30 day plan to improve your English

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30 day plan to improve your English

Day zero: do a placement test and write your goals

Day1: listen
good websites like (ted.com)
1- watch a video without a subtitle.
2- Choose something you are interested in
3- Think hard and dig deep to understand the video without the subtitles.
good websites like (ellol.org)
2- levels 1 to 7
3- Interesting\scripted.
4- Real English\ vocabulary

Day 2: speaking
- Passive knowledge
ways to practice English.
- Reading out loud is similar to speaking
- Talk to yourself
- Join speaking clubs.
- Roly play
- Book clubs
good websites like
https://speechnotes.co/ to check your pronunciation
Day 3: Reading
Good website like breakingnewsenglish.com
7 levels from 1 to 6 / listen as well

Day 4:Writing
Choose a topic to writ a bout. / it should be interesting to you
For example: write an essay about your ideal life from 200 to 300 words

Day 5: grammar
Choose one topic\ read the material.
Important topics
1- Articles
2- Marker words for tenses
3- Conditionals
4- Reported speech.
5- Model verbs
6- preposition
Good websites:
1- Learn English British council
2- Learn English Teens

Day 6: select 10 vocabularies.

“words” “the most useful ones” and phrasal verbs
Know which part of speech are they and then create a sentence for each one.
Day 7: day off
Watch or listen to anything in English.

Day 8: listening again.

1- Listen to a song then try to write down its words as you hear them, Sing it
then google the actual words. fill in the gaps
2- Listen to a poadcast. bbc 6 min learning
3- Podcast the English we speak

Day 9 speak again.

Day10: reading.
Rong chang

Day 11:Writing
Choose a topic to write a bout. / it should be interesting to you
For example: write about what you do when you are advanced in English from 200
to 300 words
Be very specific.

Day 12: grammar

Choice a topic and solve exercises start with the most difficult to the simplest
Day 13: words
Choose 10 words and use them in sentences

Day 14: day off

Week 3 an 4 : repeat
Do the same things again

Day 29:revise what you have done so far

Day 30:a final exam

Another placement test to find out how much you have achieved.
K-------what I know/ before reading/ brainstorm and list the known terms.
W-------What I want to know/ before and during reading / list your questions as
what to expect. /What is my purpose of reading this? Am I understanding it? / does
it make sense?/ Should I slow down, reread it?/ skim a head and then comeback.
Pause and reflect.
L--------What you learned/ after reading/ compare to see what is still missing.

Previewing the text

skim----- 1- read the titles, subtitles, headings.
2-Study illustrations
3-try to get a sense of where the text is heading
4-get a grip of the basic idea
Final organizational cues
1- How ideas are organized
2- How the ideas related to each other
Transitional words
Think about your initial response was it
1- No reaction at all
2- Emotional (approve or disapprove)
3- An expression of felling
4- Appreciation
5- Evaluation
6- Elaboration
7- Commentary

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