Avaya CMS Base Load Upgrade 19.2 March 2021
Avaya CMS Base Load Upgrade 19.2 March 2021
Avaya CMS Base Load Upgrade 19.2 March 2021
Release 19.2
Issue 1
March 2021
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more information. Software (“Shrinkwrap License”).
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 2: Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Supported upgrade scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Software upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Platform upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Base load upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
When and how to use this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Impacts to CMS service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Contacting Avaya technical support during upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Possible customization impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Upgrade software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chapter 7: Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
CMS and CMS Supervisor Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Avaya Solutions Platform Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
WebLM Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
VMware Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Finding documents on the Avaya Support website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Accessing the port matrix document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Avaya Documentation Portal navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
The purpose of this document is to describe the Avaya Call Management System (CMS) base
load upgrade process. A base load upgrade is designed to be installed by CMS customers who
either are experiencing problems with their current release or want to use new features of the
latest release.
A PCN for the new release provides a list of all fixes and features added in the new release. You
can download the CMS software from the Avaya support site. You should install this upgrade as
soon as possible so that Avaya support can properly troubleshoot products that have the latest
release installed.
! Important:
Important: Before installing a base load upgrade, verify that you have downloaded the
proper software ISO image for the new release. Verify that you are using the
proper base load upgrade document for the new release of CMS.
Note: For existing systems on Solaris, you cannot do a base load upgrade. You must do
a platform upgrade.
For a complete list of bug fixes and new features available in the latest CMS load, see the CMS
Release Notes at:
Software upgrades
The software upgrade process reuses existing CMS hardware that can support the new CMS
software. The following models of hardware can support CMS Release 19.2 regardless of the
current CMS release installed on the hardware:
● Avaya Solutions Platform Profile 130 VMware servers
● Customer-provided VMware servers
● Dell R630
● Dell R730
● HPE DL20 G9
● HPE DL380 G9
Platform upgrades
CMS Release 19.2 supports platform upgrades from CMS Releases 16.x, 17.x, 18.x, 19.0, and or regardless of what hardware the CMS software currently resides.
Note: Contact your Avaya account team if you need to upgrade from CMS releases
older than 16.x.
! Important:
Important: Base Load upgrades cannot be used to upgrade any CMS release prior to CMS Because of the data privacy encryption software that is new with CMS, you must do a full software upgrade or a platform upgrade.
You can schedule an evaluation of your system to determine whether any of your system
customizations might be impacted by this upgrade. Schedule this evaluation at least two weeks
before your upgrade. Charges, which will be quoted, vary for this service. Contact Avaya CRM
at 1-866-282-9266.
Upgrade software
If you are upgrading a supported hardware server (Dell R630, Dell R730, HPE DL20 G9, or
HPE DL380 G9) or upgrading a VMware-based system or an Amazon Web Services system,
you must download the ISO image file from the Avaya PLDS site:
This section describes the tasks you must do before you start a base load upgrade. These
procedures will help you verify that your CMS server has no existing hardware or software
problems before the upgrade. If you do not do these procedures, your base load upgrade could
fail, and your CMS server could be put in a non-functioning state for some time.
This section includes the following topics:
● Prerequisites on page 13
● Verifying the current CMS version and load on page 14
● Verifying that your previous backups completed successfully on page 14
● Verifying that the nightly archiver is functioning on page 18
● Checking the status of the hardware platform disk drives on page 19
● Checking for memory errors and system panics on page 20
● Verifying free space in the root file system on page 20
● Rebooting your CMS server on page 21
● Backing up the CMS data on page 21
Before you do the procedures in this section, you must:
● Read the information in Introduction on page 7.
● The CMS software disc and the ISO image have a readme file called cms.readme. Avaya
recommends you review this file for any changes that might impact the procedures in this
document. For more information, see Avaya Call Management System Release Notes.
● Log on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
rpm -q cms
The system displays the currently installed CMS package, including the load number, for
3. Record the displayed CMS version information for reference later during the upgrade
CMS version: _______________________________
1. Enter:
tail /cms/install/logdir/backup.log
2. Verify that the previous CMSADM backup completed successfully.
An example of a successful CMSADM backup message is:
2873600 blocks
Verifying that your last LAN backup of the system data completed
1. Enter:
cat /cms/install/logdir/backup.log | more
2. Press Enter to continue the display. It might be necessary to repeat this step several
3. Verify that the previous system backup completed successfully.
An example of a successful system backup message is:
1. Verify that you are logged in as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
! Important:
Important: If at anytime during the upgrade process you need to verify that you are logged in
as the root user, you can enter the command: id
2. Enter:
tail /cms/maint/backup/back.log
3. Verify that the previous full or incremental backup completed successfully.
An example of a successful full or incremental backup message is:
Verifying that your last LAN backup of CMS data completed successfully
1. Enter:
cat /cms/install/logdir/backup.log | more
2. Press Enter to continue the display. It might be necessary to repeat this step several
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
su cms cms
The system displays the CMS main menu.
3. Press Enter to accept the default terminal type.
4. Select Maintenance > Error Log Report.
5. Enter 2600 in the Error codes field.
6. Leave all of the other fields blank.
7. Press Enter to select the Run option.
8. Press Enter.
The system displays an archive history report.
9. Verify that the nightly archiver is functioning correctly for all ACDs administered on the
An example of a successful nightly archiver message is:
1. To verify the disk or disk volume, run the following command:
● If this command returns to the prompt without generating any output, there are no
errors and you can continue with the upgrade.
● If this command returns the following output:
SEVERE ERROR: Enclosure 32, RAID Drive Slot X is in state Failed (where X is
the slot number)
Possible Disk Errors! Please check /olds/log/err.log for details
then you must contact Avaya Services and resolve the issue before continuing with the
2. Choose one of the following actions, depending on the message that is displayed:
● If the system displays no memory error or panic messages, go to Verifying free space
in the root file system on page 20.
● If the system displays any memory error or panic messages, your system requires
maintenance. Contact your Avaya support representative.
CAUTION: A reboot is service affecting. Schedule the reboot during a regular maintenance
interval or when there is no traffic or during a low traffic period.
1. Enter the following command from the pound (#) prompt:
shutdown -r now
The system reboots.
2. Log on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
3. Choose one of the following actions:
● If the system does not boot correctly or if any error messages are displayed, contact
your Avaya support representative.
● If the system boots correctly, go to Backing up the CMS data on page 21.
1. Verify that you are using the correct tape for the tape drive for your system. Many of the
tape cartridges look alike, and using the wrong tape can damage the tape drive
mechanism and tape heads.
2. Log on as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
3. Enter:
The Avaya Call Management System Administration Menu (CMSADM Menu) is
4. Enter the number associated with the backup option.
Depending on the number of tape drives connected to your system, one of the following
messages will be displayed by your system.
● If only one tape drive is available, the system displays the following message:
● If more than one tape drive is available for use, the system displays a list of tape
devices. Enter a tape drive selection from the displayed list.
An example of a tape device list is:
Note: If the system fails to identify the tapes by manufacturer name, tape devices are
displayed according to their system device names, such as “/dev/st0”.
5. Press Enter.
The backup process is initiated.
When the backup is complete, the system displays the following message:
xxxxxxx blocks
Tape Verification
xxxxxxx blocks
WARNING: A CMS Full Maintenance Backup in addition to this cmsadm
backup must be done to have a complete backup of the system. . .
. .
Please label the backup tape(s) with the date and the current CMS
version (rxxxxx.x)
6. Write protect the tape and store the tape in a secure location until the next backup is done.
7. Go to Backing up your CMS data on page 24.
1. Log on as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
/cms/LANbkup/bin/backup.tivoli 0
3. Verify that the backup has completed successfully by entering:
cat /cms/install/logdir/backup.log
4. Go to Backing up your CMS data on page 24.
1. Log on as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
/cms/LANbkup/bin/backup.netbackup 0
3. Verify that the backup has completed successfully by entering:
cat /cms/install/logdir/backup.log
4. Continue with Backing up your CMS data on page 24.
● If you use the CMS LAN backup feature, go to Doing a full data backup with IBM Spectrum
Connect on page 26 or Doing a full data backup with Veritas Netbackup on page 26.
For more information about the CMS LAN backup feature, see Using Avaya Call
Management System LAN Backup. This document provides information about using the
CMS LAN backup feature, hardware requirements, software requirements, and support
1. Verify that you are using the correct tape for the tape drive for your system. Many of the
tape cartridges look alike, and using the wrong tape can damage the tape drive
mechanism and tape heads.
2. Verify that you are logged in as cms.
3. Enter cms.
4. From the main menu, select Maintenance > Back Up Data.
The system displays the Back Up Data window, as shown below. Do not change any of
the default selections.
5. Press Enter to access the action list in the upper right corner of the window.
6. Select Run and press Enter.
7. Wait for the backup to complete. If the backup does not complete successfully, contact
your Avaya support representative.
8. Write-protect the tape and store the tape in a secure location until the next backup is done.
9. Go to Backing up any new CMS data on page 27.
1. Verify that you are logged on as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
/cms/LANbkup/bin/onbar_backup.tivoli 0
3. Verify that the backup has completed successfully by entering the following commands:
cat /cms/install/logdir/backup.log
cat /cms/install/logdir/bar_act.log
4. Continue with Backing up any new CMS data on page 27.
1. Verify that you are logged on as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
/cms/LANbkup/bin/onbar_backup.netbackup 0
3. Verify that the backup has completed successfully by entering the following commands:
cat /cms/install/logdir/backup.log
cat /cms/install/logdir/bar_act.log
This section contains procedures for updating your operating system. You must complete the
procedures in this section before upgrading the CMS software.
Before you do the procedures in this section, you must:
● Read the information in Introduction on page 7.
● Do all of the required procedures in Preparing for a base load upgrade on page 13.
● Verify that you are logged on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
! Important:
Important: This procedure is referenced from several other procedures within this document.
Do not use this procedure unless directed from other procedures.
! Important:
Important: Skip Steps 1-10 if you have already uploaded the ISO image file while doing
another procedure from this document.
1. Copy the downloaded CMS software ISO image for the new CMS load to the PC where
the vSphere client is installed.
2. Using the vSphere client, upload the CMS software ISO image from the PC to a datastore
storage area on VMware server.
3. Access the Virtual CMS.
4. Access Edit Settings.
5. Expand Connect the CD/DVD Drive.
6. From the drop-down list, select Datastore ISO File.
7. Select the CMS software ISO image file.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Connected.
10. Click OK.
11. Use vSphere client to access the Virtual CMS and establish a CD/DVD connection to the
CMS software ISO image in the storage directory.
12. On the Virtual CMS, execute:
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
CAUTION: If the CMS encryption passphrase auto-unlock feature is disabled (that is, your
system is administered to require a passphrase after a reboot), you must be
prepared to enter a passphrase at the system console if RPMs are installed and
the system reboots. You can work around this requirement by temporarily
enabling the encryption passphrase auto-unlock feature before you install RPMs.
You must then remember to disable the encryption passphrase auto-unlock
feature after you finish installing the RPMs. Note that this scenario does not apply
to an Amazon Web Services deployment.
1. Do one of the following:
● If on a VMware or Amazon Web Services system, do the steps in Common procedure
for mounting a CMS ISO image on page 29. After completing that procedure, continue
with Step 5.
● If on a non-VMware system, continue with step 2.
2. Load the CMS software disc into the disc drive.
3. Change to the root directory, enter:
cd /
5. Enter:
The system displays the CMS Services menu.
6. Enter the number associated with the run_cms option.
7. Enter the number associated with the Turn off both CMS and IDS option.
The system returns to the command prompt.
8. Run the RPM update script. Enter:
! Important:
Important: Do not halt the system while installing RPMs. You need to monitor the system
during the RPM installation process to ensure that the installation of the RPMs
does not halt. When the RPM installation process completes, the system either
automatically reboots into multiuser mode and displays the graphical login screen
or requests that you enter an encryption passphrase at the system console after
One of the following occurs depending on whether there are RPMs to install:
● If there are no RPMs to install, the system displays the following message and you
continue with Step 11:
● If there are Linux RPMs to install, the installation starts and the system displays
messages similar to the following example:
Updating RPMs.
Loaded plugins: security
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package abrt.x86_64 0:2.0.8-43.el6 will be updated
---> Package abrt.x86_64 0:2.0.8-44.el6 will be an update
---> Package abrt-addon-ccpp.x86_64 0:2.0.8-43.el6 will be updated
---> Package abrt-addon-ccpp.x86_64 0:2.0.8-44.el6 will be an update
---> Package abrt-addon-kerneloops.x86_64 0:2.0.8-43.el6 will be updated
yum-utils.noarch 0:1.1.30-41.el6
kernel update successfully verified.
**if warnings exist, IGNORE them**
All RPM updates successfully applied.
package hmaccalc exists, add not required.
package dracut-fips exists, add not required.
Note: Various configuration conditions can exist that produce warning messages.
Ignore the warning messages; the RPMs are completely installed.
● If the encryption passphrase auto-unlock feature is disabled (that is, you are required
to enter a passphrase at the console after reboot), the system displays the following
message after the RPMs are installed:
CAUTION: Be prepared to enter a CMS encryption passphrase at the system console after
the RPMs are installed and the system reboots. You can work around this
requirement by temporarily enabling the encryption passphrase auto-unlock
feature before you install RPMs. You must then remember to disable the
encryption passphrase auto-unlock feature after you finish installing the RPMs.
Note that this scenario does not apply to an Amazon Web Services deployment.
9. Enter y to reboot.
10. Log on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
11. Verify that all the Linux RPMs are installed. Enter:
tail -10 /var/cms/spatches/rpm_update.log
Verify that the system displays the following message:
Note: If the installation procedure fails for any of the RPMs, the system might display
one or more of the following messages. Continue with this procedure and the
remaining CMS base load upgrade procedures. When the upgrade is complete, if
messages 1 or 2 were displayed, notify Avaya support. If messages 3 or 4 were
displayed, notify Avaya support if you plan to use FIPS security.
12. (Optional) If a PSN indicates there are additional RPM updates for the CMS release to
which you are upgrading, do the steps described in the PSN.
13. Verify that IDS is running. Enter:
The system displays the CMSSVC menu. If the system displays the following text, IDS is
not running and you must continue with Step 14:
You must complete the procedures in the previous sections before upgrading your CMS base
load. Use the procedures in this section to upgrade an older CMS base load to a newer CMS
base load.
This section includes the following topics:
● Prerequisites on page 37
● Removing the current CMS load on page 38
● Installing the new CMS base load on a hardware platform on page 40
● Installing the new CMS base load on a VMware-based server on page 42
● Installing CMS patches on page 47
● Upgrading the CMS Supervisor Web Client software package on page 47
● Turning on CMS on page 49
● Starting the CMS Supervisor Web Client software on page 50
● Starting Avaya OA data forwarders on page 50
Before you do the procedures in this section, you must:
● Read the information in Introduction on page 7.
● Do all of the required procedures in Preparing for a base load upgrade on page 13.
● Do all of the required procedures in Updating the Linux operating system on page 29.
● Verify that you are logged on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
2. Enter:
The system displays the following message:
4. Enter y.
The system displays the following message:
CAUTION: If you select n in response to this question, all your CMS data is deleted from the
system, so you should answer y to preserve the data.
5. Enter y.
The system displays the following message:
CMS will be removed from this machine; the data will be preserved
Are you sure this is correct? [y,n,?] ?
6. Enter y.
The system displays the following message:
7. Enter y.
The system displays the following message:
8. Continue with Installing the new CMS base load on page 40.
● If CMS is turned on and you want to continue with the installation of the new CMS
base load, enter y.
● If CMS is turned on and you want to cancel the installation of the new CMS base load,
enter n.
● If CMS is not running, the installation process continues without prompting the user for
an input.
When CMS is installed, the system displays the following message:
Note: If the installation procedure fails for any reason, the system displays the following
If the system displays the message shown in this example, notify Avaya support as
prompted by the system.
5. Enter:
cat /cms/install/logdir/admin.log | more
The system displays part of the CMS administration log.
6. Verify that there were no errors during the installation.
7. Press Enter to continue the display. It might be necessary to repeat this step several
8. Reboot the system. Enter:
shutdown -r now
The system reboots.
9. Log on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
● If CMS is turned on and you want to continue with the installation of the new CMS
base load, enter y.
● If CMS is turned on and you want to cancel the installation of the new CMS base load,
enter n.
● If CMS is not running, the installation process continues without prompting the user for
an input.
When CMS is installed, the system displays the following message:
Note: If the installation procedure fails for any reason, the system displays the following
If the system displays the message shown in this example, notify Avaya support as
prompted by the system.
4. Enter:
cat /cms/install/logdir/admin.log | more
The system displays part of the CMS administration log.
5. Verify that there were no errors during the installation.
6. Press Enter to continue the display. It might be necessary to repeat this step several
7. Use vSphere client to access the Virtual CMS and reset the CD/DVD to Client and not
8. Enter
9. Reboot the system. Enter:
shutdown -r now
The system reboots.
10. Log on to the system as root.
! Important:
Important: You cannot directly log on as root from a remote connection. You must log on
using an administered CMS user ID, then use su - root to log on with root
11. Verify that IDS is running. Enter:
The system displays the CMSSVC menu. If the system displays the following text, then
IDS is not running and you must continue with Step 12:
! Important:
Important: You can log in to the console as root only after you run the CMS security script. If
you are logging into the system remotely, log in as a user and then enter:
su - root
1. Verify that you are logged on to the system as root.
2. Verify the current services running on the system and save the list for comparison with the
listing after the security script run.
Note: It is necessary to find out which services in the list of differences are used by the
3. To capture the current services and preserve the output to a file, enter:
chkconfig --list > /tmp/current_chkconfig.txt
4. Do one of the following:
● If on a VMware system, do the steps in Common procedure for mounting a CMS ISO
image on page 29. After completing that procedure, continue with Step 8.
● If on a non-VMware system, continue with Step 5.
Note: If the CMS software disc is already mounted, continue with Step 8.
5. Insert the CMS software disc into the disc drive.
6. Change to the root directory. Enter:
cd /
7. Mount the CMS software disc. Enter:
mount /dev/dvd /mnt
8. Enter:
The system displays the following message if you have not already changed the default
password for cmssvc user ID:
Avaya CMS security configuration started: Thu Jan 28 19:53:46 EST 2021
The backup directory for this run is: /cms/install/logdir/security/bkup_10338
9. Enter and reenter a new password for the cmssvc user ID. You must follow standard
password requirements as documented in Avaya Call Management System Security.
The system displays messages similar to the following example:
Avaya CMS security configuration completed: Thu Jan 28 19:54:04 EST 2021
Note: If the system displays a configuration failed message, contact your Avaya
services representative.
10. To capture the new services and preserve the output to a different file, enter:
chkconfig --list > /tmp/new_chkconfig.txt
11. Run the diff command against the two listings files and search for services that need to
be re-enabled. For example:
diff /tmp/current_chkconfig.txt /tmp/new_chkconfig.txt
12. View the output from the diff command and re-enable the services that are displayed. To
re-enable any customer used services, enter:
chkconfig [--level levels] <Service name> <on|off|reset>
The service name is the first column of the output from the chkconfig --list
command. For example:
chkconfig --level 2345 rpcbind on
Note: The files in the /tmp directory are not saved during the reboot process. If you
need to keep a copy of the files, move them to a directory where contents are not
erased during a reboot.
13. Continue with Installing CMS patches on page 47.
● If on a VMware system, do the steps in Common procedure for mounting a CMS ISO
image on page 29. After completing that procedure, continue with Step 5.
● If on a non-VMware system, continue with step 2.
2. Load the CMS software disc into the disc drive.
3. Change to the root directory, enter:
cd /
4. Mount the DVD drive. Enter:
mount /dev/dvd /mnt
The system displays the following message:
5. Determine whether the Web Client software package is installed on the system. Enter:
rpm -q cmsweb
The system displays the following output:
6. Determine the Web Client software version on the CMS software disc or CMS ISO image.
strings /mnt/cmsweb.bin | grep MINOR=
The system displays the following output:
7. Compare the version portion of the Web Client software on the disc to the version of the
Web Client currently installed on the CMS server and do one of the following steps:
● If the Web Client software version on the disc is newer than the Web Client software
version on the CMS server, then you need to upgrade the Web Client software.
Continue with Step 8.
● If the Web Client software version on the disc is same or older than the Web Client
software version on the CMS server, then you do not need to upgrade the Web Client
software. Continue with Turning on CMS on page 49.
8. Remove the current Web Client package. Enter:
rpm -e cmsweb
The system removes the Web Client package.
Turning on CMS
1. Enter:
The system displays the CMSADM menu.
2. Enter the number associated with the run_cms option.
The system displays the following message:
3. Enter: 1
The system starts CMS and returns to the command prompt.
4. Restart CMS data collection if data collection was turned off at the beginning of the
5. Manually run the appropriate Archiver from System Setup if CMS was off during the time
your Archiver normally runs.
6. Continue with Starting the CMS Supervisor Web Client software on page 50.
! Important:
Important: Do not start the Web Client software if the customer does not plan on using the
Web Client to access CMS administration or reports. Starting the Web Client
software opens ports that the customer may not want opened.
2. Continue with Starting Avaya OA data forwarders on page 50.
You must do the procedures in this section to complete the CMS base load upgrade process.
This section includes the following procedures:
● Prerequisites on page 51
● Doing a backup of the system files on page 51
● Doing a backup of the CMS data on page 51
Before you do the procedures in this section, you must:
● Read the information in Introduction on page 7.
● Do all of the required procedures in Preparing for a base load upgrade on page 13.
● Do all of the required procedures in Updating the Linux operating system on page 29.
● Do all of the required procedures in Upgrading the CMS base load on page 37.
User guides
Using Avaya Call Management Describes how to use and maintain a CMS Avaya support
System High Availability HA system. personnel,
Using Avaya Call Management Describes how to back up your CMS data Administrators
System LAN Backup using a LAN connection to a remote server.
Using Avaya Call Management Describes how to install and maintain your Avaya support
System High Availability CMS High Availability (HA) system. personnel,
WebLM Documents
VMware Documents
Note: If the document description (link) are no longer active, consult VMware for
documents associated with the component or operation.
Related links
Finding documents on the Avaya Support website on page 57
Accessing the port matrix document on page 58
Avaya Documentation Portal navigation on page 58
4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the
5. In Choose Release, select an appropriate release number.
The Choose Release field is not available if there is only one release for the product.
6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all
available documents.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list only
displays the documents for the selected category.
7. Click the document to open it in your browser or download the document.
! Important:
Important: For documents that are not available on the Avaya Documentation Center, click
More Sites > Support on the top menu to open https://support.avaya.com.
● To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to https://support.avaya.com and do one
of the following:
- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos, click Clear All, and select Video in the
Content Type.
- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, click Clear All, and
select Video in the Content Type.
The Video content type is displayed only when videos are available for that product.
In the right pane, the page displays a list of available videos.
● To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and
do one of the following:
- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product
or topic.
- Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the list of videos available for
the topic. For example, Contact Centers.
Note: Videos are not available for all products.
Go to the Avaya Support website at https://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,
downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service
request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you
to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.
Related links
Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base on page 60