-Medieval romance definition alludes to a literary
genre encompassing fictional composition of GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGTS
adventure and chivalry from roughly the 5th through -It’s a late 14th century chivalry romance in Middle English.
the 15th centuries. Collectively known as the Middle The author is unknown, the title was given centuries later. It
Age. is one of the best-known Arthurian stories.
- Medieval Romance such as knightly exploits,
chivalry, courtly, love, gallantry, and a succession of Summary:
- Dark Ages, fall of Roman Empire -A mysterious green knight enters king Arthur’s court,
challenging anyone to strike him with an axe. He promises to
STYLE OF MEDIEVAL ROMANCE LITERATURE return the favor in a year and a day.
CYCLES: group of tales based on the same frame story - Sir Gawain, known for his Chivalry and courage, accepts the
and comprise a large portion of Medieval Romance challenge. He beheads the green knight, who then picks up
Literature. his head, mounts his horse, and rides away.
The adjective “lofy” would best describe the style of - Gawain spends the next year in anticipation of his
language of a Medieval Romance writer, like ancient encounter with the green knight.
Greek and ancient Roman chronicles. - Gawain sets out to fulfill his promise, encountering various
challenges and temptations along the way.
Several components and characteristics are - Gawain arrives at the green knight castle where he is
involved in Medieval romance literature. These welcomed by the lord and his lady.
include among others; - The lord’s wife attempted to seduce Gawain, but he
-Courtly love - dragons remained faithful to his vows of chivalry. However, he
- damsels-in-distress - Ethical dilemmas accepts a gift from her. The first one kiss, second two kisses,
- Imaginary setting - Great Quest and the third many kisses with a girdle.
- When the test comes, Gawain meets the green knight, who
- Knightly deeds, exploits, etc. - Legend
is the Lord of the castle in disguise. The green knight strikes
- Elevated, exaggerated lofy lang. - Magic
Gawain, but the blow only causes a slight wound.
- Supernatural - Religious allusion - The green knight reveals that he has been testing Gawain’s
- Mystiasm - Miracles integrity and chivalry. The wound is a result of Gawain's
failure to disclose the green girdle, which he had kept hidden
CHIVALRY- refers to a system exposed by knights of for its protective power.
Yore in which a certain code of honor was followed in - Gawain’s experience of shame and remorse for his action.
Medieval Romance. The idiom “chivalry is not dead”
is a humorous modern reference suggesting that (video reference)
politeness and common courtesy still exist even in
this faster-paced harsh world.
-imposed the law “An eye for an eye”
- it was written in his book “The code of
-5000 years ago, Mesopotamia (Land between 2 EPIC OF GILGAMESH
rivers) were the cities established. Written version of the story date back to 2100BCE portrays
-Mesopotamia people had storehouses when they syncretism because of the use of both Sumerian and
store their crops. These crops were the wages of the Accadian names of gods.
- One of the city-states of Mesopotamia is URUK HEROES JOURNEY/ MONOMYTH
(famous for Ziggurat). -Joseph Campbell identified a series of events that appear in
multiple stories from numerous cultures.
-It is a walled city with an extensive canal and a. The call to adventure
several, monumental temples called Ziggurat. b. Refusal of the call
- Priest initially had power in the cities because of c. Supernatural aid
their ability to communicate with gods. d. crossing of the threshold
- The Mesopotamian gods were considered mean, e. the belly of the whale
moody, and capricious that is why they need the Part2: TRIALS AND VICTORIES OF INITIATIONS
priest to mediate. f. The road of trials
- After 1,000 years, palace was built and kings (who g. The meeting with the goddess
were once soldiers) started to dominate h. woman as a temptress
- For them to get the same power as priest, they i. Atonement with the father
become priest as well though sacred marriages. j. Apotheosis
k. The ultimate boon
-Form of writing l. Refusal of the return
- The history, the story of Gilgamesh transaction, m. the magic flight
and others were recorded in cuneiform. n. Rescue from without
- Being an elite means you know how to write o. crossing the return threshold
- It was able to record history instead of guesswork p. master of the 2 worlds
- it also meant a job q. freedom to live
- Lord of the underworld
- First born
- Murdered by his younger brother Seth
- Brought back to life by his sister wife Isis
- Associated with Djed, symbolizes the fertile
BOOK OF THE DEAD- is a collection of spells which enables
mud of Nile and regeneration
the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife.