History of Emergency Medical Services
History of Emergency Medical Services
History of Emergency Medical Services
1500 B.C. - The development of EMS has been based on tradition and, to some extent, on scientific knowledge.
Its roots are deep in history. For example, the Good Samaritan bound the injured travelers wounds with oil and
wine at the side of the road, and evidence of treatment protocols exist.
1797 - Although the Romans and Greeks used chariots to remove injured soldiers from the battlefield, most
credit Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, chief physician in Napoleons army, with institution of the first
prehospital system designed to triage and transport the injured from the field to aid stations.
1860s - Flying ambulances (dressing stations) were made to effect transport, and protocols dictated much of
the treatment. In the United States, organized field care and transport of the injured began after the first year of
the Civil War, when neglect of the wounded had been abysmal.
1865 & 1869 - Civilian ambulance services in the United States began in Cincinnati and New York City,
respectively. Hospital interns rode in horse drawn carriages designed specifically for transporting the sick and
1922 - The first volunteer rescue squads organized in Roanoke, Virginia, and along the New Jersey coast.
Gradually, especially during and after World War II, hospitals and physicians faded from prehospital practice,
yielding in urban areas to centrally coordinated programs. These were often controlled by the municipal
hospital or fire department, whose use of inhalators was met with widespread public acceptance.
Sporadically, funeral home hearses, which had been the common mode of transport, were being replaced by fire
department, rescue squad and private ambulances.
1960s - New advances to care for the sickest patients were being made.
1732 - The first recorded use of mouth-to-mouth ventilation, involving a coal miner in Dublin.
1896 - The first major publication describing the resuscitation of near drowning victims.
1958 - That Dr. Peter Safar demonstrated mouth-to-mouth ventilation to be superior to other methods of manual
ventilation. Of note, Dr. Safar used Baltimore firefighters in his studies to perform ventilation of anesthetized
surgical residents.
1960 - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was shown to be efficacious. Shortly thereafter, model EMS
programs were developed based on successes in Belfast, where hospital-based mobile coronary care unit
ambulances were being used to treat prehospital cardiac patients. American systems relied on fire department
personnel trained in the techniques of cardiac resuscitation. These new modernized EMS systems spurred
success stories from cities such as Columbus, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Miami.
Military conflicts have provided the impetus for many of the innovations for treating and transporting injured
people. Among the most obvious of these is the use of aircraft for medical transport.
1915 - The first known air medical transport occurred during the retreat of the Serbian army from Albania. An
unmodified French fighter aircraft was used.
WWI - Mortality was linked to the time required to get to a dressing station. Additionally, application of a
splint devised by Sir Hugh Owen-Thomas resulted in a reduction of mortality due to femur fractures from 80%
to 20%.
Korea/Vietnam - The use of rotary wing aircraft for rapid evacuation of casualties from the field to treatment
areas was demonstrated during later conflicts, especially in Korea and Vietnam.
Pilot programs to determine the efficacy of providing physician-staffed ambulances for care at the site of
injury and during transportation;
Initiation of pilot programs to evaluate automotive and helicopter ambulance services in sparsely
populated areas and in regions where many communities lack hospital facilities adequate to care for
seriously injured persons;
Delineation of radio frequency channels and of equipment suitable to provide voice communication
between ambulances, emergency department, and other health-related agencies at the community,
regional, and national levels;
Pilot studies across the nation for evaluation of models of radio and telephone installations to ensure
effectiveness of communication facilities;
Day to day use of voice communication facilities by the agencies serving emergency medical needs; and
Active exploration of the feasibility of designating a single nationwide telephone number to summon an
ambulance.In the same year, the Highway Safety Act of 1966 which established the Department of Transportation (DOT)
was passed. The DOT was given authority to improve EMS, including program implementation and
development of standards for provider training. States were required to develop regional EMS systems, and
costs of these systems were funded by the Highway Safety Program. Over the next 12 years the DOT
contributed more than $142 million for EMS system development.
The Highway Safety Act of 1966 included funds to create an appropriate training course for emergency care
providers, as recommended in Accidental Death and Disability:
1969 - The Neglected Disease , and the first nationally recognized EMT-A curriculum was published. Shortly
thereafter paramedic education began, but training focused heavily on cardiac care and cardiac arrest
resuscitation, almost to the exclusion of other problems. Although national curricula have been developed and
revised, training standards and certification requirements have continued to vary significantly in communities
throughout the nation.
1972 - The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare allocated $16 million to EMS demonstration
programs in five states. Funds were used to develop regional EMS systems.
1973 - The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation appropriated $15 million to fund 44 EMS projects in 32 states
and Puerto Rico.
Title XII to the Public Health Service Act, The Emergency Medical Services Systems Act of 1973 , provided
additional federal guidelines and funding for the development of regional EMS systems.33 In total, more than
$300 million were appropriated for EMS feasibility studies and planning, operations, expansion and
improvement, and research.
1978 - States had identified 304 EMS regions. The law established that there should be 15 components of the
EMS systems. They are commonly referred to as:
Critical care units
Public safety agencies
Consumer participation
Access to care
Patient transfer
Coordinated patient record keeping
Public information and education
Review and evaluation
Disaster plan
Mutual aid
1981 - Funding under the EMS Systems Act essentially ended with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1981 , which consolidated EMS funding into state preventive health and health services block grants. Thus,
states gained greater discretion in funding statewide EMS activities and regional EMS systems, and many of the
regional EMS management entities established by federal funding quickly dissolved. Others continued,
becoming more the part of technical assistants and enablers while seeking improved EMS quality.
1972 - The development of emergency medicine as a medical specialty has paralleled that of EMS. The first
residency program to train new physicians exclusively for the practice of emergency medicine was established
at the University of Cincinnati.
1975 - There were 32 such programs, and there are currently 112 accredited emergency medicine residency
programs graduating in excess of 800 emergency medicine physicians each year. Since the late 1970s, pediatric
emergency medicine fellowships have provided physicians with specialized training in the management of
childhood emergencies. Pediatric emergency medicine became officially recognized as a subspecialty of
pediatrics and emergency medicine in 1992. To varying degrees, emergency physicians in training are exposed
to the principles and practices of providing medical direction for EMS systems, and the Society of Academic
Emergency Medicine has published a model EMS education curriculum for physicians. Although emergency
physicians often fulfill the medical direction needs of EMS systems, other groups of physicians continue to
significantly and positively influence EMS. They include pediatricians, cardiologists, surgeons, intensivists,
family practitioners, and others.
Efforts to improve EMS care for specific groups of patients have included development and successful
implementation of standardized courses as components of EMS curricula or to supplement personnel education
in focused areas. These include cardiac, pediatric, and trauma life support courses.
The American Heart Association, through adoption and promotion of the Chain of Survival concept, has
provided leadership to improve emergency cardiac care. It continues to explore ways to increase survival from
cardiac emergencies.
1984 - Federal legislation established the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMS-C) program, as
issues relating to childrens emergency care required attention. Emergency Medical Services for Children
projects have represented the largest federal funding outlay for EMS development since consolidation of funds
in block grants. During the first 10 years of the EMS-C program, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau
(MCHB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded projects in 40 states, Puerto
Rico, and the District of Columbia. Project efforts have involved systems development, injury prevention,
research and evaluation, improved training and education, and other aspects of EMS. The results have been
EMS improvements benefitting not only children, but the entire population. The program commissioned the
1993 Institute of Medicine Report, Emergency Medical Services for Children which pointed out continuing
deficiencies in our health care systems abilities to address the emergency medical needs of pediatric patients.
It noted that in 1988, 21,000 people under the age of 20 died from injuries; thousands more were hospitalized
and millions more were treated in emergency departments. The report indicated that although EMS systems
and emergency departments are widely assumed to be equally capable of caring for children and adults, this is
not always the case. For too many children important resources were not available when needed. The EMS-C
program continues to work to ensure that pediatric issues are better integrated into the EMS system.
1985 - the National Research Councils Injury in America: A Continuing Public Health Problem described
deficiencies in the progress of addressing the problem of accidental death and disability. Development of
trauma care systems became a renewed focus of attention with passage of the Trauma Care Systems Planning
and Development Act of 1990. HRSA Division of Trauma and EMS (DTEMS) was created to administer this
legislation, which supported the concept of a trauma system that addresses the needs of all injured patients and
matches them to available resources. The act encouraged the establishment of inclusive trauma systems and
called for the development of a model trauma care system plan, which was completed in 1992. More inclusive
trauma care better serves the populations needs. Local EMS authorities assumed responsibility for establishing
trauma systems and designating trauma centers in an effort to improve care for trauma victims. However, one
survey concluded that by 1993 only five states met criteria for having a complete trauma system. Although
interest in developing inclusive trauma care systems remains, DTEMS was disbanded in 1995.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration implemented a statewide EMS technical assessment
program in 1988. During assessments, statewide EMS systems are evaluated based on 10 essential components.
They are:
Regulation and policy
Resource management
Human resources and training
Public information and education
Medical direction
Trauma systems
1971 - It is impossible to overestimate the influence of the media on the evolution of EMS. The television
program Emergency caught the attention of the country it was visionary in itself. The program suggested
to the public that paramedics existed everywhere. In reality, they did not. Additionally, it portrayed
paramedics as frequent lifesavers when they were part of an integrated EMS system. In reality, they did save
lives, though not as readily. The vision continues in current programs such as Rescue 911, where all callers
dial 911 for help and all calls are answered by personnel able to provide lifesaving instructions over the
telephone. In fact, much of the country cannot access EMS help by calling 911 and pre-arrival instructions
are not uniformly provided. As in the 1970s, the media continues to create public interest and effect perception
and expectations regarding EMS. Responses to the publics expectations may secondarily prompt EMS system
changes. However, the value of the medias effect is uncertain. While the media might hasten change, we
cannot be certain that the changes created are those that would have been chosen had the impetus been
1968 - St. Vincent's Hospital in New York City started this nation's first mobile coronary care unit. The
program at first used physicians, then paramedics.
The American Telephone and Telegraph starts to reserve the digits 9-1-1 for emergency use.
In Virginia, The Virginia Ambulance Law is passed and establishes the state's authority to regulate ambulances,
verify first aid training, and issues permits.
1969 - The Miami,FL Fire Department started the nation's first paramedic program under Dr. Eugene Nagel.
The very first out-of-hospital defibrillation occurred shortly thereafter (the patient survived and left the hospital
neurologically intact).
In Seattle, Dr. Leonard Cobb at Harbor View Medical Center teams up with the Seattle Fire Department and
creates Medic I. Medic I is a Winnebago, (called "Mobi Pig" by the firefighters manning it), based at the
hospital and is dispatched only on cardiac related calls.
1970 - The Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad in Charlottesville, VA starts the nation's first volunteer
paramedic program under Dr. Richard Crampton. One of their first patients was President Lyndon Johnson,
who suffered a heart attack while visiting his son-in-law Chuck Robb at UVA.
1971 - The television show Emergency! debuted. Emergency contributed to changed public attitudes
concerning the fire service and emergency medical care. At the start of the show, there were only 12 medic
units in the entire country. Four years later at least 50% of the population of this country was within 10 minutes
of a medic unit.
1972 - The Department of Transportation and Department of Defense team up to form a helicopter evacuation
In Seattle, Medic II is instituted. Medic II is a program to train 100,000 citizens in CPR.
Harbor View Medical Center starts up the nation's most intensive training program for paramedics. The course
is 5,000 hours long, compared to 3,600 hours a medical student endures to become a doctor!
1973 - St. Anthony's Hospital in Denver starts the nation's first civilian aeromedical transport service. (The
program was called "Flight for Life").
The Star of Life is published by the DOT.
The EMS Systems Act (public law 93-144) is passed by Congress, which funds 300 regional EMS systems.
1974 - A Federal report discloses that less than half of the nation's ambulance personnel had completed the
Department of Transportation 81-hour basic training course or its equivalent.
1975 - The American Medical Association recognizes emergency medicine as a specialty.
The University of Pittsburgh & Nancy Caroline MD, is awarded a contract to develop the first nationwide
paramedic training course.
The National Association of EMT's is formed.
1977 - The National Council of EMS Educators is formed.
1978 - Phoenix Fire Department implements paramedic engine companies.
1979 - The Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) starts publication.
The American Ambulance Association is formed.
1980 - The National Registry of EMT's published its first national standard exam for EMT-Intermediate.
1981 - Direct funding of EMS systems by the Federal Government is replaced by block grants.
A study shows that 73 percent of all American fire departments, career and volunteer, are involved in some
level of EMS service.
In Salt Lake City, Jeff Lawson, MD, comes out with an emergency medical dispatcher program and priority
Nationwide, the medical community first recognizes AIDS.
1983 - Jack Stout starts systems status management in Denver.
"One for Life" law is passed in Virginia. This law assesses one dollar from each motor vehicle license and
replaces all other state funding for emergency medical services. This provides funds to each city and county in
Virginia and substantially increases support for regional EMS Councils, Rescue Squad Assistance Fund and
EMT instructors.
1985 - The National Association of EMS Physicians is formed.
1986 - The Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is passed by Congress. This affected
transfers of patients from ED to ED and prevented "dumping" (financially motivated transfers of patients).
1987 - Automatic Vehicle Locators (AVL) debuts.
1990 - The Trauma Care System Planning & Development Act is passed by Congress.
Fire Department organizations join together in a resolution to expand into EMS.
1991 - The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services sets standards and benchmarks for
ambulances services to obtain.
1992 - American Medical Response starts to sell stock on the NYSE and starts a nationwide consolidation of
the private ambulance industry.
A public opinion survey conducted for the American College of Emergency Physicians found that nearly half of
adult Americans could not identify 9-1-1 as the emergency number, or confused it with 4-1-1, the directory
assistance number.
1993 - It is proposed that EMT-P's assume an expanded role in primary care of non-emergent patients by
learning expanded skills.
1995 - Los Angeles City Fire Department institutes EMT Assessment & Paramedic Engine companies.
1996 - New York City EMS is absorbed by FDNY.
1997 - San Francisco and Chicago institute paramedic engine companies.
Information on the progression of EMS was obtained from the following sources:
Emergency Medical Services - 2nd Edition (1978) by James O. Page
Making a Difference - The History of Modern EMS (1997) by James O. Page
The Paramedics (1979) by James O. Page
15 Years of Paramedic Engines (1993) by Gary Morris