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2009 Science beyond fiction programme-booklet conference

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fet 09
21-23 April 2009 Prague

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‘Science beyond Fiction’

Welcome to FET09, the new European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition dedicated to
frontier research in future and emerging information technologies. This event is a unique forum to
share and learn about the state-of-the-art technology and to engage in new visions for long-term ICT
research in Europe.

This conference is an opportunity for scientists, policy-makers, industry representatives and science
journalists to discuss today’s frontier science, tomorrow’s technologies and the impact of both on
citizens and society. By visiting the exhibition and the poster session, you will be able to ‘touch and see’
a diversity of novel and exciting early results from on-going multi-disciplinary research from all around

Enjoy the first ever FET Conference!

«Europe is creative and inventive and has a «Let us take the time we have together over
tradition of producing world-class scientists. the next three days to discuss with the wider
I invite you to engage and participate at this future and emerging technologies research
conference in discussions about future direc- community on the challenges that lie ahead of
tions for frontier research in information and us. This is our opportunity to share reflections
communication technologies. Let’s work to- and dreams about what we can achieve, and
gether to imagine how Europe can address key help others to understand better the value of
challenges and future benefits for our society.» what we strive for.»

Viviane Reding, Michel Cosnard and

Commissioner for Information Paolo Dario,
Society and Media Co-chairs of the Conference
Programme Committee

About Future and Emerging Technologies in the 7th Framework Programme

Since its launch in 1989 the European Commission’s FET research initiative has served as a pathfinder
in identifying and shaping radically new information technologies. With a funding of ca. 100 M€/year,
it supports scientists and engineers to venture into uncharted areas beyond the frontiers of traditional
ICT by fostering long-term, multi-disciplinary research collaboration at the highest level around novel
research ideas and themes.
This research leads to radical transformation of ICT research agendas and fosters major technological,
industrial and societal innovations in Europe. It brings up new research practices that change the way
in which research is being conducted.

FET is implemented by means of thematic research in emerging visionary areas (FET-Proactive) and
open, unconstrained exploration of novel ideas (FET-Open).


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09.00 – 09.45 Opening session (Room: Zenit+Nadir)
Henry Markram, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lunch break - Brasserie Veduta – 2nd floor
de Lausanne, Switzerland
“Shaping 21st Century Science & Society”
14.30 – 15.15 Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna, Austria
Innovations in ICT are giving rise to, and are shaped by, three “Quantum Information: The New Frontier”
major evolutions in the scientific method of the 21 st Century:
the industrialization of science; informatics-based science; and
In the last decade quantum information has developed from a field
ultimately, simulation-based research. The synergies of future
of more philosophical interest to an area with vigorous development
ICT and the sciences and the innovations that will make these
world-wide and a potential to revolutionize information technology.
capabilities accessible to the public could provide the foundation
Anton Zeilinger will discuss the challenges and possibilities for
for society to face the global challenges. quantum technologies in optics, computing, cryptography and
communication in the future.

09.45 – 10.15 Welcome and Opening of the Exhibition

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

15.15 – 16.45 Panel discussion
Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Information
The way forward for strengthening multi-disciplinary
Society and Media
research for future Information and Communication
Technologies in Europe
Coffee break - Foyer The panel will elaborate on what actions Europe should take to
strengthen and consolidate its science & technology basis in ICT
and further reflect on the main lines of actions of the Communi-
10.45 – 11.30 Highlights of Future and Emerging Technologies cation of the European Commission on “Moving the ICT frontiers
- a strategy for research on future and emerging technologies in
Europe” that will be announced by Commissioner Viviane Reding
Moderation by Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director General, at the conference.
European Commission, Brussels
Introduction by Wolfgang Boch & Aleš Fiala, Heads of Michel Cosnard, Chairman and CEO, INRIA, France
Units FET Proactive and FET Open, European Commission, Qian Depei, Beihang University, Science Advisor to Chinese
Brussels 973 Programme
Paolo Dario, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Mário Campolargo, Director, Emerging Technologies
Christoph Guger, g.tech, Austria and Infrastructures, European Commission
David Lane, University of Modena, Italy and Santa Fe Institute, Jeannette Wing, Assistant Director for Computer &
USA Information Science and Engineering (CISE), National
Science Foundation, USA
Jiří Drahoš, President Academy of Sciences of the Czech
11.30 – 13.00 Panel discussion Republic

The value of multidisciplinary transformative research Moderator: Wolfgang Wahlster, Director and CEO of
for future Information and Communication Technologies the German Research Centre for Artificial
Intelligence DFKI, Germany
Most often ideas that radically transform current scientific thinking
and technology emerge at the frontiers of disciplines. The panel will
discuss the potential of cross-disciplinary collaboration for enriching Coffee break - Foyer
the scientific and technological basis of information and communication
technologies with new paradigms.

Torsten Wiesel, Secretary General, Human Frontier Science 17.15 – 18.00 Ehud Shapiro, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Programme, Strasbourg “A Word-processor for DNA”
Ivan M. Havel, Director, Centre for Theoretical Study (CTS),
What is the DNA equivalent of the Word processor? Ehud Shapiro
Institute for Advanced Studies at the Charles University
will present novel operations on DNA molecules, and show that they
in Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech provide a foundation for DNA processing as it can implement all
Republic basic text processing operations on DNA molecules including insert,
Hiroshi Nagano, Professor for Science and Technology Policy, delete, replace, cut & paste and copy & paste. This will be the first
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan and demonstration of a unified approach to DNA synthesis, editing, and
Executive Director, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) library construction.
Michael Oborne, Director of the International Futures
Programme and the Global Science Forum, OECD, Paris
Dieter Fellner, Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer 18.00 – 19.00 Poster session (part 1) – Foyer
Graphics Research, Darmstadt, Germany
Khalil Rouhana, Head of Unit, Strategy for ICT Research
and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels 20.00 Welcome Dinner
Moderator: Clive Cookson, Science Editor, Financial Bethlehem Chapel (Betlémská kaple)
Times, London


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09.00 – 10.30 Plenary session (Room: Zenit+Nadir)
Henrik Ehrsson, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Single atom functionality in electronic devices
“Two legs, two arms, one head. Who am I?” Room: Virgo

How does our brain actually identify our own body? Henrik Ehrsson With the shrinking of nano-circuits, the impact of atomistic variations
will describe how cognitive neuroscientists have recently begun to becomes a major concern. Switches, memories and other more exotic
address this fundamental question, showing how we can learn to quantum functions can be implemented if the electronic states of single
project ownership onto artificial bodies and simulated virtual ones; atoms and could be controlled by external signals. The session will
and even make two people have the experience of swapping bodies address questions shared by scientists concerning the variability in ultimate
with one another. He will also discuss ground-breaking applications CMOS and by those involved in contacting single molecules or nanowires.
in the fields of virtual reality and neuro-prosthetics.
Jeannette Wing, National Science Foundation, USA Thomas Ihn, EPFL, Switzerland, Jan Van Ruitenbeek, Leiden
“Computational Thinking and Thinking about Computing” University, the Netherlands, Klaus Ennslin, ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, Silvano De Franceschi, TU Delft and CEA-Grenoble,
Computational thinking will be a fundamental skill used by everyone the Netherlands and France.
in the world in the coming decades. The field of computing is driven
by technology innovation, societal demands, and scientific questions. Organized by
Jeannette Wing will address the “Deep Questions in Computing,” as a
Marc Sanquer, CEA-Grenoble, France
guide to our technological future.

Coffee break - Foyer FET Flagships: big goals, big challenges, big projects
Room: Aquarius

FET flagships are proposals for new research programs that will address
11.00 – 12.30 Parallel sessions challenges in research and innovation requiring radical transformations
of ICT for 2020 and beyond. They will present novel and ambitious goal-
The ultimate robot driven initiatives that should be transformed into a significant competitive
Room: Leo advantage for Europe.

Recent research has brought spectacular advances to robotics technologies Speakers

and is raising big questions such as – what can a robot be ultimately be? To be confirmed
The session aims at identifying technological and psychological hurdles as
well as theoretical limits to the development of advanced robots for innovative Organized by
applications such as the “conscious robot”, the “growable robot”, the Dario Floreano, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
“disappearing” robot, and many others.
Aaron Sloman, University of Birmingham, Owen Holland,
University of Essex, Tomohiro Shibata, AIST Japan, Tom Ziemke, Agent-based technologies for innovative economic
University of Skövde, School of Humanities & Informatics, policy design
Sweden. Room: Kepler

Organised by This session will deal with the perspectives offered by the use of
Alois Knoll, Technical University of Munich, Germany, agent-based technologies for the modelling and the simulation of
economic policies and for the study of the impacts of economic
Chris Melhuish, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UK
policies, i.e., monetary, fiscal and innovation policies, on industrial
competiveness, economic growth and, more generally, on welfare.

Music and the brain Speakers

Room: Tycho Silvano Cincotti, University of Genoa, Italy, Herbert Dawid,
Bielefeld University, Germany, Kaan Erkan, TUBITAK National
New technologies along with neurosciences have started to uncover some Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology, Turkey, Mike
of the cognitive pathways and processes involved to understand how music
Holcombe, Sheffield University, UK.
is comprehensible and affective by the human brain. They also suggest
new approaches to composing, performing and transmitting music.
This session deals with these perspectives with speakers working at the Organized by
forefront of music cognition and the interface of music and technology. Silvano Cincotti, University of Genova, Italy

Philip Ball, Nature, London, UK, Antonio Camurri, Casa
Paganini and University of Genova, Italy, Stefan Koelsch,
University of Sussex, UK, Jason Warren, UCL London, UK

Organised by
Philip Ball, Nature, London, UK


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Reflective computing Embodied intelligence
Room: Taurus Room: Leo

The new generation of smart systems built with the reflective tech- The principle of “embodiment” has shifted robotic research away from
nology should understand users’ emotions, needs, intentions and the traditional view which reduces adaptive behaviour to control and
social situations and provide appropriate assistance in a discrete computation. It is based on the observation in nature that adaptive
and personalized manner. How is this made technically possible? behaviour emerges from the complex and dynamic interaction between
How do we manage cognitive states in a biocybernetic loop? All the body morphology, sensory-motor control, and environment.
these questions and many more will be addressed in this session. The session aims at discussing the scientific and technological state-
of-the-art as well as future challenges in this field.
Nikola Serbedzija, Fraunhofer Institute FISRT, Germany, Joyce Speakers
Westerink, Philips, the Netherlands, Martin Wirsing, LMU Rolf Pfeifer, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Paolo Dario,
München, Germany, Stephen Fairclough, Liverpool John Moores Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy, Kenji Suzuki,
University, UK. University of Tsukuba, Japan, Eugenio Guglielmelli, University
Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy, Chiara Bartolozzi, Italian
Organized by Institute of Technology, Lijin Aryananda, University of Zurich,
Nikola Serbedzija, Fraunhofer Institute FIRST, Germany Switzerland, Alin Albu-Schaeffer, DLR, Germany, Frédéric
Boyer, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France.

Organized by
Cecilia Laschi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Lunch break - Brasserie Veduta - 2nd floor

Bridging the gap between the brain and the machine

Room: Tycho
14.00 – 15.30 Parallel sessions
Neuroscientists have significantly advanced brain-machine interface
Quantum information technologies technology to the point where severely disabled people can now
independently compose and send e-mails and operate a TV thanks
Room: Virgo
to thought-control. Interactive scientific and artistic demonstrations
will show the state-of-the-art and explore the future challenges and
The combination of quantum physics with information science has created
opportunities of brain-machine interface.
in the past ten years new and unprecedented means for communicating
and computing. This session will highlight its most important recent
results and will offer a clear perspective of further development towards Speakers
its industrial dissemination and commercial exploitation ranging from Alexander Ya. Kaplan, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,
metrology, imaging, security, telecommunications, etc. Russia, Olga Jafarova, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of
Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, Janez Janša, Aksioma
Speakers Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Anders
Rainer Blatt, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Philippe Grangier, Sandberg, Oxford University,United Kingdom, Reinhold Scherer,
CNRS, Orsay, France, Artur Ekert, Oxford University, UK & Institute for Neurological Rehabilitation and Research affiliated
National University of Singapore, Tommaso Calarco, University with the rehabilitation center Judendorf-Straßengel in Judendorf-
of Ulm, Germany. Straßengel, Austria, Pavel Smetana, CIANT, International
Centre for Art and New Technologies, Czech Repubic
Organized by
Vladimír Bužek, Slovak Academy of Sciences Organized by
Elisabeth Giacobino, Ecole Normale Supérieure and CNRS, Pavel Smetana, CIANT, International Centre for Art and New
Paris, France. Technologies, Czech Republic


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Visions: key challenges for pervasive adaptation 16.00 – 17.30 Parallel sessions
Room: Aquarius
Collective robotics: adaptivity, co-evolution, robot
The session will consider some key challenges particularly associated
with self-organising and adaptive pervasive computing environments, society
particularly to cover the following: designing scalable and context-aware Room: Leo
systems; the challenge of runaway self-organisation; incorporating trust
and other human-like behaviours into pervasive systems. Collective robotics is a new research field where a large number of
simple robots can collectively solve complex problems. Collectively
Speakers working robots are not only very adaptive in behaviour and functionality,
but can also undergo different evolutionary processes and are even
Alois Ferscha, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria,
able to evolve into artificial societies. The aim of the session is to give
Michel Riguidel, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommuni- an overview of this research field, to introduce the latest developments
cations, Paris, France, Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK, and to demonstrate challenges faced by researchers.
Ben Paechter, Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
Organized by Paul Levi, University of Stuttgart, Germany, Dario Floreano,
Jennifer Willies, Edinburgh Napier University, UK EPFL, Switzerland, Alan Winfied, University of West England,
UK, Serge Kernbach, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Modelling and guiding attention in an increasingly Organized by

complex world Serge Kernbach, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Room: Taurus

Today, out of the increasing amount of information intended for a particular Collective social phenomena in techno-socio networks
human recipient, only a tiny fraction actually reaches that recipient. The Room: Aquarius
purpose of this session is to initiate an interdisciplinary discussion on how
future technologies could optimize the usage of human’s visual attention.
Societies are transforming into e-societies and techno-social networks
are becoming an integral part of our modern lifestyle. The session
Speakers will be devoted to methods for studying various processes running in
Ben Tatler, University of Dundee,UK, Miklós Kiss, Volkswagen e-societies, one of them being the collective emergence of emotions
Aktiengesellschaft Group Research, Germany, Rolf Coulanges, in e-communities as a spontaneous behaviour occurring in complex
Stuttgart Media University, Germany. techno-social networks.

Organised by Speakers
Erhardt Barth, University of Lübeck, Germany Arvdi Kappas, Jacobs University, Germany, Mike Thelwall, University
of Wolverhampton, UK, Beatrice de Gelder, Tilburg University,
the Netherlands, Paul Lukowicz, Passau University, Germany,
Complexity perspectives on innovation Janusz Holyst, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
Room: Kepler
Organized by
As innovation lies at the heart of public policies, it becomes indispensable Janusz Holyst, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
to take a closer look at the flaws in the theory of unidirectional progression
from basic science to technology, innovation and development. The key
ideas of the session will include the ontological uncertainty and the The frontiers of algorithmic complexity:
unpredictability of innovation processes; bootstrapping and positive feedback
dynamics in innovation; innovation networks; developing and nurturing gene- classical vs quantum
rative relationships; multilevel governance structures and innovation policies. Room: Virgo

Speakers This session discusses the notion of computationally hard problems

from different perspectives: computer science, quantum computing
David Lane and Margherita Russo, University of Modena and Reggio
and biology. New paradigms emerge at the interface between these
Emilia, Italy, Sander van der Leeuw, Arizona State University, USA, disciplines and shed new light on computing.
Denise Pumain, University of Paris, Sorbonne, France.
Organized by Mario Rasetti, Fondazione ISI, Torino, Italy, Gregory Chaitin, IBM
David Lane, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Research, Yorktown Heights, USA, Paul Vitaly, Centrum Informa-
tika en Wiskunde, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Coffee break - Foyer Organized by

Mario Rasetti, Fondazione ISI, Torino, Italy


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Open source science 17.30 – 19.00 Poster session (part 2) – Foyer
Room: Kepler

Web developments have radically changed the knowledge 17.30 - 19.30 On the Fly Sessions
production process with unbounded storage capacities and
unlimited ability to interact with peers. However scientific
These spontaneously organised sessions are an
knowledge production and dissemination is still based on the
opportunity to discuss relevant issues and topics
traditional notion of a paper publication and on quality assess-
that are not covered by the rest of the conference
ment by peer review. The session will explore how the research
programme. Ideas for these sessions are provided
community could build from ICT to revolutionize the generation,
by the conference participants. Final selection and
evaluation and dissemination of scientific knowledge.
room allocation will be done at the last minute,
based on interest and availability.
Maurizio Marchese, University of Trento, Italy, Gloria Origgi
and Roberto Casati CNRS, France, Stefan Tai, University of
Karlsruhe, Germany.

Organized by
Fabio Casati, University of Trento, Italy

Striving for realism in virtual worlds: sensation,

perception, technology and the auditory brain
Room: Tycho

This symposium addresses the construction of identity and reality on

the basis of body/space interaction. It will focus on the use of auditory
3D spaces as a new type of participant’s experience. It is designed
to stimulate multidisciplinary discussions at the interface between
cognitive neuroscience, acoustics and Virtual Reality. Non-specialists
will get a glimpse of the fascinating complexity of what is behind the
everyday experience of being in a place.

Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, CNRS, Paris, France, Peter Brugger,
Zurich University Hospital, Switzerland, Olivier Warusfel,
IRCAM, Paris, France.

Organized by
Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, CNRS, Paris, France


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09.00 – 10.30 Plenary session (Room: Zenit+Nadir)
Alain Berthoz, Collège de France, Paris Trust and security interrelationship
“New Frontiers between IST, Robotics and Cognitive Room: Leo
This session proposes to investigate and discuss the inter-relationship
How can Robotics and Cognitive Neuroscience merge to provide new between trust and security in the context of networking and distributed
insights into brain function and into potentially new developments in services, as this issue has been gaining importance with the rapid
information and/or robotics technology? Alain Berthoz will address the growth of services and of end-devices (e.g., computer, hand-held) that
questions of higher brain function, of recent discoveries on the neural are connected through the Internet.
basis of emotion and of new developments in brain recordings, for
instance in epileptic patients. Speakers
Alessandro Zorat and Yoram Ofek, University of Trento, Italy,
Albert-László Barabási, Centre for Complex Network Amir Herzberg, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Bart Preneel, Leuven
Research at Northeastern and Department of Medicine, University, Belgium, Antonio Mana, University of Malaga, Spain,
Harvard Medical School Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany,
“From Networks to Human Mobility Patterns” Paolo Tonella, IRST – FBK, Italy.
What are the laws governing human mobility? Albert-László Barabási
Organized by
will discuss a study that explores the trajectory of anonymous mobile
phone users, showing the high degree of temporal and spatial regularity Alessandro Zorat, University of Trento, Italy
of human trajectories. He will also demonstrate how the individual travel
patterns collapse into a single spatial probability distribution, indicating
that despite the diversity of their travel history, humans follow simple Aesthetics as the heart of science
reproducible patterns. Room: Tycho

As Einstein said, aesthetics is as important as logic for deep science.

Coffee break - Foyer This session will investigate how creative processes in the arts could
inspire new scientific methods. It will also discuss how new scientific
paradigms can inspire artistic creation.

11.00 – 12.30 Parallel sessions Speakers

Paul Bourgine, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Jean Petitot, Ecole
Presence: real actions in virtual environments Polytechnique, France, Louis Bec, Ecole des Arts et Métiers,
Room: Taurus Aix-en-Provence, France.

Why do people smile at an avatar that is smiling at them, when they Organized by
know full well that no real person is there? People tend to respond Paul Bourgine, Ecole Polytechnique, France
realistically to virtually generated sensory data and the session deals
with the possibility of measuring this objectively and quantitatively.
This touches basic science disciplines including neuroscience, com-
puter science and engineering, psychotherapy, neuro-rehabilitation, Self-powered nano-devices
and telepresence. Room: Aquarius

Speakers The combination of energy harvesting technologies and of ultra-

low-power electronics will enable applications in healthcare, sensor
Giulio Ruffini, Starlab Barcelona, Spain, Martyn Bracewell,
networks, safety-critical and environmental monitoring, etc. This
Bangor University, UK, Maria Victoria Sanchez-Vives and session will focus on recent advances, challenges and impacts in energy
Mel Slater, University of Barcelona, Spain, Paul Verschure, harvesting technologies at the nanoscale. The aim is to bring together,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. in an interactive and multi-disciplinary talk, specialists willing to share
their experience and visions and to build up a research community in
Organized by self-powered nano-devices.
Giulio Ruffini, Starlab, Barcelona, Spain
Gabriel Abadal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, Zachary
Unconventional computing Davis, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark, Javier Alda,
Room: Virgo Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, Francesc Moll,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.
Up to now, most current research in unconventional, non-classical,
nature-inspired computation is purely theoretical and only a handful of Organized by
working laboratory prototypes of unconventional computers exist so far. Violeta Gràcia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Speakers and organizers

Andrew Adamatzky, University of the West of England, UK,
Milan Stojanovic, Columbia University, New York, USA, Jerzy
Górecki, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland.


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Through the crystal ball: Europe’s position in the Visual analytics – Mastering the information age
digital revolution by 2030 Room: Aquarius
Room: Kepler
Visual Analytics is an emerging research discipline aiming at making
The digital revolution is driving innovation and scientific progress, and the best possible use of very large information loads in a wide variety
interrelationships between science, technology and society are becoming of applications. The objective is to combine the strengths of intelligent
increasingly complex. The session will aim at stimulating discussions on automatic data analysis with the visual perception and analysis capabilities
potential future scenarios in a world permeated and shaped by the digital of the human user. The session presents the disciplines involved in this
revolution in a number of fields such as future electronics, bio-informatics, field, as well as the challenges and perspectives it offers.
human computer confluence, future networks, gaming etc.
This session will be prepared by the COST Science Café with a talk on Speakers
«What will your life be like in 2030?» moderated by Soulla Louca on Jörn Kohlhammer, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics
Wednesday at 17.30 at the Brasserie Veduta. Research, Germany, Gennady Andrienko, Fraunhofer Institute
IAIS, Germany, Daniel A. Keim, University of Konstanz, Germany,
Speakers Margit Pohl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Kai Puolamäki,
Gian-Mario Maggio, Sophie Beaubron, Zuzana Vercinska and Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, Giuseppe Santucci,
Afonso Ferreira, COST, European Science Foundation, Belgium, University of Rome «La Sapienza», Italy.
Soulla Louca, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, Mieczyslaw Murasz-
kiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, Imrich Chlamtac, Organized by
Create-Net, Italy, Henry Markram, EPFL, Switzerland, Giovanni Jörn Kohlhammer, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics
Colombo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Maria Teresa Gatti, Research, Germany
STMicoelectronics, Italy, Elina Hiltunen, Nokia, Finland.

Organized by
The body and the urban space
Gian-Mario Maggio, COST, European Science Foundation, Belgium
Room: Tycho

The urban space of the future will be saturated with both visible and hidden
media that gather and transmit information. Will the technologically enriched
environment adapt to accommodate human/city contact points? And, in
Lunch break - Brasserie Veduta - 2nd floor
response, will we choose to adapt and augment our own bodies in order to navigate
around, and communicate with and through this information landscape?

14.00 – 15.30 Parallel sessions Ingi Helgason and Michael Smyth, Edinburgh Napier University, UK,
Rod McCall, Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany, John
Bodily intelligent modular robots Waterworth, Umeå University, Sweden.
Room: Leo
Organized by
This session explores the concept and potential of bodily intelligent robots
Ingi Helgason, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
from a multidisciplinary perspective. The concept is introduced through
examples from both embodied artificial intelligence and the evolution of
form and function in nature. In addition one approach to the realisation of
bodily intelligent robots based on modular robots will be presented, but Neurofunctional materials
others will be discussed with the audience. Room: Virgo

Speakers The session intends to show how scientists combine theoretical

Kasper Støy, University of Southern Denmark, Rolf Pfeifer, University modelling of the cognitive pathways of brain activity with the
of Zurich, Switzerland, Peter Aerts, University of Antwerp, Belgium, technological aspects of the realization of bio-inspired complex
molecular materials functionalized to process information in a
Andre Seyfarth, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany.
highly parallel way.

Organized by
Kasper Støy, University of Southern Denmark
Victor Erokhin, University of Parma, Italy, David N. Reinhoudt,
University of Twente, the Netherlands, Bernard Schölkopf, Max
Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, Tubingen, Germany.

Organized by
Victor Erokhin, University of Parma, Italy

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H947-FET09-Booklet.indd 10 2/04/09 16:26:07

Challenges and visions for global computing Coffee break - Foyer
Room: Taurus

We move towards software-intensive systems which have to dynamically

adapt to new requirements, technologies or environmental conditions on a 16.00 – 17.00 Closing session
global scale. As a result, software development has become a very chal-
lenging discipline. In this context the session will address the following to- Award of the Best Exhibitor Prize
pics: frontiers of service-oriented computing, digital evidence to guarantee
trustworthy mobile code and algorithmic challenges in global computing. Closing address
Ondřej Liška, Minister of Education, Youth and
Speakers Sports, Czech Republic
Martin Wirsing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Rudolf Strohmeier, Head of Cabinet of the
Germany, Ian Stark, University of Edinburgh, UK, Christos Commissioner for Information Society and Media
Kaklamanis, University of Patras, Greece.
Closing Performance: Multimodal Brain Orchestra
Organized by The Multimodal brain orchestra explores the boundaries
Martin Wirsing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany of direct brain driven creative expression. A six member
orchestra will through their real-time physiological res-
ponses generate and control an interactive audio-visual
Language and the mind spectacle that explores the depths of affective experience.
Room: Kepler SPECS, Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive
Systems group
The ultimate goal of research in language understanding is to build a computational Jonatas Manzolli, Music Composition
model of brain processes, both functionally and spatially, and to find their quantitative Behdad Rezazadeh, Video art
characteristics. How can we get there and for what kind of applications? This session gTec, Brain Computer Interface Technology
will explore challenges ranging from question answering to machine translation.

Jan Hajič, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Roger
Moore, University of Sheffield, UK, Albert Kim, University of
Colorado at Boulder, USA.

Organized by
Jan Hajič, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

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H947-FET09-Booklet.indd 11 2/04/09 16:27:09

Posters Exhibition
Tuesday, 21 April 2009 (part 1) Molecular nanomagnets for information technologies:challenges,
A closed-loop neural prostheses for vestibular disorders. Silvestro achievements and perspectives. Marco Affronte
Micera et al. Neocortical Neurotechnologies. Henry Kennedy et al.
A computational model of language acquisition. Lou Boves et al. Neural encoding of face-categories in the macaque temporal cortex.
Ambient Multimodal Human-Computer interaction. Gaetan Pruvost et al. Rodrigo Sigala et al.
An Affective Channel for Companions. Néna Roa Seiler et al. Neurarm: a robotic model of the human arm for neuroscientific
investigation. Tommaso Lenzi et al.
Augmenting Human Communication. Gianluca Zaffiro et al.
Novel Nature Inspired Techniques in Electrocardiogram Clustering.
BIOTACT: Rethinking motor control-Insights from the nested-loop
Miroslav Bursa et al.
architecture of the rat whisker system. Erez Simony et al.
OPPORTUNITY: activity and context awareness in opportunistic
BIOTACT: Towards a Novel Biomimetic Tactile Sensor. Charlie Sullivan et al.
open-ended sensor environments. Daniel Roggen et al.
Brain Activity and Eye Movements in Translation. Elena Andonova et al.
Optimized quantum state discrimination of optical coherent states.
Computing, Cognition and Ambient Intelligence: Towards the city of the Christoffer Wittmann et al.
future. Constantine Stephanidis et al.
Parasitic Tracking: Finding new uses for existing infrastructure.
CONNECT: Emergent Connectors for Eternal Software Intensive Manuel Huber
Networked Systems. Valérie Issarny et al.
Position reconstruction of rats by the use of neural spike information
Content and timescale of neuronal signal in hippocampus during tactile from hippocampal place cells. Stefan Schaffelhofer et al.
categorization task. Pavel Itskov et al.
Proxemics with Multiple Dynamic Virtual Characters. Joan Llobera et al.
Continuous Variables Quantum Information with Light. Marek Petr
Quantum Processing Photonic States in Optical Lattices. Christine A.
Controlling a Virtual Smart Home by Means of a P300 BCI. Shahab Muschik et al.
Daban et al.
Realistic Responses to Virtual Crowds. Nuria Pelechano et al.
CyberRat: a brain-chip interface for high-resolution bi-directional
Reality as simplicity. Giulio Ruffini
communication. Stefano Girardi et al.
SecureChange: Security Engineering for Lifelong Evolvable Systems.
Dealing with Complexity in Heterogeneous Tracking Environments.
Fabrice Bouquet et al.
Peter Keitler et al.
Social Impact Theory based Optimizer with 1D Topology. Martin Macaš et al.
Del.icio.bus: a folksonomy for city public transportation. Vittorio Loreto
SOCIALNETS: Harnessing adaptive human social structures for
Discovering and Exploiting Semantics in Folksonomies. Rabeeh
tomorrow’s wireless networks. Stuart M. Allen et al.
Abbasi et al.
Swarmanoid: Initial Results. Marco Dorigo et al.
Dispersion Relation Engineering for nanoscale control of light, heat,
and sound. John Cuffe et al. The Effect of Lower Spine Muscle Activation of Walking on a Narrow
Beam in Virtual Reality. Angus Antley et al.
Dynamics of activity during the maturation of neural network derived
from human embryonic stem cells. Jari Hyttinen et al. The Human hand: from biomechanics to neurorehabilitation. Azzura
Chiri et al.
Emerging Technologies and Education: Brain-Computer Interfaces for
Science Popularization. Daniel Perez-Marcos et al. The neuro-robotics paradigm: NEUROExos, a case of study. Nicola
Vitiello et al.
Energy transfer in bacterial photosynthetic complexes: An inspiration for
development of novel electronic devices? Vladimira Moulisová et al. Theoretical Simulations on Conductivity and Resistivity of Carbon
Nanotubes and CNT-Ni Interconnects Using Effective Media
Approach. Yu.N. Shunin
Wednesday, 22 April 2009 (part 2)
Thin film and fibrillar polymeric electrochemical elements for bio-
Event-Driven Morphological Computation for Embodied Systems – inspired information processing. Tatiana Berzina et al.
eMorph. Chiara Bartolozzi et al.
Thinking multimedia and creativity in green education. Sorin Ionitescu
Exploring the Computational Limits of Adaptive Networked Populations et al.
of Tiny Artefacts. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis et al.
T-LIFE: Therapeutic Learning of Facial Emotions. Verónica Orvalho et al.
From locomotion to cognition. Matej Hoffmann et al.
Towards a New Computational Paradigm: Mapping Biological Neural
Fundamental Mechanisms Of Noise-Supported Quantum Transport In Networks onto Neuromorphic Hardware. Daniel Brüderle et al.
Light Harvesting Molecules. Filippo Caruso et al.
Towards Integrated Model Engineering and Analysis of Ubiquitous
GeoPKDD – Geographic Privacy-aware Knowledge Discovery. Fosca Bigraphical Reactive Systems in Systems Biology and Service-oriented
Giannotti et al. Information Systems. Arne J. Glenstrup et al.
How to Design Self-Organizing Systems? Wilfried Elmenreich et al. Ultrafast all-optical switching in organic photonics. Jenny Clark et al.
Is Gaussian Quantum Error Correction Possible ? Julien Niset et al. Understanding Movement by Visual Analytics Methods. Natalia
Logarithmic Arithmetic in Today’s Computing. Milan Tichý et al. Andrienko et al.
May AR Manipulate Users Subconsciously? Marcus Tönnis et al. Understanding the Dynamics in Tagging Systems. Klaas Dellschaft et al.
Mimicking the Processing of Chemical Information of the Insect Olfactory VIACTORS - Variable Impedance ACTuation systems embodying
System. Agustín Gutiérrez et al. advanced interaction behaviours. Alin Albu-Schaeffer et al.
Modeling Multiscale Complex Systems: a methodological approach. Visual processing unraveled in the human brain using natural viewing
Alfons G. Hoekstra et al. behaviour. Jan Bernard C. Marsman et al.
Modeling the brain using rings of quasiperiodic oscillators. Edward Which Odorant Properties Are Most Relevant to Perception? Benjamin
A. Rietman et al. Auffarth et al.

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FET09 ‘Science beyond Fiction’
Programme Committee

Michel Cosnard Vladimír Mařík

- INRIA - Co-Chair - Czech Technical University in Prague

Paolo Dario Chris Melhuish

- Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna - Co-chair - University of Bristol

Heinrich Bülthoff Corrado Priami

- Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics - The Microsoft Research, University of Trento
Centre for Computational and Systems Biology
Jean-Claude Burgelman
- European Commission Heinrich Stuckenschneider
- Siemens Corporate Technologies
Vladimír Bužek
- Slovak Academy of Sciences Miroslav Tůma
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Ignacio Campino
- Deutsche Telecom Daniel Donoval - Slovak Johan Van Helleputte
University of Technology, Bratislava - IMEC

Dieter Fellner Alessandro Vespignani

- Fraunhofer IGD - Indiana University School of Informatics

Dario Floreano Adrian Stoica

- EPFL Laboratory of Intelligent Systems - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Biologically
Inspired Technology and Systems Group
Elisabeth Giacobino
- Ecole Supérieure d’Optique Christos Nikolaou
- University of Crete
Chris Hankin
- Imperial College London
European Commission
Janusz Holyst Prabhat Agarwal
- Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of
Technology Jean-Marie Auger
Wolfgang Boch
Jan Hrušák
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Aymard de Touzalin
José Luis Fernández Villacañas
Alois Knoll
- Munich Technican University Aleš Fiala
Paul Hearn
Vladimír Kučera
- Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies (Czech Wide Hogenhout
Republic) Pekka Karp

Lenka Lhotská Wesley Van Dessel

- Czech Technical University in Prague Walter Van de Velde

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Register your vote for the Best Exhibit
at FET09!

You will find your voting slip in your plastic badge.

Please return your voting slip to the European Commission

Information Stand by Wednesday 22nd of April 7.30 p.m

The three best exhibits will receive:

a FET trophy awarded by the European Commission

and a financial prize of 8.000€ shared by the winners

and kindly sponsored by

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A1 - Your worldwide ICT support network (IDEAL IST) D1 - Smart home control with Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
Position reconstruction with place cells (Rat-GPS)
B1 - Closing the Loop of Sound Evaluation and Design (CLOSED) Rehabilitation Gaming and Activity Monitoring System (RGS)

B2 - Reflective assistant D2 - Rehabilitation of a discrete sensory motor learning function

by a prosthetic chip (ReNaChip)
B3 - Natural voice dialog interfaces for consumer electronic
devices (Interactive TV, MP3 players, in-car navigation) D3 - Starlab - A FET SME

B4 - Mobile Attentive Interfaces in Urban Scenarios (MOBVIS) E - Turing Game Approach to Measure and Advance Machine
Intelligence (T-GAME)
B5 - Previews of Natural Interactive Walking (preNIW)
F1 - Metamaterials in Europe (MetaEurope)
B6 - Demonstrating companions: persistent, personalised,
multimodal interfaces to the internet (COMPANIONS) F2- QUBIT Applications (QAP)

B7 - Human-computer systems for the study of cognition and F3 - Disposable Dot Field Effect Transistor for high speed si integrated
translation (EYE-to-IT) circuits (d-DotFET)

B8 - Talking with the World Wide Web (Voice2Web) F4 - Million Frame per second, time-correlated single photon
Talking with an avatar on a mobile client camera (MEGAFRAME)
(3D Mobile Internet)
G1 - Ubiquitous computing modules for complex systems modelling
B9 - “More than words” (PASION) (Ubidules@home)

B10 - Interaction and Presence in urban environments (IPCity) G2- Accelerators of Advanced Algorithms for Image Processing
B11 - Gaze-contingent displays and gaze-based interaction
(GazeCom) G3- Rigorous Engineering of Service-Oriented Software (SENSORIA)

C1 - Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms (SYMBRION) G4 - Globally-available Internet-connected ambient spaces (CTI)

C2 - A day in the life of XPERO robot (XPERO project demo) G5 - 3DTV and Digital Holography - Dream or future reality
C3- The Cognitive Robot Companion (COGNIRON) Multimodal human-computer interaction and industrial
control systems (MHCIICS)
C4 - Bio-inspired artefacts for neuroscientific studies on Efficient representation of dynamic meshes (3D animation
locomotion and new technology (LAMPETRA) compression)

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