1. I-adic completion
Definition 1.1. Let A be a commutative ring. Let I be a partially ordered set. A pair
((Mi )i , {pij }i≤j ) where Mi are A-modules for all i ∈ I, and pij : Mj → Mi are A-linear
for all i ≤ j ∈ I such that
Definition 1.2. Let I be a partially order set and ((Mi )i , {pij }i≤j ) an inverse system of
A-modules. A module M = lim Mi together with a family of A-linear maps qi : M → Mi ,
i ∈ I, is called the inverse limit of the system if
Theorem 1.3. Let A be a ring, I a partially ordered set and ((Mi )i , {pji }i≥j ) an inverse
system of A-modules. Then the inverse limit lim Mi exists.
Proof. Consider the A- submodule M of the direct product i Mi defined by {(mi )i :
pij (mj ) = mi , for all i ≤ j ∈ I}. It is routine to check that M = lim Mi . The maps
qi : M → Mi are the canonical projections.
Let A be a ring and I an ideal of A. We can put a topology on A, where the basis of
the topology is given by the sets of the form x + I n , x ∈ A, n ∈ N.
Proof. Clearly, the union of these sets is A. Let x + I n and y + I m that intersect non-
trivially, and let z an element in the intersection. We need to show that there is a set of
form u + I k containing z and inside (x + I n ) ∩ (y + I m ).
Let us endow A with this topology, which will be called the I-adic topology.
We say that a sequence of elements {xn }n is Cauchy in the I-adic topology if for all n
there exists N such that xi − xj ∈ I n for all i, j ≥ N . A sequence {xn }n of elements from
A converges to 0 if for all n there exists N such that xi ∈ I n for all i ≥ N . A sequence
{xn }n converges to an element x ∈ A such that {xn − x}n converges to zero. We say
that A is complete in the I-adic topology if every Cauchy sequence in A converges to an
element in A.
Note that A/I n together with the natural projections pmn : A/I n → A/I m for n ≥ m
form an inverse system. The I-adic completion of A is by definition ÂI := lim A/I n
which is a natural A-algebra. We will generally drop the symbol I from our notation
when the ideal is understood from the context. Note that we have a natural A-algebra
homomorphism i : A → Â with kernel equal to ∩n I n . We say that A is separated in the
I-adic topology if ∩n I n = 0.
Proof. Let {xn }n be a sequence that gives an element of Â. Since i is an isomorphism
we can find an element x ∈ A such that x − xn ∈ I n for all n which implies easily that
{xn }n converges to x.
Let {xn }n be a sequence that gives an element of Â. Therefore for all n, xn+1 − xn ∈ I n
for all n. Hence xi − xj ∈ I n for all i, j ≥ n which gives that {xn } is Cauchy in A. Hence
it is convergent to x an element in A. Therefore, it is enough to show that if {xn }n is a
sequence that converges to zero, then the corresponding element in  is zero as well. By
definition, xj − xi ∈ I j for all j ≤ i. For all n there exists N such that xi ∈ I n for all
i ≥ N . But xi − xn ∈ I n for i ≥ n so xn ∈ I n for all n.
Remark 1.6. (1) A Cauchy sequence in A defines a unique canonical element in Â.
One can check that the difference between a Cauchy sequence and a subsequence
defines a sequence that converges to zero. This can be used to show that that
given a Cauchy sequence {xn }n in A, we can replace it by a sequence {yn }n
that gives the same canonical element in  with the additional property that
yn+1 − yn ∈ I n for all n. This observation is often useful in computations.
(2) Let CI (R) be the collection of Cauchy sequences on R with the I-adic topology.
Let C0 (R) be the collection of Cauchy sequences in R that converge to 0 in the
I-adic topology.
Prove that there is a canonical isomorphism:
CI (R)
' R̂I .
C0 (R)
It is helpful to note that any element of ÂI is given by a sequence {xn } such that
xn+1 − xn ∈ I n . Hence we can find an+1 ∈ I n for all n ≥ 0 such that xn = a1 + · · · + an
for all n ≥ 1.
Proof. We have natural maps A/I n → B/J n , so lim A/I n → B/J n for all n which
implies, by applying the universal property of the inverse limit, the first part.
For the second part, consider a sequence of elements in B, say {bn } such that bn+1 ∈ J n ,
yn = b1 + · · · + bn and let {y n }n give an element in B̂ J . But I n maps onto J n via f , so
A[[X1 ,...,Xn ]]
Remark 2.4. In fact, we have ÂI = (Xi −ri ,...,Xn −rn )
. This fact is left as an exercise.
Theorem 2.5. Let A be a ring and I and ideal of A. Let π : ÂI → A/I the natural
projection. Then I ÂI ⊆ Ker(π) ⊆ Jac(ÂI ). This implies that there is a one-to-one
correspondence between the maximal ideals in ÂI and the maximal ideal of A/I. In
particular, the completion of a local ring (A, m) at its maximal ideal is a local ring as
Proof. Let {xn } an element x of ÂI that belongs to Ker(π): xn ∈ I for all n. We will
show that 1 + x is invertible in ÂI . Consider yn = n+1 i i
i=0 (−1) xn . It is clear that yn define
a Cauchy sequence in A which therefore gives an element y of the completion. But then
zn = 1 − (1 + xn )yn = xn+2
n ∈ I n+2 . This implies that z = {z n }n is 0 in ÂI and then
1 = (1 + x)y in ÂI .
Definition 2.7. The I-adic completion of M is M̂ I : lim M/I n M . It can be checked that
M̂ I is a ÂI -module and there exists a natural A-module homomorphism M → M̂ I with
kernel ∩n I n M .
We say that a filtration of submodules of M say {Nn } is cofinal with the filtration
{I n M } if for all n there exists m such that Nm ⊆ I n M and for all t there exists s such
that I s M ⊂ Nt . It can be checked that lim M/Nn ' lim M/I n M (in fact, the filtrations
←− ←−
define the same linear topology on M ).
Moreover, we can see that a Cauchy sequence and a subsequence of it define the same
element in M̂ I , so we assume that every element m ∈ M̂ is defined by a sequence {mn }
such that mn+1 −mn ∈ I n . Therefore there exists zn+1 ∈ I n such that for yn = z0 +. . .+zn
we have that {yn }n gives m.
Proof. The proof of the first part follows the ring case mutatis mutandis. The last two
parts are straightforward
called the associated graded ring with respect to the ideal I is a ring with multiplication
defined as follows: ab = ab for any two elements a ∈ I n , b ∈ I m . It can be checked that
this is well-defined and that is extends via distributivity to a multiplication on grI (A).
Proof. For (1), let I = (a1 , . . . , ar ). Then A[X1 , . . . , xn ] maps onto A[It] under Xi → ai .
For (2), let A[It] → grI (A) that sends at to a ∈ I/I 2 , for any a ∈ I. It can be easily
check that this is an well-defined A-algebra homomorphism with kernel equal to IA[It].
This shows that grM (M ) is generated by the union of all the generators of Mn /Mn+1
for n ≤ N . This is a finite set which proves the claim.
Definition 2.12. Let I be an ideal in A. The A-algebra RI (A) = A[It] ⊂ A[t] is called
the Rees algebra, or the blowup algebra, of A with respect to I. Note that A[It] = ⊕n≥0 I n .
If RM (M ) is finitely generated over A[It], there exists N ≥ 0 such that all generators
belong to the union of Mi , i ≤ N . But ⊕k>0 MN +k is finitely generated as an A[It]-
module (since it is a homomorphic image of RM (M )). Using this and the fact that M
is an I-filtration we derive that I k MN = MN +k , for all k ≥ 0.
I n M ∩ N = I n−c (I c M ∩ N ),
for all n ≥ c.
Proof. It suffices to prove (1). Let M0 the filtration with terms Mn ∩ N . Clearly RM0 (N )
is an A[It]-submodule of RM (M ).
Theorem 2.15. Let A be a Noetherian ring and I an idea and M a finitey generated
A-module. Let N = ∩n I n M . Then exists an element a ∈ A with 1 + a ∈ I that kills N .
In particular, if A is local then N = 0.
0→N →M →P →0
and further
0 → N/(I n M ∩ N ) → M/I n M → P/I n P → 0.
0 → lim N/(I n M ∩ N ) → M̂ I → N̂ I → 0,
because the maps in the inverse system defined by N/(I n+1 M ∩ N ) → N/(I n M ∩ N )
are surjective. But by the Artin-Rees Lemma the filtrations {I n M ∩ N }n and I n N are
cofinal and hence
lim N/(I n M ∩ N ) ' lim N/I n N = N̂ I .
←− ←−
M ⊗A ÂI ' M̂ I ,
if M is finitely generated and free. Since A is Noetherian, we can find two finitely
generated free A-modules such that
E = Am → F = An → M → 0.
to obtain this presentation of M first map a finitely generated free A-module onto M
and then map another free finitely generated A onto the kernel of this first map.
(ÂI )m → (ÂI )n → M̂ I → 0
Am ⊗A ÂI → An ⊗A ÂI → M ⊗A ÂI → 0.
An application of the Five Lemma (or Snake Lemma) gives the result.
Finally for (3) it is enough to show that tensoring with ÂI preserves exactness of
0 → N → M , where N, M are finitely generated. But this follows directly from (2).