Env'tal Hydrology
Env'tal Hydrology
Env'tal Hydrology
Chapter 1: Introduction
Hydrologists define hydrology as the science, which deals with the occurrence , distribution,
circulation of atmospheric water through hydrologic cycle & simultaneously – its physical ,
chemical, & physiological interaction with the earth surfaces & their relationship to living things Or
hydrology is a science which deals with movement of water.
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Environmental Hydrology is concerned with the spatial and temporal distribution and movement of
water in all its forms and the interaction between water and the environment (living- and non-living
things) at the local, regional and global scale.
Environmental hydrology is the component of water science that focuses on the hydrological cycle
with an emphasis on its interface with humans and other organisms.
Environmental Hydrology focuses on the hydrosphere and, particularly, on the relationship between
hydrosphere and other environmental spheres, such as atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.
The hydrosphere is one of the four spheres/systems/ of the Earth’s physical environment.
The other three environmental spheres are the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
The hydrosphere is often called the "water sphere"; it includes all the Earth's water.
Water is found at, beneath, and above the Earth’s surface in various storages/reservoirs/compartments,
such as oceans, streams, lakes, glaciers and ice sheets, in the soil, groundwater, and in the air and living
organisms. Compiled By Dr. Mare Addis Desta 2
At different places
• On the ground Evaporation
• Under ground
• Evaporation from Precipitation
(Rainfall &
land & water bodies
Transpiration from plants
tissues through leaves & stems
going back to the atmosphere &
Return to the surfaces as precipitation Surface
Infiltration/plant uptake/
Precipitation is the primary sources of all water on Soil moisture redistribution Lateral Flow
the earth
Percolation to shallow aquifer
• Water is required by a community for fulfilling its several needs & for surviving not only human life but also
animal & plant life
• Moreover, the water required for fulfilling their needs, should not only be in sufficient quantity, but should be of
good quality, so as to cause any harmful effects on such lives
• This includes the water required in private buildings for drinking, cooking, bathing, gardening, sanitary toiletry
uses, etc
• The amount of domestic water consumption per person shall vary according to the living conditions of the
• Eg. On average, the domestic consumption under normal conditions in Indian is expected to be around 135 liters
per day per person
• In developed effluent country Like USA this figure goes as high as 400 liter /d/p about 69% used as a solvent
to carry away wastes
• This is because more water is consumed in reach effluent livings in air cooling, air conditioning, etc.
• This quantities will vary considerably with the nature of the city & with the number & types of industries &
commercial establishments present in it
• On average, a provision of 20 to 25% of the total water consumption, is generally made for these uses.
• In small residential communities, the industrial use may be as low as 45 liters per day But.
• Therefore, the specific industrial water demand should be assessed on the industries settled or assess the quantity of
required per unit of production
• Most industrial processes involve heat exchanges, 90% of the water used by industry is for cooling & is returned to
the source, so only small amount is actually consumed
• It significantly change the water temperature that affect aquatic ecosystem by reducing dissolved oxygen
Domestic water use 1. Heavy per capita use 1. Small per capita use
per capita 2. Highest usage in Australia,
Newzealand, USA & Canada 2. Water usage increase as living standards go up
3. Usage is stabilizing
Where water is used 1. Irrigation & industry total 1. Irrigation is over 80% particularly high in Asia
about 85% & Africa
2. Domestic is about 15% 2. Industry & domestic uses are each < 10%
Access to safe 1. Safe drinking water generally 1. Large no of people lack safe drinking water
drinking water & available 2. Effective waste water treatment generally not
waste water 2. Waste water treatment available
treatment generally available 3. Rapidly growing urban population will create
3. Only small population increases greater need for safe drinking water & waste
expected water treatment
• In these three phases hydrologic cycle is always in function under the influence of solar energy & complete
un ending chain
For inland areas, hydrologic cycle balance equation can be expressed as;
P = precipitation
• Water can change states among liquid, vapor, and ice at various places in the water cycle.
• Although the balance of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time, individual water molecules can
come and go, in and out of the atmosphere.
• The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the
atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and
subsurface flow.
• By transferring water from one reservoir to another, the water cycle purifies water, replenishes the land
with freshwater, and transports minerals to different parts of the globe.
• It is also involved in reshaping the geological features of the Earth, through such processes as erosion and
sedimentation. In addition, as the water cycle also involves heat exchange, it exerts an influence on climate
as well. Compiled By Dr. Mare Addis Desta 23
• The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in oceans and seas.
• Evapotranspiration is water transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil.
• Rising air currents take the vapor up into the atmosphere where cooler temperatures cause it to condense into
• Air currents move water vapor around the globe, cloud particles collide, grow, and fall out of the sky as
• Some precipitation falls as snow or hail, and can accumulate as ice caps and glaciers, which can store frozen
water for thousands of years.
• Snow packs can thaw and melt, and the melted water flows over land as snowmelt.
• Most water falls back into the oceans or onto land as rain, where the water flows over the ground as surface
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• A portion of runoff enters rivers in valleys in the landscape, with stream flow moving water towards the oceans.
• Not all runoff flows into rivers, much of it soaks into the ground as infiltration.
• Some water infiltrates deep into the ground and replenishes aquifers, which store freshwater for long periods of
• Some infiltration stays close to the land surface and can seep back into surface-water bodies (and the ocean) as
groundwater discharge.
• Some groundwater finds openings in the land surface and comes out as freshwater springs.
• Over time, the water returns to the ocean, where our water cycle started.
It is the process by which water changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state.
Total annual evapotranspiration amounts to approximately 505,000 km3 of water, 434,000 km3 of which
evaporates from the oceans.
3. Sublimation is the state change directly from solid water (snow or ice) to water vapor.
4. Condensation is the transformation of water vapor to liquid water droplets in the air, creating clouds and
It's crucial to the formation of clouds, and it's the reverse of evaporation.
5. Precipitation is the process by which water falls from clouds in the sky.
6. Percolation:- a portion of precipitated water percolates in the ground & is stored there
7. Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil.
8. Runoff:- is a portion of precipitated water flows over the ground in the form of rivers & streams
It is estimated that of the 1,386,000,000 km3 of the world's water supply, about 1,338,000,000 km3 is
stored in oceans, or about 95%. It is also estimated that the oceans supply about 90% of the evaporated
• The water balance of a place, whether it is an agricultural field, watershed, or continent, can be determined by
calculating the input, output, and storage changes of water at the Earth’s surface.
• The law of water balance states that the inflows to any water system or area is equal to its outflows plus change
• In hydrology, a water balance equation can be used to describe the flow of water in and out of a system.
In hydrologic, calculation, the depths are often expressed as average volumes over the catchment area.
Eg. If the annual stream flow from a 10 km2 catchment is 107 m3, it corresponds to a depth of__?
An expression for the water budget of a catchment for a time interval t is written as P-R-G-E-T = S
Where P = precipitation G = net ground water flow out of the catchment (infiltration is
R = surface runoff included)
E = evaporation
T = transpiration
S = change in storage
All these terms can be expressed in depth over the catchment area.
Definition: precipitation denotes all forms of water that reach the earth from the atmosphere.
• Precipitation forms in the clouds when water vapor condenses into bigger and bigger droplets of water.
• When the drops are heavy enough, they fall to the earth.
• If a cloud is colder, like it would be at higher altitudes, the water droplets may freeze to form ice.
• After achievement of saturation, the further rise of air is accompanied by cloud formation, increase in size of
drops (crystals) under the influence of condensation (sublimation), and then also of coagulation.
• Most of the precipitation didn’t occur where the evaporation takes place, rather it falls somewhere else out of the
evaporation area.
• Precipitation occurs when the moist air mass undergoes the process of condensation. This process occurs when
the air is cooled and saturated with the same moisture amount.
• This process of cooling the air mass occurs only when the air mass moves up to the higher altitudes.
• The air mass can be lifted to higher altitudes primarily by three methods based on which there are three different
types of precipitation which are as follows:
3. In arid and polar zones: 1 station for 1,500-10,000km2 depending on the feasibility.
To know the intensity of rainfall 10% of the gauges should be automatic (self-recording).
However, the adequacy of the number of gauges in the existing network may be find out by calculating the optimum
= = 8.7 ≈ 9 stations.
Arithmetical mean method: When the rainfall measured at various stations in a catchment show little
variation, the average precipitation over the catchment is taken as the arithmetic mean of the station
values. However, this method is used rarely in practice
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When can arithmetic mean be useful?
• This method is fast and simple and yields good estimates in flat country if the gauges are
uniformly distributed and the rainfall at different stations do not vary widely from the mean.
• These limitations can be partially overcome if topographic influences and aerial representativeness
are considered in the selection of gauge sites.
B. Thiessen polygon/ area-weighted average/ method
• Thiessen was an American engineer working around the start of the twentieth century (1911) who
devised a simple method of overcoming an uneven distribution of rain gauges within a catchment.
• This method assumes that at any point in a catchment, the rainfall is the same as that at the nearest
rain gauge so the depth recorded at a given gauge is applied out to a distance halfway to the next
gauge in any direction.
For the above figure, the “weighted” average rainfall over the catchment is determined as
Weighted average rainfall = = 10.40mm
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C) The Isohyetal Method
• Isohyetal method: An Isohyet is a line joining points of equal rainfall magnitude.
• In this method, the catchment area is drawn to scale and the rain gauge stations are marked on it.
• The recorded values for which areal average is to be determined are then marked on the plot at
appropriate stations.
• Neighboring stations out side the catchment are also considered. Isohyets of various values are
then drawn by considering point rainfalls as guides and interpolating between them..
• The drawing is similar to the drawing of elevation contours based on the spot levels. The area
between adjacent Isohyets are then determined with plani-meter or any other method used to
The isohyets method is superior to the other two methods especially when the stations are large in number.
Example: the isohyets due to the storm in a catchment is drawn and the area of the catchment bounded by isohyets
are given tabulated as below next page:
Question: Estimate the mean precipitation due to the storm.
For Area I, we would expect rainfall to be more than 15mm but since there is no record, a rainfall depth of 15mm is
accepted. Similarly, for Area IV, a rainfall depth of 5mm has to be taken. Hence, the average precipitation by the
isohyetal method is calculated to be
B) Mass curve
• It is a graph showing the cumulative depth of rainfall against time.
• Mass curve = △𝑃 = 𝑝1−𝑝2 ;
△𝑡 = 𝑡1−𝑡2 Where; p = precipitation & t = time
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2) Intensity
rate of precipitation; depth / duration (e.g., mm per hour)
• Rain fall intensity is measured in units of mm/hr or
• 2.5mm/hr = light rain
• 2.5-7.5 mm/hr = moderate rain
• > 7.5 mm/hr = heavy rain
- Duration of the storm= 40min • there is a negative exponential relationship between
- The total Rainfall= 46.8mm intensity and duration; i.e., decreasing in intensity with
𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 46.8𝑚𝑚 increasing duration; short duration storms (usually
Rainfall intensity = =
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 40𝑚𝑖 convective) have the highest intensities
= 1.17mm/min = 70.2mm/hrs
= (1.47mm/mi)x(60mi)=88.2mm/hr
2. Compute the precipitation at the ungauged point using the following formula:
𝒏 𝒏+𝟏
(b) Hazen’s method (1930), T = 𝟏 (c) Kimball’s method, T =
𝒎−𝟐 𝒎
Values of precipitation plotted against the percentages of time give the ‘frequency curve’.
All the three methods give very close results especially in the central part of the curve and particularly if the number
of items are large
Recurrence interval is the average number of years during which a storm of given magnitude (maximum depth or
intensity) may be expected to occur once, i.e., may be equaled or exceeded.
Frequency F is the percentage of years during which a storm of given magnitude may be equalled or exceeded.
For example if a storm of a given magnitude is expected to occur once in 20 years, then its recurrence interval T = 20
yr, and its frequency (probability of exceedence) F = (1/20) 100 = 5%, i.e., frequency is the reciprocal (percent) of the
recurrence interval.
1 1 F
and that it may occur is P EX
In order to determine the secondary interception, the measurement on stem flow & through fall are
also considered
Measurement processes of a stem flow & through fall are described blow
Measurement of stem flow is falling of rainwater along the stem is called stem flow
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• It depends on the roughness (more resistance) & smoothness (less resistance)
• The stem flow measurement is done by tying a metal ring around the stem in such a way that
the flowing water could not pass below the ring.
• At the conventional point, a pipe is equipped in the ring, through which the stem flow is
called in to a container
• Measurement of through fall: that part of
precipitation, which reaches to the ground surface
by passing or through vegetal cover, inter space of
crop canopy & falling of water drops from the
leaves, branches etc is known as through fall
Measurements of a through fall is carried out by putting a
tube under tree canopy.
The amount of water collected in the tube during
precipitation is denoted as through
fall..\..\Picture\Interception.mp4 Measurement procedure is shown in the figure
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2.4. Evapotranspiration: Processes and measurement
2.4.1. Processes of evaporation and transpiration process of evaporation.
• Evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes to the gaseous state at the free surface, below the
boiling point through the transfer of heat energy.
• The molecules of water are in constant motion with a wide range of instantaneous velocities. An addition
of heat causes this range and average speed to increase.
• Evaporation is a cooling process in that the latent heat of vaporization must be provided by the water
• It has already been said that evaporation requires an energy source and an available water supply to
transform liquid water into water vapour.
• There is one more precondition: that the atmosphere be dry enough to receive any water vapour
• These are the three fundamental parts to an understanding of the evaporation process.
Compiled By Dr. Mare Addis Desta 116 Processes of Transpiration
• Transpiration is the process by which water leaves the body of a living plant and reaches the
atmosphere as water vapour.
• The water is taken up by the plant-root system and escapes through the leaves.
• Transpiration is the process of water loss from plants through stomata.
• The excess liquid flows across the surface of the land and into nearby creeks, streams, or ponds.
• Runoff can come from both natural processes and human activity.
• Mountains that cannot absorb water from heavy snowfalls produce runoff that turns into streams,
rivers, and lakes. Glaciers, snow, and rain all contribute to this natural runoff.
• Runoff also occurs naturally as soil is eroded and carried to various bodies of water.
• Even toxic chemicals enter waterways through natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions.
• Toxic gases released by volcanoes eventually return to the water or soil as precipitation.
• A high value indicates a well-developed network and torrential runoff causing intense floods
while a low value indicates moderate runoff and high permeability of the terrain
• Karst conduit systems are highly developed underground flow paths that can carry water quickly from recharge
(where water enters the groundwater system) to spring flow (where groundwater emerges at the surface).
Luckily, not all the water that enters the groundwater system comes out of springs.
6) slope-area methods.
• The accurate prediction of stream flows is essential to the planning of our water resource
• Criteria for sizing conveyance systems are derived from socio-economic responses to
the inconveniences associated with the exceedence of system conveyance capacities
and the cost of providing those systems.
• Flood control studies usually base flood damages on peak discharges as representative
of damage due to several associated flood problems
• Flood damage reduction measures include these items plus non-structural measures such as
flood proofing structures etc.
Peak Flow Estimation Techniques: Peak flows may be estimated directly as functions of
historical stream flow records or statistical/ empirical relationships.
• The peak flow techniques referred to in this paper are those techniques which predict only the
peak flow not including the whole hydrograph.
• The peak flow techniques are functions of rainfa11 intensity or runoff frequency and various
geographic characteristics of the basin.
• Usually the annual peak flow frequency curve is derived either directly from an equation or
by estimating a series of flood peaks which are then analyzed with standard frequency
To read a hydrograph, pick an approximate date and trace a vertical line up to where it intersects the graph. Reading
horizontally to the left, you can determine the discharge of the stream for that date.
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4.5. Floods
4.5.1. Causes of Flooding
• A number of factors can contribute to that imbalance, including:
– Heavy, intense rainfall
– Run-off from a deep snow cover
– Over-saturated soil, when the ground can't hold anymore water.
– Frozen soil
– High river, stream or reservoir levels caused by unusually large amounts of rain
– Ice jams in rivers
– Urbanization, or lots of buildings and parking lots.
• Flood frequency analyses are used to predict design floods for sites along a river.
• The technique involves using observed annual peak flow discharge data to calculate statistical information such
as mean values, standard deviations, skewness, and recurrence intervals.
• Flood frequency analysis is a technique commonly used to relate the magnitude of extreme runoff or river flow
events to their frequency of occurrence through the use of probability distribution functions.
• Frequency analysis is used to predict how often certain values of a variable phenomenon may occur and to
assess the reliability of the prediction.
• It is a tool for determining design rainfalls and design discharges for drainage works and drainage structures,
especially in relation to their required hydraulic capacity.
• Flood warning
• Floodplain zoning
• Flood proofing
Water Pollution
• When it is unfit for its intended use, water is considered as polluted
• Alteration in physical, chemical or biological characteristics of water
• Contamination of water bodies
5. Organic chemicals
5.1.1. Disease-causing agents DCA(pathogens):- are disease causing organisms that grow & multiply with in the
host, which include bacteria, viruses, protozoa & parasitic warms human & animal waste.
Water related Insect vectors (eg. Mosquitoes) rely on Malaria, filariasis, yellow fever on
water for habitat, but human water choceriasis (river blindness), dengue
contact not needed
Oxygen demand wastes are substances that can be decomposed by aerobic bacteria.
During decomposition, they utilize oxygen dissolved in water, which reduces the remaining amount of DO
Effect 1. As DO drops, fish & other forms of oxygen consuming aquatic life are threatened & in the extreme case, killed
• Source:- oxygen demanding wastes are usually biodegradable organic substances contained in
municipal waste water or influents from certain industries such as food processing, paper production
• In addition to this, the oxidation of certain in organic compound may also contribute to the oxygen
• Water pollution refers to any physical, chemical, or biological change in water quality that adversely
affects living organisms or makes water unsuitable for desired uses.
• Water pollution is generally judged in terms of the intended use, departure from the norm, effects on
public health or ecological impacts.
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• Although fresh water is a potentially renewable resources, it can become so contaminated by human and natural
activities that is no longer useful for many purposes.
• Currently, pollution/contamination/ of both freshwater and saline water reservoirs/resources, especially rivers,
streams, lakes and ground waters are common problems throughout the world.
Major types of water pollutants
The following are eight common types of water pollutants:
1. Disease-causing agents: bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter water from domestic sewage
and animal wastes.
2. Oxygen-demanding Wastes: organic wastes, which when degraded by oxygen consuming bacteria can deplete
water of dissolved oxygen gas.
3. Water-soluble inorganic chemicals: acids salts and compounds of toxic metals such as lead and mercury.
4. Inorganic Plant Nutrients: water soluble nitrate and phosphate compounds that can caused excessive growth of
algae and other aquatic plants which then die and decay depleting water of dissolved oxygen and killing fish.
6. Sediments and suspended matter: insoluble particles of soil silt and other solid inorganic and
organic materials that become suspended in water.
7. Radioactive Substances: radioisotopes that are water soluble or capable of being biologically
amplified in food chains and webs.
8. Heat: excessive inputs of heated water used, for example, to cool electric power plants.
The resulting increases in water temperature lowers dissolved oxygen content and make aquatic
organisms more vulnerable to disease parasites and toxic chemicals.
pesticides (including fungicides, herbicides etc.) washed by rainwater and surface run-off
pollute water.
5. Oil: oil spillage in to water bodies during drilling and shipment pollute water.
6. Waste heat: waste heat from industrial discharges increase the temperature of water bodies
Lakes have less dilution due to water stratification and low flow. Pollution recovery can take years rather
than the days typical for streams.
Less dilution also leads to more bioaccumulation through the food chain. Even low pollution amounts in
the water lead to large levels in top-level predators.
Large amounts of nutrient-rich agricultural runoff and other human discharges cause cultural
Many lakes (about 50%) near urban areas in the U.S. are eutrophic.
In the next, page ocean pollution has been indicated with picture.
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ocean pollution
• In areas where population density is high and human use of the land is intensive, ground
water is especially vulnerable.
• Virtually (practically) any activity whereby chemicals or wastes may be released to the
environment, either intentionally or accidentally, has the potential to pollute ground water.
• When ground water becomes contaminated, it is difficult and expensive to clean up.
• Ground water has the longest recovery times from pollution due to low flow, dispersion and
dilution, colder temperatures, and lower bacteria levels.
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May take thousands of years to cleanse itself of degradable wastes and non-degradable waste is
For all intents and purposes, once groundwater is polluted, it stays that way indefinitely.
How does ground water become contaminated?
Depending on its physical, chemical, and biological properties, a contaminant that has been
released into the environment may move within an aquifer in the same manner that ground water
(Some contaminants, because of their physical or chemical properties, do not always follow
ground water flow.)
It is possible to predict, to some degree, the transport within an aquifer of those substances that
move along with ground water flow.
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For example, both water and certain contaminants flow in the direction of the topography from
recharge areas to discharge areas.
Soils that are porous and permeable tend to transmit water and certain types of contaminants
with relative ease to an aquifer below.
Under certain conditions, pumping can also cause the ground water (and associated
contaminants) from another aquifer to enter the one being pumped.
Thus, properly identifying and protecting the areas affected by well pumping is important to
maintain ground water quality.
• Groundwater contaminated from a number of sources, both on the surface and buried.
• Often attempts to control surface water pollution (injection or ponding of hazardous waste)
• Unconfined aquifers are more susceptible to contamination from the surface than confined
• Ground water can become contaminated from natural sources or numerous types of human
Natural Sources: Some substances found naturally in rocks or soils, such as iron, manganese,
arsenic, chlorides, fluorides, sulfates, or radionuclides, can become dissolved in ground water.
Other naturally occurring substances, such as decaying organic matter, can move in ground
water as particles.
Ground water that contains unacceptable concentrations of these substances is not used for
drinking water or other domestic water uses unless it is treated to remove these contaminants.
Septic Systems; One of the main causes of ground water contamination in many countries is the
effluent (outflow) from septic tanks, cesspools, and privies.
• Once in the landfill, chemicals can leach into the ground water by means of
precipitation and surface runoff.
• Like landfills, new surface impoundment facilities are required to have liners, but even these
liners sometimes leak.
• Sewers and Other Pipelines; Sewer pipes carrying wastes sometimes leak fluids into the
surrounding soil and ground water.
• Sewage consists of organic matter, inorganic salts, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, and
• Other pipelines carrying industrial chemicals and oil brine have also been known to leak,
especially when the materials transported through the pipes are corrosive.
• Some pesticides remain in soil and water for many months to many years.
• Drainage Wells; Drainage wells are used in wet areas to help drain water and transport it to deeper
• Mining Activities; Active and abandoned mines can contribute to ground. water contamination.
• Precipitation can leach soluble minerals from the mine wastes (known as spoils or tailings) into the
ground water below.
Under anaerobic condition foul (polluted) smelling gases are produces. Excess growth or
decomposition of plant materials will change the concentration of CO2 which will further pH of
Changes in pH, oxygen and temperature will change many physical and chemical characteristics of
3. Pathogens: Many waste waters especially sewage contains many pathogens (disease causing) and
non-pathogenic micro-organisms and viruses. Water born diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhoid,
jaundice etc are spread by water contaminated with sewage.