Unit 1_layout

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Unit-1 [General layout of Power system]

Power System: The power system with the help of 3-phase transformers.
The transmission of electric power at
is a network which consists generation,
high voltages has several advantages
distribution and transmission system. It
including the saving of conductor
uses the form of energy (like coal and
material and high transmission
diesel) and converts it into electrical
energy. The power plant, transformer,
transmission line, substations,
2. Primary Transmission: Generally,
distribution line, and distribution
the primary transmission is carried at
transformer are the six main
132 kV, 220 kV, 400 kV or 765 kV by 3-
components of the power system.
phase, 3-wire overhead system to the
outskirts of the city. This forms the
Layout of Power System: The primary transmission.
power system is the complex enterprise
that may be subdivided into the 3. Secondary Transmission: The
following sub-systems. The subsystems primary transmission line terminates at
of the power system are explained below the receiving station (RS). At the
in details. receiving station, the voltage is reduced
to 66kV by step-down transformers.

1. Generating Stations: Energy is From this station, electric power is

generated (transformed from one to transmitted at 66kV by 3-phase, 3-wire

another) at the generating stations. overhead system to various sub-stations

Generating stations are of different type (SS) located at the strategic points in the

as, thermal, hydro, solar, nuclear. The city. This forms the secondary

generated electricity is stepped up transmission.

through the transformer and then

4. Primary Distribution: The secondary
transferred over transmission lines to
transmission line terminates at the sub-
the load centres.
station (SS) where voltage is reduced
The usual generation voltage is 11 kV or from 66 kV to 33kV or 11 kV, 3-phase, 3-
33 kV. For economy in the transmission wire. The 11 kV lines run along the
of electric power, the generation voltage important road sides of the city. This
is stepped-up at the generating station forms the primary distribution. It may be

BEEE [Unit-3] 1
Unit-1 [General layout of Power system]

noted that big consumers (having near the consumers’ localities and step
demand more than 50 kW) are generally down the voltage to 400 V, 3-phase, 4-
supplied power at 11 kV for further wire for secondary distribution. The
handling with their own sub-stations. voltage between any two phases is 400 V
and between any phase and neutral is
5. Secondary Distribution: In the last 230 V. The single-phase residential
stage in a Power System, the electric lighting load is connected between any
power from primary distribution line one phase and neutral, whereas 3-phase,
(11 kV) is delivered to distribution sub- 400 V motor load is connected across 3-
stations. These sub-stations are located phase lines directly.

BEEE [Unit-3] 2

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