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The log test

Kyle Miller
Monday, 14 September 2015

Thinking about how the ratio and root tests work, I realized that a similar test could be
devised for comparing against p-series rather than geometric series. Here is the test:
Theorem 1. Let ∞ −1
n=1 an be a series of positive terms. Consider limn→∞ logn an . Then:

1. If this limit diverges to positive infinity or to a number L greater than 1, then ∞

n=1 an
converges; and
2. If this limit diverges to negative infinity or to a number L less than 1, then ∞
n=1 an
diverges; and
3. Otherwise the test is inconclusive.
The proof is fairly similar to that of the ratio and root tests in Stewart:
Proof. First, suppose limn→∞ logn an−1 diverges to positive infinity or to a number L greater
than 1. Then there is a number p such that 1 < p and, if the limit converges, p < L. There
is some N such that whenever n > N , logn a−1 −1
n > p (that is, the sequence of logn an is
−1 p 1
eventually always larger than p). Observe this means an > n , and so an < np . Since 1 < p,
P 1
n=1 np is convergent, and so by the comparison test (starting at n = N + 1), n=1 an
converges, too.
The second part is similar, but p is chosen to be less than 1, and so by the comparison
test with a divergent p-series, the series must also diverge.
1. 1
n=2 (ln n)ln n . We compute logn an
= ln(n)lnln(ln
= ln(ln n), which tends to ∞ as
n → ∞, so by the theorem the series converges.
ln(np ln n)
2. For which p does ∞ 1
= p+ ln(ln n)
n=2 np ln n converge? We compute ln n ln n
, which tends
to p as n → ∞, so the series converges if p > 1 and diverges if p < 1. When p = 1,
then we may instead use the integral test.
The test is worded as if it were the ratio or root test in Stewart. It can be strengthened
into the following:
Theorem 2. Let ∞ −1
n=1 an be a series of positive terms. If the sequence logn an is eventually
bounded below by a number L > 1, then the series converges, and if the sequence is eventually
bounded above by a number L < 1, then the series diverges.

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