The traditional Malay house architecture is undoubtedly one of the ideal green ideal design concepts that can be applied in
Malaysian housing development for sustainability. Not only does it have unique features that symbolize national identity, but
it is also an important example with various design strategies for habitable space based on local climate and sociocultural
aspects. Nowadays, Malaysia’s construction sector has changed due to modernization and being replaced and disintegrated
by modern influences. Thus, it erodes the values of the existing green design approaches commonly found in the design of
traditional Malay house architecture, that respond well to the local sociocultural and climate conditions. The objective
of this study is to identify the green approaches in traditional Malay houses in Malaysia. This study used a qualitative
approach, which is a combination of literature studies and site observations. For the site observations approach, it limited
to traditional Malay houses from five out of eleven states in Peninsular Malaysia. The investigated traditional Malay houses
are from Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Terengganu, and Kelantan. The findings of the study show that the architecture
of these traditional Malay houses have many green design strategies which prove the sustainability aspect exist in all
investigated traditional Malay houses. Thus, this study lists 22 of typically found green design strategies in traditional
Malay houses and it can be used as reference or guideline for designing homes in Malaysia.
that supposed to look lighter and airier. This results in fading
of the unique values, form, and characteristics of traditional
According to Kamal et al. (2004), traditional Malay house Malay houses and the construction sector in Malaysia has
is a lintel and post structure wrapped in wooded or bamboo been dominated by modern influences. Thus, it is important
walls that reflects not only Malays’ aesthetic and creative to relook on green strategies that are commonly found in
skills but also everything that meets their socioeconomic, the traditional Malay houses that can be used as reference
cultural, and environmental needs. The great flexibility in or guideline in current housing development. Therefore, the
traditional Malay house comes from its basic design and objective of this study is to identify the green or sustainable
construction methods to allow extensions of the house approaches in traditional Malay houses in Malaysia.
whenever necessary. The design varies according to its
placement due to the unique identification of the society’s
belief, ideology, and morality, which are secured by the METHODOLOGY
cultural legacy but almost all of them shared common
criteria that attributed to traditional Malay houses. Qualitative method was used involving literature review,
However, rapid changes in lifestyle and development site observation, and interview. Literature studies
in Malaysia have translated contemporary architecture to a included the history shaping the identity of local origin,
far extent from the basic design of traditional Malay houses. sustainability approach according to the local context,
Following World War II, the urban-based population has been and sustainability strategy in traditional Malay house.
increasing tremendously in Tanah Melayu that afterward Five traditional houses originated from Negeri Sembilan,
called Malaysia and has been supported by creating new Perak, Pahang, Terengganu, and Kelantan were selected
towns. Since then, traditional Malay houses have been to show the different typologies of traditional houses from
facing constant threats against its existence and continuously different states sharing the common criteria that attributed
changing (Kamal et al. 2004). The use of materials and space to a sustainable approach in traditional Malay houses.
planning of the new modern design housing typology have The traditional houses from Negeri Sembilan, Perak,
changed so much that it changes the scale and proportion Pahang, and Terengganu are involved in the preservation
and conservation projects conducted by Malay Heritage houses are buildings for common living, built under
Museum of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) (Malay participation from the owner from local materials and
Heritage Museum, 2019). The Kelantan house is under the techniques, persistent and have evolved over a long time in
project by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and the a specific place. Traditional Malay house can be classified as
Department of National Heritage, located at Taman Pantun vernacular architecture. It is built by the local people as the
UKM. Site observation and interview were conducted to owner of the building with deep understanding and respect
determine the application of sustainability approaches in of nature, using local materials and technique, built with the
traditional Malay houses. idea to suit their everyday specific needs and accommodate
their values, economies, and culture.
Looking into the physical aspect of the traditional
TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSES Malay house, which suits the intent and purpose of this
research, most of the Malay traditional houses share
Oliver (2006) defined vernacular houses as being common principles. They are built out of timber as it
environmentally related to its context and available source is easily found local materials, raised on stilt, and have
that it evolves as their needs and circumstances change. internal spaces consisting of rumah ibu, rumah tengah,
While Seo Ryeung Ju et al. (2012) stated that vernacular and rumah dapur. All of these spaces are covered by a long
roof but with regional variations including decorations and handed over to Malay Heritage Museum of UPM in March
symbolizations. 2013 by Darwinshah Muhammad Yunus, the successor of
Table 1 shows the 22 green approaches that are Tok Tonso to be restored and preserved. It consists of five
commonly found in the traditional Malay houses throughout main sections which are porch, closed veranda, main room,
Peninsular Malaysia (Yuan 1987; Surat 2016a; Nasir 1985; attic, and kitchen. It was built using cengal wood for the
Hashim & Nasir 2011; Surat et al. 2012; Hosseini, Mursib, main pillar, while wall and floor were built using meranti
& Raja Shamninan 2016; Surat 2016b; Mohammad Yusoff wood (Mazlan, 2013a). According to an interview with
& Mohamed 2017; Mohamed 2018a; Mohamed 2018b; Dr. Pauzi Muhammad Abdul Latif, the Director of Malay
Surat 2018; Nik Muhammad Japlus & Mohamed 2018). Heritage Museum of UPM, the reconstruction of this house
The 22 green approaches are slightly improved started with Malay traditional ritual, a prayer recitation,
compared to the published list by Mohamed (2018). This followed by raising the house’s tiang seri (Mazlan, 201a3).
proves that the Malay has successfully developed their house This house has one unique feature of hanging pillar (tiang
designs throughout hundreds of years with positive response gantung) that serves as a spiritual and logical purpose as an
to local environmental context and their social-culture needs. indicator of incoming disaster if its position is tilted (BH
Unfortunately, in this modern day, these strategies are given Online, 2016).
less attention. Some of these strategies are even replaced
by some less sustainable modern construction approaches CASE STUDY 2: PERAK TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE
due to various factors such as cost, new technologies, and
fast construction technique. Therefore, it is important to The Perak traditional house is also known as Rumah Kutai
understand the characteristics of the traditional Malay (Figure 2). The word kutai means old or ancient among the
houses. people of Perak, and such houses are said to have existed
along the banks of Sungai Perak in the olden days (Juferi
CASE STUDY 1: NEGERI SEMBILAN TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE & Anuar, 2013). It was owned by late Putih Halimah Uda
Noh bin Kanda Jaafar, a Malay warrior and built in 1901.
The Negeri Sembilan traditional Malay house named It originated from Sungai Perak’s riverbank in Kampung
Rumah Dato’ Raja Diwangsa was built by the owner Pediat, Bota Kanan. It was handed over to Malay Heritage
himself, Datuk Raja Diwangsa Muhammad Yunus Jabar Museum of UPM on 2013, not long after the Negeri
or affectionally called Tok Tonso by the village people, Sembilan traditional house arrived there (Mazlan, 2013b).
a nobility of Seri Menanti in the 1920s (Figure 1). It was According to Mazlan (2013b), the design of the relocated
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
FIGURE 1. (a) Ground floor plan, and (b) Front photo of Rumah FIGURE 2.(a) Ground floor plan, and (b) Side photo of Rumah
Dato’ Raja Diwangsa at UPM Malay Heritage Museum Kutai at UPM Malay Heritage Museum
Kutai house is unique as it incorporates defense mechanisms using wood jointing, senggora tiles for roofing and it also
with two approaches. The approaches are construction of has connecting doors (penyambung) served as an opening
rifle pits at the main entrance as well as kitchen entrance and for future extensions of the house.
the creation of the 90° steep staircase that makes harder for
enemies to climb. Mazlan (2013b) also stated that it is also CASE STUDY 4: PAHANG TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE
very unique compared to the other Malay houses because
this house uses planks of cengal trees that is usually used to Figure 4 shows the Pahang traditional house, which is also
build columns or pillars. It also has attic as a safety area for known as Rumah Serambi Pahang. It was built in 1924 and
the occupants with no permanent staircase connected to the originated from Kampung Kelola in Pahang (Utusan Online
lower level. 2015). It was once owned by the village head, late Ismail
Khatib Abu Bakar and has gone through massive floods in
CASE STUDY 3: TERENGGANU TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE 1926, 1971, and 2014, but it still stands in a good condition.
A team from UPM dismantled the house from its origin,
The Terengganu traditional house, which is also known as transported, and reconstructed it at the Malay Heritage
Rumah Bujang Selasar Terengganu, was originated from Museum in February 2015 (New Strait Times 2015). This
Kampung Tanjung in Kuala Terengganu and handed over house consists of three main spaces. It has two main columns
to UPM in March 2014 (Figure 3). In a video interview for (tiang seri) for easy relocation and the house is built using
Project Tunas (2014), it was said that the house was built hardwoods without using a single nail.
by its owner himself, Wan Muda Wan Hassan, a boatman
with the help from the villagers. It consists of only veranda CASE STUDY 5: KELANTAN TRADITIONAL MALAY HOUSE
(selasar) and the main house space.
According to Aisyah, a representative of Malay The Kelantan house or palace was originated from Kelantan
Heritage Museum, UPM in a video from Majalah Infiniti and relocated in Taman Pantun, Universiti Kebangsaan
TV (2017), another uniqueness of this house is it is high on Malaysia (UKM) in 2006. The house is known as Istana
stilt to prevent from the attack of wild animal and splashing Puteri Bongsu. The house was sold in 2000 and belongs to
sea water since it was built near the beach. It was built only the Department of Museums and Antiquities, now known
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
FIGURE 3. (a) Ground floor plan, and (b) Photo of Rumah FIGURE 4. (a) Ground floor plan, and (b) Photo of Rumah
Bujang Selasar Terengganu at UPM Malay Heritage Museum Serambi Pahang at UPM Malay Heritage Museum
(a) (b)
FIGURE 5. (a) Ground floor plan, and (b) Front photo of relocated Rumah Tengku Bongsu at Taman Pantun UKM
as Department of Museums Malaysia (JMM). This house example of the traditional Kelantan house that belong to
initially belonged to Tengku Fatimah Zaharah binti Tengku royal family.
Chik, the descendant of Sultan Muhamad IV (Sultan
Ahmad) who ruled Kelantan in the late 19th century (New
Strait Times 2000; Surat 2013; Ahmad Zakaria 2016;
Pusat Rujukan Sehenti Penyelidikan Alam Melayu 2019).
According to Mastor Surat, only 50% of the house is Based on the observation and literature review, there are
restored and conserved at the site, while the other 50% is similarities and differences between all the houses. Not only
not at the site (Pusat Rujukan Sehenti Penyelidikan Alam the design of the houses varies due to culture and context,
Melayu 2019). but also the application of green or sustainability approaches
Figure 5 shows the ground floor and photo of the into the houses is different. The comparison between the
house at Taman Pantun UKM while Figure 6 shows the case studies is listed in Table 2.
illustration of the original extension of Rumah Tengku From Table 2, it can be observed that the selected
Bongsu according to the initial findings and assumptions traditional Malay houses were designed with green approach
(Surat 2013). Only rumah ibu, rumah tengah, and rumah strategies as listed in Table 1. However, it may not have
balai are available at Taman Pantun UKM. The authors adopted all the 22 green approach strategies due to various
are still conducting further research on this house to factors such as cultural and local context. In terms of basic
investigate the original layout plan. Initial finding shows criteria of a traditional Malay house such as large and many
that current layout at Taman Pantun also does not hundred openings, raised floor system, use of basic construction
percent similar to the original layout. Further investigation materials, and construction method, there are not much
is required on this, nevertheless, this house still a good differences between those traditional houses.
No. Strategies Rumah Dato' Raja Rumah Kutai Rumah Bujang Rumah Serambi Rumah Tengku
Diwangsa (N. Sembilan) (Perak) Selasar (Terengganu) (Pahang) Bongsu (Kelantan)
1 Large window / / / / /
opening (half/full
2 Wide roof / / / / /
3 Built on stilt with / / / / /
concrete or stone
4 Steep roof / / / / /
5 Area with open / / / / /
6 Opening at roof / × × / ×
7 Roof made of × × / × /
leaves or clay
8 Opening on wall / × / / /
(i.e., wooden craft/
timber louver)
9 Natural / / / / /
materials (i.e.,
10 Open floor plan × × / × ×
11 House plan with / / / / /
small width
12 Modular house / / × / /
13 Rain harvesting / / / / /
14 Different floor / × / / /
15 Seating area / / / / /
underneath house
16 Construction using / / / / /
wood joint
17 More than one / / × / /
18 Connecting space × × × / /
between two
indoor spaces
19 Flooring with gaps / / / / /
20 High indoor / / / / /
21 Attic space below / / × × ×
the roof
22 House oriented *Data not available due to house relocation
towards Qiblat
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