4 1-2in OK-6 Kickover Tool 13301-000-01000

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OK-6 Kickover Tool
Pt. No.13301-
000 -01000


Fill Box
The following supplemental manuals are optional
for complete documentation of this product:

• SM-001 Handling & Storage Practices

For copies of these manuals, contact your local

Schlumberger representative.

© Copyright 2001 Schlumberger, Unpublished Work. All rights reserved.

This work contains the confidential and proprietary trade secrets of Schlumberger and may not be copied or stored in an
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Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002


The OK-6 Kickover Tool is used to install and retrieve 1" O.D. slickline devices in
KBMG, KBG and KBMM series side pocket mandrels. The OK-6 Kickover Tool is
lowered into the well using standard slickline methods until the tool is below the
selected mandrel. As the tool string is raised through the tubing, the Locating Finger
of the Kickover Tool contacts the stop in the orienting sleeve, in the mandrel, and the
Kick Spring pivots the lower section of the Kickover Tool, the pulling or running tool,
and the valve into position. The orienting sleeve in the mandrel provides positive
installation and retrieval of the slickline device by the Kickover Tool. Once the
slickline device is installed or retrieved, a Shear Pin, between the Finger Housing and
Release Plunger assembly, is sheared, allowing the Locating Finger to move into the
Finger Housing. The Kickover Tool is then free to pass through all mandrels above
the one in which the slickline operation was performed.

Features and Benefits

• Specially hardened material for durability.

• Rugged, field-proven design.
• Industry standard top connection and fishing neck.
• Available in premium alloys.

Test Text

Operating Manual 1
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

1.0 Engineering Data

Dimensional and Engineering Data Secondary Accessories and Data

Maximum O.D. (w/o Centralizer) 3.723 in Repair Kit 13301-REP
Maximum O.D. (w/ Centralizer) 3.510 in
Overall Length (w/o Catcher) 71.875 in
Overall Length (w/ Catcher) 71.773 in
Fishing Neck Size 1.375 in
Thread - Connecting 15/16” - 10 UNS-3

Operating Manual 2
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

2.0 Bill of Materials

Item Piece Part # Qty Description

1 15904-004-01000 2 BUTTON HEAD SOCKET SCREW
2 15904-003-06000 2 CENTRALIZING SPRING F/2875 OK-5 KOT
3 3 13301-001-01000 1 FISHING NECK F/4500 OK-6 KO TL
4 4 13301-003-01000 1 FINGER CAGE F/4500 OK-6 KO TL
5 5 15905-004-01000 1 LOCATING FINGER
6 15289-013-06000 2 LEAF SPRING
A A 7 40002-053-03000 2 SLOTTED PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREW, 8-32 X 1/4"
8 9 15298-011-01000 1 PIN, 0.250 X 1.250
9 10 15907-003-01000 1 FINGER HOUSING F/4500 OK-5 KOT
10 11 15227-003-01000 1 PIN, 0.187 X 2.125
11 12 50337-029-01000 1 HEXAGON SOCKET SET SCREW, FLAT POINT
24.687" 12 13 15156-004-06000 1 COMPRESSION SPRING
13 14 15905-005-01000 1 RELEASE PLUNGER
14 15 15905-006-01000 1 LOCK RING
15 16 15247-020-01000 1 HEXAGON SOCKET SET SCREW
31 16 17 15906-005-03000 1 UPPER ARM PIN F/4000 OK-5 KOT
20 17 18 15903-005-01000 1 UPPER ARM ADAPTER
23 18 19 02004-003-04700 1 BALL
19 20 15903-015-05000 1 UPPER DETENT SLEEVE
22 21 15308-008-01000 1 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1/4 LG.
22 15903-016-06000 1 DETENT SPRING
23 15255-015-06000 3 KICK SPRING
24 15903-006-03000 1 ARM
25 15255-B00-06000 1 LOWER DETENT PLUNGER
27 26 15289-007-01000 1 ARM PIN
27 15903-007-01000 1 LOWER ADAPTER
28 15906-A00-01000 1 HOUSING SUB ASSY 4000 OK-5 KOT
29 15905-008-01000 1 NOSE
30 13301-002-01000 1 CENTRALIZER F/4500 OK-6 KO TL
31 13301-004-01000 1 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW, 1/4"-20 X




Operating Manual 3
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002
3.0 Handling and Storag
Storagee Practices

3.0 Handling and Storage Practices should be applied with a non-scarring wrench until
the components are fully made up to the specified
This section includes general guidelines for handling
assemblies and component parts for slickline
conveyed or gas lift products. More detailed 3.3 Handling & Storage - General
handling guidelines can be found in Supplemental
Inspect all tools when received. Carefully remove
Manual SM-001, “Handling, Storage & Make-Up
packaging bands from the tools. Avoid surface
Guidelines for Tubing Mounted Products”. SM-001 is
damage. During storage or transit, protect all
an optional supplement to this manual, and a
external sealing materials with plastic mesh or other
required supplement to manuals for products that
suitable material to reduce the risk of damage to the
are tubing mounted.
packing seals.
These general guidelines are not intended to
All communication ports (either open holes or a
override common sense or successful proven
control line connection) should be covered or
procedures and practices.
protected using corks, plugs, or threaded caps as
3.1 Thread Protection During Transit may be appropriate.
When transporting threaded products, protect the For storage of gas lift product seats, Schlumberger
threads from physical dents, dings, gouges, and recommends the installation of corks to protect the
environmental or corrosive damage with sealed seating edges. These corks should remain in place
thread protectors or other suitable methods. Threads until the product is assembled. If protective corks are
on components must have adequate protection not available, place a maximum of 10 seats face to
when transported. If parts are to be stored for face in plastic mesh and close the ends.
extended periods of time, or if the parts are to be
Store all tools in a closed, dry, temperature-
moved out of the primary assembly area, rust
controlled environment. Store tools vertically. All
protection and thread protection must be applied.
tools direct from the factory will be painted where
3.2 Thread Make-
Make-up and Torque applicable and corrosion inhibiting fluids will have
been applied. Any equipment returned from the field
During make-up and torque, the jaws (or other
and repaired or redressed must be prepared for
gripping mechanism) of either the tool providing the
storage in the same manner applied when the
torque or the tool serving as back-up should not be
product was originally supplied from the
located around the box thread or other “do not
wrench” area.
4.0 Application and Operation
Carefully examine both the box and pin for any
damage to the threads, sealing surfaces, and/or The OK-6 Kickover Tool is lowered through the tubing
coating. Some minor surface damage can be until the Kickover Tool is located below the selected
manually repaired. If necessary, consult your local mandrel. The tool string is pulled upward until the
Schlumberger representative. Locating Finger on the Kickover Tool contacts the
orienting sleeve in the top of the mandrel. The
After proper cleaning and uniform application of the
orienting sleeve rotates the Kickover Tool into the
specified thread lubricant, component parts should
proper orientation with the pocket in the mandrel.
be made up by hand as far as possible. Some
The Locating Finger shoulders against the stop in the
connections incorporate seals, such as o-rings, that
slot of the orienting sleeve. Pulling the Locating
are activated during thread makeup. When the seal
Finger upward against the stop in the sleeve forces
is engaged, an increase in the torque is required to
overcome the seal resistance. Additional torque

Operating Manual 4
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

4.0 Application and Operation

Finger Housing and the release plunger assembly to Make up the Kickover Tool onto the bottom of
move downward in relation to the Finger Cage. As the slickline tool string. It is recommended to run
the Finger Housing and the release plunger assembly a knuckle joint directly above the Kickover Tool
move downward, the Locking Set Screw in the Arm to facilitate orientation of the Kickover Tool
Adapter moves off the release plunger table. without turning the complete tool string.
Once the Locking Set Screw is no longer locked by 3. Apply Lubriplate 630-AA grease, or equivalent, to
the Release Plunger, the Kick Spring pivots the Arm both packing stacks. Lower the tool string into
Adapter, the Arm, the Lower Adapter, the running the tubing until the Kickover Tool is below the
tool and the valve into the kicked over position. The selected mandrel. Refer to well records for the
tool string is then lowered until the valve contacts approximate depth of the selected mandrel.
the pocket of the mandrel. When the valve contacts (Figure 1A- page 9)
the pocket of the mandrel, the Lower Detent Plunger
4. Raise the tool string slowly through the tubing
compresses the Detent Spring, allowing the Lower
until it stops. This indicates that the Locating
Adapter to pivot and align the valve with the pocket
Finger rotated around the orienting guide sleeve
of the mandrel. Downward jarring drives the valve
and contacted the top of the slot in the sleeve.
into the pocket. Upward jarring releases the running
tool from the valve. The tool string is then pulled 5. Put tension on the tool string until the weight
upward until the Locating Finger again contacts the indicator on the slickline unit indicates a weight
orienting sleeve. Upward jarring shears the pin approximately 150 lbs greater than the tool string
between the Finger Housing and the Release weight. The Kickover Tool will release and kick
Plunger. The Finger Housing moves downward over into position above the mandrel pocket.
relative to the Finger Cage, allowing the Locating 6. Lower the tool string slowly until a loss of weight
Finger to cam into the Finger Housing. As the is registered on the weight indicator. The weight
Kickover Tool is pulled through the orienting sleeve, loss indicates that the Kickover Tool has kicked
the Arm Adapter contacts the orienting sleeve, and located the pocket of the mandrel. (Figure
pivoting the Arm Adapter, the Arm, the Lower 1B) No loss of weight indicates that the Kickover
Adapter and the running tool back to the running Tool did not release to the kicked over position. If
position. The Kickover Tool is then pulled through the this occurs, repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and 5.
tubing. The OK-6 pulling tool operates in the same
manner during the pulling operation. 7. Jar downward until several solid blows are
experienced. The downward jarring drives the
5.0 Running Procedure valve and latch into the proper position in the
1. Verify the valve, latch, Kickover Tool and running mandrel pocket. (Figure 1C)
tool are compatible with this mandrel and each 8. After the valve and latch have been properly
other. Inspect the valve and all accessory tools installed, jar upward. The upward jarring shears
to ensure they are in proper working condition. a pin in the latch and releases the running tool
Redress if necessary. from the latch and gives the operator a positive
2. Prior to assembling the kickover tool, accessory indication that the latch and the valve are firmly
tools and valve to the slickline tool string, review locked in the pocket. The tool string can then be
supplemental manual SM-001, Handling, Storage retrieved from the well. (Figure 1D)
& Make-Up Guideline for Tubing Mounted
Products. Ensure the valve is made up wrench
tight, as per SM-001, to the latch. Make up the
running tool and valve onto the Kickover Tool.

Operating Manual 5
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

6.0 Pulling Procedure

6.0 Pulling Procedure 9. If for any reason it is not possible to pull the
valve, heavy downward jarring will shear a pin in
1. Verify the kickover tool, spacer bar (if applicable)
the pulling tool and will release the pulling tool
and pulling tool are compatible with this
from the valve. The tool string can then be
mandrel, the installed valve and each other.
withdrawn from the well.
Inspect all accessory tools to ensure they are in
proper working condition. Redress if necessary. 7.0 Required Tools
2. Make up the spacer bar (if applicable) and Qty Description
pulling tool onto the Kickover Tool. Make up the
1 Large Vise
Kickover Tool onto the bottom of the slickline
tool string. It is recommended to run a knuckle 1 Strap Wrenches of Appropriate Sizes
joint directly above the Kickover Tool to facilitate 1 Ball Peen Hammer
orientation of the Kickover Tool without turning
the complete tool string. 1 ea. Pin Punches of Appropriate Sizes

3. Lower the tool string into the tubing until the 1 Drift Pin
Kickover Tool is below the selected mandrel. 1 Spring Compressor
Refer to well records for the approximate depth
of the selected mandrel. (Figure 2A) 8.0 Recommended Supplies

4. Raise the tool string slowly through the tubing Cleaning Fluid
until it stops. This indicates that the Locating Use appropriate non-chlorinated solvents. Since
Finger rotated around the orienting guide sleeve solvents do not leave an oil film, apply thread and
and contacted the top of the slot in the sleeve. seal lubricant as specified. Wear rubber gloves
5. Put tension on the tool string until the weight when using cleaning solvents.
indicator on the slickline unit indicates a weight Seal Lubricant
of approximately 150 lbs greater than the tool
Use Dow Corning 55M grease or an equivalent
string weight. The Kickover Tool will release and
silicone o-ring lubricant designed to meet the
kick over into position above the mandrel pocket.
specifications of MIL-G-4343.
6. Lower the tool string slowly until a loss of weight
Thread Lubricant
is registered on the weight indicator. The weight
loss indicates that the Kickover Tool has kicked Do not use API-modified thread compound on coated
and located the pocket of the mandrel. (Figure threads. Use clear grease such as "BG" grease with
2B) No loss of weight indicates that the Kickover HCF, high-temperature, load-bearing (BG Products
Tool did not release to the kicked over position. If Inc., Wichita, Kansas 67211). For non-coated threads,
this occurs, repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and 5. use a lubricant such as API-modified thread
compound that has demonstrated good anti-galling
7. Jar downward lightly to secure the pulling tool to
properties. Do not use thread lubricant as a seal
the latch on the valve. (Figure 2C)
8. Jar upward. The upward jarring shears a pin in
9.0 Disassembly Procedure
the latch and releases the valve from the
mandrel. The tool string and valve can then be 1. Remove the Button Head Set Screws (1) from the
retrieved from the well. (Figure 2D) Centralizing Springs (2) and remove the
Centralizing Springs from the Finger Cage (4).

Operating Manual 6
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002
9.0 Disassembly Procedure

2. Place the Kickover Tool in a large vise; gripping 12. Remove the Detent Spring (22) from the Lower
on the lower end of the Finger Cage (4) and the Detent Plunger (25).
Locating Finger (5) is on the bottom.
13. Remove the Socket Head Cap Screw (21) from
3. Remove the Locking Set Screw (16) from the Arm the Kick Springs (23). Remove the Kick Springs
Adapter (18). from the Arm (24).
4. Insert a pin punch into the hole in the lower end 14. Using a pin punch and a ball peen hammer,
of the Arm (24) and rotate the Arm 90 degrees remove the Upper Arm Pin (17) from the Arm
from the normal operating position. Align the Adapter (18), the Arm (24) and the Finger Cage
hole in the Arm with the hole in the Lower Detent (4).
Plunger (25) and insert the end of the pin punch
15. Remove the Arm Adapter (18) and the Arm (24)
through the aligned holes. This operation
from the Finger Cage (4).
removes the spring pressure from the Lower
Adapter (27) by restraining the Lower Detent 16. Remove the T.C. Ball (19) and the Upper Detent
Plunger (25) and the Detent Spring. Sleeve (20) from the bore of the Arm.
Warning: No not allow the pin punch holding 17. Remove the Housing from the Finger Cage (4).
the Detent Spring and the Plunger to 18. Remove the Lock Ring (15) from the Finger Cage
become accidentally dislodged. This (4).
compressed spring contains enough
force to eject the Plunger at a rate 19. Rotate the Kickover Tool 180 degrees in the vise.
sufficient to cause serious injury. 20. Remove the Set Screw (12) from the Finger Cage
5. Using a pin punch and a ball peen hammer, (4).
remove the Lower Arm Pin (26) from the Lower 21. Rotate the Kickover Tool 180 degrees in the vise
Adapter (27) and the Arm (24). to allow the pieces of the sheared Shear Pin to
6. Remove the Lower Adapter (27) from the Arm fall out. A sight hole is provided 180 degrees from
(24). the pipe plug to aid in removing the shear pin
7. Position the spring compressor over the Arm (24)
and insert the Lower Arm Pin (26) through the 22. Remove the Fishing Neck (3) from the Finger
hole in the spring compressor and through the Cage (4).
one leg of the Arm. 23. Depress the Locating Finger (5) and push upward
8. Tighten the spring compressor shaft to compress until the Locating Finger is within the Finger
the Detent Spring (22) enough to allow removal Cage (4).
of the pin punch. Remove the pin punch from the 24. Remove the Finger Housing (10) and the Locating
Arm (24) and the Lower Detent Plunger (25). Finger (5) from the Finger Cage (4).
9. Loosen the spring compressor shaft until the 25. Using a pin punch and a ball peen hammer,
compression of the Detent Spring (22) is remove the Brass Shear Pin from the Finger
completely relieved. Housing (10) and the Locating Finger (5) and
10. Remove the Lower Arm Pin (26) and the spring remove the Locating Finger from the Finger
compressor. Housing.

11. Remove the Lower Detent Plunger (25) and the

Detent Spring (22) from the bore of the Arm (24).

Operating Manual 7
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002
10.0 Redress Procedure

26. Remove the Finger Springs (6) from the Locating 8. Rotate the Kickover Tool 180 degrees in the vise.
Finger (5) by removing the Screws and the Lock
9. Insert a new Shear Pin in the shear pinholes in
Washers (8).
the Finger Housing (10) and the Release Plunger
27. Remove the Release Plunger (14) and the Return (14).
Spring (13) from the Finger Cage (4).
10. Install the Set Screw (12) into the hole in the
28. Remove the Return Spring (13) from the Release Finger Cage (4).
Plunger (14).
11.0 Assembly Procedure
10.0 Redress Procedure
Prior to assembly, wash all metal parts thoroughly
Before preparing the Kickover Tool for service, with solvent and blow them dry with compressed air.
ensure that all parts are in good working order, do Use a good quality thread lubricant on all threads.
not bind or drag and operate freely.
1. Align the holes in the Finger Springs (6) with the
Caution: Shear Pins must be either free cutting holes in the Locating Finger (5). The Finger
brass (ASTM Specification B16 half Springs should curve slightly upward away from
hard) or aluminum alloy 5052 with H38 the Locating Finger. Install the Lock Washers (8)
temper. If the Shear Pins are made of and the Screws onto the Finger Springs and the
anything harder, the Kickover Tool could Locating Finger.
be damaged or the pins might not shear.
2. Insert the lower end of the Locating Finger (5)
1. Place the Kickover Tool in a large vise; gripping and Finger Spring Assembly, Finger Spring side
on the lower end of the Finger Cage (4) and the first, into the slot in the Finger Housing (10). Align
Locating Finger (5) is on the bottom. the shear pinholes in the Locating Finger (5) and
the Finger Housing (10) and install the Brass
2. Back out the Locking Set Screw (16) about five
Shear Pin into the holes.
turns to allow positioning the Release Plunger
(14) table under the Locking Set Screw. 3. Insert the upper end of the Release Plunger (14)
into the lower end of the Finger Housing (10) and
3. Using a pin punch inserted into the hole in the
orient the table of the Release Plunger 180
Finger Cage (4) move the table of the Release
degrees from the Locating Finger. Align the
Plunger (14) under the Locking Set Screw (12).
shear pinholes in the Release Plunger and the
4. Pivot the Arm (24) and the Lower Adapter (27) Finger Housing and install the Shear Pin into the
down into the Housing and hold firmly. Tighten holes.
the Locking Set Screw (16) into the Arm Adapter
4. Slide the Return Spring (13) over the Release
(18) until it firmly contacts the table on the end of
Plunger (14).
the Release Plunger (14).
5. Depress the Locating Finger (5) and the insert
5. Rotate the Kickover Tool 180 degrees in the vise.
the Locating Finger, Finger Housing and release
6. Remove the Set Screw (12) from the Finger Cage plunger assembly, Release Plunger first, into the
(4). box threaded end of the Finger Cage (4) so the
7. Rotate the Kickover Tool 180 degrees in the vise Locating Finger extends through the finger slot in
to allow the pieces of the sheared Shear Pin to the Finger Cage.
fall out. A sight hole is provided 180 degrees from 6. Place the Finger Cage 4) in a large vise, gripping
the Set Screw to aid in aligning and remove the on the lower end of the Finger Cage with the
Shear Pin. Locating Finger (5) on the top.

Operating Manual 8
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

11.0 Assembly Procedure

7. Install the Set Screw (12) into the threaded hole 17. Remove the pin punch from the Arm (24) and the
in the Finger Cage (4). Tighten the screw flush Lower Detent Plunger (25).
with the O.D. of the Finger Cage.
18. Install and tighten the Locking Set Screw (16)
8. Install the Fishing Neck (3) in the upper end of into the Arm Adapter (18) until it firmly contacts
the Finger Cage (4). the table on the end of the Release Plunger (14).
9. Rotate the Kickover Tool 180 degrees in the vise. 19. Align the holes in the Centralizing Springs (2)
with the holes in the upper end of the Finger
10. Install the Lock Ring (15) onto the lower end of
Cage (4) and install the Button Head Set Screws
the Finger Cage (4).
11. Install the Housing onto the lower end of the
Finger Cage (4).
12. Align the holes in the Kick Springs (23) with the
holes in the upper end of the Arm (24) so the Kick
Springs curve away from the Arm. Install the
Socket Head Cap Screw (21) into the aligned
13. Align the Upper Arm Pin holes in the Arm
Adapter (18) and the Arm (24) with the arm
pinhole in the lower end of the Finger Cage (4).
Using a ball been hammer, install the Upper Arm
Pin (17) into the aligned holes.
14. Install the following items in this order in the
bore of the Arm (24): T.C. Ball (19); Upper Detent
Sleeve (20), smaller O.D. end first; Detent Spring
(22); and Lower Detent Plunger (25), smaller O.D.
end first.
15. Insert a pin punch into the holes in the lower end
of the Arm (24) and the lower end of the Lower
Detent Plunger (25) to compress the Detent
Spring (22)
Warning: Do not allow the pin punch holding the
Detent Spring
Spring and the Plunger to
become accidentally dislodged. The
compressed spring contains enough
force to eject the Plunger at a rate
sufficient to case serious injury.
16. Align the Lower Arm Pin hole in the Arm (24) with
the hole in the Lower Adapter (27). Using a ball
peen hammer, install the Lower Arm Pin (26) into
the aligned holes.

Operating Manual 9
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

Sequential Drawings

Running Procedure Figures Pulling Proced

ure Figures

1A 1B 1C 1D 2A 2B 2C 2D

Operating Manual 10
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

Operating Manual 11
Pt. No. 13301-000-01000
Revision Level -A
4 -1/2” OK-
OK-6 Kickover
Kic kover Tool Revision No. 01
Document 9 JAN 2002

Operating Manual 12
Schlumberger has made every effort to manufacture a safe product of the very highest quality and design. This manual is designed to provide
operating personnel with the information necessary to assemble and disassemble, service and maintain this product. The content of this manual
should not be construed as a fixed rule without regard to sound engineering judgement, nor is it intended to supersede or override any state,
federal or local regulations where applicable.
Schlumberger recommends reading the complete procedure before beginning any operation.
Be sure to note the areas of caution.
Schlumberger Completion Systems maintains a long-term quality and performance monitoring system for all completion
products. In the event of any service difficulty or malfunction, please contact your local Schlumberger representative for
the appropriate reporting form. Send the form and all pertinent information to the following address:
Q.A. Department, Schlumberger -- P.O. Box 14484 -- Houston, Texas 77221

P. O. Box 14484 • Houston, Texas 77221 • Telephone: (713) 747-4000 • Fax: (713) 747-6751 • www.slb.com
Rev. OK-6 Kickover #01A Copyright © 2000 Schlumberger * Mark of Schlumberger

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