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12 A healthy body

12. Keeping our body healthy (Book 3A, p. 2)

 A (1) _______________ _______________ and prevention of (2) _______________ are
required to keep our body healthy.
 A healthy lifestyle includes different aspects:
Eating different kinds Doing an appropriate Having enough Staying away from
of food in the right amount of (6) _______________ harmful substances,
(3) _______________ (5) _______________ and rest such as
and _______________ (7) ______________ ,
(4) _______________ (8) _______________
(9) _______________

12. Food substances (Book 3A, p. 5)

 There are seven main types of (1) _______________ _______________ (食物物質).
They are (2) _______________ (碳水化合物), (3) _______________ (脂質) ,
(4) _______________ (蛋白質), (5) _______________ (礦物質), (6)_______________ (維生素),
(7) _______________ _______________ (食用纖維) and (8)_______________ .

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 Food substances have the following major functions:

 Providing (9) _______________ for body activities and keeping the body
(10) _______________ .
 Supplying (11) _______________ _______________ for growth and repair of
damaged tissues.
 Maintaining (12) _______________ and normal functioning of various body parts.
 Food substances that provide us with energy: (13) _______________, (14) _______________
and (15) _______________ .
 Food substances that do not provide us with energy: (16) _______________,
(17) _______________, (18) _______________ _______________ and
(19) _______________ .

A Food substances that provide energy (Book 3A, p. 6)

1 Carbohydrates (Book 3A, p. 6)
a Types and sources of carbohydrates
 (20) _______________ (糖) and (21) _______________ (澱粉) are two main types of
carbohydrates in our diet (膳食).
 Some properties of sugars and starch are shown below. Circle the correct properties of the two
types of carbohydrates.
Sugars Starch
Molecular structure (22) Simple / Complex Simple / Complex
Taste sweet? (23) Yes / No Yes / No
Soluble in water? (24) Soluble / insoluble Soluble / insoluble
 Examples of sugars: (25) _______________ (葡萄糖), (26) _______________ (果糖),
(27) _______________ (蔗糖) and (28) _______________ (乳糖).

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b Key functions of carbohydrates

 Carbohydrates are the main (29) _______________ _______________ for body activities.
 Starch is broken down into glucose in our body. Glucose is used in (30) _______________ to
release energy.
 Excess carbohydrates in our body are converted into (31) _______________ (糖原) or lipids,
which are stored in the body as (32) _______________ _______________ (能量儲備).
 Glycogen is stored in the (33) _______________ and skeletal muscles.
c Building blocks of carbohydrates
 Complex carbohydrates are made up of simple carbohydrates.
 A starch molecule is made up of many (34) _______________ molecules.

glucose molecule starch molecule

(only part of it is shown)

 Glucose molecule and part of a starch molecule

2 Lipids (Book 3A, p. 8)

a Types and sources of lipids
Fats Oils
State at room
(35) _______________ (36) _______________

Source Mainly (37) _______________ Mainly (38) _______________

Examples Butter, lard Peanut oil, corn oil

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b Key functions of lipids

 Lipids are (39) _______________ _______________ of the body. Our body uses lipids for
energy only when there is an insufficient intake of carbohydrates or when glycogen reserves
are used up.
 Excess lipids may be stored as fats under the (40) _______________. This keeps us warm as
fats are good (41) _______________ of heat.
 Excess lipids may also be stored as fats around our internal organs. The fats act as a
(42) _______________ _______________ to protect the organs.
 Lipids are components of (43) _______________ _______________ . They are also used to
make some (44) _______________ (激素).
 Lipids are necessary for the storage and transport of (45) _______________ vitamins.
c Building blocks of lipids
 A lipid molecule is made up of one (46) _______________ (甘油) molecule and three
(47) _______________ _______________ (脂肪酸) molecules, which may be of the same or
different types.
fatty acid

glycerol fatty acid

fatty acid

 General structure of a lipid molecule

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3 Proteins (Book 3A, p. 10)

a Sources of proteins
 Foods rich in proteins include foods of animal and plant origins, as well as mushrooms.
b Key functions of proteins
 Proteins are raw materials for the (48) _______________ and (49) _______________ of body
 Our body uses proteins to make (50) _______________ (酶), (51) _______________ (抗體) and
some (52) _______________ .
 Proteins in muscles are also used as (53) _______________ _______________ .
c Kwashiorkor — a lack of proteins
 A person who does not take in enough proteins in the diet may suffer from a
(54) _______________ disease (營養缺乏病) called (55) _______________ (蛋白缺乏病).
 The symptoms of this disease include (56) _______________ muscles and a
(57) _______________ abdomen because of an accumulation of body fluid (體液).
 Kwashiorkor is more common in (58) _______________ .
d Building blocks of proteins
 (59) _______________ _______________ (氨基酸) are the building blocks of proteins. They
join to form long chains called (60) _______________ (多肽). A protein may consist of one or
more polypeptides coiled in a specific way.

amino acids polypeptide protein

 Amino acids are building blocks of proteins

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B Food substances that do not provide us with energy (Book 3A, p. 12)
 Minerals and vitamins have no (61) _______________ _______________. Our body needs
them in (62) _______________ (small / large) amounts.
 They are important for regulating the (63) _______________ in cells or building up
body tissues.

1 Minerals (Book 3A, p. 12)

 Complete the following table about the functions and deficiency diseases of different minerals.
Mineral Function Sources Deficiency disease

Calcium (鈣) Keeps Avocado, broccoli, (66) _______________

(64) _______________ and dairy products, (軟骨病)
(65) _______________ nuts

Iron (鐵) Needed for forming Eggs, spinach, (68) _______________

(67) _______________ raisins, peas, beef, (貧血)
(血紅蛋白) in red blood cells liver
for carrying oxygen

Iodine (碘) Needed for the production Seafood, seaweed, (70) _______________
of hormones in the iodized salt (甲狀腺腫)
(69) _______________
_______________ (甲狀腺),
which help regulate
metabolism (新陳代謝)

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2 Vitamins (Book 3A, p. 13)

 Complete the following table about the functions and deficiency diseases of different vitamins.
Vitamin Function Sources Deficiency disease

Vitamin A Needed for normal Liver, eggs, bell (72) _______________

(lipid-soluble) functioning of peppers, carrots, _______________
(71) _______________ green vegetables, (夜盲症)
cells in the eyes avocado, apricots

Vitamin C Keeps the Fresh fruits and (74) _______________

(water-soluble) (73) _______________ ( vegetables (壞血病)
齒齦) and skin healthy, (e.g. broccoli, bell
and helps the healing of peppers and kiwi
wounds (傷口) fruits)

Vitamin D Keeps Fatty fish, liver, (77) _______________

(lipid-soluble) (75) _______________ egg yolks, wild
and mushrooms
(76) _______________

 Our skin also produces vitamin D when we are exposed to (78) _______________ .

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3 Dietary fibre (Book 3A, p. 15)

 Dietary fibre comes from foods of (79) _______________ origin.
 There are two types of dietary fibre:
(80) _______________ _______________ _______________ (非水溶性纖維) and
(81) _______________ _______________ _______________ (水溶性纖維).
a Insoluble dietary fibre
 It is mainly the (82) _______________ (纖維素) of plant cell walls. It is insoluble and has no
energy value.
 It cannot be (83) _______________ or (84) _______________ by our body.
 It stimulates the movement of food along the intestine. It can also hold a lot of water which
allows faeces (糞便) to remain soft. This helps prevent (85) _______________ (便秘).
b Soluble dietary fibre
 It is found in fruits and oatmeal. It cannot be digested or absorbed by our body, thus it has no
energy value.
 It can help (86) _______________ blood lipid levels and keep blood (87) _______________
levels steady.

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C Importance of water (Book 3A, p. 16)

 Water (88) _______________ (does / does not) provide us with energy.
 Water acts as a (89) _______________ in cells for chemical reactions to take place.
 Water acts as a (90) _______________ medium.
Example: Water in the blood carries various substances around the body.
 Water is a (91) ______________ for certain gases, nutrients and wastes.
 Water acts as a (92) _______________ agent to help regulate body temperature through
the evaporation of sweat.

D Food tests (Book 3A, p. 17)

 We can use (93) _______________ _______________ (食物試驗) to test for the presence of
some food substances in a food sample.
Test for Food test Positive test result

Glucose Using (94) _______________ Test end changes colour according to the
_______________ _______________ (95) _______________ of glucose

Proteins Using (96) _______________ Test end changes colour according to the
_______________ _______________ concentration of proteins

Starch Using (97) _______________ Solution changes from

_______________ (98) _______________ to
(99) _______________

Lipids (100) _______________ Lipids leaves a permanent

_______________ test (油漬試驗) (101) _______________ (半透明) spot on
filter paper

Vitamin C Using (102) _______________ solution Solution changes from

(二氯酚靛酚溶液) (103) _______________ to
(104) _______________

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12. Digestion and absorption of food (Book 3A, p. 28)

A Need for digestion (Book 3A, p. 28)
 Large, complex molecules have to be (1) _______________ (消化) so that they can be
(2) _______________ (吸收) into the blood through the wall of the small intestine.
 Classify the following food substances as large, complex molecules or small, simple
starch simple sugars minerals lipids proteins vitamins water
Large, complex molecules Small, simple molecules

(3) (4)

B General plan of our digestive system (Book 3A, p. 29)

 The digestive system (消化系統) consists of:
 the (5) _______________ _______________ (消化道), which is a long tube that food
passes through;
 some (6) _______________ (腺體) which produce
(7) _______________ _______________ (消化液) that help digestion.

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 Major parts of the human digestive system:

Glands of the Parts of the
digestive system alimentary canal

(8) _______________
_______________ (唾腺) (14) _______________

(9) _______________
_______________ (胃腺)
(15) _______________ (食道)
in stomach

(16) _______________ (胃)

(10) _______________ (肝)

(11) _______________ (17) _______________

_______________ (膽囊) _______________ (小腸)
(not a gland)

(18) _______________
(12) _______________ (胰) _______________ (大腸)

(13) _______________
_______________ (腸腺)
(19) _______________ (肛門)

Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion

 (20) _______________ digestion makes the size of food pieces smaller. This increases the
(21) _______________ _______________ of food in contact with digestive juices.
 (22) _______________ in digestive juices speed up the (23) _______________
_______________ that break down complex molecules into simpler molecules.
 Different enzymes are involved in speeding up the breakdown reactions of different food

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C Mouth cavity (Book 3A, p. 31)

 Both mechanical digestion and chemical digestion take place in the mouth cavity.
Mechanical digestion Chemical digestion

 Carried out by the (24)  Carried out by an enzyme called

_______________ (25) _______________ (澱粉酶) in saliva,
which is produced by the
 Food is chewed into smaller pieces to
increase the surface area of food in (26) _______________
contact with digestive juice _______________

large piece of food  Complex (27) _______________

molecules are broken down into simpler
(28) _______________ molecules

action of

smaller pieces of food sugar


1 Chemical digestion by enzyme in saliva (Book 3A, p. 32)

 Chemical digestion in the mouth cavity is carried out by amylase. Amylase speeds up the
breakdown of complex starch molecules into simpler sugar molecules.
 Saliva is slightly (29) _______________ (pH > 7).

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2 Mechanical digestion by teeth (Book 3A, p. 34)

a Types of teeth
Type of teeth Shape of Number of Function Number on left side
crown ( )齒冠 root ( ) 齒根 of upper jaw ( ) 顎
Has a flat and 1 Biting and (32) _____
sharp edge (31) _______________

_______________ (門

Pointed and 1 (34) _______________ (35) _____

curved flesh

_______________ (犬

Broad top with 1 or 2 (37) _______________ (38) _____

cusps (尖突) food

(36) _____________ (

Broad top with 2 or 3 Grinding food (40) _____

more cusps

_______________ (臼

 Arrangement of the teeth is (41) _______________ (the same / different) on the upper and
lower jaws. It is also (42) _______________ (對稱的) on the left and right sides.
b Milk teeth and permanent teeth
 There are (43) __________ teeth in a set of (44) _______________ _______________ (乳齒)
with two molars on each side of a jaw and no premolars.

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 Milk teeth are replaced by (45) _______________ _______________ (恆齒) when we are about
six years old. Permanent teeth (46) _______________ (will / will not) be replaced by any new
teeth if they are lost.

3 Structure of teeth and oral diseases (Book 3A, p. 36)

a Structure of a tooth
(52) _______________
(47) _______________

(53) _______________
(48) _______________ (牙本質)

(54) _______________
_______________ (髓腔)
(49) _______________

(55) _______________
(50) _______________ _______________ (牙周膜)

(51) _______________ (56) _______________


 Each tooth consists of three layers:

 Enamel is (57) _______________ (living / non-living) and is the hardest part in the
human body.
Around the roots, it is replaced by the (58) _______________ , which attaches to the
tooth to the jawbone through the (59) _______________ .
 Dentine is a bone-like (60) _______________ (living / non-living) tissue and is not as
hard as the enamel.
 Pulp cavity contains (61) _______________ (living / non-living) cells, blood vessels and
nerves. The blood vessels carry nutrients and oxygen to the tooth. The nerves detect
temperature, pressure and pain.

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b Oral diseases
 The enamel of a tooth is made of calcium salts which can be dissolved by
(62) _______________ . This makes the enamel soft and weak.
 Bacteria in (63) _______________ (牙菌膜) act on food debris on teeth and produce acids.
This can lead to (64) _______________ _______________ (蛀牙) and
(65) _______________ _______________ (牙周病).
 Arrange the following diagrams to show the development of tooth decay.
a b c

Bacteria and acids reach the Bacteria in plaque act on the The hole becomes larger and
pulp cavity. The acids irritate ( carbohydrates in food debris larger. Bacteria and acids
刺激) the nerves, causing to produce acids. These acids reach the dentine.
pain. Pus (膿) is formed at the corrode the enamel and make
tip of the root because of a hole.
bacterial infection
Correct sequence: (66) ____________________________________________________
 Arrange the following diagrams to show the development of periodontal disease.
a b c

Bacteria in plaque cause More plaque accumulates in The bacteria damage the
inflammation (炎症) of the the pocket and the plaque gum, cementum, periodontal
gum. The gum becomes spreads downwards. membrane and jawbone. The
swollen and pulls away from tooth becomes loose and
the tooth. A pocket is formed may fall out.
around the neck region.
Correct sequence: (67) ____________________________________________________

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c Oral care
 To protect our teeth and gum, we should:
 Have dental check-ups at least (68) _______________ a year.
 Eat foods rich in vitamin (69) _____ and (70) _______________ to strengthen your teeth.
 Brush teeth with toothpaste containing (71) _______________ .
 Use oral care products properly, e.g. mouthwash, interdental brush (牙縫刷) and dental
floss (牙線).

D Oesophagus (Book 3A, p. 42)

 Oesophagus is a long tube and its wall is made up of layers of (72) _______________ . These
muscles contract in a wave-like pattern to push food forwards. Such movement is called
(73) _______________ , which pushes food down to the stomach.

E Stomach (Book 3A, p. 43)

 Both mechanical digestion and chemical digestion take place in the stomach:
Mechanical digestion Chemical digestion

 Carried out by  Carried out by an enzyme called

(74) _______________ (攪動) (77) _______________ (胃蛋白酶) in
 Turns solid food into a gastric juice
(75) _______________ paste  It speeds up the breakdown of
 Mixes food with (78) _______________ into simpler
(76) _______________ molecules
_______________ (胃液)

 Gastric juice also contains:

 Hydrochloric acid (氫氯酸), which provides an (79) _______________ environment for
pepsin to work and kills harmful (80) _______________ .
 Mucus (黏液), which protects the wall of the stomach from damage by pepsin and acid.

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F Small intestine (Book 3A, p. 45)

1 Digestion in small intestine (Book 3A, p. 45)
a Digestive juices entering small intestine
 When food is passed into the small intestine, it is mixed with (81) _______________ (膽汁),
(82) _______________ juice (胰液) and (83) _______________ juice (腸液).
 Match the following organs and their roles in digestion.

I liver

II gall bladder

III bile duct (膽管)

V pancreatic ducts (胰管)

IV pancreas

VI small intestine

Role Organ
a Stores bile temporarily (84) __________
b Produces intestinal juice (85) __________
c Produces bile (86) __________
d Passes bile from gall bladder to small intestine (87) __________
e Produces pancreatic juice (88) __________
f Pass pancreatic juice from pancreas to small intestine (89) __________

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b Functions of bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice

Digestive juice What it contains Role in digestion
Bile It contains  Bile salts break down lipids into smaller
(90) _______________ oil droplets. The process is called
_______________ (膽鹽) (91) _______________ (乳化)
but no enzyme. (mechanical digestion).
 This increases the surface area of lipids
for digestive enzymes to work on.

lipid emulsification

small oil droplets

 Emulsification of lipids by bile salts

Pancreatic juice It contains various types  The enzymes speed up the breakdown
of enzyme. of starch, lipids and proteins (chemical
Intestinal juice It contains  Certain molecules on the cell membrane
(produced by (93) _______________ of the inner wall of the small intestine
(92) _______________ but no enzyme. serve as digestive enzymes to speed up
glands in the wall of the breakdown of carbohydrates and
the small intestine) proteins (chemical digestion).
 Mucus protects the wall of the small
intestine from damage by
(94) _______________ .

 Bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice are (95) _______________ (acidic / alkaline).
This provides a suitable (96) _______________ for the various enzymes to work.
 Food is pushed through the small intestine by (97) _______________ .
 Digestion of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins is completed in the small intestine.

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2 Absorption in small intestine (Book 3A, p. 49)

 Most digested food substances are absorbed in the (98) _______________ _______________ .
They are then carried to all parts of the body through the
(99) _______________ system (轉運系統).
 The inner wall of the small intestine is highly
(100) _______________ . There are many finger-like
projections (延伸物) called (101) _______________ (絨毛). Inside each villus there are (102)
_______________ (微血管) and a
(103) _______________ (乳糜管).
 Water-soluble food substances (e.g. simple sugars, amino acids, minerals,
vitamin (104) _____ , water) are absorbed into the (105) _______________ in capillaries.
 Structure of a villus
 Lipid-soluble food substances (e.g. lipids, vitamins (106) _____ and (107) _____ ) are
absorbed into (108) _______________ (淋巴) in lacteals.
 Food substances are then carried by blood vessels and lymph vessels (淋巴管) to all parts of the
body to be taken up by cells for use.

G Large intestine (Book 3A, p. 52)

 Large intestine consists of three parts: colon
(109) _______________ (盲腸),
(110) _______________ (結腸) and
(111) _______________ (直腸).
colon colon
 It absorbs most of the remaining
(112) _______________ .
 The semi-solid waste left is called (113) _______________ .
It is removed from the body through the (114) _______________ .
 Faeces is brown in colour because of the (115) _______________ in bile. Bacterial action on
the indigestible materials gives faeces its smell.

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12. Balanced diet (Book 3A, p. 55)

A Food pyramid (Book 3A, p. 55)
 A (1) _______________ _______________ (均衡膳食) contains all types of food substances in
the right
(2) _______________ and (3) _______________ .
 The (4) _______________ _______________ (食物金字塔) is a guide that helps us plan a
balanced diet.

Proportion in a
Food group  Food pyramid
balanced diet

(5) _______________ Eat the most Provide us with (6) _______________

Vegetables Eat more Rich in (8) _______________ ,

(9) _______________ and
(10) _______________ _______________ ,
(7) _______________
which are mainly needed for maintaining health

Meat, fish, eggs, beans Eat moderately Rich in (11) _______________ , which are
and alternatives mainly needed for the growth and repair of body
Milk and alternatives

Fats and oils, salt and Eat less Eating too much of these can lead to various
sugar health problems

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B Energy value of food (Book 3A, p. 57)

 Different foods have different (12) _______________ _______________ (能量值), which are
determined by the amounts of (13) _______________ , (14) _______________ and
(15) _______________ in the foods.
 Energy value of food is usually measured in (16) _______________ ( _____ ) (千焦耳) or
(17) _______________ ( __________ ) (千卡路里). 1 kcal equals (18) __________ kJ.
 We can find out the energy values and
nutritional values (營養價值) of pre-packaged foods from reading their (19) _______________
_______________ (食物標籤).
 Information on food labels and food packaging may include the list of (20) _______________
, (21) _______________ or
(22) _______________ and (23) _______________ information.

C Energy requirement (Book 3A, p. 62)

 Food label
 Factors affecting energy requirements:
Factor How it affects energy requirement

(24) _______________ Children and teenagers need (25) _______________ (more /

less) energy because they are in a stage of rapid growth. After
puberty, growth slows down and energy requirements
(26) _______________ .

(27) _______________ Males have (28) _______________ (higher / lower) energy

requirements than females of the same age and activity level
because they are usually more (29) _______________ . They
require more energy to support muscular activities.

(30) _______________ People who are more physically active require

_______________ (31) _______________ (more / less) energy to support muscular

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D Health problems related to diet (Book 3A, p. 65)

1 Imbalance of energy (Book 3A, p. 65)
a Over-eating
 If a person always takes in more food than needed, the extra energy is stored in the body as
(32) _______________ . This results in an (33) _______________ (increase / decrease) in
body weight.
 A person is (34) _______________ (過重) when his / her body weight exceeds the normal
range. (35) _______________ (肥胖症 / 癡肥) is the condition of being seriously overweight.
 Overweight people often suffer from pains in their hip, knee or ankle joints. They also have a
higher risk of (36) _______________ _______________ _______________ (高血壓) and
(37) _______________ diseases.
b Under-eating
 If a person does not take in enough food over a long period of time, the body lacks
(38) _______________ . The fat stored in the body is used to release energy to support body
activities. When the fat is used up, (39) _______________ in the muscles are used as an
energy source.
 The person will become thin and (40) _______________. Various (41) _______________
diseases may develop.

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2 Imbalance of food substances (Book 3A, p. 66)

 Health problems related to insufficient intake of some food substances:
Health problem / Health problem /
Food substance Food substance
deficiency disease deficiency disease
Proteins Kwashiorkor Dietary fibre Constipation
Calcium Rickets Vitamin A Night blindness
Iron Anaemia Vitamin C Scurvy
Iodine Goitre Vitamin D Rickets

 (42) _______________ _______________ _______________ (BMI) (體重指數) is used to

assess the body weight status of a person.

 (43) _______________ _______________ (in kg)

(44) _______________2 (in m2)

 Diets that are high in lipids, sugars, sodium and energy increase the risk of certain diseases.
 Cardiovascular diseases are related to eating too much (45) _______________ . An excess
intake of these lipids can raise blood lipid levels. Lipids in the blood may narrow or block
blood vessels.
 (46) _______________ (高血壓) is the condition of having persistent high blood pressure. It is
related to eating too much (47) _______________ . Most processed meat (e.g. sausages,
luncheon meat) has a high sodium content. Hypertension can cause damage to the brain and
 People who are overweight or obese are at an increased risk of
(48) _______________ (糖尿病).

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12 A healthy body

12. Health and diseases (Book 3A, p. 70)

A Infectious diseases (Book 3A, p. 71)
1 Causes of infectious diseases (Book 3A, p. 71)
 (1) _______________ diseases (傳染病) can be transmitted from person to person.
 (2) _______________ (e.g. bacteria, fungi, protozoa 原生動物) or (3) _______________ can
get into our body tissues and reproduce there. They damage our cells or tissues, leading to
diseases. Such microorganisms and viruses are commonly known as
(4) _______________ (病菌).
 Some common infectious diseases in Hong Kong:
Caused by microorganisms Caused by viruses
a Cholera (霍亂) i Chickenpox (水痘)
b Diphtheria (白喉) j COVID-19 (2019冠狀病毒病)
c Keratitis (角膜炎) k Dengue fever (登革熱)
d Malaria (瘧疾) l Influenza (流行性感冒)
e Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus m Hepatitis A (甲型肝炎)
aureus (MRSA) infection (耐藥性金黃葡 n Hepatitis B (乙型肝炎)
萄球菌感染) o Japan encephalitis (日本腦炎)
f Pertussis (百日咳) p Poliomyelitis (脊髓灰質炎 / 小兒麻痺症)
g Tetanus (破傷風) q Rubella (風疹 / 德國麻疹)
h Tuberculosis (結核病)

 Identify the modes of transmission of the above diseases.

(5) Through droplets from infected people via coughing and sneezing: _______________
(6) Through wounds in the skin: _______________
(7) Taking in or making contact with contaminated food, soil or water: _______________
(8) Bites from infected mosquitoes: _______________

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2 Prevention of infectious diseases (Book 3A, p. 73)

a Maintaining good personal and environmental hygiene
 Identify the prevention measures for infectious diseases of different modes of transmission.
Prevention measures
a Wash hands with soap and water or rub hands with hand sanitizer (消毒搓手液) after
coughing or sneezing, and after touching surfaces in public places.
b Apply mosquito repellents, wear light-coloured long-sleeved T-shirts and pants when
going outdoors.
c Put on disposable gloves when treating other people’s wounds.
d Boil water before drinking.
e Cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing.
f Remove stagnant (靜置的) water which is the breeding (繁殖的) place of mosquitoes.
g Do not share personal items such as towels.
h Wear a face mask.
i Dress wounds properly.
j Handle food properly.
k Maintain good ventilation in indoor areas.
l Dispose of sewage and faeces properly.
(9) Through droplets from infected people via coughing and sneezing: _______________
(10) Through wounds in the skin: _______________
(11) Taking in or making contact with contaminated food, soil or water: _______________
(12) Bites from infected mosquitoes: _______________
b Vaccination
 Receiving (13) _______________ (疫苗) can help prevent us from getting certain infectious
 After vaccination (接種疫苗), our white blood cells ‘remember’ the germ. When the same germ
gets into the body later on, the body can then fight against it quickly and effectively.

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B Non-infectious diseases (Book 3A, p. 78)

 (14) _______________ diseases (非傳染病) cannot be transmitted from person to person.
 (15) _______________ _______________ (風險因素) (e.g. unhealthy lifestyles, ageing, genetic
factors) are factors that increase the risk of getting some non-infectious diseases.

1 Cardiovascular diseases (Book 3A, p. 78)

 Cardiovascular diseases refer to a group of diseases that involves the (16) _______________
and / or (17) _______________ _______________
Examples: (18) _______________ _______________ _______________ (冠心病),
(19) _______________ (中風).
 When there is too much (20) _______________ (膽固醇) in the blood, cholesterol may deposit
on the inner walls of arteries (動脈). This can narrow or clog the lumen of the arteries. This
reduces (21) _______________ _______________ to organs.

blood flow cholesterol

artery is partially blocked

 Coronary heart diseases occur when arteries that supply oxygen and nutrients to
(22) _______________ _______________ become clogged. A stroke occurs when arteries that
supply oxygen and nutrients to the (23) _______________ become clogged.
 (24) _______________ , (25) _______________ and unhealthy lifestyles are risk factors for
cardiovascular diseases.
 The unhealthy lifestyles related to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases:
 Eating too much (26) _______________
 Lack of (27) _______________ _______________
 (28) _______________
 Low intake of (29) _______________ _______________

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2 Lung cancer (Book 3A, p. 80)

 (30) _______________ develops when abnormal body cells divide endlessly.
 Lung cancer (肺癌) is closely related to (31) _______________ . (32) _______________ (焦油)
in cigarette smoke increases the chance of developing abnormal cells that can become cancer

3 Colorectal cancer (Book 3A, p. 81)

 (33) _______________ cancer (大腸癌) refers to cancer of the colon and rectum.
 (34) _______________ is a risk factor.
 Other risk factors linked to diet and lifestyle:
 High intake of red meat and (35) _______________ meat
 Lack of (36) _______________ _______________
 (37) _______________
 Drinking (38) _______________
 Low intake of (39) _______________ _______________
Risk factors for cancers
 Some unhealthy lifestyles increase our exposure to chemicals that are
(40) _______________ (致癌物):
 (41) _______________ in cigarette smoke can lead to lung cancer.
 (42) _______________ in wine and bear increases the risk of cancers of the mouth,
throat, oesophagus, breasts, liver and colon.
 Certain chemicals used as (43) _______________ (防腐劑) in processed meat can lead to
colorectal cancer.
 Some types of radiation (輻射) and viruses are also carcinogens. For example,
(44) _______________ radiation can cause skin cancer.
Hepatitis B virus can cause (45) _______________ cancer.

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 (46) _______________ is a risk factor for cancers because abnormal cells have more time to
develop in older people. The immune system (免疫系統) of older people is also less effective in
destroying abnormal cells or cancer cells.
 Problematic genes may be passed from generation to generation. These genes can lead to the
development of abnormal cells that cause certain cancers (e.g. breast cancer, colorectal
cancer). People who have a family history of these cancers are at a higher risk of getting them.

4 Diabetes (Book 3A, p. 83)

 Diabetes is a disease in which (47) _______________ _______________ _______________ (
血糖水平) become too high. This is because the body fails to regulate the level of glucose in the
 Diabetes patients excrete the excess glucose in (48) _______________ .
 Over time, high blood glucose levels can cause severe damage to blood vessels, kidneys, eyes
and nerves.
 (49) _______________ , (50) _______________ and a lack of physical activity are some of
the risk factors of diabetes. Some of diabetes cases are related to genetic factors.
Role of insulin in regulating blood glucose level
 In a healthy body, the (51) _______________ produces a hormone called
(52) _______________ (胰島素). It helps regulate the level of glucose in the blood by
(53) _______________ (reducing / increasing) it.
 Diabetes occurs if the pancreas does not (54) _______________ enough insulin, or if the body
(55) _______________ to respond to insulin. The blood glucose level becomes very high,
especially after a meal.
 For diabetics who do not produce enough insulin, regular injections of insulin can help control
their blood glucose level.

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12 A healthy body

5 Prevention of non-infectious diseases (Book 3A, p. 84)

 What are the healthy lifestyles that help prevent the non-infectious diseases?
Put a ‘’ in the appropriate boxes.
Yes No
Have a balanced diet (56)  
Exercise regularly (57)  
Smoke (58)  
Drink alcohol (59)  

C Biotechnology and health (Book 3A, p. 85)

 Modern biotechnology (生物工程) often involves changing the (60) _______________ material
of living things.
 Human (61) _______________ is one of the drugs produced using biotechnology.
 It (62) _______________ (is / is not) rejected by human body.
 It can be produced on a (63) _______________ (larger / smaller) scale.
 It can be produced at a (64) _______________ (higher / lower) cost.
 Biotechnology is used to test for some genetic diseases (遺傳病) which are caused by abnormal
changes in chromosomes or (65) _______________ .
 (66) _______________ _______________ _______________ (PCR) (聚合酶鏈反應) is
commonly used to test for genetic diseases. It is also used in the early identification of
infectious microorganisms and viruses such as the virus that causes COVID-19.

 Putting samples into a PCR machine

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12 A healthy body

12 A healthy body
1 healthy lifestyle 2 diseases 3 amounts 4 proportions
5 physical activity 6 sleep 7 cigarettes 8 alcohol
9 drugs

1 food substances 2 carbohydrates 3 lipids 4 proteins
5 minerals 6 vitamins 7 dietary fibre 8 water
9 energy 10 warm 11 raw materials 12 health
13 carbohydrates 14 lipids 15 proteins 16 minerals
17 vitamins 18 dietary fibre 19 water 20 Sugars
21 starch 22 Simple, Complex 23 Yes, No 24 Soluble, Insoluble
25 glucose 26 fructose 27 sucrose 28 lactose
29 energy sources 30 respiration 31 glycogen 32 energy reserves
33 liver 34 glucose 35 Solid 36 Liquid
37 animals 38 plants 39 energy reserves 40 skin
41 insulators 42 shock absorber 43 cell membranes 44 hormones
45 lipid-soluble 46 glycerol 47 fatty acid 48 growth
49 repair 50 enzymes 51 antibodies 52 hormones
53 energy sources 54 deficiency 55 kwashiorkor 56 weak
57 swollen 58 children 59 Amino acids 60 polypeptides
61 energy value 62 small 63 reactions 64 bones
65 teeth 66 Rickets 67 haemoglobin 68 Anaemia
69 thyroid gland 70 Goitre 71 rod 72 Night blindness
73 gum 74 Scurvy 75 bones 76 teeth
77 Rickets 78 sunlight 79 plant 80 insoluble dietary fibre
81 soluble dietary fibre 82 cellulose 83 digested 84 absorbed
85 constipation 86 lower 87 sugar 88 does not
89 medium 90 transport 91 solvent 92 cooling
93 food tests 94 glucose test paper 95 concentration 96 protein test paper
97 iodine solution 98 brown 99 blue-black 100 Grease spot
101 translucent 102 DCPIP 103 blue 104 colourless

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12 A healthy body

1 digested 2 absorbed 3 starch, lipids, proteins
4 simple sugars, minerals, vitamins, water 5 alimentary canal 6 glands
7 digestive juices 8 salivary glands 9 gastric glands 10 liver
11 gall bladder 12 pancreas 13 intestinal glands 14 mouth cavity
15 oesophagus 16 stomach 17 small intestine 18 large intestine
19 anus 20 Mechanical 21 surface area 22 Enzymes
23 chemical reactions 24 teeth 25 amylase 26 salivary glands
27 starch 28 sugar 29 alkaline 30 Incisor
31 cutting 32 2 33 Canine 34 Tearing
35 1 36 Premolar 37 Grinding 38 2
39 Molar 40 3 41 the same 42 symmetrical
43 20 44 milk teeth 45 permanent teeth 46 will not
47 crown 48 neck 49 gum 50 root
51 jawbone 52 enamel 53 dentine 54 pulp cavity
55 periodontal membrane 56 cement 57 non-living
58 cement 59 periodontal membrane 60 living
61 living 62 acids 63 plaque 64 tooth decay
65 periodontal disease 66 b, c, a 67 a, b, c 68 once
69 D 70 calcium 71 fluoride 72 muscles
73 peristalsis 74 churning 75 semi-solid 76 gastric juice
77 pepsin 78 proteins 79 acidic 80 microorganisms
81 bile 82 pancreatic 83 intestinal 84 II
85 VI 86 I 87 III 88 IV
89 V 90 bile salts 91 emulsification 92 intestinal
93 mucus 94 enzymes 95 alkaline 96 pH (value)
97 peristalsis 98 small intestine 99 transport 100 folded
101 villi 102 capillaries 103 lacteal 104 C
105 blood 106 A 107 D 108 lymph
109 caecum 110 colon 111 rectum 112 water
113 faeces 114 anus 115 pigments

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12 A healthy body

1 balanced diet 2 amounts 3 proportions 4 food pyramid
5 Grains 6 energy 7 Fruits 8 minerals
9 vitamins 10 dietary fibre 11 proteins 12 energy values
13 carbohydrates 14 lipids 15 proteins 16 kilojoules, kJ
17 kilocalories, kcal 18 4.2 19 food labels 20 ingredients
21 weight 22 volume 23 nutrition 24 Age
25 more 26 decrease 27 Sex 28 higher
29 muscular 30 Activity level 31 more 32 fat
33 increase 34 overweight 35 obesity 36 high blood pressure
37 cardiovascular 38 carbohydrates 39 proteins 40 weak
41 deficiency 42 Body Mass Index 43 body weight 44 height
45 lipids 46 Hypertension 47 sodium 48 diabetes

1 Infectious 2 Microorganisms 3 viruses 4 germs
5 b, f, h, i, j, l, q 6 e, g, n 7 a, c, m, p 8 d, k, o
9 a, e, h, k 10 c, g, i 11 d, j, l 12 b, f
13 vaccines 14 Non-infectious 15 Risk factors 16 heart
17 blood vessels 18 coronary heart diseases 19 stroke
20 cholesterol 21 blood flow 22 heart muscles 23 brain
24 Obesity 25 hypertension 26 lipids 27 physical activity
28 Smoking 29 dietary fibre 30 Cancer 31 smoking
32 tar 33 Colorectal 34 Obesity 35 processed
36 physical activity 37 Smoking 38 alcohol 39 dietary fibre
40 carcinogen 41 Tar 42 Alcohol 43 preservatives
44 ultraviolet 45 liver 46 Ageing 47 blood glucose levels
48 urine 49 Obesity 50 hypertension 51 pancreas
52 insulin 53 reducing 54 produce 55 fails
56 Yes 57 Yes 58 No 59 No
60 genetic 61 insulin 62 is not 63 larger
64 lower 65 DNA 66 Polymerase chain reaction

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