Grade 10 Exam

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Information Technology
End of Semester Examination

Grade 10
Duration: 1 hr. 30 Minutes

Name: _______________________________________

Teacher: _______________________________________

Grade: _______________________________________


1. This paper consists of FORTY-ONE questions.

2. Candidates MUST answer ALL questions

3. Total mark is 90.



Section 1 – Multiple Choices

[35 marks]
Instruction: Each question in this section has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C),
(D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

1. Which of the following items are 8. In order to use a program stored on a

considered computer hardware? flash drive, the program must be
a. Data transferred into
b. Programs a. ROM
c. Output devices b. RAM
d. Operating systems c. PROM
2. Data that has been processed and has
meaning is termed 9. Which part of the central processing unit
a. Information n (CPU) coordinates its activities?
b. Database a. Register
c. Storage b. Control unit
d. Output c. Main memory
d. Arithmetic logic unit
3. Which of the following devices is used
to input data into the computer? 10. Keyboards, speakers and CD drives are
a. Mouse a. Peripheral devices
b. Monitor b. Storage devices
c. USB flash drive c. Output devices
d. External hard drive d. Input devices

11. Scanning an item at a computerized

Item 4 refers to the following symbol checkout station in a supermarket is an
example of
a. Input
b. Output
c. Storing
d. Processing
4. The symbol represents
12. Which of the following has the largest
a. LAN
data storage capacity?
b. Wi-Fi
a. Optical drive
c. Hotspot
b. USB flash drive
d. Bluetooth
c. Flash memory card
d. Hard drive
5. Which of the following shows an
increase in computer memory capacity?
13. A diskette is divided into a number of
a. Terabyte → Gigabyte → Megabyte
concentric circles called
b. Gigabyte → Kilobyte → Megabyte
a. Tracks
c. Megabyte → Terabyte → Gigabyte
b. Sectors
d. Megabyte → Gigabyte → Terabyte
c. Clusters
d. Cylinders
6. Which of the following types of
technologies is commonly used by
14. Which of the following is detected by
banks to read data on cheques?
the use of a pressure sensor?
a. POS
a. Motion
b. OCR
b. Light
c. OMR
c. Weight
d. Warmth
7. Which of the following is NOT a
15. Which of the following components is
hardware component of a computer
used by the CPU to temporarily store
a. Data file
a. Track
b. Main memory
b. Sector
c. Peripheral device
c. Buffer
d. Central processing unit
d. Cylinder

16. The primary storage device that holds 24. Heat sensors are used for detecting
the data currently being processed by the a. Activity
computer is known as the b. Light
a. Read only memory (ROM) c. Temperature
b. Programmable ROM (PROM) d. Weight
c. Random access memory (RAM)
d. Erasable and programmable ROM 25. A wedge-shaped slice on a disk is
referred to as a
17. Which of the following tasks is NOT a a. Buffer
function of the control unit (CU)? b. Cylinder
a. Performing arithmetic operations c. Sector
b. Reading and interpreting machine d. Track
c. Coordinating the operation of the 26. Which of the following units performs
internal registers mathematical calculations?
d. Controlling the sequencing of a. Control
machine instructions b. Fetch
c. Arithmetic and logic
18. Which of the following operations is d. Central processing
considered a feature of a biometric
system? 27. Which input device is MOST likely used
a. Matching fingerprints to control the lighting in the room?
b. Detecting irregular heartbeats a. Sensor
c. Diagnosing medical symptoms b. Remote
d. Helping to lubricate skeletal joints c. Scanner
d. Keyboard
19. Which of the following input devices is
commonly used in supermarkets to 28. Which of the following lists is arranged
retrieve the price of an item? starting from BEST to WORST print
a. Bar Code Reader (BCR) quality?
b. Optical Mark Reader (OMR) a. Laser, dot matrix, inkjet
c. Magnetic Ink Chara (MICR) b. Inkjet, dot-matrix, laser
d. Optical Character Reader (OCR) c. Laser, inkjet, dot-matrix
d. Dot-matrix, ink jet, laser
20. Which of the following chips can be
erased and reprogrammed repeatedly? 29. The intersection of a row and a column
a. EPROM in a spreadsheet is called a
b. PROM a. Cell
c. ROM b. Label
d. RAM c. Range
d. Value
21. Which of the following computer
devices communicates information to 30. Which of the following features can be
the user? used in a spreadsheet to copy the result
a. Input across multiple rows in a single column?
b. Output a. Cell
c. Storage b. Label
d. Processing c. Cursor
d. Function
22. Concentric circles on a hard disk are
referred to as 31. Which of the following are NOT
a. Buffer categorized as system software?
b. Cylinder a. Productivity tools
c. Sectors b. Operating systems
d. Tracks c. Translators
23. Sequential access is the method used to d. Utilities
retrieve data
a. In the order it was sorted
b. By going directly to it
c. From floppy disks
d. When needed

32. The following formula is located in 33. Which of the following is the default
position B6 of a spreadsheet. justification of numbers in spreadsheets?
a. Left
= B3 + B4 + $B$5 b. Full
c. Centred
What would be the resulting formula if d. Right
the initial formula was copied to the
position located immediately on the left? 34. Which spreadsheet function finds and
a. C3 + C4 + C5 displays the HIGHEST value in a set of
b. A3 + A4 + A5 values?
c. A3 + A4 + $B$5 a. MAX
d. C3 + C4 + $B$5 b. MIN

35. Which of the following types of

computers would process information at
the fastest rate?
a. Embedded
b. Supercomputer
c. Main frames
d. Mobile devices

Short Answer Questions
[Total 55 marks]



38. Write down the correct number of the task that corresponds to the device component in
the spaces provided.

1. Convert paper-based text to digital form
2. Marks candidates’ responses on a multiple-choice examination
3. Produces a hard copy document
4. Used for playing a car racing game on the computer
5. Turns on the light when someone enters the room
6. Contains “boot up” instructions
7. Draws lines in an architectural design
8. Modulates and demodulates signals
9. Reads data containing information on a product
10. Reads digit specially printed on a cheque

Number Device/Component
___________ Sensor
___________ Joystick
___________ Pad and tablet
___________ MICR
___________ Barcode reader
___________ Modem
___________ OCR
___________ ROM
___________ Printer
___________ OMR

[Total 10 marks]



a. Identify ONE input OR output device that is useful for EACH of the following situations.
i. Used by the visually impaired
[1 mark]
ii. To fly a simulation program
[1 mark]
iii. To produce an electronic signature
[1 mark]
i. The diagram below represents a storage device. Draw and label a sector and a track on
the diagram. [4 marks]

ii. State ONE secondary storage device that uses sectors and tracks to store data and
[1 mark]

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