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School Report - Autumn Term 2023

Abrar Patwary 8Wi

Attendance: 84%


Subject Teacher Exam
Att AtL Att AtL Exam % AtL
Art HJD 3 V
Biology KHF 3 V
Chemistry BZT 2 G
Computer Science NZS V
Design Technology SLM G
English Language NCM 4 V
French CXG 2 S
Geography CSR 3 G
History CMM 3 G
Mathematics KGB 1 S
Music APL
Physical Education AHF V
Physics KXW 3 G
Religious Studies JXW 4 V
Spanish CXG 3 G

Abrar, you must focus more in lessons. Ask questions if you are unsure, attend Chemistry support sessions in C2
every Monday and Tuesday during lunchtimes and Thursday and Fridays during break time.
Mr B. Thakkar
Abrar, in order to achieve your full potential in French you need to learn your vocabulary and grammar rules
Mrs C. Godley
Abrar, you must ensure to remain 100% focused in class - without any distractions. To improve your grade, do more
exercises and ensure to ask in class when you have any questions.
Mr K. Busschop
Attainment and Examination Grades
Grade Grade Descriptor
5 Outstanding attainment
4 Very good attainment
3 Good attainment
2 Attainment raises concerns
1 Attainment is poor or raises serious concerns

Attitude to Learning Grades

RGS Standard Stage Descriptor
Outstanding Attitude to Learning: always fully engaged and involved in class. Has an
unfailingly positive influence on learning in the classroom. Shows highly-impressive self-
O motivation – for example, by regularly completing extension work. Homework is always
handed in on time and displays an outstanding level of effort towards presentation and
Very good Attitude to Learning: always engaged and involved in class. Is self-motivated
to improve learning – for example, often attempts extension questions. Always hands
V homework in on time and displays a very good level of effort towards presentation and
Good Attitude to Learning: engaged and involved for the vast majority of each lesson.
G Homework is almost always handed in on time and reliably demonstrates a good level of
effort towards presentation and content.

Attitude to Learning raises some concerns: engagement in class is inconsistent and

sometimes needs to be reminded to stay on task. May be inconsistent with regard to
S punctuality or homework, which may sometimes be late or deemed to be below an
acceptable level.
Attitude to Learning is poor or raises serious concerns: engagement in class is poor and
often needs to be reminded to stay on task. The pupil’s behaviour may disrupt his
learning or the learning of others. Homework is often late or deemed to be below an
acceptable level.

Please contact your Subject Teacher if you have a concern about this report (initials@rgshw.com)

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