PDF Rich’s Vascular Trauma Todd E. Rasmussen download
PDF Rich’s Vascular Trauma Todd E. Rasmussen download
PDF Rich’s Vascular Trauma Todd E. Rasmussen download
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vi List of Contributors
Timothy K. Williams, MD
Rebecca Joy Ur, MD Associate Professor
Vascular Surgery Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular Institute of the Rockies Wake Forest Baptist Health
Denver, Colorado Winston-Salem, NC, United States
x List of Contributors
One day, this comprehensive, up to date, and carefully The features that make this work essential for vascular
refreshed (see Preface) account of the management of vas- specialists also secure its particular interest for medical
cular trauma in the second decade of the 21st century will historians. It pays respectful attention to the practices of
move from the shelves of volumes that constitute the medi- the past that would eventually coalesce into the discipline
cal school curricula around the world to the quieter library of vascular surgery and the formal management of vascu-
stacks of medical history. The emerging hot topics explored lar injury. The historical review picks up the first signs of
on its pages will have been resolved and incorporated into the integration of military and civilian medical practice
the clinical mainstream. The innovations and new assess- in vascular repair to show that it is a fascinating constant
ments described in each of its chapters will have become of vascular surgery that alliances forged by military med-
common practice, and the evolving systems will have ics in times of war were consolidated in peace. Despite the
been consolidated and implemented as standard. The calls unprecedented scale and pace of military casualty, lessons
for new management strategies to fill the gaps in current from field surgery were learned, transmitted, and applied
capabilities will have been answered. Vascular surgery, the consistently in civilian practice. Within the medical sector,
youngest of the 10 surgical specialties, will have grown into it is rare to see progress maintained and stabilized across
all its potential. periods of transition. A key consequence of this extraor-
Rich’s Vascular Trauma, in this current and three pre- dinary success is that both clinician and patient expecta-
vious editions, provides the textual infrastructure that tions of survivability were revised significantly, and remain
has enabled this remarkable disciplinary growth. When, undiminished. This work provides evidence and exemplar
eventually, it is replaced by successor volumes, its value of disciplinary progress and good historical practice, as well
will be transformed. Its contents will assume a different as a crucial reminder that there are responsibilities to be
responsibility: that of providing a definitive historical respected when the stakes of survival are renegotiated.
record of the creation of vascular surgery in the modern One element will never change no matter the century
era. Each revised edition contributes to the challenging or the mechanism of vascular injury. Survivors, whether
task of focused and sustained tracking of an intricate, unexpected or anticipated, will seek to understand the
highly technical surgical specialty that has developed process by which their lives were secured. This is a useful
at extraordinary speed. Additionally, this fourth edition dimension of the work that we suggest might receive addi-
contributes a truly international dimension, drawing on tional consideration. Rich’s Vascular Trauma is a resource
testimony and evidence from vascular specialists with that enables professional development, historical reflection,
regional and national specificities in their provision that and, above all, answers to that most important and compli-
has contributed to the global development of the disci- cated question asked by the patient from their life beyond
pline and its community of practice. survival: “what happened to me?”
* Emily Mayhew is Historian in Residence in the Centre for Blast Injury Studies, Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London. She is the author of
Wounded: From Battlefield to Blighty, 1914-1918 published by Vintage and The Four Horsemen: War, Pestilence, Famine and Death and the Hope of a New Age,
published by Riverrun.
** Harry Parker is a writer and artist and lives in London. He joined the British Army when he was 23 and served in Iraq in 2007 and Afghanistan in 2009 as a
Captain in 4th Battalion The Rifles. His debut novel, Anatomy of a Soldier is published by Faber and Faber.
Preface to the Fourth Edition of
Rich’s Vascular Trauma
The first two decades of the 21st century saw the military surgical readiness, with the cost of that inertia shored up
surgical communities of the United States of America, the and eventually born by those injured in wars of the future.
United Kingdom, and other allied counties respond with More than ever, we are convinced that the answer to this
determination and innovation to the challenges faced by conundrum lies in purposeful collaboration and shared
those caring for patients with life-and-limb threatening endeavors across all stakeholders charged with the respon-
vascular trauma. Air superiority during the Afghanistan sibility of surgical care: civilian and military surgical com-
and Iraq Wars, combined with sophisticated field and en- munities, trauma and vascular surgeons, prehospital and
route treatment protocols, allowed rapid evacuation of in-hospital specialists, global health, humanitarian and
the injured to definitive surgical centers within the the- military providers, and across international borders.
ater of war. Stabilized patients were repatriated rapidly to We are delighted to see that, in the Fourth Edition, the
military hospitals back home, half-way around the world Editors have again assembled contributions from an array
from their original point of injury. Deployed teams cared of talented practitioners and leaders who have wedded
for patients who, in previous conflicts, may never have state-of-the-art technical insight to hard-won wisdom,
reached surgical care alive. Killed-in-action and case- divined from a range of practice settings: an approach
fatality rates decreased as clinical experience and new which sees the Fourth Edition endorsed and adopted by
systems of care and innovative approaches and products the Society for Vascular Surgery. Todd Rasmussen of the
were applied. United States Air Force and Uniformed Service University
Implementing a process that the National Academy of has been an effective leader, role model, and respected
Medicine referred to as focused empiricism, military surgeons mentor in all of this experience, forging an effective part-
managed a once-in-a-generation burden of vascular injury nership with his counterpart Nigel Tai of the British Army
within a new and evolving global trauma system.1 Newly and UK Defence Medical Services—a partnership borne
designed tourniquets, balanced transfusion of blood prod- out of the recent wars that has now served two Editions
ucts, damage control surgery, including the use of tempo- of this textbook.
rary vascular shunts, and selective venous and tibial artery These two Editors continue the important work of
repair were among the approaches that became standard forerunners Frank Spencer, Ken Mattox, and Asher
during the wars. For the first time a closed, negative pres- Hirschberg, whose foundational Editorship proved to be
sure wound dressing technology was used to control soft the shoulders upon which subsequent editions rest. The
tissue injuries associated with vascular trauma and endo- work of the contributors within these pages consolidates
vascular devices were applied to select injury patterns in and continues the themes and perspectives that Michael
frontline surgical hospitals. E. DeBakey, Carl W. Hughes, and others took from their
Unable to perform traditional randomized, controlled respective service in World War II, the Korean Conflict,
research on these approaches, surgeons relied on registry- and Vietnam, and that Colonels Todd Rasmussen3 and
based study and international collaboration to develop Nigel Tai took from theirs.
real-world evidence that was applied within a system Finally, with the publication of this Fourth Edition we
of data-driven performance improvement. Throughout would like to acknowledge our friend and military surgical
this period, military techniques and protocols for vascu- colleague Surgeon Vice-Admiral Alasdair Walker CB OBE
lar trauma were scrutinized, adjusted based on the best QHS FRCS, who died in 2019. Admiral Walker completed
available evidence, and shared with civilian surgeons, as his surgical research fellowship at the Uniformed Services
part of the constructive exchange of breakthroughs that University and was a key mentor and contributor to the
accompanies the unearthing of fresh knowledge in either Third Edition of this textbook. As Surgeon General to
setting.1 the UK Armed Forces, Admiral Walker worked tirelessly to
The challenge now is to preserve and sustain the progress mitigate the insidious effects of the phenomenon that he
in vascular trauma care made since the beginning of this defined (The Walker Dip). Admiral Walker was a lion of
century; progress that the Third Edition of Rich’s Vascular military surgery who had immense character and unri-
Trauma did much to capture when it was published in valed experience in a career spanning the 1982 War in
2015, toward the closure of the Iraq and Afghanistan the South Atlantic to the 2009 fighting season in Hel-
Wars. Six years on, this carefully refreshed Fourth Edition is mand Province, Afghanistan. Despite daunting bona fides
a commendable addition to the toolbox required to address and ascension to the highest levels of military leadership,
that ever-urgent task of avoiding the so-called Walker Dip2; Admiral Walker was unpretentious in conversation, reas-
where peacetime or inter-war periods see atrophy of military suring in mentorship, and ever the advocate for the next
Preface to the Fourth Edition of Rich’s Vascular Trauma xiii
Alasdair Walker qualified from the University of Glasgow in 1979. He deployed to the South Atlantic during the Falklands
War in 1982 and led Commando Forward Surgical Goup 2 during the Iraq War in 2003. He was Senior Surgeon in the
Role 3 Hospital at Camp Bastion in 2009. Subsequent appointments included Medical Director (2009), Director of Medical
Policy and Operational Capability for the Surgeon General (2011), Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff for Health (2014),
Medical Director General (Navy), and Surgeon General in 2015. He retired from the Royal Navy in May 2019 as Surgeon
The portrait above was taken during his time as International Scholar in the Department of Surgery at Uniformed Ser-
vices University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, United States in 1992.
Exploring the Variety of Random
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»Minä sen tein. Pyhä isä ei kertonut enempää kuin oli
välttämätöntä hänen omantuntonsa rauhoittamiseksi ja rikoksen
estämiseksi. Oma kielenne teki loput, tyttäreni.»
Roma ei vastannut.
»Jos te, onnetonta kyllä, ette voi uskoa muuta kuin että miehenne
on sekaantunut vaarallisiin hankkeisiin, ettekö voi estää häntä
»Mutta jos hän rakastaa teitä, lapseni, eikö hän tahtoisi teidän
tähtenne välttää vaaraa?»
»Minä en tiedä, missä hän on, enkä voisi löytää häntä. Kirjeessään
hän sanoo, että on parempi, etten tiedä hänestä.»
»Tekö noin sanotte, lapseni — te, joka olette uhrannut niin paljon
jo? Eikö korkein rakkaus ensin ajattele rakastetun onnea ja viimeksi
»Ei, ei, hän ei koskaan anna sitä anteeksi — tiedän sen vallan
hyvin. Hän ei ymmärrä, että mieluummin olisin kuollut kuin sen
tekijä. Mutta minä tiedän, että teen sen hänen parhaakseen.»
»Sen tiedätte.»
Roma tyyntyi vähän ajan kuluttua, ja isä Pifferi alkoi miettiä heidän
menoaan oikeussaliin. Hän oli noutava Roman kello 10.
»Kertokaa, lapseni.»
»Jatkakaa tyttäreni.»
»Mieheni nimi…»
»Ei ole Rossi, teidän pyhyytenne. Sen nimen hän otti palatessaan
Italiaan, sillä hänen oma nimensä, jota hän oli käyttänyt ulkomailla,
oli joutunut epäluulon alaiseksi.»
»Isäni oli suuttunut pojan isään, sen muistan, ja jos hän siihen
aikaan olisi tiennyt, mistä löytäisi tuon isän, olisi hän syyttänyt häntä
ja antanut hänet poliisin käsiin.»
»Teidän pyhyytenne?»
»Me emme olisi voineet menetellä toisin, eikö niin, isä Pifferi? Jos
otamme kaikki asianhaarat lukuun, emme olisi voineet tehdä toisin.»
»Ei. Katsokaa!» sanoi paavi ja nosti ylös pienen pesän joka oli
täynnä höyhenten jäännöksiä.
»Niin olen.»
»Niin oli.»
»Tiedättekö, että isänne, ikävä kyllä, oli sekaantunut valtiollisiin
»Niin oli.»
»Niin olen.»
»Ja että se oli hänen äitinsä nimi, ja vaikka se lain mukaan oli
hänenkin nimensä, ei hän ollut sitä nimeä käyttänyt ennenkuin
tultuaan tänne Roomaan?»
Kuinka pitkä aika tuosta tuntui kuluneen! Ja mitä muuta sitten oli
tapahtunut? Kymmenen vuotta vangittuna samassa talossa
pääsemättä koskaan kauemmaksi kuin tuon pienen maatilkun rajalle,
näkemättä koskaan muiden kasvoja kuin niiden, jotka polvistuivat
hänen jalkainsa juuressa, kuulematta koskaan muita ääniä kuin
niiden, jotka ylistivät häntä Kaikkivaltiaan edustajana! Mutta siitä
huolimatta hän oli tuntenut ainoastaan yhden päämäärän, ajatellut
yhtä ainoata ajatusta, hautonut yhtä ainoata toivoa, yhtä ainoata
unelmaa — maallisen vallan saavuttamista, kirkon valtaa koko
maailman yli, evankeliumin kulta-aikaa, jolloin Kristus itse
edustajansa persoonassa oli hallitseva kansaansa, jolloin Ikuinen
Kaupunki annettaisiin laillisen kuninkaansa haltuun, jolloin Pietarin
pyhä miekka perustaisi hengellisen ja maallisen hallituksen ja
rakentaisi sen Jumalan valtakunnan, joka oli leviävä yli kaikkien
valtakuntien maan päällä! Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus
Paavi laski pois kirjan ja sammutti valon. Sitten hän rukoili ja lauloi
»Kiitos Jumalan!»
Paavi kosketti taas ristiä ja kysyi: »Kuka hän on, isä Pifferi?»
Kapusiinilainen ei vastannut.
Paavi nyökkäsi.
»Pyhä isä, jos… jos olisitte tiennyt, että hän oli jotakin muuta…
jotakin lähempää… esimerkiksi… jonkun papin sukulainen, olisitteko
vaatinut hänen syyttämistään kumminkin?»
»Pyhä isä», sanoi kapusiinilainen, »jos teille olisi sanottu, että hän
on sukua teidän omaan ympäristöönne kuuluvalle papille…»
»Pyhä isä, jos… jos teille olisi kerrottu… että hän oli kardinaalin