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-The world of Norse mythology is a strange world. 3. Innovative ship design
- Asgard, the home of the gods, is unlike any of our ideas of - long, narrow hull, kept stable
heaven. - Design for speed and easy navigation in shallow waters. The long
- It is not radiant, and there is no assurance of bliss. ship
- it is a grave and solemn place over which hangs the threat Was double ended, allowing it to reverse direction without the
of an inevitable doom. need to turn
- Asgard will fall into ruins. The cause; the forces of good -This was significant advantage in a sea filled with concealed
are fighting to defend against the forces of evil. Nevertheless, iceberg
the gods will fight for it to the end.
- A brave death entitles them—at least the heroes—to seat 4. Multipurpose Vessels
on VALHALLA, one of the halls in Asgard, but there, too, they -When prominent Vikings died, they were laid to rest in a burial
must look forward to final defeat and destruction. ship along with their clothes, jewelry, and even their horses and
- The only sustaining support possible for the human spirit, livestock
the pure unsullied good men can hope to attain is heroism;
and heroism depends on lost causes. 5. Female Power
- The hero can prove what he is only by dying. - Women are sad to have a had stronger position in Viking society
than in most part of Europe. They usually had the right to divorce,
NORSE CULTURE and if their spouse passed away, they would inherit his state and
VIKINGS retain ownership of his belongings. They had partial legal
The VIKINGS were originally diverse Scandinavian seafarers protection against sexual harrassment. A woman was respected as
from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark whose raid and the head of the family when his husband was away, which he could
subsequent settlements significantly impacted the cultures be for a long time.
of Europe and were felt as far as mediterranean regions
c.790-1100 CE. 6. They are Hygienic
The Vikings were all Scandinavians, but not all - After exploring some Vikings sites, historians were able to find
Scandinavians were Vikings. primitive tweezers, razors, and combs made from animal's bone.
The term Viking only apply to those who took to the sea for - Historic accounts also indicate they bathed at least once a week,
the purpose of acquiring wealth by raiding in other lands, which is actually good by the standards of the time.
and the word was primarily used by the English writers, not
inclusive by other cultures. 7. They did not wear horned helmets
- While Vikings defined wore helmets, one of the few authentic
VIKING CULTURES Viking helmets discovered was Hornless. It seems more likely that
1.The Viking Age it was 19th century painters who started featuring the horn in their
The Viking age began in the year 793 with an attack on the depictions of Vikings, more dramatic than historical accuracy.
Lindisfarne Monastery in England, which is the First
Known Viking raid. The event marks the end of their glory 8. The Celtics Knot
days is the slaying of King Harald Hardrada at the battles - It is generally accepted that Celtic knots stand for
of Stamford bridge in 1066. interconnection. The endless nature of these knots highlights the
cycle birth, life, death, and rebirth.
2. Peaceful traders and mead drinkers - They are usually seen as a positive symbol and can symbolize
- Many expeditions were based on Barter deals love, happiness, faith, and friendship.
- The most well- known Viking drunk is Mead (mjod in - Celtics Knots; Trinity knots, Celtic cross, Dara Knots, Solomon
Norwegian) and alcoholic beer-like-brew sweetened by knots, Celtic spiral, Sailor's knot, Shield knot, Love knot.

NORSE PANTHEON (a summary in the YT vid.)

Odin “ALLFATHER”; father god, wizard who swayed

The source for that myth and many other stories
war by magic, god of poetry, he sacrificed and re-birth
from Norse Mythology is the PROSE EDDA; an
as a wiser god.
Icelandic compendium written by the amazingly
- Frigg, goddess who can see the future
named Snorri- Sturluson around 1220 CE.
aldr; most beautiful among the gods, wisest, sweetest
spoken, once he pronounces, it can't be altered.
2 sets of Norse Deities:
Hel, daughter of Loki. Underworld
a. VANIR- associated with Earth and Fertility
Loki, very confusing, trickster, a thief, a father of several
b. AESIR- associated with the sky
- Freyr, decides when the sun shall shine and when
Tyr, identified with war and justice.
the rain comes down.
Bragi, god of poetry.
- Vanir real Heim is Vanaheim.
Ull, god of skiing, archery
- Heimdal; white god, sentry of the god, can see
Vidar and Vali, Avenges Baldr death
hundred leagues in front of him as well by night and
Freya, goddess of love, has an amazing jacket, cat drawn chariot.
Geifon, associated with ploughing
- Golden boar, Vanir is associated with a golden boar
Eir, goddess of healing
that is said to travel above and below the earth like
Sjofn and Lofn, goddess of love
the sun.
Var, punished who betray their marriage
- Thor, very famous (crush ko yung actor!! Eme)
Syn, associated with justice
Snotra, wisdom and self-discipline
Saga, goddess of poetry, Odins drank companion
THOR, god of farmer, giant mighty warrior with a red beard, god
of thunder. -MJOLNIR, symbol of fertility.

RAGNAROK (The twilight of the gods) 9 REALMS OF THE NORSE UNIVERSE

5 stages of Ragnarök; The Tree is called YGGDRASIL
1. Asgard- Realm of the Aesir
Stage 1: FIMBULVETR- This stage marks the beginning of 2. Alfheim- Realm of the brightest elves
Ragnarök, characterized by a prolonged harsh winter lasting 3. Jotunheim- Realm of the giants
for 3 years. The sun and moon are obscured, leaving the world 4. Midgard- Realm of the humans
shrouded in darkness. This period of extreme cold leads to 5. Muspelheim- Realm of fire giants
widespread famine and societal collapse, with people turning 6. Nida Veller- Realm of the dwarves
against each other in desperation. 7. Svaralfheim- Realm of the black elves
8. Nifleheim- Realm of Ice and mist
Stage 2: MIDGARD TOTAL WAR- This stage describes the 9. Vanaheim- Realm of the Vanir
breakdown of social order and the eruption of widespread
conflict throughout the realm of Midgard. The bonds that LOKI AND THE DEADLY MISTLETOE
held back the forces of chaos are broken leading to a brutal - Baldr begins to have a dream about his death, causing
and destructive war between humans and other beings. concerns among gods.
- Frigg, his mother wanted to protect her child, travel
Stage 3: FENRIR BREAK LOOSE: The monstrous wolf Fenrir, around the 9 realms to create a pact that nothing in the
bounds by the gods for his immense power, breaks free from universe can harm Baldr and all agreed.
his chains. This unleashes a terrifying force of destruction, as - They throw a feast, and everyone is invited, in that night
Fenrir devours the sun and moon, plunging the world into Loki shift himself as an old lady and ask why Baldr let
eternal darkness. other god throw something to him and Frigg answered
that it's all because of the pact she made with everyone
Stage 4: NAGEFAR SAILS FOR VIGRID- The ship Nagefar, except the mistletoe.
constructed from the fingernails and toenails of dead men, - Loki got the mistletoe and trick Hodr, brother of Baldr
sets sail for battlefield of Vigrid. This vessel carries a who is blind. The mistletoe projectile strikes Baldr,
fearsome army of giants and monstrous creatures, led by Loki resulting in his death and causes a deep sorrow in the 9
Stage 5: HRYM AND SURTR MARCH TO WAR- This stage - Hermod, the bold and brave had a quest of retrieving
marks the arrival of the fire giants, led by Surtr, who emerge him from the realm of the dead, which Hel is the guard.
from Muspelheim, the real of fire. They are joined by Hrym, - Hel agreed to bring back the life of Baldr, but she wants
the leader of the frost giants and together, they march towards everyone to see that all the things are sad because of
vigrid to confront the gods. Baldr’s death.
- Everyone wept, except for the giant which of course is
OTHER THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN RAGNAROK: Loki for he can shift himself, When Hermod finally
-Heimdal blows the Gjallarhorn noticed that the monster was Loki, Loki turned himself
- Odin gets eaten by Fenrir into a fish.
- Vdar avenges Odin - But then, Thor was there, and he captured Loki,
- Thor and Jomungandr kill each other (9 steps ni Thor) punishing him in the cave with a snake around him with
- Surtr kills Freyr its venomous saliva.
- Tyr and Gamr kill each other
- Heimdal and Loki fights, both winning up dead
- Surtr burn everything and raises the earth
- Ijavollr- meeting place of the gods.
- Vidar, Vali, Baldr, 2 humans, etc. Lived.

-Also called Arthur or Arthur Pendragon, legendary

British king who appear in a cycle of Medieval
romance (known as the father of Britain) as the
- The story fluctuates from writer to writer
- Over the centuries, the focus got moved off to Arthur
himself and unto his Knights.

-Medieval romance definition alludes to a literary
genre encompassing fictional composition of GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGTS
adventure and chivalry from roughly the 5th through -It’s a late 14th century chivalry romance in Middle English.
the 15th centuries. Collectively known as the Middle The author is unknown, the title was given centuries later. It
Age. is one of the best-known Arthurian stories.
- Medieval Romance such as knightly exploits,
chivalry, courtly, love, gallantry, and a succession of Summary:
- Dark Ages, fall of Roman Empire -A mysterious green knight enters king Arthur’s court,
challenging anyone to strike him with an axe. He promises to
STYLE OF MEDIEVAL ROMANCE LITERATURE return the favor in a year and a day.
CYCLES: group of tales based on the same frame story - Sir Gawain, known for his Chivalry and courage, accepts the
and comprise a large portion of Medieval Romance challenge. He beheads the green knight, who then picks up
Literature. his head, mounts his horse, and rides away.
The adjective “lofy” would best describe the style of - Gawain spends the next year in anticipation of his
language of a Medieval Romance writer, like ancient encounter with the green knight.
Greek and ancient Roman chronicles. - Gawain sets out to fulfill his promise, encountering various
challenges and temptations along the way.
Several components and characteristics are - Gawain arrives at the green knight castle where he is
involved in Medieval romance literature. These welcomed by the lord and his lady.
include among others; - The lord’s wife attempted to seduce Gawain, but he
-Courtly love - dragons remained faithful to his vows of chivalry. However, he
- damsels-in-distress - Ethical dilemmas accepts a gift from her. The first one kiss, second two kisses,
- Imaginary setting - Great Quest and the third many kisses with a girdle.
- When the test comes, Gawain meets the green knight, who
- Knightly deeds, exploits, etc. - Legend
is the Lord of the castle in disguise. The green knight strikes
- Elevated, exaggerated lofy lang. - Magic
Gawain, but the blow only causes a slight wound.
- Supernatural - Religious allusion - The green knight reveals that he has been testing Gawain’s
- Mystiasm - Miracles integrity and chivalry. The wound is a result of Gawain's
failure to disclose the green girdle, which he had kept hidden
CHIVALRY- refers to a system exposed by knights of for its protective power.
Yore in which a certain code of honor was followed in - Gawain’s experience of shame and remorse for his action.
Medieval Romance. The idiom “chivalry is not dead”
is a humorous modern reference suggesting that (video reference)
politeness and common courtesy still exist even in
this faster-paced harsh world.



- The new Mesopotamian city state implemented

- The tribal-chief becomes fun-blown king
- one of the memorable monarchs is Hammurabi.

-imposed the law “An eye for an eye”
- it was written in his book “The code of

-5000 years ago, Mesopotamia (Land between 2 EPIC OF GILGAMESH
rivers) were the cities established. Written version of the story date back to 2100BCE portrays
-Mesopotamia people had storehouses when they syncretism because of the use of both Sumerian and
store their crops. These crops were the wages of the Accadian names of gods.
- One of the city-states of Mesopotamia is URUK HEROES JOURNEY/ MONOMYTH
(famous for Ziggurat). -Joseph Campbell identified a series of events that appear in
multiple stories from numerous cultures.
-It is a walled city with an extensive canal and a. The call to adventure
several, monumental temples called Ziggurat. b. Refusal of the call
- Priest initially had power in the cities because of c. Supernatural aid
their ability to communicate with gods. d. crossing of the threshold
- The Mesopotamian gods were considered mean, e. the belly of the whale
moody, and capricious that is why they need the Part2: TRIALS AND VICTORIES OF INITIATIONS
priest to mediate. f. The road of trials
- After 1,000 years, palace was built and kings (who g. The meeting with the goddess
were once soldiers) started to dominate h. woman as a temptress
- For them to get the same power as priest, they i. Atonement with the father
become priest as well though sacred marriages. j. Apotheosis
k. The ultimate boon
-Form of writing l. Refusal of the return
- The history, the story of Gilgamesh transaction, m. the magic flight
and others were recorded in cuneiform. n. Rescue from without
- Being an elite means you know how to write o. crossing the return threshold
- It was able to record history instead of guesswork p. master of the 2 worlds
- it also meant a job q. freedom to live


-a lot of raw materials were lacking in Mesopotamia,
so they resorted to trading
- droughts and shifts during rivers led to the fall of
Mesopotamia and made way for pastoral nomads.

-The famous title was given the book by western scholars;

the actual title would translate as “The book of coming forth
by day”
- a more apt translation to English would be the Egyptian
book of life as the purpose of the work is to assure one, not
only of the survival of bodily death, but the promise of
eternal life in a realm very like the world that should had left
- This was originally written for pharaohs but later believed
picture from YouTube, crash course. ordinary citizens could also have.
- The book of the dead was never codified =, and no two
copies of the work are exactly the same. They were created
especially for everyone who could afford to purchase one as
a kind of manual to help them after death.
- It has personalized spells, charms, chants, and others


Gilgamesh is a king of uruk, and he’s both bad guy and a bad king.
His subjects are unhappy, he disrespects the gods, and he’s a
serial rapist. So, basically, he’s the opposite of a hero. But
Gilgamesh, like many heroes has divine percentage, a goddess
mom and a human king dad. He’s mortal and that’s hard for him
to accept. Eventually Gilgamesh has a lot of crazy numbers of
adventures. He chops down some famous trees, and meets his
best friend Enkidu, who helps Gilgamesh become a better man
and a better king. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh goes to the
underworld to bring him back, but he fails.
(The rest of the video can be seen in YouTube)



- Lord of the underworld
- First born
- Murdered by his younger brother Seth
- Brought back to life by his sister wife Isis
- Associated with Djed, symbolizes the fertile
BOOK OF THE DEAD- is a collection of spells which enables
mud of Nile and regeneration
the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife.

- Green and black color

- Egyptian goddess who become the most popular and
enduring of all Egyptian deities.
- her name come from the Egyptian Eset or “The
seat” which referred to her stability and the
throne of Egypt as she was considered the
mother of every pharaoh.
- she was also known as the “Mother of Gods” but was
known by many names depending on which role she
was fulfilling now.
- As the goddess who brought the yearly inundation o
the Nile which fertilized the land.
mosiris, Isis and Horus are referred to as Abydos Triad .
- The people of Egypt were encouraged to visit the
To leave offering and make supplications but no one
The high priest or priestess was allowed into sanctuary
The statue of the goddess resided

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