mikay English
mikay English
mikay English
A personal pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, which represents a person, a group of
people, or a thing. We use personal pronouns so we don’t have to repeat the same noun again and again
in a sentence.
2. Demonstrative Pronouns
3. Interrogative Pronouns
4. Relative Pronouns
5. Indefinite Pronouns
Definition: These pronouns refer to people or things that are not specific.
o Someone, anyone, nobody, everybody, everything
o Example sentences:
Everyone is excited for the field trip.
Somebody left their umbrella here.
6. Reciprocal Pronouns
7. Compound Pronouns
Definition: These pronouns are made by adding "-self" or "-selves" to personal pronouns.
o Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
o Example sentences:
I made the cake all by myself.
They cleaned the room by themselves.
8. Compound Subject
1. Personal Pronouns
5. True or False: The word "it" can only be used for animals.
2. Demonstrative Pronouns
1. (This/That)
3. Interrogative Pronouns
1. Fill in the blank:
4. Relative Pronouns
5. Indefinite Pronouns
6. Reciprocal Pronouns
1. Fill in the blank:
4. True or False: "Each other" is used for two people, while "one another" is for more than two.
5. Write a sentence using "one another."
7. Compound Pronouns
8. Compound Subject