TTC Curriculum - U6 U8

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Global Premier Soccer

GPS Curriculum 2015

Technical Training Curriculum
u6 & u8
TTC Curriculum

TTC Daily Schedule

3 - 9.00am - 2
8.45am Registration 4
9.00am - 9.15am - Warm Up 1
3 2

9.15am - 9.30am - Technical Exercise 1 2 3

9.30am - 9.45am - Technical Exercise 2
1 1

9.45am - 10.00am - Break

10.00am - 10.15am - Technical Exercise 3

10.15am - 10.30am - Technical Exercise 4

10.30am - 11.00am - Small Sided Games 4v4

TTC Curriculum

3 2
3 2

2 3

1 1

Warm Up - Line Game (15mins) Technical Exercise 1 - Dribbling channels

Set up/Rules Set up/Rules
Each player has a ball and start on one line. Give each side of the Split into two teams. Reds start on the short side, whites start on the
area a name or colour. Coach calls out a colour and players dribble long side. The red team must dribble their ball from east to west.
to that side White team dribble north to south. Players must stay in their own
Progression channel and avoid collision.
Call out 2-3 as players are moving Progression
Rainbow - all players dribble to the middle of the area and must Switch roles of players
keep moving without hitting anyone Players dribble to end and back:
Use Inside of feet only as fast as possible
Use Sole of foot only in as many touches possible
Call ‘CHANGE’ - Players must switch balls with another player backwards
Coaching Points using sole of foot only
Keep ball close dribbling into other channels
Dribble at speed Coaching Points
Head up to see space Head up to see traffic
Dribble slow in traffic
Speed up into space
TTC Curriculum


Technical Exercise 2 - Dribbling & 1v1 moves (15mins) Technical Exercise 3 - Dribbling to shoot (15mins)
Set up/Rules Set up/Rules
First player in each line dribbles through the 3 cones and then Split into two teams, starting either side of the cones. First player in
towards the central cone. Each player performs a fake & take to the the line dribbles the ball down the channel and perform a
left of the cone and dribble to the line opposite. fake & take move through the gate to then shoot for goal.
Progression Progression
Use different parts of the foot to move ball through 3 cones Race - First player to score gains a point for their team
Perform move to the right Perform a scissors move to get though gate before shooting
Use roll over move to go past middle cone Coaching Points:
Coaching Points: Keep ball close to allow change of direction
Keep ball close to feet when dribbling Big touch through gate to allow quick shot at goal
Head up to see space, cone, player Shoot for the space in the goal
Accelerate after move
TTC Curriculum


1 1

Tactical Exercise 4 - 1v1 Game (15mins) 4v4 Games (30mins)

Set up/Rules Set up/Rules
12x12 yard area. Split players into 2 teams. One team on each side Play 4v4 games. 5 minute games and rotate teams around all teams
of the area. Ball is passed across to attacking player dribbles into play each other. Encourage all teams to play 1-2-1 formation and
the area and play 1v1. Teams try and dribble through either of the 2 rotate positions.
goals on the opposite side to which they start. Progression
Progression Bonus points for teams that use 1v1 moves to create goal scoring
2 points if player can use fake & take or scissors to beat defender opportunities
and dribble through goal Coaching Points:
Competition Be positive in possession
Coaching Points: Be brave and try 1v1 moves in attacking half
Keep ball close to feet when dribbling
Head up to see space
Accelerate after move to beat defender

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