Alkaloid Opium
Alkaloid Opium
Alkaloid Opium
Opium - Adulterants
Adulterated with sugary fruits, gums, powdered poppy capsules and other substances.
Adulteration is now useless (product is first analysed and the price is paid depending on the content of morphine and other alkaloids)
Ipecacuanha Collection
A pointed stick is used to lever the plant up from the ground. Most of the roots are then removed. The plant is replaced into the ground, where it will continue t produce more crops. Roots are dried in the sun or by fire and then transported.
Ipecacuanha Constituents
Ipecac alkaloids (isoquinoline) alkaloids Mainly Emetine Psychotrine Cephaeline Also Emetamine Psychotrine methylether Ipecoside (glycoside)
Ipecacuanha - Adulterants
Other ipecacuanhas, different roots said to have emetic properties. These are easily distinguished from the original root and are now very rarely imported.
Ipecacuanha Uses
Expectorant Emetic Amoebic Dysentry Emetine is more expectorant and less emetic in action than cephaeline
Psychotrine: selective HIV inhibotors (study could lead to therapeutically useful agents)
Alkaloid Opium
Inti Isokuinolin
Inti Fenantren
Inti Fenantren
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Morfin Diasetilmorfin (heroin) Dihidromorfin (decodid) Metil morfin (codein) Etil morfin (dionin) Dihidrocodein Dihidroksi codein (eucodid) Thebain Apomorfin
I. Morfin
Kelarutan : Larut dalam 500/air, 400/air mendidih, 250/etanol, 500/CHCl3. Umumnya tidak larut dalam eter. Garamnya : morfin asetat, morfin HCl, morfin sulfat.
Identifikasi Morfin
1. 2. 3. 4.
Frohide test ungu tua sampai hijau Marquis test ungu Vitalli test kuning atau kuning orange Zat dalam air + FeCl3 biru, hijau, diasamkan hilang, juga bila ditambah alkohol atau dipanaskan. Reaksi kristal : HgCl2, Dragendorf, Mayer
II. Heroin
3,6-diasetoksi-7,8 dihidro-4,5-epoksi N-metilmorfin Diamorfin/aselomorfin, diasetilmorfin Kristal Putih TL : 171-1730C Kelarutan : 1700/air, 31/etanol, 100/eter, 5/CHCl3
Identifikasi Heroin
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Marquis test Frohide test Bouchardat King, Mayer Vitalli test merah ungu biru ungu hijau (+) (+) kuning pucat atau orange
encerkan hati-hati
dalam air
basanya agak coklat Basanya larut dalam 3 bagian air, tak larut
Garamnya larut dalam 3 bagian air,
Reaksi Identifikasi :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Marquis Frohde Mandelin King Sanchez, Pesez Vitalli ungu ungu biru hijau cokal rose (+) (-) kuning/orange