The Founder
The Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar (SSN) Institutions
is the outcome of the vision and initiative
of Mr. Shiv Nadar, a pioneer in the field of
Information Technology. Mr. Nadar founded Mr. Shiv Nadar’s
the HCL Group of Companies, which is today an message to the students
acknowledged leader in the IT world. b est express es the
Vision of the SSN
As the chairman of HCL Technologies Ltd., Institutions:
Mr. Shiv Nadar has played a pivotal role in the
rise of India as a formidable power in Information
Technology. His commitment to professional
excellence and global quality is today a benchmark
“ The founding vision
of the SSN Institutions, named after my late father, Sri
Sivasubramaniya Nadar, springs from a belief in India and
for corporates in the IT domain. The professional in her future generations. I firmly believe that there is a lot
link that the SSN Institutions enjoy with the of young talent here in India. With good stewardship and
HCL Group of Companies has given the encouragement, they can rise to the highest levels globally in
Institution a significant edge in terms of its reach technocracy and leadership. Our elegant campus is conducive
in the software industry worldwide. to serious academics and vibrant extra-curricular activity. It
is our constant endeavour to bring to the SSN Institutions, the
Mr. Shiv Nadar’s ardent desire to give back to best in technology and infrastructure, as we progress towards
the society that nurtured him led to the creation accomplishing our vision of being a centre of excellence.
of SSN Institutions and it clearly reflects the
Founder’s ideals. Dear students, you have many roles to play. You are the nation-
builders. You are the movers of technology. You are the agents
of change. It is our fervent hope that the years that you spend
in this institution would enable you to be sophisticated users of
technology and equip you with leadership skills. The knowledge
that you will gain, the fine qualities that you will imbibe, and
the technical skills that you will learn to apply will be your
major contribution to your parents, to society and to the nation.
always remember, great effort bears the sweet fruit of success
Board of Management
The Trust The governance of SSN Institutions is carried out by a Board
of Management consisting of the following members:
The SSN Trust was founded in 1994 by
Mr. Shiv Nadar and (Late) Justice Pratap Singh, Mr. Shiv Nadar, Founder and Managing Trustee, SSN
a judge of the Madras High Court. Justice Trust (Founding Chairman, HCL Technologies) -
Pratap Singh, a legal luminary, dedicated his Permanent Special Invitee
life to a number of social causes that served the 1. Mr. R. Srinivasan, Chairman, SSN Institutions Board
greater good of society. of Management (Director & CEO - Redington Ltd,
Global Management and Business Leader)
The Trust has established the SSN College
of Engineering (SSN CE), SSN School of 2. Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Trustee, SSN Trust
Management (SSN SoM), SSN School of (Chairperson, HCL Technologies; Executive Director
& CEO, HCL Corporation)
Advanced Career Education (SSN SACE),
SSN Research Centre (SSN RC) and SSN 3. Mr. T.S . Krishnamurthy, Former Chief Election
Incubation Foundation (SSN iFound). The Commissioner of India
institutions are run on a not-for-profit
4. Prof. M.S. Ananth, Former Director, IIT Madras
basis, and aim to provide the highest quality
educational and research facilities for 5. Mr. Subbiah Nagarajan, Senior Advisor, Daimler India
meritorious students from all economic strata. Commercial Vehicle
The Institution
The SSN Institutions is located ideally on a sprawling
230 acre campus along the Old Mahabalipuram Road -
known as the ‘Cyber Corridor’ of Chennai. The campus Technology Enabled Education
comprises aesthetically designed buildings amidst SSN implemented technology enabled education in the
a scenic setting. The campus is fully wi-fi (wireless first decade of this century with strong IT infrastructure
fidelity) enabled and has excellent infrastructure for and LMS platform which enables students and faculty
learning - computer centres, modern workshops & members to connect to each other through LMS even
labs, seminar halls and well-equipped libraries. after classroom hours. This helped SSN to face the
Dr. Kala Vijayakumar is the President of SSN challenge of pandemic seamlessly.
Institutions, and she has carved out a niche for herself SSN Center for Innovation and best Practices in
in the advancement of academic excellence and Education (SCIPE) recommended the suitable software
entrepreneurial abilities. for creating instructional videos and communication to
Dr. V.E.Annamalai is the Principal of SSN College of conduct online classes.
Engineering. He has a rich experience of over 34 years
in teaching, research and industry. He is a Ph.D. from
IIT Madras. He has 8 patents to his credit.
The Programs
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering (SSN CE) is an Autonomous Institution affiliated to
Anna University, Chennai, and approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
SSN CE has been accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council with A++ Grade.
SSN CE is ranked 45th among engineering colleges in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework
(NIRF) in 2021 and 89th overall among all educational institutions.
On gaining Autonomy, SSN CE has developed an industry relevant curriculum that is being followed from 2018
onwards. The methodology focuses on classroom interaction, self-learning, periodic evaluation and project.
The curriculum for B.E. (BME) includes
►► Biochemistry
►► Signals and systems
►► Sensors and measurements
►► Medical Physics
►► Anatomy and Human Physiology
►► Pathology and Microbiology
►► Analog and Digital Communication
►► Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab ►► Biomedical Instrumentation
►► Medical Software Lab ►► Bio Control Systems
►► Diagnostic and Therapeutic Lab
►► Biomedical Instrumentation Lab ►► Bio Materials
►► Biomaterials Lab ►► Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipments
►► Virtual reality lab ►► Digital Signal Processing
►► Voice lab
►► 3D printer ►► Biomechanics
►► 3D filament Extruder ►► Biofluids and Dynamics
►► Electrospinning Unit
►► Biometric Systems
►► Biopac and NI Elvis for data acquisition
►► Wireless EEG machine for neurological research ►► Data structures and Object Oriented Programming
►► Electrical safety and surgical analysers ►► Radiological Equipment
►► Heart Lung Machine & Dialysis Machine
►► Campus Clinic ►► Computer Networks
►► Medical Optics
Specialization Domains:
►► Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
The department offers two specialization domains
based on the professional electives chosen ►► Digital Image Processing
►► Medical Device and System Design ►► Physiological Modeling
►► Medical Data Analytics ►► Nano Electronics
Honors Degree: ►► BioMEMS
The department offers B.E. Hons Specialization in ►► Medical Imaging Techniques
►► Precision Health Technology
►► Assist Devices
Department Activities:
►► MoU with Sri Ramachandra Medical Center, Significant Electives:
Chettinad Hospitals, NIEPMD, Kornerstone
Technologies etc ►► Virtual reality and Augmented Reality
►► Internships at INSA, IITs, IISc, DRDO etc ►► Wearable devices and Mobile Healthcare
►► International Internships for students from Drexel ►► Regenerative medicine
school of Biomedical Etngineering
►► Nanoparticles and Drug delivery systems
►► International short courses conducted by faculty
from Universities abroad ►► Artificial Organs
►► Core placements in Philips, HCL Healthcare ►► Computational Neuroscience
Systems ►► Telehealth Technology
►► SYNERGY – Department newsletter
►► Neuro Rehabilitation and brain computer
►► Healthcare product development through research
►► Guest Lectures in all emerging areas of the field
►► Hospital and Industrial Visits ►► Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
►► Demo and Hands-on Training in Modeling, ►► Internet of Medical Things
Analysis and Prototyping software
►► Rapid Prototyping
►► Product development through 3 D printing
Undergraduate Program B.E.
Civil Engineering (CE)
The Bachelors in Civil Engineering program, started in Project Work:
2011, is the latest addition to premium undergraduate Civil Engineering students take up projects in the
degrees offered by SSN CE. The objective of the Civil following areas:
Engineering program is that our graduates will have a
►► Concrete Technology
successful career in civil or allied industries or being an
entrepreneur. To attain this goal, the Civil Engineering ►► Sustainable Materials
Department has highly qualified and dedicated faculty ►► Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
with a wealth of experience in academic, industrial and ►► Soil- structure interaction of Deep Foundation
research spheres, and, excellent infrastructure. ►► Analysis and Design of structural systems
Laboratory Facilities: ►► Offshore and floating structures
The Civil Engineering Department has the following ►► Ground Improvement Techniques
laboratories: ►► Innovative foundation
►► Surveying Laboratory ►► Critical Analysis of Soil Characteristics
►► Strength of Materials Laboratory ►► Traffic Engineering and Management
►► Computer Aided Design and Drafting Laboratory ►► Solid Waste Management and Re-cycling
►► Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory ►► Air pollution studies
►► Environmental Engineering Laboratory ►► Hydrology
►► Soil Mechanics Laboratory ►► Water and Waste water treatment.
►► Concrete and Highway Engineering Laboratory ►► Construction Project Management
Department Activities:
►► Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) UK,
Curriculum: Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Association
The curriculum for B.E. (Civil) includes the of Civil Engineers (ACE), Indian Green Building
following: Council (IGBC), Indian Concrete Institute
(ICI), Department fun club (KRACIVA) are the
►► Engineering Mechanics active student forums that organize Symposium,
Workshops, Site visits, Competitions, Seminars,
►► Civil Engineering Fundamentals Practice alumni interactions regularly.
►► Engineering Geology ►► Guest lectures by eminent personalities from
both academia and industry
►► Strength of Materials
►► Short courses with eminent international faculty
►► Fluid Mechanics and Machinery ►► Internships.
►► Surveying ►► Placement in core companies like Larsen &
Toubro, Adani Ports, Wood, Saint Gobain,
►► Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ACC, etc.
►► Structural Analysis & Design ►► Faculty Development Programmes
►► Hands-on training on software and other
►► Environmental Engineering
emerging topics
►► Irrigation & Water Resources Engineering ►► Workshops, and Seminars
►► Transportation Engineering ►► National and International webinars
►► National and International conferences
►► Concrete Technology
►► Funded research projects
►► Estimation & Quantity Surveying ►► Field visits to major construction project sites
►► GIS & Remote Sensing Techniques ►► International virtual site visits
►► Constr uction Materials, Practices & ►► National competitions
Management ►► Research Publication in reputed journals.
►► MoU with Industries and national R&D
►► Computer Aided Building Drawing and Design
►► Prestressed Concrete Structures ►► Alumni interaction
►► Str uctura l D ynamics and Ear thqua ke ►► Sharing sessions and fun activities
Engineering ►► Industry linked design project and
final semester project works. 9
Undergraduate Program B.E.
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
The Bachelor of Engineering program in Computer ►► Holistic development is ensured through hackathons,
Science & Engineering was started in the academic workshops, conferences, entrepreneurial events, and
year 1996. The program has been accredited by NBA cultural programs
since 2007. The department has a well-designed ►► Attractive Scholarships are available to meritorious
teaching-learning process, experienced faculty, excellent students
infrastructure and research opportunities. ►► Streamlined teaching learning process using Learning
►► The program richly integrates practical work with Management System
the foundational courses inculcating confidence and ►► Wi-Fi enabled campus with vibrant community life
programming skills in students
►► The program is supported by ten dedicated labs for Collaborative Research Work:
curriculum-oriented courses, and three research labs ►► Research collaborations with University of Cyprus,
with cutting-edge hardware for Machine Learning IIT Madras, IIITDM Chennai, IIIT Una, IMSc
and Distributed Systems Chennai, and Gleneagles Global Health City
►► The department carries out state-of-the-art research Chennai
work in AI and Machine Learning (in Image, Text, ►► Funded research projects from DST, BIRAC,
and Speech Processing), Cyber Security, IoT, SDN, AICTE, and ISRO
and Data Analytics, giving exciting opportunities
to students for training, research, and project work Honours Degree:
►► Students can devote their final semester completely The department offers B.E.(Honours) specialization in
for project work / internship in the industry Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
►► Students participate in consultancy work for Laboratory Facilities:
industries, government funded projects, SSN
Ten diversified, well-equipped laboratories with different
funded projects, and internships throughout the
platforms such as Mac OS, Ubuntu and Windows which
program, fitting them industry ready
cater to hardware and software requirements of the
►► Personal care is extended through mentoring, bridge undergraduate curriculum.
courses, and workshops
►► Operating Systems and Network Programming Lab
►► Students sharpen their competitive skills through
►► System Programming Lab
activities of student chapters such as ACM & ACM-
Women, CSI, IEEE, Code Chef Campus Chapter, ►► Digital Lab
Google Developer Group and Coding Club ►► Microprocessor Lab
►► Software Engineering Lab Curriculum:
►► Windows Programming Lab The curriculum for B.E CSE includes the following
►► Graphics and Multimedia Lab courses
►► Java Technology Lab
Theory Courses:
►► IoT Lab
►► Problem Solving and Programming in Python
►► Web Technology Lab
Three labs with GPU servers dedicated for the students ►► Foundations of Data Science
to do their research projects ►► Digital Principles and System Design
►► Cognizant Open Source Lab ►► Data Structures
►► High Performance Computing Lab ►► Object Oriented Programming
►► BIRAC Research Lab
►► Operating Systems
Project Work: ►► Computer Networks
Students carry out project works in various research ►► Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and
domains: Interfacing
►► AI and Machine Learning
►► Software Engineering
►► Cyber Security and Blockchain Technologies
►► IoT, Embedded Systems and Robotics ►► Internet Programming
►► Big Data Mining and Analytics ►► Software System Security
►► Wireless, Adhoc and Software Defined Networks ►► Principles of Machine Learning
►► Sustainable solutions in Green and Cloud ►► Theory of Computation
Computing ►► Distributed Systems
►► Projects using DevOps, Micro Services, MLOps,
and Agile Methods ►► Software Architecture
Curriculum: Department Activities:
The curriculum for B.E. (MECH) includes the ►► Industrial Visits
following: ►► Research exposure
►► Applied Engineering Mechanics ►► Internships in Industries and National
►► Engineering Thermodynamics laboratories
►► Thermal Engineering
►► Guest Lectures
►► Strength of Materials
►► Heat and Mass Transfer ►► Technical Workshops and Conferences
►► Fluid Mechanics and Machinery ►► Quick Launch programs for inducting into
►► Mechatronics Research and Placement
►► Manufacturing Technology
►► Computer Integrated Manufacturing Beyond Syllabus Activities:
►► Design of Machine Elements ►► Hands-on training in engine assembly and
►► Automobile Engineering aero-modeling.
►► Finite Element Analysis
►► Hands-on training on Robotics at Robotics
►► Total Quality Management
Lab through e-Yantra Scheme, in partnership
►► Project Work
with IIT Bombay
Electives: ►► Industrial Practices training at Industry
►► Reliability Engineering Institute Partnership Cell, sponsored by
►► Hydraulics and Pneumatics AICTE
►► Gas Dynamics and jet Propulsion ►► Design and Fabrication training at Design
►► Process Planning and cost estimation fabrication lab sponsored by AICTE
►► Renewable sources of energy Patent Granted:
►► Hydrogen and Fuel cell technologies
►► Solar energy technologies Air Inlet Regulating Device for Fluid Driven
►► Design for manufacturing and assembly Two Stroke Engines (383221)
►► Intellectual Property Rights
►► Design Thinking
Undergraduate Program B.Tech.
Chemical Engineering (CHEM)
The undergraduate degree program in Chemical • Department has received 5 projects worth Rs. 3.4
Engineering focuses on imparting theoretical and Crores during the years 2017 to 2021 from various
practical knowledge in design, development, operation and funding agencies.
maintenance of processes involving chemical engineering • Our faculty are actively engaging in industrial
& technology. The department places an emphasis on consultancy projects worth Rs. 75 lakhs.
nurturing the innovative ability of students. The society • Among 47 research scholars there are 35 Full time and
relies heavily on chemical engineering and its processes. 12 Part time research scholars doing their PhDs under
Chemical engineers help to manage natural resources, our department faculty.
protect the environment, develop health and safety
procedures, and recycle waste material, while developing • Every year the department is publishing more than
and managing the processes which make the spectrum of 50 research papers in reputed international journals.
products we use. This wide range of products and chemicals • The department has active student chapters of IEI,
creates vast employment options and potential to increase AIChE and IIChE. The IIChE Students chapter has
GDP. received the Ambuja Best Students Chapter Award
consecutively during 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021.
This program has been accredited by NBA for three years.
• A patent has been granted for an invention entitled
The Chemical Engineering Department has the following “Megasonics-Assisted Carbon Rich Solvent Vacuum
laurels Regeneration in PCCC: Continuous Process” in the
• Our faculty listed in Top 1% Scientists announced year 2022.
by Stanford University, United States and Elsevier, • Percentage of Anna university rank holders in
2020-2021. Chemical Engineering stream.
• 100% faculty are PhD holders. o 2021 67%
• Received a grant of Rs. 2.08 Crores for the project titled o 2020 75%
“Bench-Scale Design and Development: Investigation o 2019 80%
of High-Frequency, High-Intensity Ultrasonics for
Carbon-Rich Solvent Regeneration in Solvent-Based o 2018 76%
Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Process for Reducing o 2017 77%
CO2 Capture Energy Demand” jointly with IIT Madras
and RMIT University Australia funded by Ministry • Our students have received the Gold medal for
of Science & Technology, Department of Science & securing first rank in Anna university examinations
Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. consecutively for the last five years from 2016 onwards.
Laboratory Facilities: Department Activities:
►► Fluid Mechanics Lab ►► Th
e Association of Chemical Engineers (ACE)
►► Mechanical Operations Lab and IIChE - SSN Student Chapter organize
►► Chemical Analysis Lab
●● Conferences, Technical symposia, quizzes and
►► Heat Transfer Lab
►► Mass Transfer Lab seminars.
►► Chemical Reaction Engineering & ●● In-plant training, industrial visits, Industrial
Thermodynamics Lab projects
►► Process Dynamics and Control Lab ►► MoU with industries and research organizations
►► Environmental Engineering Lab ►► Paper publication in international journals by
►► Sophisticated Instruments Lab faculty and students
►► Chemical Process Modeling and
Simulation Lab ►► Innovative Cell
►► Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering Lab ►► Exposure to Novel Research Areas
►► Industrial Projects
Research & Development:
Areas in progress: Sophisticated Equipments:
►► Wastewater Treatment ►► Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
►► Green and Sustainable Solvents in Extraction ►► UV Visible Spectrophotometer
Process ►► Ultra Sonicator
►► CO2 Capture and Utilization ►► Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
►► Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
►► High Temperature Vacuum Furnace
►► Nano Fluids in Heat Transfer
►► Densitometer
►► Polymer Nanocomposites
►► Separation of bioactive compounds using ►► Hydrothermal Reactor
Hydrotropes ►► NOVA CO2 Analyzer
►► Biofuels Energy ►► Megasonics Assisted solvent regeneration setup
►► Clean Coal Technology ►► Bubbling Reactor for CO2 absorption studies
►► Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism Analysis
►► Bioprocess Engineering
The curriculum for B.Tech. (Chemical Engg.)
Software Available: covers the following:
►► MATLAB & Simulink
►► Aspen Plus ►► Fluid Mechanics
►► COSMOThermX ►► Heat Transfer
►► TURBOMOLE ►► Mass Transfer
►► Chemical Process Calculation
Sponsored Research:
►► Mechanical Operations
►► Wastewater Treatment (DST-SERB)
►► CO2 Capture Process (DST-SERB) ►► Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics
►► Electrochemical Sensor (DST-WTI) ►► Chemical Reaction Engg.
►► Production of Esters (Sheenlac Paints Ltd) ►► Process Instrumentation, Dynamics and
►► Production of Allyl Alcohol (Sheenlac Paints Ltd) Control
►► Alcohol into Value-Added Chemicals ►► Transport Phenomena
(Sheenlac Paints Ltd) ►► Chemical Process Industries
►► Wood Alcohol from Wood Bio-Mass ►► Energy Engineering
(Sheenlac Paints Ltd) ►► Chemical Engg. Fundamentals and Practice
►► Enhancement of Fuel Properties ►► Process Plant Utilities
(Jayasakthi Chemicals Ltd)
►► TOC removal from Waste Water (L&T) ►► Process Engg. Economics
►► Plastic Waste Management (Paterson Energy (P) ►► Food Technology
Ltd.) ►► Chemical Engg. Practice & Drawing
►► Wastewater Treatment
►► Process Optimization
►► Petroleum Technology
►► Chemical Process Modeling and Simulation
►► Carbon Trading and Carbon Foot Print
Undergraduate Program B.Tech.
Information Technology (IT)
The department of IT aims to impart sound knowledge have published about 800 research papers in
of IT domains to students, and nurtures them to journals and conferences. New frontiers in the
positively contribute to dynamic industrial needs. IT field are introduced regularly to students
The department promotes sustained research to through interactions with the industry and
build information systems for the benefit of society. conducting workshops, conferences and research
Our alumni study and work in some of the world’s symposiums.
best academic and industrial institutions such as
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Laboratory Facilities:
Mellon University, Oxford University, Google, The department has 10 labs specialized in the
Amazon, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft, among others. following:
In the placement front, 91.5% of students have been ►► Mobile and web application development
placed with an average salary of 13 lakhs. ►► Internet of Things
The UG program is accredited by NBA and the ►► AI and Robotics
department is a recognized Research Centre for ►► Software design
pursuing Ph.D. program under Anna University.
►► Research labs
Among the 31 faculty members, 94% are Ph.D. holders
and others are pursuing Ph.D. Research Groups:
The department has 10 well-equipped laboratories and The students and faculty are actively involved in
a department library to enhance the practical skills and the following research areas:
research orientation of students. ►► Machine Learning (Institute-wide,
The department is actively engaged in research in
diverse fields, having received funded projects with a ►► Speech Technology (Institute-wide,
cumulative grant of Rs. 3.03 crore and sponsored by Interdisciplinary)
DAE, BRNS, DST, MCIT, DRDO, AICTE, TVA, ►► Microcontroller and Nano electronics
TNSCST and SSN Trust. The faculty and students (Interdisciplinary)
►► Data analytics
►► Web technology
►► Image Processing
►► IoT, Networks, and Security
Experiential Learning:
Projects are introduced in the first year itself and the
students carry out three capstone projects before their
final year project work. The rubrics for the capstone
projects are:
►► Processes: PSP, Scrum, DevOps
►► Management: Estimation, WBS, Planning,
The curriculum for B.Tech. (IT) includes the
►► Risk Management
►► Coding Standards and Configuration Management
►► Problem Solving and Programming in Python
►► Automation of routine tasks ►► Programming and Data Structures
►► Meetings: Customer meetings, review meetings, ►► Programming and Design Patterns
►► Database Technology
►► Presentations ►► Digital Logic and Computer Organization
►► Documentations ►► Introduction to Digital Communication
►► Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Department Activities:
►► Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
►► National Level Technical Symposium “INVENTE”
by Association of Information Technologists (AIT) ►► Data Communication and Networks
►► Automata Theory and Compiler Design
►► National Level Project Competition VIVID for
encouraging the students to apply their knowledge, ►► Principles of Software Engineering and Practices
skill, passion and creativity to technology solutions ►► Data Analytics and Visualization
►► Inter and Intra-college Hackathon Hack & Tackle ►► Principles of Operating Systems
to provide an unhindered platform for students ►► Artificial Intelligence
to develop realistic and intelligent solutions to ►► Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
problems prevalent in the society ►► Web Programming
►► Guest lectures by eminent personalities from both ►► Internet of Things and C programming
academic Institutes and Industries ►► Network Communication Security
►► Industrial visits to leading IT firms ►► Cloud and Distributed Computing
►► Career counselling programme ►► Mobile Application Development
►► An annual Research Scholars’ Colloquium (RSC) The Department offers the following elective baskets:
to bring together experts and researchers and
►► Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
introducing the scholars to open research problems
in the areas of IoT, security, blockchain, data science (Honors Track)
and health care domains ►► Internet of Things
►► Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs), ►► Data Management and Analysis
seminars, workshops and conferences for Faculty at ►► Engineering Scalable Systems
National and International levels ►► Information Security
►► Publishing a quarterly department newsletter ►► Augmented/Virtual/Mixed/Extended
‘IdentITy’ Reality
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Applied Electronics
The Master’s program in Applied Electronics was started
in the year 2004 at the department of ECE and the
program is accredited by NBA. The sanctioned intake The curriculum for Applied Electronics is reviewed
and revised every four years based on inputs from
is 18. A team of qualified faculty members handles
academia and industry and various other stakeholders.
the courses to make the students industry ready. The
The major courses offered in the program are:
curriculum is developed with the vision to meet the
needs of the present semiconductor industry and ►► Applied Mathematics for Electronic Design
research with suitable incorporation of allied courses ►► Advanced Digital System Design
in embedded systems. The program is supported by ►► Sensors, Actuators, and System Interface
well-equipped laboratories for teaching and research. ►► Embedded System Design
Laboratory Facilities: ►► Robotics and Automation
►► Automotive Electronics
The following labs are equipped with state-of-the-art
facilities to meet the needs of both academics and ►► Nano Electronics and Technology
researchers in the Applied Electronics stream. Some of ►► Internet-of-Things and Edge Analytics
the major software available in the department and ►► Machine Vision
used by the students are, MATLAB, COMSOL ►► MOS Device Modeling
Multiphysics, Cadence & LabVIEW, Xilinx and Keil ►► MEMS and NEMS
Developer. ►► Data Converters
►► Digital Signal Processing Lab ►► System on Chip Design
►► Low Power System Computing Lab ►► Pattern Recognition
►► VLSI Design Lab ►► Medical Embedded Systems
►► Embedded Systems Design Lab ►► Signal Integrity for High-Speed Design
►► PG Research Projects Lab ►► Hardware Software Co-Design
►► Embedded Networks
Project Work: ►► Advanced Computer Organization and
The students of Applied Electronics undertake Architecture
research-oriented in-house projects supervised by ►► Soft Computing Techniques
faculty members and industry projects supervised ►► Artificial Intelligence
by both industry experts and faculty members of the
department. The PG scholars are encouraged to pursue
internships and research projects in some of the major
industries like Tata Elxsi, Alcatel-Lucent, Altran etc.
The key project areas of the program are,
►► Embedded System Technologies
►► Signal and Image Processing
►► RF Circuit Design
►► VLSI Design
►► MEMS and NEMS
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Communication Systems
The Master’s program in Communication Systems
was started in the year 2003 at the department of
ECE and is accredited by the NBA for six years.
The sanctioned intake of the program is 18. The
program aims to inculcate knowledge in present and
next-generation communication system modelling
with appropriate exposure to signal processing. To
strengthen this, the program is handled by expert
faculty members with PhD and well qualified in several
aspects of communication engineering. The program
is supported by excellent laboratory facilities with the
latest hardware and software tools.
Laboratory Facilities:
The following labs are equipped with state-of-the-art
facilities to meet the needs of both academics and Curriculum:
researchers in the Communication Systems. The major
software used in the program are CST Studio Suite The curriculum for Communication Systems is reviewed
and MATLAB. and revised every four years based on inputs from
academia and industry and various other stakeholders.
►► Communication Systems Lab The major courses offered in the program are
►► Digital Signal Processing Lab
►► Mathematical Foundations for Communication
►► Microwave & Fibre Optic Communication Lab Engineers
►► PG Research Projects Lab ►► Advanced Wireless Communication
Project Work: ►► Advanced Radiating Systems
►► Advanced Signal Processing
The students of Communication Systems undertake
►► Microwave Integrated Circuits
research-oriented in-house projects supervised by
►► Advanced Communication Networks
faculty members and industry projects supervised
►► 5G Communication Technologies
by both industry experts and faculty members of the
►► Cooperative Communication
department. The PG scholars are encouraged to pursue
internships and research projects in some of the major
►► Internet-of-Things and Edge analytics
industries such as SAMEER, CSIR-SETS, Tata Elxsi,
►► Pattern Recognition
Alcatel-Lucent, etc.
►► Satellite Communication
The key project areas of the program are, ►► Space Time Communication
►► Wireless Communication Technologies ►► Fundamentals of Block Chain Technologies
►► Speech Technology ►► Soft Computing Techniques
►► Computer Networks ►► Advanced Optical Communication
►► Wireless Sensor Network
►► Adhoc and Sensor Networks
►► Speech Processing
►► Microwave Components and Circuits ►► Radar Communication
►► MEMS and NEMS ►► Compressive Sensing
►► Signal and Image Processing ►► Deep Learning
►► Electromagnetic Shielding ►► Remote Sensing
►► Array Signal Processing
►► Optical Communication and Networks
►► V2X Communication
►► Underwater Communications ►► Machine Vision
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Computer Science & Engineering
The Master of Engineering program in Computer
Science & Engineering was started in the academic Curriculum:
year 2003. The program has been accredited by NBA The PG curriculum comprises the following courses,
since 2008. project work for the last two semesters, a 2-credit
course on internship with seminar and a course on
Research Work: Research methodologies.
►► Department of CSE is a recognized research center ►► Core Courses
under Anna University to pursue PhD and MS • Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
(Research) programs, since 2006. • Applied Probability and Statistics
►► 91% of the faculty are doctorates and most of them • Principles of Data Science
are recognized supervisors in Anna University, • Advanced Software Engineering
Chennai. • Machine Learning
►► Students carry out their project work in the • Internet of Things
following research areas: ►► Significant Elective Courses
o Machine Learning • Natural Language Processing
o Internet of Things • Speech Processing
o Image Processing • Image Processing
• Computer Vision
o Speech Processing • Deep Learning
o Natural Language Processing • Edge Analytics
o Big Data Analytics • Cognitive Computing
o Cyber Security • Social Network Analysis
• Data Visualization Techniques
o Blockchain Technologies
• Healthcare Data Analytics
►► Students are encouraged to present and publish • Cloud Computing
their research work in International Conferences. • Blockchain Technologies
The department supports the payment of conference • Security Principles and Practice
registration fees. • Web Application Development
►► Department has several research projects funded • Software Defined Networks
and consultancy projects from companies like
Lab Facilities:
Caterpillar. The students have opportunities to work Two dedicated labs and three well-equipped
on these projects under faculty mentors. research labs with GPU servers are available for the
►► Students pursue internships in industries. PG program.
►► PG Lab - I
Opportunities after Graduation:
►► PG Lab - II
►► All the registered students are placed in prestigious ►► Cognizant Open-source Lab
companies like Amazon, Thoughtworks, Zoho, ►► High Performance Computing Lab
CodaGlobal, Oracle, PayPal, Walmart Labs, SAP ►► BIRAC Research Lab
Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, etc.
►► Research Assistantship is offered with stipend to
extend final year project work and publish a paper
in International Journals.
►► Junior Research Fellowship ( JRF) is offered with
good salary package to work under a funded project
►► Students pursue PhD under the guidance of faculty
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Energy Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers
Post-Graduate program in the specialization of Energy Elective Courses:
Engineering from the academic year 2013 - 2014 ►► Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
►► Solar Energy Technologies
Laboratory Facilities: ►► Wind Energy Technologies
►► Energy Laboratory ►► Bio Energy Conversion Techniques
►► Thermal Systems Simulation Laboratory ►► Nuclear Engineering
►► Computational Fluid Dynamics for Energy
Broad Area of Projects: Systems
►► Energy conservation ►► Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis
►► Solar Energy ►► Design of Heat Exchangers
►► Alternate Fuels ►► Electrical Drives and Controls
►► Thermal Energy Storage & Management ►► Power Generation, Transmission and
►► Evaporative Cooling Utilization
►► Refrigeration ►► Hybrid Electric Vehicles
►► Computational Fluid Dynamics ►► Design and Analysis of Turbomachines
►► Heat Exchangers ►► Energy Forecasting, Modeling and Project
►► Emission Control Management
►► Energy Auditing ►► Energy Efficient Buildings
►► Energy Conservation in Electrical Systems
►► Green Buildings & Simulation
►► Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
Curriculum: ►► Advanced Power Plant Engineering
The curriculum for Energy Engineering comprises of the ►► Steam Generator Technology
following subjects: ►► Fluidized Bed Systems
►► Advanced Energy Storage Technologies
Core Courses: ►► Waste Management and Energy Recovery
►► Incompressible and Compressible Flows ►► Environmental Engineering and Pollution
►► Thermodynamic Analysis of Energy Systems Control
►► Energy Conversion Techniques ►► Research Methodology
►► Energy Resources Project Works:
►► Advanced Numerical Methods
►► Phase - I (3rd Sem, 3 days/week)
►► Applied Heat Transfer
►► Phase - II (full six months during 4th sem)
►► Measurement and Control for Energy Systems
►► Energy Conservation in Thermal Systems Opportunities after Graduation:
►► Research Assistantship (RA) is offered with a
stipend to extend their final year project work
and publish a paper in International Journals.
►► Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) is offered
with a good salary package to work under
a funded project received by our faculty
►► Students pursue Ph.D. under the guidance of
faculty members.
►► Students can work collaboratively with
faculty members to file a patent.
►► Students can start their own company in
SSN using the SSN incubation unit. 25
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Manufacturing Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering Curriculum:
offers Post-Graduate program in the specialization The curriculum for Manufacturing Engineering
of Manufacturing Engineering from the academic comprises of the following subjects:
year 2012 - 2013. Core Subjects:
Laboratory Facilities: ►► Advances in Manufacturing Technology
►► Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
►► Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory ►► Advances in Casting and Welding
►► Automation Laboratory ►► Robot Design and Programming
►► CAD / CAM Laboratory ►► Optimization Techniques in Manufacturing
►► Computer Aided Simulation and Analysis ►► Advances in Metrology and Inspection
►► Theory of Metal Forming
►► Additive Manufacturing
►► Metrology Laboratory
►► Workshop with CNC facilities
►► Robotics Laboratory Design for Manufacture and Assembly
►► Micro Manufacturing
Opportunities after Graduation: ►► Metal Cutting Theory and Practice
►► Research Assistantship (RA) is offered with a ►► Machine Tool Control & Condition
stipend to extend their final year project work and Monitoring
publish a paper in International Journals. ►► Green manufacturing Practices
►► Non-Destructive Evaluation
►► Junior Research Fellowship ( JRF) is offered with ►► Polymers and Composite Materials
a good salary package to work under a funded ►► Lean Manufacturing
project received by our faculty members. ►► MEMS and Nanotechnology
►► Students pursue Ph.D. under the guidance of ►► Computer Aided Product Design
faculty members. ►► Machine Vision
►► Students can work collaboratively with faculty ►► Materials Testing and Characterization
members to file a patent. Techniques
►► Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks
►► Students can start their own company in SSN
►► Smart materials and structures
using the SSN incubation unit.
Two projects, Phase 1 and Phase 2 are done in the
final two semesters.
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Medical Electronics
The Department of Biomedical Engineering commenced Curriculum:
its postgraduate program in Medical Electronics in the
The curriculum for Medical Electronics covers the
academic year 2014-2015.
following core courses:
Laboratory Facilities: ►► Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engineers
►► Data Acquisition and Processing Lab ►► Bio Signal Processing
►► Electronics and Integrated circuit Lab ►► Applied Medical Instrumentation
►► Digital Signal and Image Processing Lab ►► Biomedical Equipment
►► Medical Software Lab ►► Applied Medical Image Processing
►► Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Lab ►► Medical Imaging and Radio Therapy
►► Biomedical Instrumentation Lab ►► Medical Device Design
►► MIMICS Lab ►► Clinical Immersion and Mini project
►► Biomaterials Lab Electives:
►► Medical Device Design Lab ►► Biomedical data analysis
Value-added Research ►► Machine Learning techniques
Laboratories: ►► Embedded Systems and IoT
►► Centre for Healthcare Technologies ►► Wearable devices and technologies
►► Voice Research Laboratory ►► Human Assist Devices
►► Feynman Nano Laboratory ►► Rehabilitation Engineering Technology
Project Work: ►► Biomaterials and its Characterization
►► Cognitive Neuroscience ►► Biomedical Optics
►► Medical Signal and Image Analysis ►► Bio MEMS
►► Assistive and rehabilitation devices ►► Nanotechnology and Applications
►► Virtual and Augmented Reality for brain and ►► VLSI Design Techniques
muscle training ►► Advanced Neural Computing
►► Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering ►► Physiological Modeling
►► Voice and Speech signal Processing ►► Brain Computer Interfaces
►► Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence ►► Pattern Recognition
►► Internet of Medical Things ►► Biomedical Informatics
►► Fundamentals of Medical Device Regulatory
►► Product Planning and Project Management
►► Healthcare and Hospital Equipment Management
Opportunities after Graduation:
►► Internship and placement opportunities in the
MedTech companies and reputed Research
►► Research Assistantship with a stipend to extend
project work for publishing in International
►► Junior Research Fellowship ( JRF) with a good
salary package to work under a funded project
►► Pursuing Ph.D. under the guidance of
faculty members.
Postgraduate Program M.E.
Power Electronics & Drives
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering ►► Psim 6.0
commenced its postgraduate program in Power ►► Pscad / Emtdc Ver 4.2.1
Electronics & Drives in the academic year 2004 – 2005. ►► MagNet
This program has been accredited by NBA for five years.
Project Work: The curriculum for Power Electronics & Drives covers
►► Z-Source inverters the following:
►► Multilevel inverters ►► Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
►► AC and DC Converters ►► Modeling and Analysis of Electrical Machines
►► Matrix Converters ►► Advanced Semiconductor Devices
►► Resonant Converters ►► Analysis of Power Converters
►► Switched Reluctance Motor Drives ►► Analysis of Inverters
►► Induction Motor Drives ►► Electromagnetic Field Computation and Modelling
►► Brushless DC Motor Drives ►► Solid State DC Drives
►► FPGA based controllers ►► Solid State AC Drives
Laboratory Facilities: ►► Embedded Control of Electric Devices
►► Advanced Power Electronic Lab ►► Digital Signal Processing
►► PG Simulation Lab ►► Special Electrical Machines
►► Power Electronics and Drives Laboratory
Value added Laboratories:
Opportunities after Graduation:
►► Solar Energy Research Laboratory
►► Research Assistantship (RA) - With stipend to
►► Renewable Energy Conversion Laboratory
extend final year project work and publish a paper
►► High Voltage Research Lab
in International Journal
Software Available: ►► Junior Research Fellowship ( JRF) - With good
►► MiPower Ver 5.0 emoluments to work under a funded project
►► Etap Ver 5.5 ►► Doctoral Research (Ph.D) - Under the guidance
►► Matlab R2007b of Faculty
►► MathCAD Ver 11 ►► Opportunity to join the Start-ups of the faculty
►► Pspice Ver14.2 at SSNCE
Postgraduate Program M.E.
VLSI Design
The Master’s program in VLSI Design was started
in the year 2011 at the department of ECE. The
sanctioned intake is 18. The program curriculum
is designed to meet the needs of the large-scale
semiconductor industry with exposure to device
modelling and development. The program is supported
by well-qualified faculty members who have obtained
their PhD in the relevant areas of VLSI technology.
The program is supported by modern labs equipped
with device development boards and licensed software
packages for device modelling.
Laboratory Facilities:
The following labs are equipped with state-of-the-
art facilities to meet the needs of both academics
and research in the VLSI Design.Some of the major Curriculum:
software used in the program include multi-license The curriculum for VLSI is reviewed and revised every
software tools such as Cadence Design tools, Xilinx four years based on inputs from academia and industry
and various other stakeholders. The major courses
Vivado, Altera Quartus, Keil Embedded Development
offered in the program are:
tool for ARM, and FPGA development boards such
as Xilinx Zed board. ►► Applied Mathematics for VLSI Design
►► Digital ASIC Design
►► VLSI Design Lab ►► MOS Device Modeling
►► Low Power System Computing Lab ►► CMOS Digital VLSI Design
►► PG Research Projects Lab ►► CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design
►► VLSI Physical Design and Algorithms
Project Work:
►► Design for Testability
The final semester students of ME-VLSI undertake ►► Signal Integrity for High-Speed Design
research-oriented in-house projects supervised by ►► RF IC Design
faculty members and industry projects supervised ►► Programming Languages for Embedded Software
by both industry experts and faculty members of the ►► Hardware Software Co-Design
department. The PG scholars are encouraged to pursue ►► Embedded System Design
internships and research projects in some of the major ►► System on Chip Design
industries like Tata Elxsi, Alcatel-Lucent, Altran, etc. ►► MEMS and NEMS
The key project areas of the program are, ►► Nano Electronics and Technology
►► CMOS Analog and Digital Design ►► Nano Scale Transistors
►► RF Circuit Design ►► Low Power VLSI Design
►► VLSI Technology
►► Modelling Novel MOS devices
►► Robotics and Automation
►► FPGA based Hardware/Software Co-Design ►► Signal Processing for VLSI
►► MEMS and NEMS ►► Artificial Intelligence
►► Embedded System Technologies ►► Machine Vision
►► Pattern Recognition
Postgraduate Program - M.Tech.
Environmental Science and Technology
The Department of Chemical Engineering offers
► ►
the Post Graduate program in the specialization of
Environmental Science and Technology from the ►► Environmental Policies and Legislation
academic year 2014 - 2015. ►► Environmental Sustainability
►► Ecology and Environment
Laboratory Facilities:
►► Environmental Risk Assessment
►► High Performance Liquid Chromatography
►► Safety and Hazard Control
►► Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
►► Waste Water Engineering
►► Gas Chromatography
►► Environmental Impact Assessment
►► UV Visible Spectrophotometer
►► Industrial Pollution Prevention
►► Sonochemical Reactor
►► Membrane Technologies for Water and
►► Bio Reactor
Wastewater Treatment
►► Photo catalytic Reactor
►► Electro Chemical Reactor ►► Electrochemical Environmental Technology
►► Electrochemical Sensor ►► Environmental Reaction Engineering
►► Advanced Oxidation Processes and Technology
Curriculum: ►► Principles of Green Chemistry and Engineering
The curriculum comprises the core environmental ►► Environmental Nanotechnology
subjects: ►► Modeling of Environmental Systems
►► Environmental Chemistry ►► Soil Pollution Engineering
►► Biological Wastewater Treatment ►► Electronic Waste Management
►► Unit operation and Unit processes in ►► Carbon Capture and Storage
Environmental Technology ►► Climate Change and Adaptation
►► Applied Mathematics for Environmental ►► Waste Management and Energy Recovery
Engineers ►► Bio-Energy Conservation Techniques
►► Air Pollution and Control Engineering ►► Plastic Waste Management
►► Separation Processes in Environmental ►► Agricultural Waste Management
Applications ►► Marine Pollution and Control
►► Solid and Hazardous Waste Management ►► Remote Sensing and GIS applications in
Environmental Management
Opportunities after Graduation:
►► Environmental Impact Assessment
There is an immense scope in the private or in the
►► Modelling of Environmental Systems
government sectors for the Environmental Science
and Technology degree holders because of its diversity.
►► Students can be employed by various organizations
like Pollution Control Board, Water Supply &
Sewerage Boards, Urban Planning, etc.
►► Aspirants can also apply for a research degree with
Fellowship in government or private institutions.
►► Many Industries like Fo o d pro cessing ,
Refineries, Distilleries, Fertilizer plants, etc.
recruit Environmental Engineers for their various
developmental activities.
Postgraduate Program M.Tech.
Information Technology
(focus on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
7 teams from SSN were declared winners at Smart India Hackathon 2019, the world’s biggest digital product
building competition.
Research and Development
Research culture is woven into every facet of education
at SSN. Eleven departments of SSN CE are recognised
as research centres for providing Ph.D degrees. They
are EEE, ECE, CSE, IT, BME, Chemical, Mechanical,
Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and English. SSN CE has
received externally sponsored funding for many research
projects from agencies such as DST, MCIT, DRDO,
AICTE, MNRE, BRNS, IGCAR and a host of others.
Till date, SSN has received research funding amounting to
Rs. 55.08 crores for 162 projects. The areas of research
focus at SSN CE are Energy, Materials, Speech Technology,
Machine Learning, Healthcare Technology and Smart
The research activities at SSN are guided by a Research Advisory Council comprising eminent researchers from
all over the country and abroad. The Research advisory council consists of
SSN has a dedicated research centre focussed on solving problems of the country through practical research in
the areas of Energy and Materials. The Centre works extensively with leading scientific and academic institutions
like IIEST Kolkata, IISc Bangalore and IIT Madras among others.
A dedicated and academically strong team of faculty members facilitates active learning at the SSN Institutions.
The faculty are encouraged to take up consultancy/research assignments in the industry. This helps impart a
practical approach in the classroom. The faculty members undergo periodic upgradation programs. All the faculty
members have enthusiastically adapted the new e-Learning paradigm to promote learner-centric and interactive
teaching - learning process.
The Library
The central library has an extensive collection of books and is augmented on a continuous basis. The library
subscribes to popular periodicals and, national and international journals. A large number of CD-ROMs and
audio cassettes are supplementary digital resources offered. SSN Library is an institutional member of IITM,
Anna University and British Council Libraries.
Online journal database with IEL (IEEE & IEE) is available. Sc
The SSN Institutions offers attractive student Similarly, senior students are offered scholarships on the
scholarships to encourage merit and to make education basis of their previous year’s performance.
accessible to students of all economic strata. It has ►► Walk-in-Walk-out Scholarship
initiated a thriving tradition of awarding over 400
scholarships every year to meritorious and deserving Full scholarships are awarded to the following categories
students. of students admitted to B.E. / B.Tech. programs:
• T
oppers from rural Government Higher Secondary
►► Merit Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded to meritorious students,
• T
op Ten Rank holders of any State Board or
based on the academic performance at the qualifying
Central Board Examination at the +2 or equivalent
exam for freshers, and in the case of senior students,
the performance during the previous year. All the
Engineering and MBA programs at the institution are ►► Post Graduate Scholarship
covered under the Scholarship program. In order to promote research and encourage meritorious
►► Merit-cum-Means Scholarship students to pursue post graduate studies, scholarships are
awarded to candidates with University rank or GATE
Every academic year, several scholarships are awarded on
score of 90 + percentile admitted to PG programs in
the criteria of merit-cum-means. Academic performance
and demonstrated economic need are the key criteria for
this scholarship. ►► Sports Scholarship
►► Waiver of Tuition Fees Sports Scholarships are awarded to students with an
outstanding record in sports. Typically, students who
First year students of the College who secure the
have represented the State at National level competitions
highest marks in the +2 examinations have their
entire tuition fees waived for the first academic year. conducted by accredited Sports Boards are eligible.
Student Activities
Entrepreneurship Development Cell Social Service
LAKSHYA, the SSN Entrepreneurship Development SSN students have been actively involved in promoting
Cell is a vibrant student body with a 750 strong socially relevant issues like health, education, social
membership. LAKSHYA’s sole aim is to promote and rights and women empowerment and have been working
instil the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst students. closely with the economically disadvantaged and socially
LAKSHYA being one of the most active student bodies backward masses. SSN has received several recognitions
in SSN, conducts series of workshops and seminars in the community service field, the most noteworthy
throughout the year in which icons of industries being the Best NSS Unit Award from Anna University.
participate. LAKSHYA has won several accolades at
the national level in recognition of its entrepreneurial
SSN pursues excellence in sports.
Student Activities
Clubs at SSN
►►Association of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (AEEE)
►►Association of Electronics and Communication
Engineers (AECE)
►►Association of Computer Engineers (ACE)
►►Association of Information Technologists (AIT)
►►Association of Chemical Engineers (ACE)
►►Association of Biomedical Engineers (ABE)
►►Association of Mechanical Engineers (AME)
►►The Student Branch of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE)
►►Association of Civil Engineers (ACE-CIVIL)
►►Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
►►IETE Student Forum
►►Student Chapter of Association of
Computing Machinery (ACM)
►►Computer Society of India (CSI)
►►Student Chapter of Indian Institute of
Chemical Engineers (IIChE)
►►Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)
►►National Service Scheme (NSS)
►►Youth Red Cross (YRC)
►►Tamil Mandram (SAARAL)
►►English Literary Club (ELC)
►►Fine Arts Club
►►Music Club (120 dB)
►►Dance Club (N2K)
►►Drama Club (Lights out please)
►►Photography Club
►►Design Club
►►Management Association
►►Rotaract Students Chapter
►►Electrical Research Fraternity (ERF)
►►Photography Club
►►Coding Club
►►Aero Club
►►Koothu Pattarai (Tamil Folk Club)
►►Film Club
►►Quiz club (Q factorial)
►►Design Club
►►SSN MUN (Model United Nations)
►►The SSN Times
►►Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) UK 37
Student Facilities
Modern Hostels Higher Education
SSN Institutions has well-furnished hostels, separately SSN provides students guidance and facilities for
for men and women and they are virtually a home away pursuing post graduate education. Students are given
from home for hostellers. Every room in the hostel is opportunities to study courses on GRE/GMAT, GATE
provided with internet connectivity. and CAT on campus. Talks are arranged for students
with faculty from foreign universities, senior trainers
from industry and from the consulates of countries
providing information about studying abroad. Around
25% of SSN students are studying for their Master’s in
universities in US, Europe and other countries. Many
others are selected by top IIMs and IITs through CAT
and GATE examinations. The partial list of universities
where SSN students are currently studying is given
►►Arizona State University, USA
►►California University, San Diego, USA
►►Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Health Care ►►Columbia University, NYC, USA
►►Cornell University, Ithaca, NewYork, USA
Facilities exist for medical attention on campus. ►►Delft, Netherlands
A Doctor is available on call for 24 hours on campus. ►►Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Students are provided free medical care. An ambulance ►►Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
facility is available on stand by for emergencies. ►►Griffith College Dublin, Ireland
►►Harvard University, USA
Mentoring and Counselling Service ►►IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
►►Illinois Institute of Tech, USA
Every student is assigned to a faculty member, who ►►Louisiana State University, USA
serves as a guide/mentor. A qualified counsellor on ►►North Carolina State University, USA
campus attends to students, helps them in personality ►►Pennsylvania State University, USA
development and counsels them to cope with academic ►►Purdue University, USA
requirements. ►►Stanford University, USA
►►The State University of NY, Buffalo, USA
►►Stony Brook University, NY, USA
►►Universiteit Gent, Belgium
►►University of Buffalo, USA
►►University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
►►University of British Colombia, Canada
►►University of California, Berkeley, USA
►►University of California, LA, USA
►►University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
►►University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
38 ►►University of Southern California, USA
Career Development Centre
SSN Career Development Centre plays an integral role in guiding the students to achieve their career goals.
The centre also facilitates training activities with the help of industry experts, alumni and corporate trainers to
prepare the students for campus placements. The centre collaborates with the best organisations across industries
to provide on campus job opportunities to the students. Since our students have excellent academic records,
the leading organisations prefer to visit SSN for campus recruitment every year.
Some of the top companies in various categories that visit SSN for recruitment are given in the following table:
Tribute - Annual Alumni Meet
Instincts - 2022
Sports Day
SSN Institutions
Rajiv Gandhi Salai
Kalavakkam – 603 110
Tamilnadu, India
Phone : 044 - 27469700
Administrative Office
SSN Trust
New No. 19, Old No. 8,
3rd Main Road, Kasthuribai Nagar,
Adyar, Chennai – 600020.
Phone : 044 – 2441 1656 / 2441 6474