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MANSIR - 2081

Subject Teacher:
Er. Deepak Thapa
(Msc in Structural Engineering)
Pashchimanchal Campus
Lamachaur, Pokhara
• Chapter -2 & 3
Design Philosophies of Steel Structures
• The WSM (Based on Elastic Theory)
• The Ultimate Load Method (Or Load Factored
• The Limit State Method of Design (LSM) –
Based on

-The Use of Ductility & the Plasticity is the Main Theme of

this approach
Chapter -2
The Working Stress Method (WSM)
• Based on Allowable stress (or permissible stress) &
elastic behavior of structures, hence also know as
elastic method of design. The load considered as WL or
SL for design.
• Allowable stress refer to the stress developed or set up
in member without causing any damage to it.
It is given by
It is given by
• Based on the principle that the maximum stress any
where in a structure when it is subjected to the worst
combination of W.L or S.L should not exceed a pre –
designed allowable stress value.
i.e Actual stress (Working stress) < = allowable
• Therefore in this method, a particular section just
reaching to yield stress at a maximum stressed fibre is
considered to be a benchmark for estimating the
capacity of steel section.
IS 800 -1984 specifies the permissible stresses in its
various sections

• Permissible stresses in Slab Base = 185 MPa for all steel

For Design BMmax is known.
𝑍𝑟 =
Agross required is calculated
in design of compress
Drawbacks of WSM
• The Principle disadvantages of this method is that it
fails to provide a uniform overload capacity for all the
parts & types of structures

• It does not taken into account the non-linear

relationship between stress & strain and
• The ability of structural members to resist loads even
after local yielding i.e the enchanced capacity at plastic
stage is not taken into consideration in WSM, this leads
to uneconomical design.
The Limit State Method of Design
What is Limit State ?

• The acceptable limit for Safety & Serviceability

requirements before the failure is called Limit State.
i.e Limit State is condition beyond which a structure is no
longer fit for its intended life.
• Thus Use of Ductility & the Plasticity is the Main Theme
of this approach
Design Concept ?
• The Section design should satisfy the Serviceability
requirements such as limitations of deflection &
vibrations & should not collapse under accidental loads.
• Thus the philosophy of LSM of design is to achieve a
structure that will remain fit for use throughout is
intended design life thereby withstanding safely of all
loads likely to act on it throughout its life by remaining
within the acceptable limit of safety & serviceability
requirements based on risk involves.

• In other words, the probability of a limit state being

reached during its life time should be very low.
• Uncertainty in reflected in loading & material
strength. Hence the probability of variations in
material strength & loads are considered.

• For ensuring the design objectives, the characteristics

value of material strength & loads are analyzed based
on the statistical data. Hence there are two distinct
aspects to consider for such safety measures, one
related to load & other related to material strength.
• The safety factors which are used in LSM are called
Partial Safety factor(p.s.f) & derived on the basis of
theory of probabilistic variations & statistical data of
material strength & loads.
• Therefore p.s.f introduced in LSM are more rational
compared to the F.O.S in WSM, where uncertainities in
estimation of loads, imperfection in material,
imperfection in geometry of member, effect of residual
stresses are considered in single value i.e FOS.
• In general, the structure should be designed on the
basis of most critical Limit state & should be checked
for other limit states. i.e two limit states that are
commonly considered in the design of steel structures
1) The Limit State of Strength/Collapse (i.e Ultimate Limit
State) : LSC
2) The Limit State of Serviceability : LSS
Limit State of Collapse (ULS)
• This Limit state is associated with failure (or imminent
failure) under action of the probable & most
unfavorable combinations of loads on a structure along
with proper p.s.f that may lead to loss of life & property
(hence this LS corresponding to load carrying capacity of
the structures)
• As per IS 800 -2007, The Limit State of Strength

• The reliability of design is ensured by satisfying the

Design actions < = Design strength

• Design Load or Ultimate load of Factored Load

= p.s.f for load * W.L or S.L < = Limit Strength
Limit State of Serviceability (SLS)
• This Limit state is associated with the functioning of
structures or its components under Service load or W.L
Hence deals with comfort level to the occupants while
using the structures.
( i.e it deals with the functional effectiveness of the
• The main theme in the LSS is the controlling of
deflection under unfactored loads in their adverse
combinations (check for deflection in as it is condition
not for ultimate load)
Partial Safety Factor (p.s.f)
• p.s.f for material strength :
(Clause 5.4.1, IS 800 -2007)

• p.s.f for Load :

a) p.s
b) .f for LSC
c) p.s.f for LSS
(Clause 3.5.1 & clause 5.3.3 , IS 800 -2007)
• Design Load or Ultimate load of Factored Load
= p.s.f for load * W.L or S.L < = Limit Strength
Classification of Steel x-sections in LSM
(Clause no. 3.7, Page -17

• This is the New Concept introduced in IS 800 -2000

Codal Provisions
• The X-section of the member is to proportioned in
such a way that local or overall buckling of element of
x-section such as flange or web does not occur before
the limit state of strength is achieved.

• It is because the structural steel components are

relatively thin sections & easy to buckle either axial
compressions, bending compressions or diagonal
compressions due to shear or any combination of
Note: Thus the section is compact since out of plastic &
compact section, compact section is critical
End of Chapter – 1, 2 & 3
Disdvantages of steel structures
• The main drawbacks of steel are its Susceptibility to
corrosion, Susceptibility to buckling & its loss of
strength at high temperature.
• Chance of Brittle failure if joints are weak

Therefore there should be proper END


• Comparatively to other constructional materials,

Costly Structures.
Design of Steel Structures
• Collect the all possible loads acting on the structures-
DL, LL, WL, or EL etc
• Calculating the force acting on the members (AF, SF,
BM etc) by using different load combinations as per
Code of Practice
• Determining the required shape size of the structural
members to resist the given loads.
• Design the suitable end connections as BOLTED, WELDED,
• Check the joint & members for possible failure & verify
all the conditions required.
• Detailings
Structural element in a steel structures:
The Various Structural elements in a steel structures
may br classified as
• Tension Members
• Compression Members
• Beams/Girders

Concept of Plate Girders

• A Large depth beam made by plate by plate connections

through rivets or bolted or welded connections
• Beams – Column Joint
• Column Bases or Base Plate
• Bracket Connections
• Gusset Plate Connections
• A Gusset plate is a plate provided to make the
connections at the place where more than one member
is to be joined, eg Joint of truss, truss girder etc
• The line of action of truss members meeting at a joint
are assumed to be coincide as shown. In case any
eccentricity is present, secondary stresses are generated
• Splicing of section
• Structural Steel & their Properties

The properties of steel required for engineering design may

be classified as

• Physical Properties

• Mechanical Properties
• Physical Properties
Irrespective of grade of Structural Steel
• Mechanical Properties
• Detailed Course Contents
• Example of steel tables
End of Chapter -1

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