MED 300-C4
Committee Exam
Student ID
Medical Pharmacology 24P
Medical Pathology 20P
Internal Medicine 14P
Pediatrics 12P
Practical Applications 14P
of Ethics in Clinics
Nuclear Medicine 4P
Radiology 6P
Medical Genetics 6P
Head of the committee: DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ AYÇA DOĞAN
ANSWER: B Answer is E
15. A 4-year-old male patient is brought to the doctor by 19. Thioureas act in all the following steps EXCEPT:
his parents due to complaints of excessive thirst ……………..?
(polydipsia) and frequent urination (polyuria) for A. İodide organification
several months. He has also experienced significant B. Iodide trapping
weight loss and appears dehydrated. Radiological C. Formation of antibodies
imaging shows no abnormalities in the sella turcica. D. Conversion of T4 to T3
Laboratory tests reveal low urine osmolality and E. Coupling of MIT and DIT
high serum osmolality, with a low response to the
administration of desmopressin (ADH). A pituitary Answer is B
biopsy is performed, which reveals no adenoma, and 20. Which of the followings is most dangerous in
appears normal histologically. What is this patient's pregnancy............?
most likely diagnosis? A. Liotrix
A. Diabetes insipidus B. Propylthiouracyl
B. Growth hormone deficiency C. Metimazole
C. Hypothyroidism D. Radioactive iodine
D. Sheehan's syndrome E. Carbimazole
E. Cushing's disease
Answer is D
21. 3-Which of the followings is the most dangerous
16. A 36-year-old male patient presents to the doctor effect of insulin injection............?
complaining of persistent bone pain, particularly in A. Hyperglycemia
his hips and back, and frequent kidney stones. He B. Hypoglycemia
also reports general fatigue, weakness, and C. Lypodistrophy
occasional constipation. Radiological examination D. Weight gain
reveals osteitis fibrosa cystica on x-rays. Laboratory E. Edema
tests reveal elevated serum calcium, elevated
parathyroid hormone (PTH), and decreased serum Answer is B
phosphate levels. A parathyroid biopsy reveals a
solitary adenoma. What is the patient's most likely 22. Which one is used by oral route:...............?
diagnosis? A. Insulin glargine
A. Hypoparathyroidism B. Insulın aspart
B. Addison's disease C. Metformin
C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Liraglutide
D. Cushing's syndrome E. Exenatide
E. Pheochromocytoma Answer is C
ANSWER: C 23. 4-The main reason of to withdraw bovine insulins
PHARMACOLOGY (16x1.5=24P) is:...............?
A. They are expensive
17. ACTH is released from proteolytic cleavage B. They are less effective
of...............? C. They have low bioavailability
A. POMC D. They have risk of causing BSE(mad cow disease)
B. Mast cells E. They are long acting
C. Bradykininogen
D. Angiotensinogen Answer is D
E. C-reactive protein 24. Which one does not increase insulin
Answer is A secretion..............?
A. Gliclazide
18. Which one is not released from anterior B. Glibenclamide
pituitary:............? C. Glimepiride
D. Metformin 31. Cannabinoid receptor antagonist tried in obesity is:
E. Repaglinide ……………..?
A. Orlistat
Answer is D B. Rimonabant
25. Which one is used by inhalation for asthma............? C. Sibutramin
A. Cortisone D. Phenfluramine
B. Prednisone E. Diethylpropion
C. Fluticasone Answer is B
D. Aldosterone
E. DOCA 32. Gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor anti-obesity drug
Answer is C A. Orlistat
26. Which one is not clinical use of B. Rimonabant
corticosteroids...........? C. Sibutramin
A. Rheumatoid arthritis D. Phenfluramine
B. Allergic reactions E. Diethylpropion
C. Contact dermatitis Answer is A
D. Osteoporosis
CLINICS (7x2=14P)
Answer is D
33. A baby, 5 months-old, has severe short bowel
27. Antifungal drug which blocks steroid synthesis syndrome, with 5 cm of small intestine past the end
is:............? of the duodenum with a history of prematurity
A. Spironolactone (gestational age 26 weeks), moderate/severe global
B. Gluthetimide developmental delay because of high-grade intra-
C. Ketoconazole ventricular hemorrhage, and chronic lung disease on
D. Metyrapone oxygen and diuretics. He also has some endocrine
E. Mifepristone problems and eventually intestinal failure. The
Anwer is C parents can't imagine their baby ever having a good
life and have asked their care team about stopping
28. Which one is not used topically...............? parenteral nutrition and hydration that is a life
A. Hydrocortisone sustaining treatment. If the care team thinks that this
B. Cortisone is not an acceptable request, which of the following
C. Mometasone statements is absolutely and ethically correct without
D. Betametasone hesitation with respect to risk / benefit weighing or
E. Triamcinolone risk matrix?
A. This decision is correct since it is a clearly beneficial
Answer is B treatment as advised by the care provider
29. Which of the followings does not belong to B. This decision is correct since it is a treatment with
biphosphonates................? some uncertainties and some major benefits as
A. Enalaprilate declared by the care provider
B. Etidronate C. This decision is correct since it is a treatment with
C. Pamidronate some clear benefit and minor burdens as declared by
D. Chlodronate the care provider
E. Alendronate D. This decision is not correct since it is clearly a
burdensome treatment as declared by the care
Answer is A provider
E. This decision is not correct since it s a treatment
30. Which one is dual acting bone with very minor uncertainties and little benefit as
agent(DABA);................? declared by the care provider
B. Calcitonin ANSWER:D
C. Vit D
D. Protelos 34. If a patient refuses a highly beneficial treatment
E. Fluoride option but very expensive for her/him proposed by
the care provider, which of the following items show
Answer is D the correct conflicting principles of medical ethics?
A. Justice and autonomy
B. Justice and non-maleficence B. The physician gives information about uncertainties
C. Autonomy and justice about the treatment choice.
D. Justice and beneficence C. The physician gives information about the prognosis
E. Malpractice and quality of life of the disease if no treatment is applied.
ANSWER: C D. The physician gives information about additional
interventions that would improve prognosis of the
35. Which of the following statements or steps is wrong disease and quality of life
to diagnose a medico-ethical problem in the clinics? E. The physician gives recommendation based on
A. To evaluate medical indications and risks about the his/her best clinical judgement
cases ANSWER: B
B. To evaluate conflicting ethical principles and
dominant problem 39. What should we do when there is an ethical issue in
C. To evaluate risk / benefit weighing a clinical setting?
D. To complete anamnesis, physical examination and A. We should restore the best interest and beneficence
order laboratory tests of the patient by solving dilemmas
E. To evaluate values B. We should apply the court
ANSWER: D C. We should refuse the case
36. If the care provider assesses the treatment as with D. We should enforce the treatment even if it is very
some uncertainity and with net benefit and the risky and uncertain
patient refuses the treatment offer as offered. Then E. Active assistance of the health care personnel is
which of the following actions of the care provider never used for the definition of the process under
would be correct according to risk/benefit weighing uncertainity conditions
or the risk matrix? ANSWER: A
A. Do not provide the treatment
B. Send the case to the ethics committee NUCLEAR MEDICINE (2x2=4P)
C. Send the case to the chief director of the hospital
D. Do not provide the treatment 40. Which organ or system have the highest
E. Ask the lawyer radiosensitive against to the radioactivity?
ANSWER:D A. Ovary and testis
Answer: D
Answer: D