Stats Notes (LG1-3)

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Probability - field of mathematics that deals

with chance LG1: RANDOM VARIABLES AND __

• Experiment - activity in which the results
cannot be predicted with certainty
• Trial - repetition of experiment
• Outcome - result of experiment L1: Understanding Random Variables
• Event - any collection of outcomes
- Simple event - event w/ only 1 possible outcome RANDOM VARIABLE
• Sample space - for a given experiment is a set - variable's values are determined by chance or
S that contains all possible outcomes of the a random event.
experiment. In any experiment for which the - may be viewed as a way to map outcomes of
sample is S, the probability of an event occurring statistical experiments determined by chance
is given by the formula into a number.
- It is a set whose elements are the numbers
Ex: The sample space for the experiment in assigned to the outcomes of an experiment.
throwing a die. - It is denoted by a capital letter, usually X.
Sample space = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
In some experiments such as:
Probability of an event tossing a coin three times;
P(even) = n(event) ) • rolling a dice twice; and
n (sample space) • drawing two balls in a box.

n(event) - number of outcomes Ex: Suppose two coins are tossed. Let X be the
n (sample space) - # of all possible outcomes random variable representing the number of
heads that occur. Find the values of the random
Example: variable X.
1. A coin is tossed, find:
a. The sample space
{head, tail}
n (sample space) = 2

b. Probability of getting a head

P(head) = n(head) ) = 1
n (sample space) 2 or 50%
Sample space = {HH, HT, TH, TT}

So, the possible values of the random variable X

are 0, 1 and 2.
X = {0, 1, 2}

2 types of random variables:

1. Discrete Random Variable
2. Continuous Random Variable


- Are those that have a finite or limited set of
possible values. b. ∑Pr(x) = 1. This dictates that the
- Whole number probability of all the events added together
- # of sibling a
must equal one.
person has
- # of present
student in a
classroom at a
given time Example 1:

Create a probability distribution for the

outcome of tossing two coins.

Remember that the sample space

CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLE generated from tossing two coins consists
- has an infinite range of possible values of the sample points TT, TH, HT, and HH. If
within a given range. Infinitely uncountable the number of heads is determined by a
number of possible values. A continuous random variable called x, then x is either 0
variable's values are derived from measured or 1 or 2. As a result, the likelihood of
data. Sizes of items, weight, height, temperature,
receiving no heads, Pr (X=no heads), one
and time are a few examples of continuous
head, Pr (X=one head), or two heads, Pr
- Not whole number (w/ range) (X=two heads), is equal to 1/4.

L2: Probability Distribution for a Discrete By listing the possible possibilities and
Random Variable calculating the probability value for each
possibility, the probability distribution is
consists of the values a random variable
can assume and the corresponding

- possible values and the probabilities

attached to those values make up the
probability distribution Pr(x) for that

- can display discrete probability

distributions using a graph, table, or
notational formula.
L3: Mean, Variance, and Standard
- The discrete probability distribution, Pr(x), Deviation for a Probability Distribution
should be noted as having to meet the
following two conditions: • MEAN
- The mean of a discrete random variable
a. 0 < Pr (x) ≤ 1. This dictates that by utilizing probabilities from its dispersion,
each event's probability in the sample as follows:
space must range from 0 to 1.
1. The mean is considered as a measure of
the central location of a random variable.
It is the weighted average of the values that
random variable X can take, with weights
provided by the probability distribution.

2. The Expected Value or Mean Value of a

discrete random variable x is can be
computed by first multiplying each possible
x value by the probability of observing that
value and then adding the resulting
quantities. Symbolically,

E(X) = µx=X1* P(X1) + X2* P(X2) + ··· +

Xn* P(Xn) = EX * P(X)

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