Day 11_45 Days Challenge by Padhle

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Science-(Magnetic Effects of Electric Current)

Class- X
(Session – 2024-25)

General Instructions:
(i)This question paper consists of 5 questions
All questions are compulsory.

1. Draw a diagram to show the pattern of magnetic field lines around a straight
current-carrying conductor. Explain the pattern.

2. What is a solenoid? Describe the magnetic field produced by a solenoid. How

can you increase the strength of the magnetic field?

3. What are magnetic field lines? List two properties of magnetic field lines.

4. Why does a current-carrying conductor experience a force when placed in a

magnetic field? State the rule to determine the direction of this force.

5. A current-carrying conductor is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field of

0.5 T. If the length of the conductor is 0.4 m and the current through it is 10 A,
calculate the force on the conductor.


Class- X
(Session – 2024-25)

General Instructions:
(i)This question paper consists of 5 questions
All questions are compulsory.

Q. 1. Find the area of the sector of a circle with radius 4 cm and of angle 30°.
Also, find the area of the corresponding major sector (Use ⫪ = 3.14).

Q. 2. Find the area of the segment AYB shown in Fig.,

if radius of the circle is 21 cm and ∠ AOB = 120°.

Q. 3. The length of the minute hand of a clock is 14 cm. Find the area swept by
the minute hand in 5 minutes.

Q. 4. A chord of a circle of radius 10 cm subtends a right angle at the centre.

Find the area of the corresponding :
(i) minor segment
(ii) major sector

Q. 5. A brooch is made with silver wire in the form of a circle

with diameter 35 mm. The wire is also used in making 5
diameters which divide the circle into 10 equal sectors as
shown in Fig.
Find :
(i) the total length of the silver wire required.
(ii) the area of each sector of the brooch.

SST-(Minerals and energy resources)

Class- X
(Session – 2024-25)

General Instructions:
(i)This question paper consists of 5 questions
All questions are compulsory.

1. Differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous minerals,

with examples.

2. What types of iron ore are found in India?

3. How is nuclear energy or atomic energy produced?

4. What is the need of using non-conventional sources of


5. What are the chief characteristics of mica?

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