Silage effluent_ Problems and solutions - All About Feed
Silage effluent_ Problems and solutions - All About Feed
Silage effluent_ Problems and solutions - All About Feed
Over the years, most producers have been taught that the best way to control silage
runoff is by harvesting at a moisture level of around 65-75%. However, with varied
weather conditions, that isn’t always possible. The amount of effluent collected varied
from one year to the next because of different rainfall patterns and their effect on surface
moisture and maturity of the harvested crop. In one study daily effluent flow varied from
year to year between 18,000 and 38,000 l/day, essentially due to differences in surface
Formic acid increases effluent flow, particularly within the first day of ensilage by causing
changes in the lipophilic fraction of plant material. It was proposed that fatty acids in
plant material are normally in a dissociated form and that exogenous acid reduces pH to
a level lower than the pKa of the indigenous fatty acids, thereby inducing cell leakage. It
can be assumed that mineral acids and enzyme treatments would have a similar action.
Other factors include: Chop length – more cut ends release more effluent, high clamps
increase hydraulic pressure and compaction and aerobic activity in the clamp produces
Dry matter losses due to the effluent are influenced by a variety of factors such as DM
content of the ensiled crop, degree of compaction, and retreatment of the crop. Of these,
DM content is the most important factor (Figure 1). The effluent also contains highly
digestible components such as soluble carbohydrates, organic acids, minerals, and
soluble nitrogenous compounds. It follows that the production of large volumes of
effluent will tend to increase the concentration of the nutritionally less desirable cell wall
components in the silages. Loss of preservative, in addition to DM and digestible
components, can occur in the effluent. In one study, it was observed that about 20% of
the molasses applied was lost in the effluent. In another study, there was up to 8% of the
preservatives applied appeared in the effluent. Thus sizeable proportions of
preservatives, which are generally employed with wetter crops, can be lost in the effluent.
Figure 1 - Dry matter loss (in % y-axis) in effluent as a function of DM content (g/kg, x-axis
ensiled herbage.
100 150 200 250 300
The reason that silage effluent is so highly polluting is that it contains large
concentrations of organic compounds such as sugars and other plant material, which
provide an ideal food source for the microorganisms which live in streams, rivers, and
other watercourses. Any effluent leaking into a watercourse is decomposed by these
microorganisms and, during the process, part or all of the oxygen dissolved in the water
may be used up. Even a small quantity of effluent discharged into a watercourse may
remove sufficient oxygen to cause fish and other aquatic life to die over a large area. The
polluting strength of effluent is described by its Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
Values for the BOD of a number of pollutants, given in Table 1, show how aggressive
silage effluent is. In particular, silage effluent is some 200 times more polluting than raw
domestic sewage. Public and domestic water supplies can also be seriously damaged if
contaminated with silage effluent. For example, the effluent from just 300 tons of silage
has the same polluting potential as the daily sewage produced in one day by a town with
a population of 80,000, or in 27 years by a farmhouse with 8 occupants.
Table 1 - The biological oxygen demand (BOD) of various wastes and effluents.
By Dairy Global Created with LocalFocus Source: Stark, B.A. and J.M. W
Health hazards
Stored silage effluent may produce toxic gases such as hydrogen sulphide, which causes
serious health hazards. These may occur to a varying extent depending on the level of
exposure (Table 2). Therefore, the effluent should under no circumstances be kept within
livestock buildings or in enclosed storage tanks.
Table 2 - Health hazard caused by hydrogen sulfide released from silage effluent.
Concentration Symptoms
Wilting is an essential process as it brings the DM content to a level at which the release
of the effluent is minimised. In a study comparing direct-cut and wilted silage crops
under favourable weather conditions, the total effluent from a direct-cut was 1,600 ℓ/ton
DM, while total effluent from a wilting system was only 68 ℓ/ton DM. With most silage
systems, wilting of the forage to 30% DM will be sufficient. However, with tower silos of
more than10m height where the ensiled material is subject to pressure, wilting to 40%
DM is needed to ensure minimum effluent production.
Use of absorbents
Absorbents are an effective means of reducing problems with effluent. In one study, the
amount of effluent was reduced from 50kg to 26kg per ton as a result of using the
absorbents. In addition, they improve the nutrient cycle within the ensiled material,
thereby leading to better preservation of silage quality and increasing its nutritive value.
One way of using the absorbent is to line the base of the clamp with a layer of straw
bales to soak up the effluent. Although effluent-soaked straw can be expected to have a
feeding value approaching that of ammonia-treated straw, the benefit has to be weighed
against the loss of silo capacity available for silage. As a general rule, one layer of straw
bales, placed on edge, is required to soak up the effluent from silage 1.8 meters deep. A
more satisfactory means of soaking up effluent is to mix a suitable absorbent with the
grass as it is ensiled. Chopped barley straw in layers has been shown to be a much more
effective absorbent than a bottom lining of baled straw. There is also a range of other
products available, some of which are based on beet pulp. These products not only have
a high capacity for absorption, but also a considerably higher ME content than that of
barley straw, typically about 12 MJ ME per kg dry matter.
Silage effluent has a significant value as a fertiliser. It can be spread on land but should
be diluted 1:1 with water, especially in dry weather, otherwise, there is a risk of leaf
scorch. Make sure it is only applied to land with no risk of runoff entering open drains or
Cattle feeding
Fresh, uncontaminated, undiluted effluent from well-preserved silage can be fed to cattle.
Daily intake can be up to 45 litres (3.3kg DM) per day, which have a nutritional value of
about 2.5kg of barley. In terms of animal performance, it was reported that milk yields
and fat, protein, and lactose contents tended to increase for cows receiving effluent with
concentrates. The increases in milk yield were small, however, relative to the amount of
DM consumed, indicating reduced feed conversion efficiency when effluent was fed.
Intakes of silage stored in the presence of effluent tended to be lower than those of
silage from which effluent had been drained, but milk yield and milk composition were
unaffected. In a study with beef cattle, silage effluent was offered in addition to a diet of
grass silage given ad libitum and supplemented with cereal‐based concentrates. DM
intake increased by 10% and the digestible energy concentration increases by 22% as a
result of feeding the effluent, with no problems of ill health of the cattle. It was
concluded that fresh or well‐preserved stored effluent is readily consumed by beef cattle,
is of high nutritive value, and could enable savings to be made in total feed costs.