. Write a program to replace a particular index with a given
character in a String.
input: FrozenNotes | 5 | d (3 separate inputs)
output: FrozedNotes
2. Write a program to display a word in reverse.
3. Write a program to delete alt letters in a word.
Input: FrozenNotes
Output: F o e n o e s

Mock-Up Solved Question Paper

Question 1:
Choose the correct answer

1. Which among the following is a valid float literal?

a. 12.36f b. 12.36F
c. 12.36 d. Both a and b
Ans. d. Both a and b

2. If a is of type int and b is of type float what would be the

resultant data type of a+b?
a. int b. float
c. double d. short
Ans. b. float

44 Java Notes Class X

3. Which among the following operator is used to access

individual members of an object?
a. . (dot) b. + (plus)
c. – (minus) d. / (divide)
Ans. a. . (dot)

4. Which among the following is not a primitive data type?

a. int b. short
c. String d. Long
Ans. c. String

5. How many objects can you create from a class?

a. One b. Two
c. Ah! You can’t create any d. Any number
Ans. d. Any number

6. What is the name given to a memory location called in

a. Variable b. Constant
c. Data Type d. MemoryLoc
Ans. a. Variable

7. A type of parameter that are used to identify what data is to

be passed to a function is called:
a. Formal parameter b. Actual parameter
c. Both a and b d. Para-Function Parameter
Ans. a. Formal parameter

8. The number of values that a function can return is:

a. 1 b. 2 c. 0 d. Any number
Ans. a. 1

45 Java Notes Class X

9. If constructors are overloaded, what differentiates it?

a. Parameter list b. Return type
c. Both a and b d. The name

Ans. B. Return type

10. If the name of a class is ‘Word’, what can be the

possible name for its constructor?
a. Word b. Letter
c. Alphabet d. Character
Ans. a. Word

11. What access specifier for a constructor allows you to

create an object only within the class?
a. public b. private
c. protected d. default
Ans. b. private

12. Which of the following is not a wrapper class?

a. Byte b. Int
c. Long d. Float
Ans. b. Int

13. What package is a part of the wrapper class which is

imported by default into all Java programs?
a. java.util b. java.lang
c. java.awt d. None of these
Ans. b. java.lang

14. What is, converting a primitive value into an object of

the corresponding wrapper class called?
a. Autoboxing b. Unboxing
c. Type Casting d. All of these
Ans. a. Autoboxing

46 Java Notes Class X

15. Which among the following function is used to check

whether a given character is a tab space
or not?
a. isBlank() b. isTabSpace()
c. isEmpty() d. isWhitespace()
Ans. d. isWhitespace()

16. If s=“5879”, which among the following will convert it to

an integer?
a. int a=Integer(s); b. int a=(int)s;
c. int a=parseInt(s); d. int a=Integer.parseInt(a);
Ans. d. int a=Integer.parseInt(a);

17. What is a collection of same types of values?

a. String b. Collection
c. Array d. None of the above
Ans. c. Array
18. From what digit does an array index begin from?
a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. -1
Ans. a. 0

19. Which among the following is used to represent a

document comment?
a. // b. /* c. /** */ d. <!—
Ans. a. /** */

20. Which among the following is a valid class name?

a. Last#Question#Yay b. Last$Question$Yay
c. Last Question, Yay! d. last_question_yay!
Ans. b. Last$Question$Yay

47 Java Notes Class X

Question 2:
Answer the following questions

1. What are keywords? Give an example.

Ans. A keyword is a reserved word that conveys a special
meaning to the compiler and cannot be used
anywhere else other than what it is intended for.
Example- for, if, else, while etc.

2. What is the value of y after evaluating the expression given

below ?
y + = + +y+y–l –y; when int y=8
Ans. 8 + (9 + 9 + 7) = 8 + 25 =33

3. Give the output of the following :

(i) Math.floor (- 4.7)
(ii) Math.ceil(3.4) + Math.pow(2,3)
Ans. (i) 5.0 (iI) 12.0

4. Write two characteristics of a constructor.

(i) Constructor has the same name as of class.
(ii) Constructor gets invoked when an object is created.

5. Write the output for the following :

System.out.prindn(“Incredible” + “\n” + “India”);
6. Convert the following if else if construct into switch case
if (var= = 1)
System.out .println(“good”);
else if(var= =2)
else if(var= =3)

48 Java Notes Class X

System.out.prindn( “best”);
switch (ch) {
case 1:
System.out .println( “good”);
break; .
case 2:
System.out .println( “better”);
case 3:
System.out.println( “invalid”);

7. Give the output of the following code :

String P = “20”, Q = “23”,
int a = Integer .parselnt(P);
int b = Integer. valueOf(Q);
Ans. 2023

8. What are the various types of errors in Java ?

Ans. Syntax error, Runtime error, Logical error

9. State the data type and value of res after the following is
executed :
char ch = ‘9’;
res = Character. isDigit(ch) ;
Ans. boolean true

10. Write the output for the following:

String s1 = “Frozen”; String s2 =”Notes”;

49 Java Notes Class X

System.out.println (s1.substring(0, 6).concat (s2.charAt(0)));

System.out.println(s2.toUpperCase( ));

Question 3:
Write a program to input 15 integer elements in an array and
sort them in ascending order using the bubble sort technique.
Question 4:
Write a program to input a sentence and convert it into
uppercase and count and display the total number of words
starting with a letter ‘A’.
Question 5:
Write a program to input a number and check and print
whether it is a Pronic number [15] or not. (Pronic number is the
number which is the product of two consecutive integers)
Examples : 12 = 3 × 4 .
20 = 4 × 5
42 = 6 × 7
Question 6:

Design a class Railway Ticket with following description :

Instance variables/s data members :
String name : To store the name of the customer
String coach : To store the type of coach customer wants to travel
long mobno : To store customer’s mobile number
int amt : To store basic amount of ticket
int totalamt : To store the amount to be paid after updating the
original amount

50 Java Notes Class X

Member methods
void accept ( ) — To take input for name, coach, mobile number
and amount
void update ( )— To update the amount as per the coach

Type of Amount
First_ AC 700
Second_AC 500
Third _AC 250
sleeper None

Question 7:
Write a program to accept name and total marks of N
number of students in two single subscript array name[] and
totalmarks[ ].
Calculate and print:
(i) The average of the total marks obtained by N Number of
[average = (sum of total marks of all the students)/N]
(ii) Deviation of each student’s total marks with the average.
[deviation = total marks of a student – average] ‘
Question 8:
Using the switch statement, write a menu driven program for
the following :
(i) To print the Floyd’s triangle [given below] :
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

𝑛2 𝑛3 𝑛3 𝑛3 𝑛𝑛+1
(ii) 𝑆 = + + + …+
1 2 3 4 𝑛

51 Java Notes Class X

Suggestions For Candidates

From The CISCE Council
• Follow the concepts given in the scope of the syllabus.
• Clarify the concepts and practise them both, on the paper and on the
• Solve a lot of problems based on all the concepts.
• Learn the syntax and working of every concept properly, with
suitable examples.
• Comprehend the key terms/definitions and then learn.
• Practise Library class and its various functions. Check its output on the
computer to understand their working.
• Develop the habit to do dry run of a program, which you write.
This will help in better understanding of concepts and aid in solving
• Apply simple logic in programs to get desired output.
• Complete the assignments and cross check on the computer for their
proper working. Get the assignments checked by your teacher.
• Solve previous years’ ICSE question papers to
understand the types of questions asked and how to attempt an ICSE
question paper.
• Check output-based questions on the computer.
• Design your own questions for string functions, math functions, loops
- for, while, do while, etc.
• Check for the logic for different variety of numbers-based questions
and develop a logic for the same.
• Do not resort to rote learning this subject but understand and practise
the concepts learnt regularly.
• Follow a proper study schedule when preparing for the examination.

• Revise and integrate the concepts studied in Class IX with the Class X
• Avoid selective study.
• Give equal importance to all the topics mentioned in the syllabus.
• Practise each topic/sub –topic with as many examples as possible.
• Being an application-oriented subject, apply what is taught in the program
explain its outcome.
• Give sufficient practice to output-based questions.
• Learn correct use of all statements to eliminate syntax errors.
• Practise programs on various types of loops, their working, conversion from

52 Java Notes Class X

loop to another and working of nested loop.
• Use proper variable names and ensure that every program has a variable
description table.
• Avoid writing abbreviations like SOP, SOPLN, PSVM.
• Understand the logic of a program instead of memorising it.
• Explain programs using Mnemonic variables and comments.
• After writing the program, dry run it with different inputs.
• Write variable description /Mnemonic codes for every program.
• Read the questions carefully and write the answers according to their
• Utilize the reading time to clearly understand the nature of the question.

• Do not waste time in writing long variable descriptions

• At least write 2 comments in a program
• Give proper spacing in-between blocks in a program
• Split the program logic into different parts for better analyzation
• Do not skip any questions, try it. At the same time avoid writing alarmingly
incorrect answers, writing these type of answers may irritate the examiner.

Wishes You All The Best For Your Exams!

The notes are as per the latest ICSE curriculum (ICSE 2023)
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53 Java Notes Class X



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