Hsslive Xi June 2022 Qn FY 35 (Economics)
Hsslive Xi June 2022 Qn FY 35 (Economics)
Hsslive Xi June 2022 Qn FY 35 (Economics)
Name : ...........................................
FY-35 1 P.T.O.
Answer any 10 questions from 1 to 12. Each carries 1 score. (10 1 = 10)
FY-35 2
1 12 10 .
1 . (10 1 = 10)
1. :
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
12. The most important characteristic of India’s foreign trade under the British Colonial
rule was
(a) large export surplus (b) large export deficit
(c) large export of capital goods (d) large import of raw materials
FY-35 4
(a) AICTE (b) UGC
(c) ICMR (d) NCERT
20. Classify the following into absolute and relative measures of dispersion :
Range, Coefficient of Variation, Coefficient of Range, Standard Deviation.
21. List any two livelihood options for the rural people other than agriculture.
23. Mention any three points one should keep in mind while preparing a questionnaire for
data collection.
27. Classify the following economic activities into primary sector, secondary sector and
service sector :
(a) Electricity, gas and water supply
(b) Agriculture
(c) Trade
(d) Construction
(e) Transport and storage
(f) Manufacturing
FY-35 6
19. .
29. With the help of scatter diagram, elucidate positive correlation, negative correlation,
perfect positive correlation and perfect negative correlation.
30. Explain the causes of stagnation in the Indian agricultural sector under the British
Colonial rule.
31. (a) Distinguish between inclusive form of class interval and exclusive form of class
(b) Identify the type of class interval from the following :
0 – 10 0 – 10
10 – 20 11 –20
20 – 30 21 – 30
30 – 40 31 – 40
33. Mention the four measures that were initiated to improve the agricultural marketing
system in India.
35. Calculate Standard Deviation and Co-efficient of Variation from the following :
10, 12, 14, 13, 16
FY-35 8
28. :
M 20
FY-35 9 P.T.O.
36. Prepare a note on sources of energy.
37. Draw ‘less than’ ogive and ‘more than’ ogive from the following data :
Class frequency
0 – 10 5
10 – 20 10
20 – 30 15
30 – 40 20
40 –50 10
50 – 60 10
38. Explain the tax reforms and financial sector reforms as a part of liberalization policy
measures introduced in India during 1990s.
FY-35 10
36. .
0 – 10 5
10 – 20 10
20 – 30 15
30 – 40 20
40 –50 10
50 – 60 10
FY-35 11 P.T.O.
FY-35 12