a) Arithmetic Legal Unit b) Arithmetic Logic Unit 1st Internal Test (Theory) c) Arithmetic Local Unit d) Arithmetic Logic Utility Full Mark : 40 Pass Mark : 20 Dt. 09.08.2024 34. =, <, > etc. are _______ a) Logical Operastors b) Arithmatical Operators Choose the correct answer : c) Mathematical Operators d) All of the above 1. A common use of computers in offices is for 35. A computer performs all calculation and comparison in a) Distributed processing b) Data processing a) ALU b) RAM c) Word processing d) All of the above c) BIOS d) None of these 2. A computer is often referred to as a ____ _processor because it can Refer to the diagram, answer the following question store process and retrieve data. a) Word b) mini c) data d) micro 3. When data is processed by a computer we get a) Output b) Information c) Result d) Signal 4. A Computer is a .......... calculating device a) Fast b) Volatile c) Strong d) None of these 5. Data processing of a computer includes a) Capturing input data b) Manipulating data c) Managing output d) All of the above 36. Program and Data are fed into Unit A which is known as 6. Data and instructions are processed and directed by. a) Processor Unit b) Input Unit a) One computer to another b) Processor c) Storage Unit d) None of these c) Memory d) None 37. Arrow Mark indicates? 7. Which company does not produce computers? a) Flow of Control by CPU b) Flow of Control by ALU a) Dell b) Seagate c) Flow of Instruction and Data d) Control excercise by Control Unit c) Toshiba d) HP 38. Which Unit represents Output Unit? 8. Which is not a characteristic of a computer? a) Unit A b) Unit B a) Error prone b) Versatility c) 3 and 4 d) UnitY c) Speed d) Diligence 39. Label 2 in Unit X represents 9. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a Computer a) Processor b) Primary Storage a) Accuracy b) No Feeling c) Voltage Unit d) CPU c) Versatility d) Strong IQ 40. Unit Y Represents 10. Which of the following is characteristic of a Computer a) Input Unit b) CPU a) Integrity b) Strong Feeling c) I/O Unit d) Monitor Unit c) Diligence d) Strong IQ --x0x-- 11. A set of information to perform a specific job/task is called? 23. A new switching device was invented at Bells Laboratory in 1947 a) Data b) Instruction which is known as c) Information d) None of the above a) Switch Gear b) Transistor 12. Charles Babbage develop Differential Engine in the year c) Semiconductor d) None of these a) 1942 b) 1822 24. Fifth Generation of Computer starts from the year c) 1990 d) 1642 a) 1988 b) 1989 13. Who introduced Stored-program concept c) 1987 d) 1986 a) Charles Babbage b) John Von Neumann 25. During which generation of computer ULSI (Ultra Large Scale c) Blaise Pascal d) Baron Gottfried Wilhelm Integration) technology was used 14. Blaise Pascal invented first mechanical adding machine in a) 1th Generation b) 3rd Generation a) 1642 b) 1990 c) 2nd Generation d) 5th Generation c) 1822 d) 1942 26. Third generation computers were manufactured using 15. The father of Computer is a) Vacuum tubes b) Transistors a) Bill Gates b) Charles Babbage c) ICs with SSI & MSI technology d) ICs with VLSI technology c) Allan Turing d) None of these 27. In 4th Generation computers, __contains all the circuit needed to 16. The basic architecture of computer was developed by ____ perform arithmetic logic and control function. a) John Von Neumann b) Blaise Pascal a) Monitors b) Microprocessor c) Garden Moore d) None of the above c) Printers d) Mouse 17. Second generation computer are made of ? 28. Which of the following computer generation required large room for a) transistor b) vacuum tubes installation c) integrated circuits d) microprocessors a) First Generation b) Second Generation 18. Graphical user interface was introduced in __ generation of computers c) Third Generation d) Fourth Generation a) fifth b) second 29. Which generation of computer gives us portable PC’S? c) third d) fourth a) 1st Generation b) 5th Generation 19. Third generation of computers falls between the period from c) 7th Generation d) 3rd Gen a) 1962 - 1975 b) 1963 - 1975 30. The brain of any computer system is c) 1964-1975 d) 1965 - 1971 a) ALU b) Memory 20. Software such as Windows were developed during c) CPU d) Control unit a) 2nd Generation b) 4th Generation 31. The ______of a computer system manages and coordinates the c) 3rd Generation d) 5th Generation operators of all other components of the computer system 21. In which generation Computers are cheap for commercial use? a) ALU b) Output Unit a) 5th b) 4th c) Input Unit d) Control Unit c) 3rd d) 2nd 32. In basic computer system CPU is formed by combination of 22. During which generation of computer thousands of vacuum tubes was used a) CPU & Memory Unit b) Input, Output & Control Unit a) 1th Generation b) 3rd Generation c) ALU & Control Unit d) None of the above c) 2nd Generation d) 5th Generation