Abstract - The delta wing is a triangular wing in the shape Tailed Delta: added normal tail (with horizontal tail)
of a plant. It is named because of its similarity in shape to the to improve handling (MiG-21).
Greek letter delta (Δ). The first practical applications of the Cropped Delta: the tip is cut off. This helps prevent
delta wing occurred in the form of the so-called "tailless drag at high angles of attack (F-16).
triangle", that is, without horizontal tail. As the angle of attack Compound delta: double delta or ulnar boom: the
increases, the leading edge of the wing creates a vortex that inner wing has a very high sweep while the outer wing
induces flow, giving the delta a very large stall angle. Pure has less sweep to create a high lift vortex in a more
delta-wings fell out of favor somewhat due to their undesirable controlled manner, reduce drag and thus allow the
characteristics, notably flow separation at high angles of delta to land at an acceptably low speed [4].
attack, high drag at low altitudes, low wing loading and poor Ogee delta (ogival delta): with a smooth curve
maneuverability. The design of a modern light fighter, which "ogee" connecting two parts instead of an angle.
can traverse, transonally maneuver and stall, requires an
additional heavily swept area in front of the main wing, called The analysis of steady flow is done for a semi half span of
the leading edge extension (LEX), which results in some wing body configuration at sea level and at Reynolds number
changes in the wing, such as tail delta, cropped delta, double of 2x105. The analysis is done for five low angles of attack i.e.,
delta, cranked arrow and ogival delta. from 3° to 15° with a step increment of three at a subsonic
Mach number of 0.5. The solution obtained for both the wing
The present project work investigates the flow field over a body configurations are compared to find which is to be more
typical cropped delta and double delta wing body effective. Also the obtained results are compared with the
configuration at low angles of attack (α) from 0° to 15° with available experimental data.
an increment of step 3. Delta wing with sweep angle of 60° and The present work is based on the computational analysis
double delta wing with a sweep of 55°/60° having a beveled of flow over delta wing body configurations (cropped delta
leading edge are modeled and simulated at Mach number 0.4 and double delta) at lower angle of attack of a typical fighter
and at a Reynolds number (Re) of 2.7x104. The flow aircraft. Design and analysis of wing body configuration is
simulations are carried out by the unstructured hybrid meshes important for overall aerodynamic performance of an aircraft
comprising of tetrahedral and prism elements created by [3].
ICEMCFD. The meshes are refined adequately to resolve the 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION:
boundary layer flow. The flow simulations are carried out by
ANSYS FLUENT. The aerodynamic characteristics of both the As from the study on Delta wing and as seen in the
wing body configurations are compared to find which is to be literature survey the double delta wing body configuration
more effective. The computed data obtained is also compared not only increases the lifting area of the wing, but also
with the available experimental data. creates its own leading edge vortices which help to stabilize
the flow field over main wing [2]. Therefore double delta
Key Words: C: Wing chord, S: Wing reference, B: Wing span, wing body configuration produces more lift and is more
λ: Taper ratio, A: Aspect ratio stable than a cropped delta wing.
Outflow: Zero normal gradient for all variables.
Pressure: As for the flow, except for the fixed pressure
value; normal output state in compressible flow if output is
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 402
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 10 | Oct 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Non-slip wall: default case for solid edges (zero velocity
with respect to the wall stress calculated using the viscous
stress expressions or the wall function).
Slip wall: only the speed component normal to the wall
disappears. Used when it is not necessary to convert a thin
boundary layer to an insignificant wall boundary.
Fig 6: Meshed model of double delta wing body with
Fig 5: Segmented domain with cap The results are tabulated are as follows:
Table 2: Lift and drag coefficients for cropped and Double delta wing body
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 403
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 10 | Oct 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
A. Lift curve
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 404
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 10 | Oct 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Fig 16: Drag Polar Curve for both Delta Wing Bodies
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 405
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 10 | Oct 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
performance characteristics. The analysis is carried out on [7]. Hesamodin Ebnodin Hamidi, and Mojtaba Rahimi,
different angle of attacks from 0° to 15° with the same “Numerical Investigation of high attack angle flow on
boundary conditions as per validation. It is observed that the 76° /45° Double Delta wing in incompressible flow”,
double delta wing generates more lift compared to delta World Academy of Sciences, Engineering and
wing and hence decrease in drag. Technology, Vol:5 2011.
[8]. Mr. Hugo A. Gonzalez, Gary E. Erickson, Dr. Blair G.
6. CONCLUSION McLachlan. Dr. James H. Bell “Effects of Various fillet
Shapes on a 76/40 Double Delta from Mach 0.18 to
In the present study we have compared the cropped 0.7”,RTO AVT Symposium on Advanced flow
delta wing with sweep angle of 60° and double delta wing management, Norway, May 2001.
with a sweep of 55°/60° having a bevelled leading edge are [9]. Robert C. Nelson*, Alain Pelletier, “The Unsteady
modelled and simulated at Mach number 0.4 and at a aerodynamics of slender wings and aircraft undergoing
Reynolds number (Re) of 2.7x104. From the results obtained large amplitude maneuvers”, Progress in Aerospace
we can conclude that double delta wing body is more Sciences 39 (2003) 185–248,University of Notre Dame,
efficient in producing lift than a cropped one since the lift Notre Dame.
curve slope of double delta wing body is greater than a [10]. I.A.Gursul, M.R.Allan and K.J.Badcock, “Opportunities
cropped delta wing body. As well as lift to drag ratio of for the integrated use of measurements and
double delta is 9.3 which is more than a cropped delta which computations for the understanding of delta wing
has lift to drag ratio of 6.6.Therefore double delta wing body aerodynamics”, Paper for the conference on integration
configuration is more effective than a cropped delta wing. of CFD and experiments at University of Glasgow,
The Lift Coefficient for the DDW at 15° AOA is 0.70 which is September 2003.
high compared to DW which has 0.65 at the same. Even there
is a huge difference in Drag Coefficient between DW and
DDW which is 0.18 and 0.12 respectively. Which again
conclude that as the AOA increases the performance is more
for the DDW and it is a great challenge to simultaneously
measure the data. Therefore, a verification experiment is
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 406