BRU-HSE-SWP-006 Fall Protection & Prevention
BRU-HSE-SWP-006 Fall Protection & Prevention
BRU-HSE-SWP-006 Fall Protection & Prevention
Name Title Signature Date
Revision History
Revision No. Effective Date Description of Changes
00 04/11/2024
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Fall Protection and Prevention
c. FDRE Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Occupational Safety and Health Directives
The SWP shall be applied to all projects under the management of BRUBA Construction
The responsible manager shall ensure that the content of this SWP is communicated to all staff,
understood and implemented at all times.
Key Points:
Fall prevention and fall arrest
Risk Assessment of work activities
Typical high-risk locations
Falling object prevention
1. General
1.1. Fall protection and prevention is a primary consideration for all workplaces where there are
work at height activities. The risk of a fall from height of personnel or equipment is ever
present and this safe work procedure sets out mandatory controls that shall be applied in all
places of work. No work shall commence where the risk of a fall from height is present unless
the risk of fall has been assessed and appropriate measures are put in place.
1.2. Persons falling from height are the most common cause of major and fatal injuries in the
construction industry. The risk of a person falling from height occurs in many work activities
such as:
2.1. The term Fall Prevention is used to describe any arrangements made that physically prevent
persons from falling such as fully boarded work platforms, solid edge protection barriers,
restraint systems etc.
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Fall Protection and Prevention
2.2. The term Fall Arrest is used to describe any arrangements made that allow a person to fall and
then arrests the fall before the person impacts any solid surface.
2.3. In each and every case of persons working at height the company will provide a means of fall
prevention as the first priority. Only in cases where fall prevention arrangements are not
practical will a means of fall arrest be used.
2.4. Where fall arrest systems are used the company will provide a RAMS (risk assessment and
method statement) for the work activity.
3.1. In industry, it is common for workers to interfere with protective measures. Staff can put
themselves and their colleagues at risk by removing or altering access equipment, guardrails,
edge protection and hole covers.
3.2. The priority is to ensure that the protective measures used are those least likely to be
interfered with. Secured boards covering a hole are superior to barriers or the use of a safety
harness. When considering protective measures for slab openings and risers for example.
Barriers are easily removed, and a safety harness may not be worn.
3.3. Elimination of the hazard shall be the first priority. The appointed engineer and supervisor
shall develop RAMS and ensure that work at height is eliminated as far as possible or suitable
protective measures implemented where work at height must proceed.
3.4. When working at height cannot be avoided, the selected protective measures MUST consider a
hierarchy of precautions – A safe working platform must be provided. If this cannot be
achieved, then alternatives may be considered.
3.5. Note that it is acceptable to refuse to carry out work where the risk of a fall is too great. Tasks
must not be completed at any costs. The staff shall report to the engineer or supervisor if their
safety is compromised while working at height.
4.1. The risk of a fall from height will be increased when working on, in, or adjacent to the
following locations detailed in the table below. The protective measure detailed shall be
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Fall Protection and Prevention
Form Work
Roof Work
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Fall Protection and Prevention
Installation of Guardrails
Lift Shafts
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Fall Protection and Prevention
4.2. Lifelines shall be installed using a minimum wire rope size of 8mm. The lifeline shall be
secured to a suitable and strong anchor point capable of withstanding a 1-ton shock load
(the typical shock load of a falling person).
4.3. Lifelines shall have a minimum of 3 saddle clips installed over a 12” turn back and
tightened using a turnbuckle. The maximum span of a lifeline will be 10 meters.
4.4. Issued fall arrest equipment will consist of a harness, lanyard with snap hook and
detachable shock absorber. Fall arrest equipment (as opposed to restraint) shall be a last
4.5. The company must consider alternative means of completing work without using fall arrest
as the protective measure. The risk of falling from height should be eliminated or reduced
where this is practically possible, and a safe work platform provided.
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Snap Hook
4.6. Note the shock absorber type shown can be detached from the karabiner and re-attached to
the karabiner at the opposite end to disengage the shock absorber from the lanyard.
4.7. Depending on the length of the shock absorber, it must be disengaged when working below
the shock absorber length + 3m (e.g. a shock absorber of 2m extension should be disengaged
if working below 5m and a restraint lanyard only should be used. Lanyards with non-
detachable shock absorbers must be removed from site or additional karabiners provided.
4.8. All webbing fall arrest equipment shall be inspected on a regular basis. Damaged equipment
shall be removed from service. Fall arrest equipment shall be stored in a dry place and
preferably hung on hooks rather than kept in a box.
4.9. Inertia reel fall protection is an alternative option to disengaging shock absorbers or using
restraint protection. Operatives issued inertia reels MUST be fully trained in their use and
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Fall Protection and Prevention
4.10. Karabiners must be maintained. Dust and environmental conditions can cause the
thread on the screwed gate of the mechanism to jam. Unscrew and test regularly. Do not
use pliers to unscrew the gate, this will damage the mechanism and it may not unscrew
when most needed.
5.1. All edges of working platforms and work areas that objects may fall from will be provided with
securely fixed continuous toe boards that are at least 100mm high. This requirement applies
to temporary working platforms, working platforms that form part of machinery or equipment
and floor areas of structures under construction where work activity is ongoing.
5.2. Where work is ongoing on the exterior faces of structures the working platforms that are used
to gain access will be fitted with lightweight mesh or netting to prevent objects falling from
them. The appointed engineer or scaffolding supervisor will ensure that any working platform
to which mesh or netting is fitted is capable of withstanding any additional loads that may be
imposed by the wind.
5.3. The supervisor will provide solid heavy-duty barriers where mobile plant, equipment or
vehicles are required to operate on raised structures or adjacent to excavations.
5.4. Materials and equipment will not be stored or located on edges of working areas or platforms.
5.5. All materials and waste will be secured and stored in a manner that prevents them from being
blown off from the structure.
5.6. Where objects are being transferred between different levels by manual means they will be
carried by hand or raised or lowered with ropes and containers. The throwing of objects is
5.7. Any load that is to be lifted by a mechanical appliance will be checked prior to lifting to ensure
that there are no loose objects on it that may fall during the lifting process.
5.8. All persons working at height in areas where working platforms with toe boards are not
provided will carry all tools and equipment on tool belts or in backpacks
6. Training
6.1. All scaffold erectors will be trained and deemed competent before they erect any scaffolding.
6.2. Supervisors of persons using fall arrest systems will be trained in the correct installation, use
and maintenance of fall arrest systems.
6.3. All persons required to use fall arrest systems will receive appropriate training in safe working
at height prior to using such systems. The supervisor will brief all persons using fall arrest
systems prior to them undertaking the work activity. The briefing will be based on the risk
assessment and a written record will be made and available on request.
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