10 Economics
10 Economics
10 Economics
Prelims 2018– 19
Question No 1 [5 × 2 = 10]
(b) Distinguish between physical labour and mental labour. Give one example of each.
(e) Distinguish between redeemable public debt and irredeemable public debt.
Question No 2 [5 × 2 = 10]
(a) An individual purchases a commodity from a distant market and sells it to another
market. Do you consider this activity as production? Justify your answer.
(e) What is CRR? How does it determine the total amount of credit creation in the
Question No 3 [5 × 2 = 10]
(a) Mention two ways in which land differs from other factors of production.
Question No 4 [5 × 2 = 10]
(b) Give two reasons why mobility of labour has increased in recent times.
(d) For the following list of goods state whether the demand is elastic or inelastic.
Give reasons for your answer.
(i) bicycle (ii) match boxes (iii) rice in West Bengal (iv) Rolex watches
(e) Government allows a subsidy to a seller of a product. Show its impact on the supply
curve of the product.
Question No 5 [5 + 5]
(a) What is meant by productivity of land? Explain any four factors that affect the
productivity of land.
(b) Price of a product and its quantity demanded move in opposite directions. Give
three reasons to support this statement.
Question No 6 [5 + 5]
Question No 7 [5 + 5]
(a) Mention five different ways in which an entrepreneur can promote the economic
development of a country.
(b) Discuss any five rights of a consumer as stated in the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Question No 8 [5 + 5]
(b) What is meant by increase in demand? Discuss any four factors affecting price
elasticity of demand.
Question No 9 [5 + 5]
(a) Discuss five major contributions of capital in the modern system of production.
Question No 10 [5 + 5]
(a) Explain the positive impacts of division of labour on the production structure of a
modern economy.
(b) What is meant by quantitative credit control? Describe two quantitative credit
control measures of the central bank.