ict note c1-5

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Chapter -1
Digital Devices
Lecture 1
Computer: It is an electronic device which is used to do or carry out
Hardware: Physical component of a system.
Software: Set of instruction/programs which tells the computer what to do.
1. Input Devices:
 Scanner
 Keyboard
 Webcam
 Microphone
 Mouse
2. Output Devices:
 Speaker
 Monitor
 Projector
 Printer
 Actuator
3. Storage devices:
 Optical Disk
 Blu ray
 Flesh memory
There are two types of software:
 System Software
 Application Software
Some examples of digital devices:
i. Mainframe Computer
ii. Personal Computer:

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 Desktop
 Laptops
 Single board Computer (Embedded Computer)
iii. Mobile Phones:
 Specialist phones
 Smart phones
iv. Tablets
v. Camera & Camcorder
vi. Home Entertainment System:
 Television
 Sound System
 Personal Video Recorder
 Blu ray & DVD players
vii. Games & Consoles
viii. Media Player
ix. Navigation Aid
x. Home Automation Devices & smart assistance

Features of digital devices:

1. Portability
2. Performance
3. Storage
4. User Interface
5. Connectivity
6. Media sport
7. Energy consumption
8. Expansion capacity
9. Security Features
Why Mainframe computers are used for?
Ans: Mainframe computer are used by large organization for complex work like
statical analysis and bulk data processing.
Personal Computer:
1. Desktop: Advantage: Components can be replaced
a) Not portable
b) Takes up lots of space

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2. Laptop:
a) Less battery life.
b) Components cannot be replaced.
a) Portable
b) Less space needed.
What are the factors that affects the quality of an image captured by the
1. Quality of the lens
2. Image Processor
3. Resolution
What is pixel: It is the unit of an image.
Resolution is stated as number of horizontal pixels, and number of vertical
1980 x 1080
Lecture 2
What do you mean by Multifunctional devices and convergence?
Ans: Multifunctional devices. It is a device by which we can do many works by
using only one device. Example -smartphone:
* Convergence: When the designs of devices changed so that they become
similar to another.

What is User Interface?

Ans: User interfere the system that allows a user to interact with a device.
Types of User Interfaces.
1. Command Line Interface (CLI).
2. Mena-Drive Interface.
3. Graphical User Interface.

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4. Voice Interface.
5. Gesture Interface.
Command Line Interface: Advantage:
* Takes up little memory
* Compare to a Menu device we do not need to go through a lot of menus to
access a particular function.
* Commends have to be typed precisely because the interface only recognizes
certain commands so it is not user friendly.
Where command line Interfaces are found?

 Old System
 Devices with limited storage
Menu Driven Interface: - Advantage:
It is user friendly.
Disadvantage: -
It takes more time as you have to go through the menu structure each
time you want to carry out command.
Where Menu-Driven Interfaces are found?
 Television
 Older mobile phones.
Graphical user Interface:
Four features are WIMP
W = Window
I = Icon
M= Menus
P= Pointer
It is user Friendly.

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It takes a lot of storage.
Voice Interface-
Adv: Hands free operations are possible.
Dis-Adv: Sometime the software cannot find a match or returns an incorrect
match, which produces unwanted results.
 Describe How voice interface works.
Ans: A voice interface allows the user to give spoken commands to a device. The
devices have voice recognition software which matches the spoken words
against a library of words to find a match.
Where Gesture Interface is found?
Ans: Devices with touch Screen.
Lecture 3
What is the use of OMR?
Ans: OMR are used for recognizing ad recording multiple choice test.
* There are two types of Barcodes
 Linear
 Matrix (QR code)
 Describe two advantages of matrix codes (QR codes) compare to linear bare
Ans: 1. They can hold much more information than linear bar codes.
(2) they can be scanned from any angle.
Describe the uses of webcam:
1. Video conferencing
2. Surveillance
Describe how resistive touch screen works:
Ans: When a user presses on a resistive screen the pressure causes two layers
underneath the screen to touch and make a connection.
Describe how a capacitive touch screen works:

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Ans: Under the glass of a capacitive screen, there is a layer of Capacitive

material. When a user touches the screen, a small amount of charge flows away
from their finger because humans are conductive. The change in electrical
charge is measured precisely: the closer the finger is to the charged area the
more current flows away. This allows the computer to calculate the precise
location at which the screen was touched.
Advantage of resistive touch screen.
Ans: They are more durable than capacitive touch screen.
Disadvantages of resistive touch screen.
Ans: 1. Contents on the screen are harder to read because it has more layers so
it reflects more lights.
2) They can only recognize one touch at a time.
 Advantage of capacitive touch screen.
1. They allow multi touch.
2. They allow more clean touch screen.
Biomatrix Scanner:
State five examples of Biomatrix searner.
1. Finger Print
2. Voice recognition
3. Facial recognition
4. Iris recognition
5. Retina Scan
Lecture 4
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biomatrix Scanner:
Advantages Disadvantages
Easier for users than passwords Cause privacy and security
because biomatrix data cannot be concerns) because detailed personal
forgotten. information is started electronically.
More difficult to trick or confuse Possible to trick are confuse them.
biomatrix Scanners than some other
Can speed up transactions. Expensive to make and buy.
Are not restricted by language Make some people feel
barriers. uncomfortable.

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Examples of three types of cards:

1. Magnetic strip card.
2. Programmable chip card.
3. Radio Frequency Identifications. (RFID) or NFC
What is a sensor?
A Sensor an input peripheral that inputs data about the physical environment.
Types of sensors:
1. Light
2. Moisture and humidity
3. Temperature
4. Proximity and distance
5. Motion and movement (such as Infrared (PIR Sensor)
6. Pressure.
Advantages and usage of sensor:
• They can be placed in remote ore dangerous places.
• They can to monitor continually.
• They remove the possibility of human error.
• They can sense things that people cannot ( such as a small Chang in pressure
or gas levels)
• The data is easily (sometimes automatically) converted to a digital form.
1. Dot Matrix Printer
Disadvantage. It is very noisy because the print is made by hitting or impacting
the paper by ribbon ink.
a. It can make several copies at a time.
2)Inkjet printer
3)Laser printer.
Comparison of three Printers:

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Names Speed Printer Cost Per Colour Quality Examplesof

Cost Copy Printing where it is
Dot Slowest Cheap Low Rare Low When
Matrix multiple
Inkjet Fast Medium High Yes High Home
printing and
Laser Fastest High Medium Yes Highest High
often used
in office

Lecture 5
Describe three reasons why secondary storage is used for:
→ Storing a document for future use.
→ Storing an application, ready to be loaded into RAM when the user opens the
→ Virtual memory.
Hard Disk Flash Media Optical Media Magnetic Tae
Data access Fast Fastest Slow Slowest
Cost Per GB High Very High Medium Low
Maximum Varies up to Varies up too CD 700MB Varies up to
capacity 128 GB many TB DVD 18GB 185 TB
Blu-ray 50Gb
Use Servers, Laptops, Multimedia Whole system
Personal mobile (music, back up &
computers, devices games & archives
backup films) files

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Portability Not suitable Yes Not suitable Not suitable

Storage media store data in binary form. This means that each bit of data holds
one of two values: 0 on 1. Different media types interpret 0 or 1 differently.

□ Hard disks change the magnetic charge of a platter to either negative or

positive, depending on wheat her the value is 0 or 1.
□ Optical media use tiny bumps on the disk's surface to represent 0 and 1.
□ Flash media use different levels of electrical charge held in tiny individual cells,
to represent o on 1.
□ Magnetic Tape changes the magnetic charge of the tape to either negative or
positive, depending on whether the value is 0 one 1.

1. bit = b b
2. 8bit = 1byte
3. 8b = 1B B
4. 1024B = 1KB
5. 1024KB = 1MB KB
6. 1024MB = 1GB
7. 1024GB = 1TB MB



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Chapter 2
Lecture 1

What is a software?
Ans: Software are programs/instructions which tells the computer what to do.
There are two types of software:
1. System software
2. Application software.
System software: It is a software which controls the hardware directly.
Examples of System Software:
1. Operating system
2. Utility software
3. Device driver
Application Software: It is a software which is used to do useful works.
Examples of Application Software:
1. Word processing software.
2. Spread sheet software.
3. Web Browser.
Utility software: It is a system software that carries out configuration and
maintenance tasks.
Examples of Utility Software:
1. Back up
2. Defragmentation Software.
3. Compression Software
4. Disk Formator
Lecture 2
What is the role of Disk Defragmentation?
Ans: Disk defragmentation utilities reorder the fragments of data so that they are
stored as close to each other as possible, it speeds up the loading of files.
Advantage of compression?

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I. It saves up storage space so that more data can be stored into the device.
II. It takes less time to get transferred between two devices / It takes. less
time to upload or download the file.
 Functions of operating system:
i. Memory management.
ii. Resource management.
iii. Provide security.
iv. Print spooling.
What is Print spooling?
Ans: The process of keeping pages queued in order, ready to be printed by a
 Describe three feature of Database management system (DBMS).
i. Data entry forms so that users can input data.
ii. Query editors so that users can select all data that meets certain criteria.
iii. Report builders so that users can display data in more readable format.
Types of Image Editing:
1. Graphics Editors.
2. Photo Editors.
Features of Graphics Editors:
1. Vectorizing image (that is, converting or tracking bitmap graphics to vector
2. Layers (that is, having the ability to place so some graphics on top of
3. Adding text
4. Adding drawing shapes and lines.
5. Resizing, aligning is moving shapes and lines.
6. Altering the colour of shapes, lines and fill areas.
Features of photo editor:
1. Adjusting brightness and contrast.
2. Resizing the image
3. Altering sharpness and blurring.
4. Applying fitter and effects such as distortion.
5. Red-eye removal.
6. Cropping.

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Lecture 3
What are the features of sound editing software:
1. Cut and Join audio clips.
2. Mute and solo some audio track.
3. Alter volume levels for individual tracks.
4. Change tempo.
5. Frequency equalization (charge the charging the level of high and low
6. Add effects like reverberation.
7. Apply audio processing: -
Noise reduction
Fade the volume in, so that it gets louder, or out
so, that it gets quitter.
Where control applications are used:
i. Engineering.
ii. Vehicles.
iii. Building control system.
iv. Home automation system.
Examples of Communication software:
i. Web Browser.
ii. Email.
iii. Social Media.
iv. MMS.
v. Instant messaging.
What is software license?
Ans: Software license a legate arrangement that gives a user the right to install
and use software.
There are two types of software:
i. Free or open source.
ii. Proprietary
• Free Software: Software that can be modified or distributed by a user.

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• Open-Source software: Software for which the source code is made available
to users.
• Source code: a collection of instructions that forms a piece of software.
• Proprietary software: software that is marketed and distributed by its owner
under a brand name.
• Freeware: proprietary software provided free of charge to users.
Benefits of updating software:
i. Fixing security vulnerabilities on bugs.
ii. Increasing compatibility with newer operating system.
iii. Improving performance and efficiency.
iv. Introducing new features.
v. Improving usability.
• Bugs: errors in the program's source code.
• Compatibility: ability of one device, system or application to work with other
devices, systems and application.
• Usability: the ease with which a device or application can be use used.

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Chapter 3
Memory & Processors


Primary Memory Secondary / Backing storage


(volatile) (non-volatile) Disc


Application (installed)  HDD

Virtual Memory: A portion of memory in HDD which is treated as RAM.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Use of RAM: Software is loaded into the RAM from a computer’s secondary
storage. The processor then fetches software instructions from memory and
execute them.

Storage Software Memory 00001111


RAM is a volatile memory which means that contents of the RAM will get
erased when there is a power cut.

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What is the impact of increasing the amount of RAM?

Ans: Adding more RAM improves the performance of the computer system when
the user is using multiple files programs at the same time without needing to use
virtual memory from storage, which has slower access time than RAM.
What happens to computer system when it doesn't have enough space in
RAM/ Describe what virtual memory is and how it is used?
Ans: When the computer system does not have enough space in RAM, the
operating system creates virtual memory by using an area of secondary storage.
Secondary storage is much slower than RAM, so the user will notice a big
decrease in system performance when the processor has to access instructions
from virtual memory.
Read on Only memory (ROM)
ROM is nonvolatile meaning that the date is not lost when power is off.
ROM store data permanently.
Usage of ROM:
• It is used in computer system that store only one program such as calculators,
digital watch, washing machine.
• ROM stores bootup information/ Boot Loader.
• EPROM can be erased by exposing it to strong UV light.
• EEPROM can be erased by applying to a voltage to one of the pins on the ROM
RAM ROM (all type)
Stores data when power No (volatile) Yes (non-volatile)
Can Swap instructions in Yes No
and out.
Accessible in any order? Yes Yes
Intended to store Temporary data Permanent data
Can be upgraded Yes No

 Clock cycle per second: Used to measure processor speed; the number of
time per second the processor can carry out one or more instruction.

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Unit – 2
Chapter- 4
Digital Communication
What is a network?
Ans: When two or more computer communicates with each other, it forms a
Network can be two types:
1. Wired
2. Wireless
What is bandwidth?
Ans: The number of bits that can be carried by a connection in one second.
What is Buffer?
Ans: An area of memory used to temporarily store data, especially when
streaming videos.
Latency: The amount of time it takes to send data between two devices.
Describe how video streaming works?
Ans: Parts of a video file are downloaded to a buffer, which is then topped up as
the video play.
 Explain why streaming is more convenient for the user than downloading?
Ans: The user doesn't have to wait for the full file to be downloaded before it can
be played. And streaming files do not consume storage space.
Impact of high latency on the user experience.
Ans: If the latency is higher, events in the game will lag and the game will be not
seen responsible to the players command's when watching live television, high
latency will reset in delay between the real time events and the video being
received for playback.
Factors that affect speed and volume of data transfer.
1. Transfer Method
2. Interference
3. Blockage

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4. Distance
Transfer method: Are of two types:
a. Wired
b. Wireless
In general, wired connection have more bandwidth because it can carry more
frequency than wireless connection.
a. Wireless: Interference can be caused by signals from wireless
devices like wireless router and appliances emitting electromagnetic
fields like fridge and microwave ovens.
b. Wired: cables connections can be shielded from this interference by
having the wires wrapped in a thin layer of metal.
Blockage: walls and furniture reduce the strength of wireless signals. This
reduces the available bandwidth
Distance: The strength of a wired or wireless signal is reduced as the distance
that it has to increases.
There are four major types of networks:
I. Local Area Network (LAN)
II. Wide area network (WAN)
III. Personal area network (PAN)
IV. Tethering.
LAN: A LAN is a network that connects digital devices that are in small
geographical area, like building or group of building that are close to each other.
WAN: A WAN is a network that is spread over a large geographical area.
PAN: A PAN is a group of connected devices that are all near an individual
Tethering: Tethering is a process of connecting a host device such as smart
phone or a tablet device that access a mobile broadband connection with one or
more other devices.

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Method Technology Use

Satellite Radio waves GPS, Television, Military
Broadcast Radio waves Television, shows, radio
Wired Electrical signal Networking, Connecting
Wireless Radio waves Networking, connecting

The benefits of satellite communication
I. The system is always available because there are numerous amounts of
satellite in outer space.
II. It is not affected by power shortages.
I. Can be effected & by atmospheric weather condition (snow).
II. Satellite signal do not pass through solid objects.
I. Only 4 satellite is required to calculate accurate location.
II. GPS does not require internet connection.
Describe How DVB-S works?
Ans: A video signal from the broadcaster is transmitted using a large antenna on
Earth to one or more satellite then broadcast the signal back down to Earth. A
satellite television viewer will have an antenna installed and this revives the
signal and sends it to a set top box. The set top box decodes the signal and
converts it so that it is ready to be sent to a television.
Wi-Fi Bluetooth
Range Long Short
Bandwidth High Low
Power High Low
Security High Low
Can connect multiple Yes Limited
devises simultaneously (Usually have to be

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Chapter 5
What is a network?
Ans: When two on more computer communicate/ connect with each other it
forms a network.
What is protocol?
Ans: Rules that allows the exchange and transmission of data between device.
Features of network operating System:
i. Passing usernames and passwords to a server for checking when a user
logs in.
ii. Separating user accounts and ensuring that users cannot access each
other's file.
iii. Providing access to network storage and shared resourced such as
networked printers.
How devices are identified on a network:
Ans: Three way to identify devices on network
i. Internet Protocol (IP)
ii. MAC Address
iii. Device name
Differences of IPv4 and IPv6.
→IPv4 uses four groups of up to three number separated by full stops (for
→IPv6 uses eight groups of four hexadecimal numbers separated by colons. (for
example, 2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334)
MAC (Media Access Control)
MAC address for network interface codes are universally unique.
MAC addresses are used in devices connected to the LAN using Ethernet,
Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
A MAC address is usually made up of six pairs of characters, first three pairs
identify the manufacturer and remaining pairs are uniquely identified by devices.

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Use Examples
Restricting or MAC address filtering checks the MAC address of device
allowing access attempting to gain access to a network and only grants
to a network access to devices with specified MAC address.
Identify a device Some Wi-Fi hotspots only provide free access for certain
on a network length of time, and they identify a device using its MAC
address in order to work out whether it is trying to access
the hotspot for longer than the permitted time.
Tracking a Some companies and organizations track devices (and
device therefore their user) by checking which wireless access
Point have been accessed by specific MAC address.
Assigning ‘static’ Each time a device connects to a network, it is identified by
or ‘fixed’ IP a DHCP server (usually using its MAC) and given the same
address IP address as before.

Wireless Access point:

i. Wireless access point is used to convert a wired network to a wireless
ii. It can be used to increase the range of the network by setting it to repeater
Where it is found?
Ans: Often found built into other hardware like routers but can also be available.
What is switch?
Ans: A switch is a network device which is used to connect device on a network.
• A switch makes sure that data sent from any device gets to the correct device.
Ans: A gateway connects two different types of networks. Examples LAN is
connected to a WAN OH Wing a gateway.

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Ans: A router stores the addresses of all devices that are connected to its so that
it can forward network to its destination using the quickest route.
Describe how search engine works?
Ans: Users enter keywords that describe the information they want to find. The
search engine then compares the keywords with those in its database of web
pages and returns the results that are the closest match to the given keywords.
Role of filter software:
Ans: Filter software prevents users from accessing inappropriate information. It
can help schools and parents to protect children from access disturbing or age-
inappropriate content.
Blacklist: A list of unacceptable URLS.
If the results match anything in the blacklist the user will be prevented
from viewing the web page.
Whitelist: A list of acceptable URLS.
If the result matches anything in the whitelist, then the user will be
allowed to view the web page.
If the result does not match anything in either the blacklist on whitelist the user
will be allowed to view the information.
Computers in a network can be connected using one of difficult models:
1. peer-to-peer.
2. client-server.

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Benefits of using LANS:

Ans: Connecting computers using a Lan provides a range of benefit. These
□ access to shared peripherals.
□ access to shared storage and data
□ flexible access (that is, being able to access peripherals, storage and data from
any connected devices)
□ media streaming (including movies, on music and gaming)
□ communication (that is being able to send messages and files to other on the
□ shared access to the internet.
Benefits of using client-server network:
i. Control of user access rights.
ii. Centralised administration.
iii. Centralised software.
iv. Shared software.
v. Shared storage and file access.
vi. Roaming profiles.
What are ways on which we can secure data on network:
i. Logins and passwords.
ii. Firewalls.
iii. Virtual Private Network (VPN).
iv. File access rights.
v. Transaction Logs.

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vi. Backups.
vii. Encryption:
a) Symmetric key encryption
b) Public key encryption
c) Wireless encryption protocol (WEP)
d) Wi-Fi protocol access (WPA)
What is symmetric key encryption?
Ans: Symmetric key encryption uses the same key at bath ends of the process,
meaning that the same key is wed to encrypt and decrypt the data.
Describe public key encryption.
Ans: Public key encryption uses two mathematically related keys called a key
pain. One key is used to encrypt the data and a different key is used to decrypt it.
A computer shares a public key with other computers that want to send it
encrypted data. This public key is mathematically related to a private key, which
is not shared.
Eavesdropper: An unauthorized person or piece of software that intercepts
data from a provide communication.
Packet: A unit of date package to travel across a network.
Why wireless encryption protocol is least secure?
Ans: This is because every device on a wireless network uses the same key for
every transfer.
Why Wi-Fi Protected access (WPA) is better than (WEP)?
Ans: WPA generates a new key for each device on the wireless network. New
keys are also provided for each packet of date that is sent.
Describe why an individual might use VPN?
i. Access their employer's network when working from home.
ii. Access computer in a different geographical location, perhaps to avoid the
local restrictions on access to web content (such as due to censorship or
geographical rights managements)
iii. Make secure payments
iv. Prevent surveillance of and access to their web activity.

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