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26 Radioactivity

AQA Physics Answers to practice questions

Question Answer Marks Guidance
1 (a) • The (magnitude of the) charge on the nuclei was Any 2
Ze but the mass was an integer greater than Z ×
• Rutherford thought that a nucleus with atomic
number Z and mass number A would have Z
protons and A – Z neutrons.
• He used the neutron–proton model to explain
why the mass number of any nucleus heavier than
the 11H is greater than its atomic number.
• Rutherford had devised and proved the nuclear
model of the atom.
1 (b) If R = kE , a graph of ln R on the y-axis against 1
ln E on the x-axis should give a straight line…
with a gradient equal to n. 1 1
See table: 2
R/mm 39 48 53 57 66 78
E/MeV 5.3 6.0 6.5 6.8 7.4 8.3
ln R 3.66 3.87 3.97 4.04 4.19 4.36
ln E 1.67 1.79 1.87 1.92 2.00 2.12
Correct values to 2 or more sig figs for:
• ln R
• ln E

Marks awarded for:

• correctly labelled scales
• suitable scales
• all points plotted correctly
• best fit line
• correct calculation of gradient
4.36 – 3.66
• Gradient = = 1.55
2.12 – 1.67
• i.e. n = 1.55
• n in the range = 1.5 to 1.6
2 (a) Relevant points include the following.
2 (a) (i) The metal should be thin so that: Any 3 Questions about Rutherford
• the α particles can penetrate the foil (or will not scattering are usually directed at the
be absorbed by it). conclusions of the experiment, but in
• the α particles must only be scattered once. this part you are asked whether you
2 (a) (ii) The beam of alpha particles should be narrow: understand some of the reasons
• to define a precise location where the scattering behind the experimental design.
takes place It is particularly important to
• so that the scattering angle can be determined appreciate that the experiment
accurately. assumes that an α particle will have
just one encounter with a nucleus as
it passes through the foil.

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26 Radioactivity
AQA Physics Answers to practice questions
Question Answer Marks Guidance
2 (b) Some α particles are scattered through very large 1 It is well known that the majority of
angles (>90°, or back towards the source). the α particles experience no
This can only occur if an α particle collides 1 deflection (or ‘go straight through’).
with a particle of much greater mass than This would be expected even if the
its own mass. atom had a more uniform distribution
of mass, as in Thomson’s model.
The definite evidence for a massive
nucleus comes from the large angle
deflections and back scattering.
2 (c) Top α particle: path showing upwards 1 The question indicates that all three
deflection by at least 10°. particles are deflected by at least
10°. Repulsion between the positive
nucleus and the positive α particle
causes an upwards deflection.
Remember that the force becomes
greater as the separation decreases,
so this is a smooth curve.
Middle α particle: path showing very close 1 This α particle makes a ‘head on’
approach to nucleus and return along the same approach and is scattered through
path. 180°. It must be shown to approach
the nucleus more closely than either
of the other α particles.
Bottom α particle: path is a smooth curve showing 1 The bottom α particle approaches the
a downwards deflection that is greater than the nucleus more closely than the top
deflection of the top α particle. one, and therefore experiences a
larger deflection. Its path will curve
more sharply.
3 (a) Proton number Z is reduced by 2. 1 An α particle is a helium nucleus 42 H ;
Nucleon number A is reduced by 4. 1
emission removes 2 protons and 2
neutrons from a nucleus. Emission of
a γ ray photon removes only energy;
no change takes place in either Z or
3 (b) γ radiation is much more penetrating than α 1 Comparison is essential in your
radiation. answer, because the question asks
about the relative penetrating
powers. Typically, α radiation is
absorbed completely by paper but γ
radiation requires thick lead to
reduce its intensity.
3 (c) I3 1.0 2 The working follows from the
By the inverse square law = 1 mathematical representation of the
I1 3.03 inverse square law for γ radiation:
1 k
= (or 0.11) intensity I = 2 where k is a
9 1
constant and x is the distance from
the source.
4 (a) (i) Origins of background radiation: 2 You should be aware of some (if not
cosmic rays; radioactive rocks (or ground, or all) of the possible sources of
building materials); nuclear weapons testing (or background radiation on such an
nuclear accidents); extensive list. Any three you list
nuclear power industry; discharge of nuclear would score 2 marks, but if you list
waste; radioactive gases in the air; medical waste. just two you would only receive
1 mark.

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26 Radioactivity
AQA Physics Answers to practice questions
Question Answer Marks Guidance
4 (a) (ii) Use of A = A0e gives 1 The count rate is proportional to the
–λ × 600
(84 – 3) = (110 – 3)e N
activity A (which ). Both
 107  t
ln 
–λ × 600 107  81  measured count rates have to be
∴e = , and λ = 1
81 600 corrected for background in this
∴ decay constant λ = 4.64 × 10 s
–4 –1 case. Solution of the exponential
decay equation involves the use of
logs, as in capacitor discharge
4 (a) (iii) N The question tells you to assume that
Use of = λN gives initial number of nuclei 1 all of the radiation emitted by the
source is detected. (In practice this is
107 5
N= = 2.31 × 10 1 very unlikely!) This means that
4.64 10 initially there would be 107 emissions
per second.
4 (b) α radiation is highly ionising, hence causes 1 Part (b) has one general mark for
cancer/damages cells/kills cells/affects DNA. referring to the overall danger
Outside the body it is less damaging, because it is 1 presented by α radiation, and two
absorbed by the skin (or is stopped by the skin, or specific marks for discussing and
causes a burning sensation). explaining its effects when the
Inside the body it is more damaging, because it is 1 source is outside and inside the
able to produce ionisation in vital organs such as body. Radioactive α-emitting gases
lungs. pose a particular hazard if they are
inhaled. By comparison, laboratory α-
emitting sealed sources are
practically harmless.
5 (a) The random nature of decay means: 2 There are usually millions (at least)
• it is not possible to predict which one of the large of radioactive nuclei in a given
number of unstable nuclei in a radioactive sample sample. The behaviour of the
will decay individual nuclei cannot be predicted,
• or to predict when it will decay. but the behaviour of the complete
sample is predictable. It obeys an
exponential decay law.
5 (b) Graph drawn of activity/Bq against time/ Make sure that the axes of your
year to show: graph are properly labelled. Both
• a curve of decreasing negative gradient starting axes should start at the origin. To
at 5.5 × 10 Bq satisfy the question, the time axis
• correctly decaying activity values corresponding must go up to 6 years.
with value of half life Exponential decay graphs are
(2.75 × 10 Bq at 2.6 years, smooth curves that intersect the
1.38 × 10 Bq at 5.2 years). vertical axis at t = 0, but which never
meet the time axis.
5 (c) (i) ln2 ln 2 Data tables about radioactive
T1/2 = gives λ = 1 nuclides usually provide values of
 2.6  3.15 107
–9 –1 1 half-lives. The decay constant is
decay constant λ = 8.46 × 10 s
readily calculated from the half-life.
5 (c) (ii) N The decay law, which is based on
Use of = λN gives initial number of nuclei 1 statistics, indicates that the
probability of decay per unit time is
5.5  10 5
13 1 constant for a given nuclide. This
N= = 6.50 × 10
8.46 10 – 9 constant is the decay constant λ. It
follows that the decay rate (or
activity) is proportional to the number
of active nuclei present.

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26 Radioactivity
AQA Physics Answers to practice questions
Question Answer Marks Guidance
5 (c) (iii) Use of A = A0e gives 1 The time taken for the activity to
5 5 –λt
0.75 × 10 = 1.0 × 10 e halve is 2.6 years, so it is not
 1.0  surprising that the time taken for the
ln  activity to fall by 25% is just over 1
 0.75  ln1.33 7 8
∴ time t = = year. (3.40 × 10 s = 1.0 year).
 8.46 10 – 9 1
= 3.40 × 10 s
6 (a) γ rays are very penetrating (or α or β rays would 1 In this type of diagnosis the
not be detected outside the body). radioactive material is introduced
γ rays are less ionising, hence less hazardous to 1 inside the body but has to be
patients (or α or β rays are more ionising and detected outside the body. The
more hazardous). radiation has to penetrate through
thick human tissue, but should not
subject the patient to profuse
6 (b) The background count rate is very much smaller 1 This part would be easily overlooked
than the measured count rate (background count if you wanted to get on with the
rates are typically less than 1 counts s ). graph! Notice that 2 marks are
Random fluctuations in the measurements are 1 available, so two aspects are
greater than the background ground count rate. required in your answer. Maybe the
second point is only clear once you
have plotted the graph.
6 (c) Graph drawn of count rate/counts s against 2 The results shown in the table are
time/hour to show: from an actual experiment, so the
• correct plotting of points on labelled axes, with points themselves do not lie on a
count rate on vertical axis perfectly smooth curve. However, the
• a smooth curve of decreasing negative gradient line you draw should be a smooth
that intersects the count rate axis but does not curve to represent average
meet the time axis. behaviour. Your line
must not simply join the points.
6 (d) One half-life value calculated from best-fit 1 One value is insufficient. For full
line. marks you must take at least two
Two or more half-life values calculated and 1 values and average them. A more
averaged. accurate analysis (not required here)
Half-life = 13 ± 1 hour 1 would use a graph of ln (count rate)
against t: the gradient of this linear
graph is −λ, and T1/2 = ln .

6 (e) Relevant points include the following Any 2 1
points. Because T1/2 ∝ , it follows that a

• The activity is high (so only a small sample is radioisotope of short half-life will
needed). have a large value of λ, and therefore
• The radioisotope decays quickly. a high activity when it is introduced
• There is less risk to the patient. into the patient. The sample used is
• The medical test is of short duration. small and it soon decays to a
negligible activity.
7 (a) (i) Positron (or positive electron, or beta plus) 1 The hint that two answers are
1 (Electron) neutrino 1 needed is that the question asks for
particles and offers 2 marks.
Because you are required to state
names, it is safer to write beta plus
than β+. Note that the neon-21 is the
daughter nucleus; it is not emitted.
7 (a) (ii) 11 nuetrons 1 Number of neutrons in nucleus
= A − Z = 21 − 10.

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26 Radioactivity
AQA Physics Answers to practice questions
Question Answer Marks Guidance
7 (b) (i) After one half-life from t = 0 number of active 1 After one half-life the number of
nuclei active nuclei remaining is ½ of
11 11
N = 2.5 × 10 5 × 10 and the activity is ½ of
10 10
... and activity = 0.75 × 10 Bq 1 1.5 × 10 Bq.
N The answer given here follows the
Activity A = = −λN gives directions given in the question, but
you may notice that T1/2 is about
0.75 1010
Decay constant λ = 23 s, from which λ =
2.5  1011 T1/2 23
−2 −1
= 3.0 × 10 s 1 −2 −1
= 3.0 × 10 s .
7 (b) (ii) Number of particles decaying per second 1 The decay of one nucleus produces
2.6  10 3 9
5.7 × 10 J, but the source in this
= 13
= 4.56 × 10 example is producing 2.6 m J per
5.7  10 second.
N 4.56 10 9 1 The number of decays per second is
= –λN gives N =
t 3.0  10 – 2 energy emittedper second
∴ number of radioactive atoms in sample energy emittedper decay
11 1
N = 1.52 × 10
8 (a) Radius of U-238 nucleus R = r0A 1 You simply have to recognise that
−15 1/3
= 1.3 × 10 × 238 A = 238 for this nucleus, and then
−15 1/3
= 8.06 × 10 m 1 substitute into R = r0A
8 (b) I1 x2 2 γ radiation spreads out equally in all
Inverse square law gives = 1 directions from a point source. This
I2 x 12 leads to an inverse square
2 relationship between the intensity of
I1 C 10  x2 
∴ = = =   radiation and the distance from the
I2 0.10C 1  0.030  source. Doubling the distance
–2 1
from which x2 = 9.49 × 10 m 1
reduces the intensity to , etc.
–λt –λ × 52
8 (c) Use of A = A0e gives 0.85 = 1.0e 1 The count rate falls to 85% of its
λ × 52 1.0 ln(1.0/0.85) initial value in 52 s, so the initial
from which e = , and λ = 1 intensity I0 can be regarded as 1.0
0.85 52
−3 −1 and the intensity after 52 s as 0.85.
∴ decay constant λ = 3.13 × 10 s
1 As usual, you have to be familiar with
the use of logs to solve an
exponential equation.
8 (d) Relevant points include the following points. Any 3 When using a radioisotope for
• Technetium 99-m emits only γ radiation... medical diagnosis, the half-life of the
• hence radiation may be detected outside the chosen source should be
body (or it is a weak ioniser and causes little comparable to the time required to
damage). carry out the investigation.
• It has a short half-life and will not remain active This minimises the radiation dose
in the body for long after use. received by the patient. The half-life
• Its half-life is long enough for it to remain active of Tcm is 6 hours. The fact that it is
during diagnosis. a pure γ-emitter with a relevant half-
• When needed it may be prepared on site. life makes it an ideal source for this
• It has a toxicity that can be tolerated by purpose. Yet its relatively short half-
the body. life means that it has to be prepared
at the place where it will be used.

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26 Radioactivity
AQA Physics Answers to practice questions
Question Answer Marks Guidance
9 (a) Graph drawn of electron intensity against 2 The general shape of this electron
angle of diffraction θ to show: diffraction curve should be well
• electron intensity decreases as θ increases known and part (a) should therefore
• a non−zero first minimum, with a subsequent lead to two easy marks. Note that the
increase and then a further decrease in electron first minimum is not a zero of
intensity. intensity (unlike its optical equivalent
for diffraction at a single slit).
9 (b) (i) Last column of table completed with correct 1 The relationship R ∝ A was
values: arrived at originally by plotting a
either A : 5.93, 4.93, 3.83, 3.04, 2.29 graph of log R against log A using
3 −45 3
or R /10 m : 295, 165, 82.3, 40.4, 18.8 experimental data. Its gradient
Graph axes both labelled with quantity and unit 1 1
1/3 −15 3 −45 3 should be . To confirm that
(e.g. A , R/10 m or A, R /10 m ), and choice
of large scales which cause the graph to occupy 1/3
R = r0A (where r0 is constant), you
more than half of the area of the graph paper. 1/3
All points plotted correctly and 1 either need to show that R ∝ A or
suitable linear best-fit line drawn. that R ∝ A.
The former graph is preferable,
because it gives a more even
distribution of points.
However, to show direct proportion
by either method the graph obtained
needs to be a straight line that
passes through the origin. Your
scaling of the graph must allow for
axis values that start at (0,0).
9 (b) (ii) Gradient of straight line = r0 (on graph of R 1 Since R = r0A , a graph of R against
1/3 3 3 1/3
against A ) or r0 (on graph of R against A) A should have a gradient of r0. The
−15 3 3
gives r0 = (1.1 ± 0.1) × 10 m 1 graph to test R = r0 A should have a
gradient of r0 .
9 (c) Relevant points include the following. Any 3 The fact that electrons do not
• Electrons are not subject to the strong nuclear experience the strong force (unlike α
force. particles) means that electron
• With α particles the closest distance of approach scattering experiments are easier to
is measured, rather than R. interpret than α particle scattering
• Electrons cause far less recoil. experiments.
• Electrons give greater resolution.
• High energy electrons are easier to produce.

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