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Model Question Paper-1/2 with effect from 2023-24

(CBCS Scheme)

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Subject Title: Digital Logic Circuits
Time :03 Hours Max Marks:100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question
from each MODULE.

Module -1 RBL COs Mars PO

Q.01 a What do you mean by combinational logic? L1 01 06 1,2
Write the logic truth table using 4 input variables & output is
high when majority of inputs are high.
b Place the following equations into the proper canonical L2 01 08 1,2
Form. i. P=f(a,b,c)=ab’+ac’+bc

c Simplify the following expression using a 3 variable K L2 01 06 1,2

Map. Q=f(a,b,c)=∑(1,2,3,6,7)

Q.02 a Simplify the following expression using a 4 variable K L3 01 08 1,2
Map. P=f(r,s,t,u)=∑(1,3,4,6,9,11,12,14)

b Simplify using the Quine-McClusky minimization L2 01 12 1,2

technique. F(A,B,C,D)=∑ 𝑚(0,1,3,7,8,9,11,15).

Q. 03 a Explain 74X138 3:8 decoder with a neat circuit diagram. L1 02 06
b Implement the following using 8:1 MUX with a,b,c as L3 02 06 2,3
select lines. F(a,b,c,d)=∑(0,1,5,6,7,9,10,15)

c Design a 1 bit comparator using gates. L3 02 08 1,2,3

Q.04 a Write a short note on look ahead carry generator. L2 02 06 1,2
b Design a full adder using 4:1 MUX and also using basic L4 02 08 2,3,4
c Design a 2 bit comparator using gates. L4 02 06 2,3

Q. 05 a With a neat diagram, explain the working of master-slave L2 02 10 1,2
JK flip flop along with waveforms.
b Explain switch debouncer using SR latch with waveforms L3 02 10 1,2
Q. 06 a Differentiate between latches and flip flops. Derive the L2 02 10 1,2
characteristic equation of SR,JK,D & T flip flop.
b With a neat diagram explain the working of D & T flip flop L1 03 10 1,2

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with input and output waveforms.
Q. 07 a Explain the working of 4 bit binary ripple counter using positive L3 04 10 1,2
edge triggered T flip flop.
b With a neat diagram explain the operation of L1 04 10 1.2

Q. 08 a Describe the block diagram of MOD-7 Johnson counter & explain L3 04 10 1,2,3
its operation.
b Design a MOD5 synchronous binary counter using clocked JK flip L4 04 10 1,2,3,
flop. 4
Q. 09 a With a neat diagram, explain Moore & Mealy model L2 05 08 1,2
in a sequential circuit analysis.
b Design a sequential circuit using T flip flop as shown in Fig.Q 9(b). L4 05 12 2,3,4

Fig.Q 9(b).
Q. 10 a Write a short note on i. ROM ii.EPROM L1 05 10 1,2
b Design a synchronous counter using JK flip flop to count L4 05 10 2,2,4
the following sequence: 7,4,3,1,6,0,7…..
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.

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