Session 27_ ConservartiveFields

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Conservative Fields

Carlos Gordon

Calculus for Computer Science, Fall 2024

Bachelor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

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1 Line Integrals of Vector Fields

2 Divergence and Curl

3 Conservative Fields

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Integrals of Vector Fields Over Curves
Now let’s see how we can integrate vector fields along a given trajectory.
In this case, we have the following.
Definition (Line Integral of a Vector Field)
Let F : R3 → R3 be a vector field and assume that F is continuous over
the curve given by c : [a, b] → R3 . We define the line integral of F over c
by the formula
Z Z b
F · ds = F(c(t)) · c ′ (t) dt.
c a

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Integrals of Vector Fields Over Curves
Now let’s see how we can integrate vector fields along a given trajectory.
In this case, we have the following.
Definition (Line Integral of a Vector Field)
Let F : R3 → R3 be a vector field and assume that F is continuous over
the curve given by c : [a, b] → R3 . We define the line integral of F over c
by the formula
Z Z b
F · ds = F(c(t)) · c ′ (t) dt.
c a

Example: Let c(t) = (sin(t), cos(t),R t), t ∈ [0, 2π], and

F (x, y , z) = (x, y , z). Calculate c F · ds.

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Integrals of Vector Fields Over Curves
Now let’s see how we can integrate vector fields along a given trajectory.
In this case, we have the following.
Definition (Line Integral of a Vector Field)
Let F : R3 → R3 be a vector field and assume that F is continuous over
the curve given by c : [a, b] → R3 . We define the line integral of F over c
by the formula
Z Z b
F · ds = F(c(t)) · c ′ (t) dt.
c a

Example: Let c(t) = (sin(t), cos(t), R t), t ∈ [0, 2π], and

F (x, y , z) = (x, y , z). Calculate c F · ds. Applying the definition, we have
Z Z 2π
F · ds = (sin(t), cos(t), t) · (cos(t), − sin(t), 1) dt =
c 0

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Integrals of Vector Fields Over Curves
Now let’s see how we can integrate vector fields along a given trajectory.
In this case, we have the following.
Definition (Line Integral of a Vector Field)
Let F : R3 → R3 be a vector field and assume that F is continuous over
the curve given by c : [a, b] → R3 . We define the line integral of F over c
by the formula
Z Z b
F · ds = F(c(t)) · c ′ (t) dt.
c a

Example: Let c(t) = (sin(t), cos(t), R t), t ∈ [0, 2π], and

F (x, y , z) = (x, y , z). Calculate c F · ds. Applying the definition, we have
Z Z 2π Z 2π
F · ds = (sin(t), cos(t), t) · (cos(t), − sin(t), 1) dt = t dt
c 0 0

= = 2π 2 .
2 0
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Example 1

2 2
RLet c(t) = (t, t , 1), t ∈ [0, 1], and let F (x, y , z) = (x , xy , 1). Calculate
Rc F · ds. (Note
R 2 that by writing ds = (dx, dy , dz) we can express
c F · ds = c x dx + xydy + dz.)

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Example 1

2 2
RLet c(t) = (t, t , 1), t ∈ [0, 1], and let F (x, y , z) = (x , xy , 1). Calculate
Rc F · ds. (Note
R 2 that by writing ds = (dx, dy , dz) we can express
c F · ds = c x dx + xydy + dz.) We have
Z Z 1 Z 1
F · ds = (t 2 , t 3 , 1) · (1, 2t, 0) dt = t 2 + 2t 4 dt
c 0 0

t 3 2t 5
1 2 11
= + = + = .
3 5 0 3 5 15
In all these cases, we see that these integrals depend on F and also on the
choice of c. As we have seen in previous examples, it is possible to
parametrize the same curve (as a set of points) with different functions c.

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Next, we will look at several very useful tools for studying
 vector fields. In
∂ ∂ ∂
particular, we will use the gradient. By writing ∇ = ∂x , ∂y , ∂z , we can
see the gradient ∇f of a function f : R3 → R as the result of applying the
operator ∇ to f . Treating ∇ as a vector (in a symbolic way), we can
define various operations with vector fields.

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Divergence of a Vector Field
Definition of Divergence of a Vector Field

Let F : Rn → Rn be a vector field such that the partial derivatives ∂x i
i ∈ [1, n] exist at every point. The divergence of F is the scalar function
X ∂Fi
div F = ∇ · F : R → R, (x1 , . . . , xn ) 7→ .

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Curl of a Vector Field
The following notion is defined for vector fields in space.
Definition of Curl of a Vector Field
Let F : R3 → R3 be a vector field such that the partial derivatives of F
exist at every point and its components are
F = (P(x, y , z), Q(x, y , z), R(x, y , z)). The curl of F is the vector field is

curl F = ∇ × F : R3 → R3

given by the formula

⃗i ⃗j ⃗k
∂ ∂ ∂
(x, y , z) 7→ ∂x ∂y ∂z =
∂R ∂Q ∂R ∂P ∂Q ∂P
− ,− − , − .
∂y ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂x ∂y
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Curl in for R2 Vector Fields

IMPORTANT: For the case of vector fields in R2 ,

F (x, y ) = (P(x, y ), Q(x, y )), the curl can also be calculated: First,
consider f as a vector field in R3 by writing

F (x, y , z) = (P(x, y ), Q(x, y ), 0).

Now calculate the curl normally:

∂Q ∂P
curl F = ∇ × F = 0, 0, −
∂x ∂y

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Geometric Meaning of Differential Operators:
• Divergence measures the difference between incoming and outgoing
flow. If the field has ”sources,” then div F > 0; if it has ”sinks,” then
div F < 0; if they compensate (called incompressible flow in physics),
div F = 0.
• Curl is a vector operator that shows the field’s tendency to induce
rotation around a point.
If curl F = 0 at a point, the flow does not have ”vortices” at that point,
and the field is said to be irrotational.
• Visualizing Curl and Div
• Visual 2
• Computing and visual

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Geometric Meaning of Differential Operators:
• Divergence measures the difference between incoming and outgoing
flow. If the field has ”sources,” then div F > 0; if it has ”sinks,” then
div F < 0; if they compensate (called incompressible flow in physics),
div F = 0.
• Curl is a vector operator that shows the field’s tendency to induce
rotation around a point.
If curl F = 0 at a point, the flow does not have ”vortices” at that point,
and the field is said to be irrotational.
• Visualizing Curl and Div
• Visual 2
• Computing and visual
Example: Given the field F (x, y , z) = (x 2 y , z, xyz), find div F.

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Geometric Meaning of Differential Operators:
• Divergence measures the difference between incoming and outgoing
flow. If the field has ”sources,” then div F > 0; if it has ”sinks,” then
div F < 0; if they compensate (called incompressible flow in physics),
div F = 0.
• Curl is a vector operator that shows the field’s tendency to induce
rotation around a point.
If curl F = 0 at a point, the flow does not have ”vortices” at that point,
and the field is said to be irrotational.
• Visualizing Curl and Div
• Visual 2
• Computing and visual
Example: Given the field F (x, y , z) = (x 2 y , z, xyz), find div F.
Solution: divF = ∂(x∂xy ) + ∂(z)
∂y + ∂z
= 3xy
Example: Given the field F (x, y ) = (y , −x). Find curl F.

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Geometric Meaning of Differential Operators:
• Divergence measures the difference between incoming and outgoing
flow. If the field has ”sources,” then div F > 0; if it has ”sinks,” then
div F < 0; if they compensate (called incompressible flow in physics),
div F = 0.
• Curl is a vector operator that shows the field’s tendency to induce
rotation around a point.
If curl F = 0 at a point, the flow does not have ”vortices” at that point,
and the field is said to be irrotational.
• Visualizing Curl and Div
• Visual 2
• Computing and visual
Example: Given the field F (x, y , z) = (x 2 y , z, xyz), find div F.
Solution: divF = ∂(x∂xy ) + ∂(z)
∂y + ∂z
= 3xy
Example: Given thefield F (x, y ) = (y, −x). Find curl F.
Solution: curl F = 0, 0, ∂(−x)
∂x − ∂y
∂(y )
= (0, 0, −2)

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Conservative Fields

Let f : D ⊆ Rn → R be a differentiable scalar function.
• A vector field F : D ⊂ Rn → Rn is conservative if and only if there
exists a scalar function f : D ⊆ Rn → R such that F = ∇f . In this
case, f is the potential of F.

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Conservative Fields

Let f : D ⊆ Rn → R be a differentiable scalar function.
• A vector field F : D ⊂ Rn → Rn is conservative if and only if there
exists a scalar function f : D ⊆ Rn → R such that F = ∇f . In this
case, f is the potential of F.

Example: Is F(x, y ) = (y , −x) a conservative field?

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Conservative Fields

Let f : D ⊆ Rn → R be a differentiable scalar function.
• A vector field F : D ⊂ Rn → Rn is conservative if and only if there
exists a scalar function f : D ⊆ Rn → R such that F = ∇f . In this
case, f is the potential of F.

Example: Is F(x, y ) = (y , −x) a conservative field?

Solution: If it were, there would exist a differentiable scalar function, f ,
such that: ( 2
 ∂f ∂ f
∂x =y ∂y ∂x = 1
F = ∇f ⇒ ∂f ⇒ ∂2f
∂y = −x ∂x∂y = −1

Since f ∈ C 2 (the partial derivatives are polynomials, therefore, continuous
∂2f ∂2f
and differentiable), and, therefore, ∂y ∂x = ∂x∂y .
∂Fi ∂Fj
Observation: For the same reason, if F is conservative, then ∂xj = ∂xi .
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Fundamental Theorem of Integration Over Curves

Let F : R3 → R3 be a conservative vector field and let its potential
function be f : R3 → R of class C 1 over a C 1 class curve given by
c : [a, b] → R3 . Then we have
F · ds = ∇f · ds = f (c(b)) − f (c(a)).
c c

In particular, if F : R3 → R3 is a conservative vector field, then a line

integral of F along c only depends on the end points c(a), c(b) (not on
the particular pathR taken by c between these points). Notably, if
c(b) = c(a) then c ∇f · ds = 0.

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Example 2

π 3
Let c(t) = t4 , sin

2t ,0 , t ∈ [0, 1], and let F(x, y , z) = (y , x, z).
Calculate c F · ds:

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Example 2

π 3
Let c(t) = t4 , sin

2t ,0 , t ∈ [0, 1], and let F(x, y , z) = (y , x, z).
Calculate c F · ds:

We observe that this integral can be written as c ∇(xy + 2) · ds.

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Example 2

π 3
Let c(t) = t4 , sin

2t ,0 , t ∈ [0, 1], and let F(x, y , z) = (y , x, z).
Calculate c F · ds:

We observe that this integral can be written as c ∇(xy + 2) · ds.

Therefore, by the fundamental theorem, the integral is f (c(1)) − f (c(0))

where f (x, y , z) = xy + z2 , hence the integral is 41 · 1 − 0 = 41 .

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