Alkaloid Opium

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Alkaloid Opium

Opium Alkaloids Opium

Definition: Opium (Raw Opium) is the latex obtained by incision from the unripe capsules of Papaver somniferum, from the Papaveraceae Family. It is dried partially by spontaneous evaporation and partly by artificial heat. Commercially known as Indian opium. BP monograph: opium is intended only as a starting point for the manufacture of galenicals, and should not be dispensed as such.

Papaver somniferum - Constituents

30 Alkaloids 6 main ones Morphine Codeine Thebaine Noscapine Narceine papaverine

Tests for Opium Alkaloids

Morphine: soluble in sodium hydroxide (due to phenols) Codeine is precipitated by sodium hydroxide. Other chemical tests are found in pharmacopoeias.

Opium - Adulterants
Adulterated with sugary fruits, gums, powdered poppy capsules and other substances.
Adulteration is now useless (product is first analysed and the price is paid depending on the content of morphine and other alkaloids)

Papaver somniferum Uses

Opium & Morphine: Relieve pain Hypnotics (affect the sensory nerve cells of the cerebrum). Opium (closely resembles morphine) exerts action more slowly preferable to morphine (e.g in diarrhoea). Opium: also a diaphoretic Codeine Milder sedative Relieve cough Habitual use may cause constipation Both Morphine & Codeine decrease metabolism Codeine was used to treat diabetes (before the introduction of insulin).

Codeine May Be No Cure For Cough

Researchers at the University of Manchester North West Lung Centre have found that codeine - a standard ingredient in cough remedies could be no more effective than an inactive placebo compound at treating cough. Scientists at the Centre, which is based at Wythenshawe Hospital, studied a sample of patients with chronic lung disease. After coughing was induced with citric acid they were given either codeine or a placebo, and sent home wearing a lapel microphone to record their coughing during the day and night. Lead researcher Dr. Jacyln Smith said: "Codeine has long been considered the standard anti cough agent against which others are measured, but until now little has been known about its impact in patients with chronic lung diseases. After the placebo therapy the patients' coughing fell from an average of 8.27 seconds per hour to 7.22 seconds, and after codeine to 6.41 seconds. "Even though there was a significant reduction after codeine, from a statistical standpoint there was really no difference between codeine and placebo - despite the fact that the dose of codeine used far exceeds that in over-the counter cough remedies. The findings were reported in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and seem to confirm some medics' view that reductions in coughing after codeine are attributable to a placebo effect

Ipecac Alkaloids - Ipecacuanha

Definition: Ipecacuanha (Ipecacuanha Root) is the dried root or rhizome and root of
Rubiaceae family. It should contain at least 2% alkaloids

Cephaelis ipecacuanha of the

Ipecacuanha Collection
A pointed stick is used to lever the plant up from the ground. Most of the roots are then removed. The plant is replaced into the ground, where it will continue t produce more crops. Roots are dried in the sun or by fire and then transported.

Ipecacuanha Constituents
Ipecac alkaloids (isoquinoline) alkaloids Mainly Emetine Psychotrine Cephaeline Also Emetamine Psychotrine methylether Ipecoside (glycoside)

Ipecacuanha - Adulterants
Other ipecacuanhas, different roots said to have emetic properties. These are easily distinguished from the original root and are now very rarely imported.

Test for emetine

Mix 0.5g powdered herb with 20ml HCL and 5ml water. Filter To 2ml filtrate add 0.01g potassium chlorate
Result: if emetine is present, a yellow colour appears. After standing for 1hr, changes to red.

Ipecacuanha Uses
Expectorant Emetic Amoebic Dysentry Emetine is more expectorant and less emetic in action than cephaeline

Psychotrine: selective HIV inhibotors (study could lead to therapeutically useful agents)

Alkaloid Opium

Inti Isokuinolin

Inti Fenantren

Inti Fenantren
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Morfin Diasetilmorfin (heroin) Dihidromorfin (decodid) Metil morfin (codein) Etil morfin (dionin) Dihidrocodein Dihidroksi codein (eucodid) Thebain Apomorfin

I. Morfin
Kelarutan : Larut dalam 500/air, 400/air mendidih, 250/etanol, 500/CHCl3. Umumnya tidak larut dalam eter. Garamnya : morfin asetat, morfin HCl, morfin sulfat.

Identifikasi Morfin
1. 2. 3. 4.
Frohide test ungu tua sampai hijau Marquis test ungu Vitalli test kuning atau kuning orange Zat dalam air + FeCl3 biru, hijau, diasamkan hilang, juga bila ditambah alkohol atau dipanaskan. Reaksi kristal : HgCl2, Dragendorf, Mayer


II. Heroin
3,6-diasetoksi-7,8 dihidro-4,5-epoksi N-metilmorfin Diamorfin/aselomorfin, diasetilmorfin Kristal Putih TL : 171-1730C Kelarutan : 1700/air, 31/etanol, 100/eter, 5/CHCl3

Identifikasi Heroin
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Marquis test Frohide test Bouchardat King, Mayer Vitalli test merah ungu biru ungu hijau (+) (+) kuning pucat atau orange


Heroin + 0,5 cc alkohol dengan 5 cc air

+ 1cc H2SO4 p tercium bau etil asetat.

encerkan hati-hati


Reaksi kristal dengan Dragendort dan HgCl2

III. Hidromorfin (Dilaudid)

TL : 265-2670C Bentuk garam dengan HCl Bubuk atau serbuk halus kristal putih, rasa


dalam air

basanya agak coklat Basanya larut dalam 3 bagian air, tak larut
Garamnya larut dalam 3 bagian air,

Reaksi Identifikasi :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Marquis Frohde Mandelin King Sanchez, Pesez Vitalli ungu ungu biru hijau cokal rose (+) (-) kuning/orange

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