_Application Form-Application for Scholarship of Thailand

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For 2nd semester, 2023 academic year/ 1st , 2024 academic year
PART ONE : (to be completed by the applicant)
Application must be typed : Handwriting is not accepted

1. Name : Mr./Ms./Mrs. Mohammad Hossain

First name Family name

2. Date of Birth : 1993 05 01 3. Age: 31

(year) (month) (date)

4. Nationality : Bangladeshi 5. Marital Status : Single

Passport Number A12327062

5.Name of the University/Institution : Bangladesh Supreme Court

City Dhaka Country Bangladesh

Current Title/Position Advocate

6.Home address : 160/4, East Ludiara, Patadda, Chauddagram, Cumilla

7. Academic qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree

Institution BGC Trust University Bangladesh

Country Bangladesh

Field of study Law G.P.A.* 3.53

*G.P.A must be equivalent to 4.00 system.

Master’s degree
Institution Northern University Bangladesh
Country Bangladesh

Field of study Law G.P.A.* 3.538

*G.P.A must be equivalent to 4.00 system.


8. Please indicate which faculty of Chulalongkorn University you are applying for.

Faculty Law Department Business Law

Field of study Law

Second (January 2024) First (August 2024)
Academic Year 2023 Academic Year 2024

a. I am new applicant from Bangladesh


currently studying in the program of ,

Chulalongkorn University at the semester of , academic year

ID student

b. Are you applying for the another program of Chulalongkorn University? If so, please give details.

Faculty Department

Field of study

9. Language proficiency *

Test of English Score Test Date

IELTS 6.5 23/12/2023
(Please attach an official score report issued within the last two years : as of November 12, 2021/ May 12, 2022).

10. Previous scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other honors or awards.

11. Are you applying for financial aid from Chulalongkorn University? If so, please give


12. List all the academic or other positions you held or had been holding in chronological
order and with dates.

13. If you have visited or lived in any countries other than the one in which you are now
residing, please give places, dates, and purposes.

14. Health insurance :

Chulalongkorn University has a hospital facility. However, foreign students must have
comprehensive health insurance policy to cover medical services in case of serious illness
requiring hospitalization. If not, all medical expenses incurred will be borne by recipients

Name of the medical insurance agency

No. of membership Address of the agency

15. Publications : (Attach additional pages if necessary).

16. Proposed plan of study or research (Write in detail/Attached additional page if necessary)

17. Brief description of applicant’s present position and responsibilities at your home institution :

18. Plan after completing study at Chulalongkorn University.

I declare that the information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
that if I have been awarded a scholarship, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations
of Chulalongkorn University.

Signature of applicant _____________________________

Name of applicant _____________________________

Date / /

PART TWO*: Institution approved (Must be signed by the President /Rector, Dean, Head of
the applicant’s home university/Institution from ASEAN or Non – ASEAN Countries

*This part only for Researcher, Academic Staff or a Faculty Member of the University/Institution or
who will return to teach/work at their home universities after graduation from Chulalongkorn


We approve and recommend the application of

for scholarship in support of Chulalongkorn University. Upon completion of the degree program
undertaken, the above name is expected and obligated to resume appropriate duties at his/her


Name ( )




Conditions of Scholarships:
1.The scholarship period cannot be extended.
2. The recipients are not permitted to postpone a period of the scholarship acceptance as
proposed by Chulalongkorn University.
3. The recipients are not permitted to accept any employment in Thailand during the term of
their scholarships.
4. The recipients must residence in Thailand during the scholarship period .

Provisions of the Scholarships :

The scholarships will cover the following :
1.An economy class round-trip ticket to and from designated capital cities or principal cities
of the student’s home country, as actually paid. It should also be noted that
1.1 ASEAN not more than 8,500 baht for one way
1.2 ASIA not more than 12,000 baht for one way
20,000 baht for one way
1.4 NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA not more than 30,000 baht for one way
Students are required to pay for their tickets and this amount will be reimbursed upon their
arrival at Chulalongkorn University. It should be noted that the University will support only the airfare
fee. The extra expenses/miscellaneous; additional baggage, travel insurance, re-schedule ticket, seat,
meal or beverage are excluded : please keep all travel relate documents). The flight arrival to Thailand
before the date noted on the Announcement of Chulalongkorn University on the awardees of the Graduate
Scholarship Program for ASEAN or Non-ASEAN Countries cannot be refund.
2.Tuition Fees for the University (tuition fees for faculty/special fees by the program, and summer
session are excluded : Advanced arrangement between the students and the Faculty/Program is needed.)
3.Stipend and accommodation in the amount of 16,000 baht/month. Please be informed that only
those students who are physically located in Thailand are given monthly stipend. Those who are not will
receive only the University tuition fee. However, once the student arrives in Thailand, he/she will be
entitled for the monthly stipend.

Health insurance :
Chulalongkorn University has a health service center facility. However, Foreign students must
have comprehensive health insurance policy to cover medical services in case of serious illness
requiring hospitalization. If not, all medical expenses incurred will be borne by recipients.

Suspension and termination of scholarships :

These scholarships will be suspended or terminated for the following reasons :
1. Serious illness of recipients.
The scholarship recipient is deemed to be seriously ill and not physically fit to carry on with
his/her studies.
2. GPA lower than 3.00 in 2 consecutive semesters.
3. Absence of scholarship recipients without notice or reasonable explanation.
Student departs Thailand for over 10 days without the consent of his/her academic advisor and
the approved by the Faculty.
4. Violates the law, or the rules, regulation, announcement or orders issued by the University, or his or
her Faculty.

I accepted the information provided above is the best of my knowledge. If I have been awarded a
scholarship, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of Chulalongkorn University.

Signature of applicant _____________________________

Name of applicant _____________________________

Date / /

Please check that you have enclosed all the relevant documents with your application:

• Completed application form. [application form for the Graduate Scholarship

Program for ASEAN or Non – ASEAN Countries : For 2nd semester, 2023/ 1st
semester, 2024 only. If not the application document will be rejected.]
• Curriculum Vitae
• Copy of Certificate of Graduation and the official transcript of academic records (If the
GPA must be convert to 4.00 system; the equivalence document is needed).
• English proficiency score record (supporting document is preferred.)
• Copy of passport
• Study plan / description of academic interests (on a separate sheet of A4-sized paper)
• One 1-inch-colored photos (with blue background) taken no more than six months in
polite attire, signed on the reverse side, one of which should be attached to the application
• Two recommendation letters from the Head, the Director or the Dean which the application
belongs to.
• Nomination letter from the home institution/university. This letter needs to be confirmed
that the applicant will return to teach/work at their home institution after graduation from
Chulalongkorn University; only for Researcher, Academic Staff or a Faculty Member of the
University/ Institution or who will return to teach/work at their home universities after
graduation from Chulalongkorn University.
• Medical Certificate
• An appendix.

Send all application documents directly to the faculty/program of their choice. Please note
that the application date and selection schedule of the applicants has set by each of the
Signature of applicant _____________________________

Name of applicant _____________________________

Date / /

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