Planning and Periodization

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Al Wahda Academy ‫أكــــــاديــــمـــيــة الـــوحــــدة‬

Planning – Training cycle

We will work in a 6 weeks training cycle where we train the Player and Person to develop the
“Al Wahda player”. The coach will write in clear words his targets within

1. Playing principals with in the key moments

o Defending
o Transition when “We win the ball back”
o Ball Possession
o Transition when “We are losing the ball”
o Set pieces

2. Develop of Technique
o Dribbling, running with the ball, finishing, passing and receiving, kicking and controlling,
moves to beat the opponent, heading & throw in, 1v1 defending

3. Development as person – team cohesion

o Mindset, Values

4. Development of the player to make him Football Fit

o Coordination
o Speed
o Core and stabilization
o Flexibility
o Maintain good action / More explosive actions / Maintain many actions / Make more
Al Wahda Academy ‫أكــــــاديــــمـــيــة الـــوحــــدة‬

Themes Training cycle

The following themes will come forwards in the 6 weeks training cycle

Age group U14

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Defending Transition when Ball Possession Transition
- own half We win the ball - building up when
- press on opponents back - attacking and scoring We are losing
building up the ball
1.Speed 1.Sprints 1. Sprints with 1.Speed 1.Sprints 1. Sprints with
preparation with low max rest preparation with low max rest
2. Ext rest 2. Intensive 2. Ext rest 2. Intensive
endurance 2. Intensive Interval endurance 2. Intensive Interval
8v8  endurance 3v3  4v4 8v8  endurance 3v3  4v4
11v11 5v5  7v7 11v11 5v5  7v7

Age groups U10 till U13

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Defending Transition when Ball Possession Transition
- own half We win the ball - building up when
- press on opponents back - attacking and scoring We are losing
building up the ball

Age groups U8 and U9

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Defending Ball Possession Repeat Repeat Ball
- own half - building up Defending Possession
- press on opponents - attacking and scoring
building up
Al Wahda Academy ‫أكــــــاديــــمـــيــة الـــوحــــدة‬

Criteria training exercises

Topic U8 and U9 U10 and U11 U12 and U13 U14

Pass & Receiving 4 till 6 meters 6 till 8 meters 8 till 10 meters 10-12 meters
Max 6 players in each organization Max 8 players in each organization Max 12 players in each organization Max 12 players
Max 3 stations Max 3 stations Max 4 stations Max 4 stations
Kicking & - - 25 meters 35 meters 40 meters
Moves Master the ball – Ball mastery learn Practice with passive defender Practice with passive / active Practice with
to beat the moves without defender when opponent when opponent is in front, defender 100% when opponent is in active defender
opponent opponent front, beside and sideways beside, sideways and behind front (2v1)
Heading - - Max 2 stations heading from Max 2 stations heading from Jump Max 2 stations
standing position in motion
Throw in 3 players - 1 ball  0 till 45 degrees 3 players - 1 ball  0 till 60 degrees 3 players – 1 ball  0 till 135 degree Formation
1v1 defending Learn defending in 3 situations Learn defending in 4 different Learn defending in 4 different Formation
frontal and beside position situations situations orientated
Finishing 1v1 GK, inside & outside the box 1v1 GK, inside, outside box, crosses 1v1 GK, inside, outside box, crosses

Attacking forms - From 7v7 From 8v8 From 9v9 From 11v11
Positional play 4v1 – 3v1 – 4v2 4v1 till 5v3 4v1 till 6v4 4v1 till 7v5
1v1+2 till 2v2+2 1v1+2 till 3v3+2 1v1+2 till 4v4+2 1v1+2 till 5v5+2
1v1+3 till 2v2+3 1v1+3 till 3v3+3 1v1+3 till 4v4+3 1v1+3 till 5v5+3
Game position 2v1, 2v2, 1v2 3v2, 3v3, 2v3 2v1, 2v2, 1v2, 3v2, 3v3, 2v3, 4v3, 2v1, 2v2, 1v2, 3v2, 3v3, 2v3, 4v3, 2v1 till 7v6, 6v7,
play 4v4, 3v4, 5v4, 5v5, 4v5 4v4, 3v4, 5v4, 5v5, 4v5, 6v5, 6v6, 5v6 7v7
Games 2v2 - 5v5 2v2 - 7v7 2v2 - 8v8 2v2 - 8v8 2v2 – 9v9 2v2 – 9v9 2v2 – 11v11
Set Pieces - - Only in games Only in games Specific training Specific training Specific training
Al Wahda Academy ‫أكــــــاديــــمـــيــة الـــوحــــدة‬

Planning training cycle

Coach :
Team :
Training cycle number :
Date : from……to……….

Playing style development

Playing principals within the Key Moment Defending:

Playing principals within the Key Moment Transition when we win the ball back:

Playing principals within the Key Moment Ball Possession:

Playing style within the Key Moment Transition when we are losing the ball

Technique development
Special attention for:

Development as Person – Team cohesion

Special attention for:

Extra focus points

Al Wahda Academy ‫أكــــــاديــــمـــيــة الـــوحــــدة‬


Working on principals:

Week 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Training plan
Core 1
Core 2
Game / Set


Working on principals

Week 2 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Training plan
Core 1
Core 2
Game / Set


Working on principals

Week 3 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Training plan
Core 1
Core 2
Game / Set
Al Wahda Academy ‫أكــــــاديــــمـــيــة الـــوحــــدة‬


Working on principals:

Week 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Training plan
Core 1
Core 2
Game / Set


Working on principals:

Week 5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Training plan
Core 1
Core 2
Game / Set


Working on principals:

Week 6 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Training plan
Core 1
Core 2
Game / Set

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