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Verb Adjective, Past Participle (V3), Present participle lovely lonely

(Ving) Adverb holy lively
costly curly
He was running slowly. (verb
deadly unfriendly
He is quite intelligent. (adjective
chilly easterly
westerly ghastly
He is extremely annoyed. (past participle
grisly heavenly
hilly homely
He was running quite slowly. (adverb
jolly manly

adverbs measly melancholy

miserly oily
connection scholarly stately
adverbs adverbs surly unruly
speaker (certainly, surely, really),
wobbly woolly
speaker (probably, perhaps,
dastardly comely
possibly) speaker opinion/comment (for-

courtly ghastly
tunately, surprisingly, sadly, unfortunately)
sentence connecting adverbs then, goodly
next, besides, anyway, suddenly, however etc. Priestly
We were studying silently Suddenly a stranger entered adjective adverb
the room. ()
I met with an accident. Fortunately I did not get seri-
ously hurt. () hourly daily
He is so well prepared that surely he will pass this time. weekly monthly
() quarterly yearly
There is a heavy traffic. May be he comes home late. nightly early
() kindly leisurely
Form of Adverb gentlemanly cowardly
1. adverb word sometimes, orderly prickly
enough, too, so, very, far, much adjective
ly adverb slowly, extremely miserly person (adverb + adjective + noun)
intellingently, thoroughly, excessively, simply, simply
The law should not spare the culprit for this dastardly
act. () (adjective)
He is very annoyed with me. ()
This article relates to the condition of the elderly peo-
He is extremely annoyed with me. () ple. () (adjective)
2. ly adjectives His manly behaviour was admired by everyone. () (ad-
noun -ly jective)
adjective Among the Hindus even today the priestly class is
highly respected. () (adjective)
friendly elderly
The easterly wind is blowing at a full speed. () (adjec-
likely unlikely

|| 1 ||
If you want to lose weight, don't go on a leisurely walk. (a) especially of (b) especially in
() (adjective) (c) in special of (d) No improvement
He was walking leisurely by the side of the road. () 3. He was the only influential (a)/ person to be impressed
adverb) (b)/ by his scholarly (c)/ deliberations. (d)/ All correct
A greedy person wants a good share of anything even (e) (Bank PO)
without deserving it (goodly)
3. adjective adverb
The government has condemned the dastard act of the
-ly adverb
terrorists. (dastardly)
She was looking beautiful even in a homely dress. () adverb
The rich man lives in a stately building.() -ly
The ordered arrangement of the articles in the articles in adverb -ly
the room of the little girl was really impressive. (orderly) adverb (-ly -ly
Practice Questions -ly -ly
1. Rohan was leading (a)/ a happy and leisure (b)/ life after
his retirement (c)/ from service. (d)/ No error (e) (Rail- You cannot reach his home direct/directly from the air-
ways) port; you will have to change two trains. (direct)
2. There is a shortage of well qualified teachers of most
You can eat free/freely at my hotel. (free)
subjects, specially of English and Economics. (UDC)

adverb list
Adjective Adverb without -ly Adverb with -ly
Direct Direct Directly
I have a direct contact with him. () I reached his house directly from the If you blame him directly, he will be hurt.
airport. (direct) ()

Dead Dead Dead right Deadly adjective
If you fight with him, you are a dead dead sure ( sure),
man. dead tired dead
ahead dead slow

Easy Easy Easily

adverb take it easy
go easy
Fast Fast Verb fast
Fast colour a fast sleep He was running fast () Fastly
fast grip Fast asleep
hold fast
Fine Fine (well) Finely
fine performance, fine dust particles He is doing fine. () You must analyse this question finely. ()
The clothes will suit me fine. ()
Free Free Freely
free country, free meal You can take it free with this product. speak freely
Hard Hard Hardly
hard ground, hard rules You must work hard. () He hardly works.
I hit him hard. ()

High High Highly

If you og high, you will feel lack of He is a highly praised scientists. ()
oxygen there. () The film is highly entertaining. ()
Just Just Justly
|| 2 ||
Just Just Justly
There was a just king. () For his crime, he was justly punished.
Late Late Lately recently
late night show, late arrival/departure You came late. () I have not been doing exercise lately. ()
Low Low Lowly adjective
low cost, low voice The price went low. () a lowly being
Most Most Mostly
most boys most important He mostly comes to me on Sundays. ()
Near Near Nearly
He is near. He came near. He was nearly dead in the accident. ()
Pretty Pretty verb pretty fast, Prettily
pretty face pretty intelligent You have prettily groomed yourself. ()
Right Right Rightly
right answer, right choice We are meeting right after the lunch.() deliverb your speech rightly.()
He was standing right before me. () Verb right
The ball hit me right on my left ear. ()

Sharp Sharp Sharply
sharp knife, sharp turn You must reach the office at 10 o'clock He looked at me sharply. ()
sharp. () The boss rejected my proposal sharply.
Sharp direction ()

Short Short adverb Shortly

short height, short period, short supply expression stop short We shall return shortly. ()
cut short

Straight Straight ×
straight road Go straight.
Wide Wide adverb adjective Widely
wide road, wide angle travel widely, widely different views
Wide open wide

 Good adjective adverb well Practice Questions

He looks good and he works well. () 1. The drama had many scenes which were so humorous
 Firstly First adverb that it was hardly possible to keep a straight face.
secondly/ (Bank PO)
thirdly......... firstly (a) hardly possible for keeping
second, third ........ then (b) hardly impossible keeping
First (c) hardly impossible to keep
First deserve, then desire. () (d) hardly possible keeping
First he presented his proposal and secondly he ex- (e) No correction required
plained his rationale behind it. (Firstly) 2. Rural area people can cope well with physical strain as
they are used to working hardly. (Bank Po)
(a) work hard (b) working hard
(c) hardly working (d) hard working
(e) No correction required

|| 3 ||
3. They succeeded without hardly making any effort. 22. He firstly searched (a)/ my bag and secondly (b)/he
(CBI) asked me to (c)/ open my briefcase. (d)/ No error (e)
(a) hardly without making (b) with hardly making (Bank Clerk)
(c) without making hardly (d) No improvement 23. Firstly you should (a)/ think over the meaning of the
4. He tried hardly and that led to his success. (Bank words (b)/ and then use them. (c)/No error (d)
Clerk) (Assistant Grade)
(a) Hardly had he tried (b) Had he tried hardly 24. From Bangalore railway station (a)/I went directly (b)/
(c) He had tried hard (d) He hard tried to Mr. Bhan at Jayanagar. (c)/No error (d) (SSC)
(e) No correction required 25. The clerks (a)/ in this office (b)/ work hardly. (c)/ No
error (d) (SSC)
5. Old habits die hardly. (SSC)
26. Rohan was leading (a)/ a happy and leisurely (b)/ life
(a) hard (b) to hard
after his retirement (c)/ from service. (d)/ No error (e)
(c) much hardly (d) No improve-
Position of Adverb
6. John is working very hardly (a)/ as the examinations
(b)/are fast approaching, (c)/No error (d) (SSC) 1. Adverb particles preposition
7. His son(a)/is working (b)/ very hardly. (c)/No error (d)
(SSC) preposition
8. Last night (a)/you returned (b)/lately. (c)/No error (d) object noun)

(SSC) adverb particle verb
9. Old habits (a)/die (b)/hardly. (c)/No error (d) (SSC) He came in. (adverb particle)
10. He studied (a)/ so hardly (b)/ he was sure of passing. He came in the room. (preposition)
(c)/No error (d) (SSC) He came down. (adverb particle)
11. It is the duty of every citizen to do his utmost (a)/to He came down the tree. (preposition)
defend the hardly won (b)/ freedom of the country. (c)/

No error (d) preposition
(CDS) from during preposition
12. After toiling very hardly (a)/ over a long period of time Back away
(b)/ he found that people recognised him as a success- adverb particle
ful person. (c)/No error(d) (MBA) back away noun
13. I advised Prashant (a)/ not to walk (b)/ on the road (c)/ preposition
lately at night.(d)/No error (e) (Bank Clerk) home adverb
14. He is sure (a)/to succeed because (b)/he is used (c)/to
You must go back to your school. ()
work very hardly. (d)/No error (e)
You must go back home. ()
15. In spite of toiling (a)/ very hardly he (b)/realized that he
had (c)/not earned anything substantial. (d)/No error You must break away from your friend. ()
(e) 2. Adverb verb
16. We are confident (a)/ enough to earn (b)/ our livelihood object adverb
by (c)/toiling hardly.(d)/No error(e)
He plays nicely cricket. (cricket nicely)
17. After toiling very hard (a)/overa long period (b)/ he
found he had hardly (c)/made no profit at all. (d)/ No He speaks well English. (English well)
error (e) adverb object adjective
18. He ran so fastly (a)/ that he reached (b)/ the destination
in (c)/just two minutes. (d)/No error (e) S-V-O structure adverb disturb
19. This machine looks (a)/ good but is very (b)/badly de- adjective adjective
signed (c)/ and doesn't work good. (d)/No error (e)
20. When I was in (a)/ the bus I hit the pick-pocket very (b)/
hardly on the face. (c)/No error(d) (SSC)
21. He read widely, (a)/ thought hardly. (b)/listened to those He plays nice cricket. ()
who (c)/had something to contribute. (d)/No error (e) He speaks good English. ()
(Bank PO)

|| 4 ||
verb (ordered) + adverb (imme- 7. Being a man of principle, he refused to follow the ille-
diately) + object (suspension) gitimate instructions. (Bank PO)
adverb verb + object + (a) following the illegitimate
complement (ordered the suspension of (b) to following illegitimately
the Inspector immediately) suspension (c) to follow the illegitimately
adjective the immediate sus- (d) not to follow illegitimately
(e) No correction required
8. He admitted to me that he had not adequate prepared for
Practice Questions the test. (Bank PO)
1. The moment the manager came to know of the fraudu- (a) was not adequate prepared
lent action of his assistant, he order immediately dis-
(b) had not adequately prepared
missed him. (Bank PO)
(c) had not adequately preparations
(a) immediately ordered his dismissed
(d) was not adequately preparations
(b) ordered his immediate dismissal
(e) No Correction Required
(c) immediately order dismissal of his
9. Resolutions must be introducing quickly to repeal the
(d) ordered for immediately dismissal him
outdated laws.
(e) No correction required
(a) be introducing to quick repeal
2. He decided to leave the job quietly. (Bank PO)
(b) have to be introduced to quick repealing

(a) quietly leave the job (b) leaving the job quietly
(c) be quickly introduced to repeal
(c) quietly leaving the job (d) leave quietly the job
(d) be quick introducing to repeal
(e) No correction required
(e) No correction required
3. A politician must necessarily cultivate the art of
speaking. (Bank PO) 10. Highly intelligent people seldom tolerate any ambiguity.
(a) must be necessarily cultivating an art (a) tolerate hardly any ambiguity

(b) must cultivate the necessarily art (b) hardly tolerate arnbiguous
(c) ought to necessarily cultivation of the art (c) tolerate any clarity whatsoever
(d) must have the necessity to cultivate an art (d) hardly tolerate any lacuna
(e) No correction required (e) No correction required
4. Increased productivity necessary reflects greater efforts 11. The guest picked up the child(a)/very affectionate (b)/
made by the employee. (Bank PO) and handed over to him (c)/the packet of sweets. (d)/
(a) Increase in productivity necessary No error(e) (Bank PO)
(b) Increased productivity is necessary 12. The buzz at the party was (a)/ that a famous (b)/film star
(c) Increase of productivity necessary and politician would (c)/probable drop by for a while.
(d) Increased productivity necessarily (d)/No error(e) (Bank PO)
(e) No correction required 3. -ly adverb auxiliary verb principal verb
5. The population question in China has been the subject
of heated and frequently changing controversy. You must compulsorily submit your income tax return.
(Bank PO) ()
(a) heating and frequently changed
4. verb adverb
(b) heated and frequent changed
(c) heated and frequent changes
Linking Verbs) adverb adjective
(d) heat and frequent change in
(e) No correction required
6. To practise any art properly require extraordinarily Smell look
patience, especially at the beginning. (Bank PO) taste sound
(a) required extraordinarily patient feel remain
(b) requires extraordinary patience
(c) requiring extraordinary patience
(d) requiring extraordinarily patient appear seen
(e) No correction required become turn

|| 5 ||
He remained calmly in that tense situation. (calm) Subject (inversion):
His allegation appears truly in the light of the evidence. There is a big banyan tree in our school. ()
(true) In our school stands a big banyan tree. ()
The rose smells Sweetly. (sweet) Here goes Shyam. ()

Practice Questions 3. adverb of time now, today, yesterday

main focus
1. The food tastes deliciously. (SSC) Front Position
(a) delicacy (b) delicious I am going Kolkata today. ()
(c) badly (d) No improvement
Today, I am going Kolkata. ()
2. The city people stayed (a)/ fearlessly despite (b)/ rumour
4. adverb of certainty Mid Position
of terrorist attack (c)/ in the area. (d)/ No error (e)
maybe perhaps
(Bank PO)
3. We are confident that the steps (a)/ we have taken to Maybe, he comes tomorrow. ()
attract talented people (b)/ and build a solid organisation Perhaps, he will not be able to solve the question. ()
(c)/ will ensure we remain profitably. (d) No error (e) 5. Adverb of frequency always, never, rarely, seldom
(Bank PO)
4. adverb front position Always, he tells lies. ()

end position He always tells lies. ()
mid position (subject verb mid Mid Position
position explain 1. adverb of frequency always, never,
 verb word V1 V3 often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, ever, usu-
He always plays tennis. () ally adverb of certainty certainly, definitely,

We nearly missed our train. () probably adverb of completenes almost,
nearly, quite, rather, hardly
 auxiliary verb + principal verb
He has always been a good friend of mine. ()
He has never been a good student. ()
He sometimes makes mistakes. ()
He can almost do anything. ()
India will definitely win this match. ()
 auxiliary verb + auxiliary verb + principal verb
He could hardly solve a single question. ()
2. adverb of manner angrily, sadly, happily
I have never been invited to any party. () (adjective + ly)
 is/am/are/was/were main focus Mid
He is a always punctual. () Position
He is never kind to the poor. () He spoke to him rudely. ()
Front Position He rudely spoke to him. ()
1. connecting adverbs then, next, He angrily threw away his cellphone. ()
besides, anyway, however 3. auxiliary modal verb Mid
comment adverb sadly, sur- Positive adverb modal
prisingly, fortunately
Fortunately, I escaped the accident. () You must always do your work properly. ()
First, you must work hard; then you should aspire for you alway must do your work properly. ()
something. () 4. negative negative focus
2. adverb of place here, there, in the school adverb negative nega-
(End Position) tive first auxiliary
main focus Front Position I always don't ignore my work. ()
Front Position verb I do not always ignore my work. ()

|| 6 ||
End Position verb much much
1. Adverb of manner (adjective + ly), place (here, there) superlative
time (today, tomorrow) very the much the - the
adverbs very best, much the best.
adverb (manner), He is solving the question very slowly. ()
adverb (place) My brother is very smart in dealing with others. ()
adverb (time) MPT
He was the very first man to arrive in the meeting. ()
Prateek is the very best of all students in the class. ()
I shall come here tomorrow. () (Place + time) I was very much happy to listen the news. (very/much)
I promise to drive my motorcycle slowly on the road He was very much quick in his understanding. (very/
tomorrow. () (manner + place + time) much)
2. adverb of frequency Mid Position There are many houses on our street. but his is much
focus End Position the biggest one. ()
3. adjective adverb comparative degree
He always visits my home. () very much much
He visits my home always. () very

I am feeling very much better today. ()
The condition of the roads grow very worse during
Practice Questions rainy rainy season. (very much)
1. He comes often to our house. (SSC) 4. Very (active/passive
(a) come often (b) often comes very much much very
(c) often come (d) No improvement

2. Recently he had insured for a mediclaim policy. (SSC) I very much admire the sensitive man. ()
(a) He had recently insured for
He was very much admired for his brilliant speech. ()
(b) Recently he insured for
The manager is very praised for his deft handling of the
(c) He insured recently for
situations. (very much, much)
(d) No improvement
5. V3 adjective
3. The customer scarcely had (a)/ enough money to pay
(b)/ to the cashier (c)/ at the cash counter. (d)/ No error
very very much
4. I have (a)/ to usually reach (b)/ the office by 9 : 30 A.M.
(c) No error (d) (Assistant Grade)
5. Dhundiraj has been writing (a)/ that eassy (b)/ for two I was surprised at his rude behaviour. (very, very much)
hours (c)/ but he still has not finished. (d)/ No error (e) He was very disgusted at the train's delay. ()
Very/Very much amused very,
1. adverb adjec- very much much adverb
tive verb Very/Much
"The very" adjective much expressions
noun (i) much the same (as) = (very) much like = (pretty) much
(same) as
He is the very man that called me yesterday. () He bought a pen much the same as mine. ()
He bought a pen very much like mine. ()
2. Adverb very positive
superlative (first, next, last degree adjective On any matter he thinks pretty much as I do. ()
adverb (ii) twice/half a much
His income is not even half as much as mine. ()

|| 7 ||
3. Quite noun
Practice Questions
structure quite + a/an/the + (adjective) +
1. Even on most critical moments he is calm, bout today noun quite enjoy like verb
he appears very much disturbed.
(a) appeared very much disturb absolutely/completely
(b) appears very much to disturb You sudden arrival was quite a surprise for me. ()
(c) appeared to be very much disturbing You have prepared quite a good meal. ()
(d) is appearing very much disturbing I quite enjoy playing with kids. ()
(e) No correction required You have given quite the opposite suggestion from what
2. The movie was extremely interesting. (SSC) I had given. ()
(a) too (b) very 4. Quite superlative degree
(c) highly (d) No improvement (absolutely)
3. With a fresh coat (a)/ of paint (b)/ the school can (c)/ He is quite the best player of all.
look much nice. (d)/ No error (e) (Bank PO)
5. Quite a bit/Quite a few
4. This is our second reminder (a)/ and we are much sur-
prised (b)/ at receiving no answer from you. (c)/ No There were quite a few people in that small room. ()
error (d) (SSC) 6. Quite comparative degree adjective

Fairly/Rather/Quite/Pretty (quite better
adjective, adverb
(very He is quite older than me. (much)
7. Not quite
1. Fairly adjective adverb noun, verb, adjective adverb

I amn't quite ready for going out. ()
This is not quite the pen I am looking for. ()
My room is fairly big; but I'd like a bigger one. () 8. Rather fairly quite strong
This film is fairly good; you can watch it once. ()
2. Quite adjective adverb The film was rather good; I was surprised actually. ()
degree adjective/ This room is rather big; I shall comfortably adjust here.
adverb degreable quality ()
quite rather
fairly negative adjective/adverb
excellent Quite 'excellent' com- rather
pletely non-degreable The room is rather hot; let's go outside. ()
adjective adjective His behaviour was rather rude; I was a bit surprised.
This room is quite big; I can adjective here. () 9. Rather noun
This film is quite good; you can watch it. () noun a/an
I wrote the papers quite well; I should pass the exam.
Going to a hill station in summer is rather a good idea.
adjective/adverb (perfectly,
The project was rather mess. (a mess)
amazing impossible)
complete quite 10. would rather special structures
completely absolutely
This book is quite cheap; You will not find a better book  Would rather + V1
than this at such a low price. (very) I would rather go home; it is no use sitting here. ()

|| 8 ||
structure negative not would subject for + noun/pronoun infinitive
rather structure
I would rather not go home. () Subject + verb + too + adjective/adverb + (for + noun/
 would rather like + noun pronoun) + to V1

I'd rather like a cup of coffee; I am very tired now. ()

 would rather + Subject + V2
structure The question were too difficult for us to solve.
would rather subject
It is too cold to go out.
I would rather you went to invite him.
invite infinitive object subject
 Would rather + S + had + V3 infinitive pronoun
structure to solve object subject
would rather subject "the question" to solve them
(past tense
I would rather you had gone to invite him. The film was too long to enjoy it. (enjoy)

invite The bag is too heavy for us to earry it. (carry)
11. rather than 4. Too adjective noun adverb
to V1 too much
rather than V 1
V ing too many noun
I want to go home rather than wait/waiting for him. ()

I prefer to buy an apartment rather than a bunglow. () You must drop those question which are too difficult.
I regard him impractical rather than intelligent. () ()
You should try to understand something rather than to She was walking too slowly to reach the class on time.
note it down. (note)
There were to many boys in that small classroom. ()
12. Pretty rather This week I am having too much work. ()
adjective adverb This week I am having too much work. ()
You are driving your car pretty fast. () I had two too heavy bags with me. (too much)
Too 5. Too much, far, rather,
1. too too a little, a bit, a lot Too
negative very
You are rather too old to play with toys. ()
It is very cold out here. He is much tall for his age.

It is too cold out here; we cannot stay here.

My brother is very too relaxed in his studies. (rather)
6. Only too very
2. too positive kind/nice/well
I shall be only too pleased if you accept my invitation.
spoken language
Practice Questions
It was too kind of you to help me. ()
I'm not feeling too well today. () 1. It was very dark and Trisha was too scary to go home
negative alone. (Bank Clerk)
(a) too scaring (b) to scary too
3. Too + adjective/adverb infinitive (to V1)
(c) to scare too (d) too scared to
(e) No correction required

|| 9 ||
2. It was too cold to go out last evening, so we all stayed at 12. The offer is very good so it just can't be true. (SSC)
home. (Bank PO) (a) so good to (b) rather good to
(a) too cold for going (b) very cold to go (c) too good to (d) No improvement
(c) extremely cold for go (d) so cold that to go 13. The problem was so complicated to be solved in a day.
(e) No correction required (SSC)
3. He is too kind man to refuse to help in such a case. (a) too (b) very
(BANK PO) (c) much (d) No improvement
(a) too kindly a (b) too kind a 14. I do my work ........... carefully to make mistakes. (SSC)
(c) a too kindly (d) a too kind (a) so (b) very
(e) No correction required (c) too (d) more
4. He was too adamant to admit that he had been right. 15. The news was ........... good to be true. (SSC)
(BANK PO) (a) very (b) too
(a) was right (b) had been wrong
(c) so (d) as
(c) was not wrong (d) has been wrong
16. This shirt is ........... for me to wear. (SSC)
(e) No correction needed
(a) not clean (b) dirtier
5. He is too impatient for tolerating any delay.
(c) too dirty (d) so dirty
17. The new project is (a)/ to big for (b)/ the trainee to

(a) to tolerate (b) to tolerating
handle (c)/ on his own. (d)/ No error (e) (Bank Clerk)
(c) at tolerating (d) with tolerating
(e) No correction required 18. He was too tired that (a)/ he could not cross (b)/ the
street even with (c)/ the help of a porter. (d) No error (e)
6. He is too adamant to be effectively in his work.
(Bank Clerk)
(a) to become effectively 19. That the proposal (a)/ will be rejected (b)/ is too very
evident. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC)

(b) to be effective
(c) to have been effectively 20. He is (a)/ too intelligent (b)/ to make a mistake. (c)/ No
(d) for being effectively error (d) (UDC)
(e) No correction required 21. I advised my son (a)/ to engage two coolies instead of
7. I was too overwhelmed to make any decision. one (b)/ because the luggage was too much beavy for a
(BANK PO) single coolie. (c)/ No error (d) (NDA)
(a) too much overwhelm to 22. The face of this (a) country girl (b)/ is too beautiful. (c)/
(b) so overwhelmed to No error (d) (SSC)
(c) extremely overwhelmed about 23. He was so (a)/ obstinate to admit (b)/ that he had been
(d) quite overwhelming to wrong. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC)
(e) No correction required 24. Ravi works too hard (a)/ so that he does not (b)/ fail in
8. I did not agree with him; he appeared to be so bigoted the examination. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC)
for me to concur. (SSC)
25. I told the teacher (a)/ that the homework set for the day
(a) much (b) very (b)/ was much too heavy for us to complete. (c)/ No
(c) too (d) No improvement error (d) (SSC)
9. On seeing the lion she felt too much afraid. (CBT)
(a) very much (b) excessively
(c) much (d) No improvement 1. So very adjective/adverb
10. The opposition is very weak to pose any serious very emphatic form
challenge in Uttar Pradesh. (SSC) exclamatory
(a) too weak (b) very much weak
(c) rather too much weak (d) No improvement
you are so intelligent! (How intelligent you are!)
11. The news is so good butit can't be true. (SSC)
After a long day of work I am so (very) tired.
(a) too good to (b) very good to
(c) rather good to (d) No improvement 2. So adjective adverb very

|| 10 ||
noun so so auxiliary verb
so much, so many, so few, so little
The audience applauded the performance fo the artist.
I had to carry with me so havey bags. (so much) So have I. (did)
His explanation was so much intelligent that I was 7. seen, appear, remain, more less so
impressed. (so)
adjective comparative degree so He was down with disease, completely weak and he
much noun remained so for one month. ()
The metereological department has forecast an
inclement weather for tomorrow and weather will remain
He looks so better today. (so much)
so for the next three days. ()
So much verb (adverb 8. Negative if so much as
verb even
I have eaten so much. ()
3. so + adjective/adverb If my brother so much as thinks of going out in rain. I'll
that beat him. ()
He was so tired that he slept the moment he went in his I haven't so much as heard about a place like this. ()

bed. () Practice Questions
He is so punctual that he never tolerates any delay. ()
He spoke very intelligently that everyone was 1. His suggestions were so trivial and hence nobody took
impressed. (so) any cognizance of them. (Bank PO)
4. so + adjective to (a) so trivialthat and have
V 1
that (b) very trivial and hence so

(c) too trivial to and hence
He is so intelligent as to convince everybody with his
explanation. () (d) very trivial and hence
(e) No correction required
She is so beautiful that to impress everyone with her
2. The guidelines, though in the foreign language, were
look. (as)
so complex that we could follow all of them without any
5. Very so structure difficulty. (Bank PO)
so + adjective + a/an + noun = such + a/an + (adjective) (a) were so confusing that
+ noun (b) were so simple that
He is so intelligent a student that I am impressed with (c) had been so intricate that
him. () (d) were so vague that
He is such an intelligent person that I am impressed (e) No correction required
with him. () 3. Ignoring the advice, the young hikers went so far that
different parts of speech they got lost in the dark. (Bank PO)
(a) as far as (b) too far this is why
(c) very far because (d) so far but
(e) No correction required
6. So (also)
4. Public health facilities are more scarce since patients
have to wait for hours to see a doctor. (Bank PO)
structure (a) too scarce for (b) very scarce because
so + auxiliary verb + Subject (c) so scarce that (d) quite scarce that
structure (e) No correction required
complimentary part Subject 5. My mother is so poor................. (SSC)
(a) because she will not work
(b) that she cannot buy food for us
Every boy wakes up late in the hostel, and so does my
(c) to send me to school
brother. ()
(d) to get medical help for my father

|| 11 ||
6. Since books are quite expensive that many children do noun so adjective,
not have access to them. (Bank Clerk) verb structure
(a) more expensive than (b) so expensive that
(c) very expensive (d) too expensive for
such + a/an + (adjective) + countable noun
(e) No correction required
such + adjective + uncountable noun
7. It was very hot last year that the roads used to be empty
in the afternoon. (Bank Clerk) such + (adjective) + countable noun plural
(a) being so hot (b) was so hot So
(c) had been very hot (d) was much botter so + adjective/adverb
(e) No correction required so + adjective + a/an + countable noun singular
8. The issues discussed had been so that critical they He is such fool that you cannot tolerate him. (such a)
could hardly be resolved in such a limited time. They are such active boys that they complete any work
(BANK PO) quickly. ()
(a) were so critically that My village is such lovely that you can't help admiring
it. (so)
(b) had so critical that
(c) were being so critical as that He is so cautious person that he takes care of everything.
(d) were so critical that (a person)
(e) No Correction Required So such

9. Work hard so that you .............. (SSC)
(a) shall get good marks (b) will get good marks 2. such very very
(c) may get good marks (d) should get good marks that that
10. She is (a)/ so capable (b)/of doing this job. (c)/No error very such
(d) (SSC) such structures
11. The theory of relativity is (a)/so complicated (b)/ as we

such ........... that + s + V + O
cannot describe (c)/itin a few sentences. (d)/No error(e)
such ............ as to + V1
12. The process was so simple (a)/ and easy to understand
(b)/that it hardly took (c)/five minutes for us to learn it. There were such greal audience that the artist was
(d)/No error(e) (Bank PO) overwhelmed. ()
13. Everyone admires Deepa (a)/because of her ability(b)/ He is such an inattentive boy as to miss every lecture in
to generate (c)/so good ideas. (d)/ No error(e) college. ()
(Bank PO) 3. such as
14. Sunita was popular (a)/ with her classmates that (b)/she A fat man cannot eat heavy foods such as rice and fried
always had someone or (c)/ the other coming to her potatoes. ()
house. (d)/No error (e) (Railways)
15. The passage is (a)/more difficult (b)/that I am unable (c) Practice Questions
/to comprehendit.(d)/No error(e) (Bank Clerk)
16. The way to the fort (a)/ was too difficult that(b)/ we 1. The tea-estate administration is in such mess there is
could not reach (c) /the farthest point. (d)/No error(e) no leader to set the things right. (Bank PO)
(Bank Clerk) (a) in such a mess here
17. The writing on the paper (a)/ was too faint that (b)/ it (b) in a such mess that here
was impossible to (c)/ be sure what it was. (d)/No error(e) (c) in such a mess that there
(BANK PO) (d) with such a mess that there
18. Sunita closed the (a)/ window grill provided that (b)/ (e) No correction
her child might (c)/not fall down. (d) No error (e) 2. He is so handsome man that people turn round to look
(Bank Clerk) at him. (Stenographer's Exam)
So/Such 3. The winter was such severe that even water in the taps
was frozen. (SCRA)
1. very sense
(a) sever such (b) so severe
such adjective
(c) severe so much (d) No improvement
so adverb such

|| 12 ||
4. Sachin is so best (a)/ a player that (b)/ he would be He plays cricket and tennis also. (NDA)
certainly (c)/ included in the team. (d)/ No error (e) (a) both (b) besides
5. Today, the cost of living (a)/ is such higher that many (c) too (d) No improvement
(b)/ people find it difficult to (c)/ keep their hearts Even
burning. (d)/ No error (e) (Bank PO)
6. So drastic drop (a)/ n food grain production (b)/ means
a heavy (c)/ loss for farmers. (d) No error (e) (Bank PO) even
7. Avinash is not so (a)/ good a batsman to (b)/ be selected Verb mid-position
for the (c)/ national cricket team. (d)/ No error (e)
8. So drastic drop (a)/ in food grain production (b)/ means even intensifler
a heavy (c)/ loss for farmers. (d)/ No error (e) adverb adjective
(Bank PO) Hew couldn't you answer the question? Even a child
Seldom could answer it. ()
Inversion He was so much hurt by her behaviour that he was
seldom phrases ready to even leaver her. ()
He wrote to her thrice; he had even called her twice; but
Seldom or never
he got no reply. ()
Seldom if ever
2. Even conjunction Even if/Even though
He seldom if ever watches movies. ()

My friend seldom or ever misses his class. (never)
Even so/Even then conjunction
Also, As well, Too, Not....... either

Even if he met the Minister, the officials didn't listen to
also verb mid-
his complaint. ()
position as well too
He was not fully fit; even so, he was eager to play the

match. ()
He was confused to find te answer, I also couldn't search Long car journeys (a)/ are even less pleasant (b)/ for it
an explanation. () is quite impossible to read even. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC)
He was confused to find the answer; I couldn't search Ever
an explanation too/as well. ()
1. (at any time)
 Too Subject
not-affirmative negative
He was confused to find the answer; I, too, couldn't
search an explanation. ()
 additional information Also Do you ever take medicine when you are depressed?
if, nobody, hardly, stop ever
He needs to develop his communication skill. Also, he
must refine his behaviour. ()
 negative negative He is a spoilt child; nobody ever objected to his wrong
doing. ()
I'll scold her badly if ever she commits any mistake. ()
not ...... either
2. ever
present perfect
Today the principal isn't present; the vice-principal isn't
here either. ()
Top three batsmen failed to score; the middle order also Have you ever been to any bub? ()
couldn't. (couldn't either) past
 affirmative negative past perfect
not......... aslo/too/as
Did you ever think of committing theft when you didn't
well have any money? (Had you ever thought)
You can have my money, but you can't get my good 3. degree only
wishes also/too/as well. ()

|| 13 ||
ever affirmative
There was an explosion after just after
This is better than any book ever written. () the PM had left the dias. ()
He is the only student ever to have solved this question. Only
() 1. Only focusing emphasizing adverb
She is as energetic as ever. ()
4. Ever words phrases always
Only your parents are your true well-wishers. ()
evergreen ever-increasing I am goad at only English. ()
ever-loving ever-growing He only gives consolation; he doesn't really help. ()
everlasting forever 2. Just (point 4) only time expression
ever since ever after (not before)
I met her only once and haven't forgotten her ever since.
I got the information only today. ()
This couple married at last and lived happly ever after.
() 3. If only
5. ever so/such very Conjunction

My teacher is ever so polite. () 4. Only inversion apply Inversion
3 Idiots is ever such a good film. () section
On can live and work in a town without being aware of 5. Only too section Too point
the daily march of the sun across the sky without never 6
seeing the moon and stars. (CDS)
The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this
(a) seldom (b) hardly

month, though it may only be temporary. (RBI)
(c) ever (d) No improvement (a) but it may be only temporary
Just (b) but the drop may only be temporary
(c) even though the drop may only be temporary
1. only (scarcely) (d) but such a drop may only be a temporary one
only (e) No correction required
just Still, Yet, Already
There were just 20 students present in the class. () 1. Still Yet contrasting conjunction
We just managed to complete our project in time. ()
2. exactly He was severely ill; Yet/Still he was eager to go to the
picnic with us. ()
It is just 3 o'clock. ()
You are just the type of employee I was looking for. () 2. Yet time adverb to V1

be + to V1 be + to V1
(immediate future
past present tense
yet + to V1 (immediate
present perfect
The meeting is yet to start.
Rahul is not home; he has just gone out. ()
Did you just knock at the door?()
We are happy to inform you that we just completed our The meeting is to start.
work. (have just completed) 3. Still
4. just when, just then, just before, just after, just now
just when/then present continuous present perfect

|| 14 ||
continuous natural verb form present Practice Questions
verb form
1. It was indeed a shock for her, but she has later recovered
past point from it. (IES)
past verb form (a) afterwards (b) since
Where is Anand now? He is still sleeping. () (c) then (d) No improvement
2. Is your brother yet at the university? (NDA)
When I went his home at 11 o'clock, he was still sleeping.
(a) brother still at (b) brother continue at
(c) brother till at (d) No improvement
4. Yet non-affirmative time adverb (point 2 3. I have already read this book twice. (SSC)
structure (a) I already twice have read this book.
interrogative negative Yet (b) I twice have already read this book.
negative (c) I have twice already read this book.
(d) No improvement
not Yet already
4. She has .......... seen this movie twice.
present perfect structure preferable (a) already (b) quite
tenses (c) yet (d) often
The date of examination has not been declared yet. () 5. My father has .......... returned home from work.
(a) yet (b) just
Please don't see the painting; it is not fully ready yet. (c) now (d) never

6. The exact reasons for their disagreement are .......... to
Please don't see the painting; it is not yet fully readyl. be made public. (SSC)
() (a) yet (b) already
5. Already (c) quite (d) often
present past 7. I already had told (a)/ you about (b)/ his deplorable
condition. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC)
8. In spite of living (a)/ in Kerala for two years (b)/ he yet

I reached the office early but I found that some of my does (c)/ not speak Malayalam. (d)/ No error (e)
colleagues had already arrived. () (Bank PO)
It is amazing that you have already finished your 9. We are yet starting (a)/ offering this facility to (b)/ our
homework. () customers as we are (c)/ awaiting approval from the
Board. (d)/ No error (e) (Bank PO)

|| 15 ||

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