Deva Brenda Reheullah
I hereby declare that this term-paper is the result of my own work and not plagiarism
of another work, the contents has become my responsibility. All the source of my
research and quoted or referred to have been stated correctly.
Title of the term paper : The Reflection of Postmodern Feminism in the “LM5”
Album by Little Mix
Has been approved by Advisor and Head of English Language and Culture
Department to be tested in front of Board of Examiners on August 2, 2021 at
English Language and Culture Department, Faculty of Language and Culture,
Darma Persada University, Jakarta.
Advisor : …………………………………..
Examiner : …………………………………..
The Term Paper on August 2, 2021 has been academically tested and defended in
front of
Advisor : …………………………………..
Nurul Fitriani, S. S., M. Hum.
Examiner : …………………………………..
Dra. Karina Adinda, M.A.
First and above all, I praise and thank God, the blessings and guidance to me
to complete my term paper, entitled “The Reflection of Postmodern Feminism in
the “LM5” album by Little Mix”. This term paper is submitted to the Strata One
English Language and Culture of Darma Persada University as a partial fulfillment
of the requirements for obtaining the Strata One (S-1) degree.
I would like to thank to all parties who have guided and supported me in
finishing this term-paper. My appreciation is delivered to those who give
contribution in the completion of this term-paper, which I listed as follows:
1. Nurul Fitriani, S.S, M.Hum. as the advisor for her excellent guidance, advice,
patience, caring, and time to help me finish this term-paper.
2. Dr. Yoga Pratama, M.Pd as the Head of English Language and Culture
4. All lecturers of English Language and Culture Department who have given me
so much knowledge and experiences.
6. All of my friends especially Kesya, Pegy, Anna, Farra, Oliv, Retno, Zevania,
Mega, Balqis, dan Afifah for the joyful gatherings and all their supports.
Hereby, this term-paper would not be perfect work without the constructive
suggestion and criticism from all readers.
Deva Brenda Reheullah
This term paper discusses about literary work of song lyrics using the intrinsic and extrinsic
approaches. Through instrinsic approach, the theories of imagery and figurative language are used
to analyze the data. While, the concept of postmodern feminism is used to analyze the data in
extrinsic approach. The approach of the research that used in this research is qualitative approach.
This research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method because the result of the data
analyzed is in descriptive phenomenon such as words, sentence and language. The object of this
research is “LM5” album by Little Mix. The data of this research are collected from song lyrics of
“LM5” album by Little Mix. The result of this research are as follows. First, the imagery found in
song lyrics by Little Mix are visual imagery, auditory imagery, gustatory imagery, tactile imagery,
kinesthetic imagery, and organic imagery. Second, figurative language found in song lyrics by Little
Mix are simile, metaphor, hyperbole, allusion, and idiom. Third, the reflection of postmodern
feminism found in song lyrics are emancipation and self-acceptance, although life may be hard to
any women where patriarchal system is still dominating, Little Mix wants to assure every woman in
this world to be strong, powerful, and to have confidence in facing the struggles in their life. The
“LM5” album by Little Mix inspires woman to being a great woman, and can do anything with
whatever condition as women. In this album, Little Mix is out here representing women and fighting
against gender inequality.
Keywords: Postmodern Feminism, Song Lyrics, Little Mix, Figurative Language, Imagery
Skripsi ini membahas tentang karya sastra dari lirik lagu dengan menggunakan pendekatan intrinsik
dan ekstrinsik. Pendekatan intrinsik yang digunakan untuk mengalisis data yaitu teori pengimajian
dan teori bahasa figuratif. Sedangkan konsep feminisme posmodern sebagai pendekatan ekstrinsik
digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif
kualitatif, karena hasil data yang dianalisis berupa fenomena deskriptif seperti kata, kalimat dan
bahasa. Objek penelitian ini adalah album “LM5” karya Little Mix. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan
dari lirik lagu album “LM5” karya Little Mix. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut,
pengimajian yang ditemukan dalam lirik lagu Little Mix adalah pengimajian penglihatan,
pengimajian pendengaran, pengimajian pencecapan, pengimajian perabaan, pengimajian gerak, dan
pengimajian perasaan. Bahasa figuratif yang ditemukan dalam lirik lagu Little Mix yaitu simile,
metafora, hiperbola, alusi, dan idiom. Refleksi feminisme posmodern yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu
adalah emansipasi dan penerimaan diri, meskipun hidup mungkin sulit bagi wanita mana pun di
mana sistem patriarki masih mendominasi, Little Mix ingin meyakinkan setiap wanita di dunia ini
untuk menjadi kuat, berpengaruh, dan memiliki keyakinan dalam menghadapi pergumulan dalam
hidupnya. Album “LM5” karya Little Mix menginspirasi wanita untuk menjadi wanita hebat, dan
bisa melakukan apapun dengan kondisi apapun sebagai wanita. Dalam album ini, Little Mix hadir
mewakili perempuan dan berjuang melawan ketidaksetaraan gender.
Kata kunci: Feminisme Posmodern, Lirik Lagu, Little Mix, Bahasa Figuratif, Pengimajian
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v
ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. vi
3.1 The Analysis of Imagery in Song Lyrics of the “LM5” Album by Little
3.1.1 The Analysis of Imagery in “Strip” Song Lyrics of the “LM5” Album by
Little Mix ....................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 The Analysis of Imagery in “Joan of Arc” Song Lyrics of the “LM5”
Album by Little Mix ...................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 The Analysis of Imagery in “Woman’s World” Song Lyrics of the “LM5”
Album by Little Mix ...................................................................................... 18
3.1.4 The Analysis of Imagery in “Wasabi” Song Lyrics of the “LM5” Album
by Little Mix .................................................................................................. 19
3.1.5 The Analysis of Imagery in “Love a Girl Right” Song Lyrics of the
“LM5” Album by Little Mix ......................................................................... 21
3.1.6 The Analysis of Imagery in “Woman Like Me” Song Lyrics of the “LM5”
Album by Little Mix ...................................................................................... 22
3.1.7 The Analysis of Imagery in “Told You So” Song Lyrics of the “LM5”
Album by Little Mix ...................................................................................... 25
3.1.8 The Analysis of Imagery in “More than Words” Song Lyrics of the
“LM5” Album by Little Mix ......................................................................... 26
3.1.9 The Analysis of Imagery in “The cure” Song Lyrics of the “LM5” Album
by Little Mix .................................................................................................. 28
3.2 The Analysis of Figurative Language in Song Lyrics of the “LM5” Album
by Little Mix ...................................................................................................... 29
3.2.5 The Analysis of Figurative Language in “Love a Girl Right” Song Lyrics
of the “LM5” Album by Little Mix ............................................................... 36
3.2.6 The Analysis of Figurative Language in “Woman Like Me” Song Lyrics
of the “LM5” Album by Little Mix ............................................................... 38
3.2.7 The Analysis of Figurative Language in “Told You So” Song Lyrics of
the “LM5” Album by Little Mix.................................................................... 39
3.2.8 The Analysis of Figurative Language in “More than Words” Song Lyrics
of the “LM5” Album by Little Mix ............................................................... 40
3.2.9 The Analysis of Figurative Language in “The Cure” Song Lyrics of the
“LM5” Album by Little Mix ......................................................................... 42
4.1 The Reflection of Postmodern Feminism in the “LM5” Album by Litte Mix
........................................................................................................................... 43
4.1.7 The Reflection of Postmodern Feminism in “Told You So” Song Lyrics
of the “LM5” album by Little Mix ................................................................ 49
4.2.7 The Reflection of Postmodern Feminism in “Told You So” Song Lyrics
of the “LM5” Album by Little Mix in Imagery ............................................. 62
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 69