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Academic Script
done by sowing the seeds, for which 3-4 kg of seeds per hectare are necessary. The
distance between two plants maintained is usually 25 cm and the plant reaches
maximum height of one meter. Periodically, the thinning of plants is done to get
uniform growth and better development.
After sowing, within 3-4 months, the plants bear flowers, which are converted to
capsules within few days and attain maturity after 15-20 days.
Collection and Preparation: The incisions are made in the afternoon with an
instrument known as ‘nushtur’. This bears narrow iron spikes which are drawn down
the capsule to produce several longitudinal cuts. The incision must not penetrate into
the interior of the capsule otherwise latex will be lost. The latex, which is first white,
rapidly coagulates and turns brown. Early in the morning of the day following the
making of the incisions the partly dried latex is scraped off with a trowel-like
‘seetooar’. Each capsule is cut several times at intervals of 2 or 3 days. After
collection the latex is placed in a tilted vessel so that the dark fluid which is not
required may drain off. By exposure to air the opium acquires a suitable consistency
for packing. Indian opium is exported in 5 kg blocks, packed 12 to a lightweight
wooden case to facilitate air transport. Each block is wrapped in grease-proof paper,
tied with tape and placed in a polythene bag. The drug has a soft consistency and so
arrives as rounded, somewhat flattened, cakes. It contains about 9-12% of morphine.
Macroscopic Characters:
Taste - Bitter
1. Indian Opium:
Color - Dark brown
It is found in the form of cubical pieces weighing about 900 g for marketing
purpose. It is enclosed in tissue paper and is brittle and plastic in nature.
Internally, it is homogeneous. Depending upon the requirement the powder
form is available in the pack of 5 to 10 kg.
2. Persian opium:
Color - Dark brown
It is found in the form of brick shaped masses, weighing 450 g. It is hygroscopic
in nature, granular or nearly smooth with brittle fracture.
3. Manipulated Turkish opium:
Color - Chocolate or dark brown
It is covered with broken leaves externally. The masses of this type are oval
and flattened on upper and lower surface weighing about 2000 g. It is
somewhat plastic or even brittle.
4. Manipulated European opium:
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Chemical Constituents:
Opium contains about 30 alkaloids, which are largely combined with meconic acid.
The drug also contains sugar and salts, albuminous substances, coloring matters and
water. Morphine, Codeine, thebaine noscapine, narceine and papaverine are the six
major alkaloids of opium. The first group (eg. morphine) consists of alkaloids which
have a phenanthrene nucleus whereas those of the papaverine group have a
benzylisoquinoline structure. Some of the less important opium alkaloids are e.g.
prtopine and hydrocotarnine are of different structural types. The morphine
molecule has both a phenolic and an alcoholic hydroxyl group and when acetylated
forms diacetyl morphine or heroin. Codeine is ether of morphine (methylmorphine),
and other morphine ethers which are used medicinally are ethylmorphine and
pholcodine. The opium alkaloids are present as salts of meconic acid.
Chemical Test:
a) The general test to detect opium is by testing presence of meconic acid. The
alkaloids are present as the salt of meconic acid. Opium is dissolved in water and
filter. Add ferric chloride solution to the filtrate, a deep reddish purple color is
produced, which persists even on addition of hydrochloric acid.
b) Morphine when sprinkled on nitric acid gives orange red color. Codeine does not
respond to this test.
c) The treatment of morphine solution with potassium ferricyanide and feeric
chloride solutions gives bluish green color. Codeine does not respond to this test.
d) Papaverine solution in hydrochloric acid gives a lemon yellow color with
potassium ferricyanide.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
first representative of the morphinan alkaloid series, all of the biosynthetic steps are
irreversible: demethylation of the enol ether to neopinone, isomerization of the
latter to codeinone reduction to codeine, and demethylation of codeine to morphine.
Morphine is also formed in part via oripavine (3-demethylthebaine) by the sequence:
Thebaine → Oripavine → Morphinone → Morphine
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Plant source of Ephedrine: Ephedra, Ma-huang
Biological source: It consists of the dried young stems of Ephedra gerardiana (wall.)
and E. nebrodensis (Tineo.) belonging to family Ephedraceae. Ephedra should contain
not less than 1 percent of total alkaloids, calculated as ephedrine.
Geographical source: China, Pakistan, North-West parts of India, Australia, Kenya
spain and Yugoslavia
History: Ma-huang was known to the Chinese over 5000 years ago and ephedrine
was isolated in 1887, it only came into extensive use during the last century. It is
called Ma-Huang where ‘Ma’ denotes astringent taste and ‘Huang’ is for yellow color
of drug. The references about this drug are found in the herbal of the emperor Shen
Nung (2700 B.C.) and in ‘Chinese medicinal plant’ (1596 A.D.) by Pen T’sao Kang Mu.
In those times it was used for treatment of respiratory problems, fever and also for
Cultivation: Ephedra can be cultivated at an altitude of 2500 to 3000 m. Annual
rainfall should not exceed 50 cm. it can be propagated by seeds layers or divisions of
the root stock. Seeds are sown early in the spring at a distance of 5 cm, keeping the
distance of one meter between 2 rows.
Collection and Preparation: The plants are collected after attaining the age of 4 years
for the extraction of alkaloid. During this period, proper irrigation and weeding are
necessary. The alkaloidal content of the drug varies from season to season. It is found
to be maximum in autumn, when plants and twigs are dark in color. Twigs are
generally dried in sun.
Macroscopic Characters: Ephedra stem is woody and much branched. It bears ribs
and longitudinal channels. The leaves are very small with connate base. Types of
leaves and length of nodes and internodes are important diagnostic features of the
various species. Ephedra stem has a slight odor and a bitter taste.
Chemical Constituents: The ephedras contain about 0.5-2.0 % of alkaloids. Of the
total ephedrine (and its isomers) forms 30 to 90%, according to the species.
Pseudoephedrine is also present. The roots also contain a number of macrocyclic
alkaloids (ephedradines) and feruloyl histamine which have hypotensive properties.
Chemical Test: Ephedrine is dissolved in water and dilute hydrochloric acid and then
treated separately with copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide. The solution gives
violet color. If shaken with solvent ether, the organic layer shows purple and aqueous
layer shows blue color.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Plant source of Ephedrine: Ergot of Rye, Ergota
Biological source: Ergot is the dried sclerotium of a fungus, Claviceps purpurea
developed in ovary of rye plant, Secale cereal (Graminae). It contains not less than
0.19 percent of the total alkaloids of ergot, calculated as ergotoxine, of which not less
than 15 percent consists of water soluble alkaloids of ergot, calculated as
Geographical source: Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Czechoslovakia
History: The name of this drug is originated from a from a French word ‘Argot’ which
means fur and indicates the shape and attachment of the sclerotia to the infected rye
spikes, like the fur which is attached to the body of birds. Even in old days, ergot
fungus was known to be a pathogen, infecting the rye fields in European countries
and Russia. It is known that the toxic effects were observed owing contamination of
ergot with rye grains. The toxic symptoms were gangrene in the extremities and
convulsions. In middle ages, such symptoms were reported and called as St. Antony’s
fire. After knowing the cause, it was called as ergotism which had severely occurred
in sixteenth century in Germany. Further, it was discovered that ergot has specific
uses in obstetrics and came into wide use from nineteenth century onwards. In 1836,
it was introduced in London Pharmacopoeia. The life history of fungus was studied
and the name Claviceps purpurea was first coined by Tuasne 1853.
Cultivation and Collection: Ergots are sown in boxes of sandy earth and are exposed
in the open to the winter frosts. In the spring they germinate and the ascospores are
sown upon a nutrient gelatin in Petri dishes, where they germinate readily and form
colonies. The colonies are cut out and transferred to a fluid medium in large flasks,
where great numbers of spores are developed. The diluted culture is sprayed on to
the rye crop when plants are in flower. Ergots are sometimes picked by hand, but are
usually separated from the rye after threshing the crop. The separation is effected
either by the use of special machinery or by throwing the grain into a 20-30 percent
solution of common salt upon which the ergots float while rye sinks.
Macroscopic Characters:
Color - Externally, it is dark violet to black.
Internally, it is whitish or pinkish white
Odor - Disagreeable and faint
Taste - Unpleasant
Size - The sclerotia are 1 to 3 cm in length and 1to 5 mm
in width
Shape - Sclerotia are fusiform, triangular and usually
tapering on both the ends
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Chemical Test:
a) Keller's Test: To a solution of the alkaloid in glacial acetic acid add a few mg of
solid FeCl3 and then add 1-2 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid along the side of
the tube. The appearance of an intense blue colouration is accomplished at the
junction of the two layers.
b) Van Urk Test: When a solution containing an ergot alkaloid is mixed with Van
Urk Reagent, it gives rise to a characteristic deep blue coloration.
c) Preperation of Van Urk Reagent Mix togetehr 0.125g of para-dimethylamino.
benzaldehyde; 0.1 ml of FeCl3 soln. (5% w/v), and 15% (v/v) H2SO4 to make
100 ml.
d) Glyoxylic Acid Reagent Test: Ergot alkaloids give a blue coloration with the
addition of Glyoxylic acid reagent and a few drops of concentrated H2SO4.
e) Fluorescence Test: The aqueous solutions of the salts of ergot alkaloids
produce a distinct blue fluorescence.
f) Ergotamine responds to a specific test. Little quantity of ergotamine is
dissolved in glacial acetic acid and ethyl acetate. A small portion of this is
treated with sulphuric acid and shaken well by which blue color with red tinge
appears. By addition of ferric chloride, blue color deepens, while red tinge
becomes faint.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
The ergoline nucleus is derived from trptophan, mevalonic acid and methionine.
Trptophan provides the indole nucleus, C-4, C-5 and N-6; mevalonic acid, via
dimethylallyl pyrophosphate is the origin of C-7, -8, -9, -10 and of the C-8 substituent;
methionine methylates N-6. The formation of dimethylallyltryptophan (DMAT): it
involves the alkylation of tryptophan by dimethylaallyl pyrophosphate directly at C-4,
catalyzed by a specific enzyme, DMAT synthetase. The next step leads to
chanoclavine: DMAT is N-methylated and decarboxylated, the methyl group oxidized
to a hydroxymethyl group, and the double bond isomerized. During the next step,
which is the formation of agroclavine, and it converts to elymoclavine, lysergic acid
and ergotamine.
Ergonovine: This alkaloid is a potent oxytocic. It increases basal tone, the frequency
and strength of uterine contractions. It exerts stronger effect in advance pregnancy.
This activity is thought to be linked to the stimulation of the α-adrenergic receptors
in the myometrium. Uterine hypertonicity is at the origin of the antihemorrhagic
effects of ergonovine. In practice, methylergonovine is the preferred medication. This
is the amide of lysergic acid and of 2- aminobutanol a semisynthetic derivative which
is more active on the uterus; it also has a vasoconstrictive activity on arteries (at high
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Plant source of Vinca: Catharanthus, periwinkle
Biological source: It is the dried whole plant of Cathranthus roseus, belonging to
family Apocynaceae. It is also known as Vinca rosea.
Geographical source: South Africa, India, USA, Europe, Australia and Caribbean island
History: Vinca has been known since B.C. 50 in European countries as antidysentric,
antihaemorrhagic, diuretic and wound healing. This plant was used in the form of
‘tea’ for treatment of diabetes in Jamaica and in Brazil for toothache. This plant was
first scientifically investigated by Canadian workers Noble, Beer and Cutts. During
these studies, it was found that it does not have any oral hypoglycemic principle, but
contains alkaloid possessing antileukemic principle and the alkaloid was named as
Cultivation and Collection: Vinca grows all over India upto 500 meters. Vinca does
not require any special conditions of soil. It favorably grows in light sandy soils, rich in
humus. For the propagation, the fresh seeds are used and sown in nurseries or
sometimes direct sowing is also done. For direct sowing, about 2.5 kg of seeds per
hectare are required. They are mixed with 10 times quantity of sand and sown in
monsoon in rows of 45 cm apart. When the plants are sufficiently grown up, they are
thinned out and a distance of about 30 cm is left between two plants. Nursery sowing
is found to be economical. In February or March, they are sown in nursery and
transplanted in open fields after 2 months when they achieve 6-7 cm height. They are
transplanted in open fields at 45 cm X 30 cm distance and about 74,000 plants per
hectare are necessary. The plants do not need much water supply and are drought
resistant. The stems are cut about 7-8 cm above the ground level after one year of
growth and the leaves, stems and seeds are separated and air dried. For collection of
roots, the field is profusely irrigated and roots are dug out by ploughing, which are
further washed, dried in shades and packed in bales. The seeds are collected from
matured fruits for next propagation.
Macroscopic Characters:
Vinca is an erect, pubescent herb, with branched tap-root. Leaves are simple, petiole,
ovate or oblong, unicosate, reticulate, entire, brittle with acute apex and glossy
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Leaves - Green
Roots - Pale grey
Flowers - Violet pink-white or carmine-red
Odor - Characteristic
Taste - Bitter
Chemical Constituents:
A large number of indole alkaloids are present in vinca. Out of them about 20
bisindole alkaloids which having antineoplastic activity including leurocristine
(vincristine) and vincaleukoblastine (vinblastine). Vinblastine is produced by coupling
of the indole alkaloids catharanthine and vindoline, both of which occur free in
plants. Vincristine is structurally similar to vinblastine, but has a formyl group rather
than a methyl on the indole nitrogen in the vindoline derived portion. Because these
alkaloids are only minor constituents of the plant (Vincristine is obtained in about
0.0002%yield from the crude drug).
Biogenesis of vinca alkaloids: Vinca is an indole type alkaloid. Indole alkaloids are
derived from tryptophan. Tryptophan converts into tryptamine. Condensatioden of
secologanin with tryptamine is a Mannich-type reaction gives rise to tetrahydro-b-
carboline system and generates strictosidine. The nucleophilie vindoline C-5 of the
indole nucleus is being activated adequately by the OMe at C6 besides the N-atom of
the indole moiety. The resulting adduct is subsequently reduced in the
dihydropyridinium ring by the NADH-dependent 1, 4 addition giving the substrate of
hydroxylation. Its ultimate reduction gives rise to vinblastine. Vincristine is the
oxidized product of vinblastine.
Pharmacological Activity of Vinca: Vinblastine and vincristine are antimitotics. They
bind to tubulin and prevent the formation of the microtubules whose role is well
known in the formation of the mitotic spindle. Thus these compounds block mitosis
and cause an accumulation of cells in the metaphase. The microtubule assembly also
plays a role at other levels, particularly in neurotransmission (axon microtubules),
hence the neurotoxicity of these alkaloids. They are generally in vitro inhibitors of the
biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acid. The treatment of cell populations with
vincristine or vinblastine leads to an accumulation of cells in M and G2 phase, and the
effect is lethal in the S phase.