Full Stack Developer
A Full Stack Developer with Excellent problem-solving and Ability to Bhavnagar
perform well in team. Seeking a full-time position to utilize my skills
and knowledge. linkedin.com/in/hemanshu-upadhyay-41957b1a8
Full Stack Development(Mern stack) Javascript React JS Redux
06/2020 - 04/2021, Remote React MobX React Hooks NPM Axios
Mongodb Bootstrap Github(VCS)
Attainu is Online full stack This is where i acquired
development course. knowledge about full stack Mongoose Node JS ExpressJs
web development
Bachelor of Commerce
M.J college of Commerce PERSONAL PROJECTS
05/2019 - Present, Bhvanagar Corp-Enviro (05/2021 - 06/2021)
Summary A Mern stack Project based on Employee Management
Pursuing B.com (Sem-6 )
This Project is Designed To Handle Day to Day Tasks In
Company Like Employee’s Attendance, Employee’s Daily work
Higher secondary school Schedule… Employees Can Also Apply For Leave And Hr Can
Accept or Deny it
M.k Techno School
Project Link: https://corpenviro.netlify.app/
03/2018 - 04/2019, Talaja
Github link:https://github.com/Upadhyay-Hemanshu-
Summary au9/Corp-enviro
Completed Higher Passed with 98.20% in Technologies Used in This Projects Are React, Redux, Nodejs,
secondary school in Gujarat Board ExpressJs,
Commerce stream Here are some Credentials For The Project
FOR EMPLOYEE email : ayush@gmail.com pass : ayush
FOR HR email : shiva@gmail.com pass : shivab32
WORK EXPERIENCE FOR TEAMLEAD email : teamlead@gmail.com pass :
Software Developer
Doyenhub Software Solutions Daily Movie mania (02/2021 - 03/2021)
Daily movie mania is movies based project where we’ll be
12/2021 - Present, Remote fetching the data related to movies from an API to display
Achievements/Tasks information on our web page.
Handling The Frontend Project View trending, top-rated, upcoming movies and series.
Search movies and series by genre and get details related to
Designing The Ui For the Project them.
Implemented New Features As Of Requirements Project Link: https://daily-movie-mania-react.herokuapp.com/
Github Link: https://github.com/Upadhyay-Hemanshu-
Associate Backend Developer au9/Daily-movie-mania
View your visited movies and series.
Waycool Foods Pvt Ltd.
Mark movies/series as your favorite (works when logged in).
06/2021 - 08/2021, Remote
Review Movies and series(works locally).
API used - TMDB.
Worked With Node Js and Mongo DB.
Worked as part of a team developing applications and services.
My Responsibility Was to Create Various Apis For Project. CERTIFICATES
NodeJS - The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs,
Trainee GraphQL, Deno) (09/2021 - 10/2021)
Attainu Certificate Url - http://ude.my/UC-523bd256-ff4e-4af0-adfa-
06/2020 - 04/2021, Remote
I took Training for Full-stack development At Attainu. Attainu is Live and Full Stack Web Development( MERN ) = Attainu
Online full stack development course.
(06/2020 - 04/2021)
Achievements/Tasks Certificate Url -
Learnt Full-stack(Mern) Developement https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DRRF1uWobPPbp2TqoXP3HA
Created 3 Project in in 3 Different modules
Learnt Frontend and Backend Technologies