Reading and writing

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Monday – Thursday Grade Level: Grade 11

READING AND WRITING Learning Area: Reading and Writing
Quarter: 3rd
MELC/S: Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across disciplines January 6-9, 2025
a. narration, b. description, c. definition, d. exemplification / classification, e. comparison and contrast, f. cause and effect, g. problem – solution, h. persuasion
( EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3)


Begin with classroom routine:

Monday – 1. familiarize yourself with the different Lesson 1: Narration a. Prayer
Thursday writing patterns in paragraph development. b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 2. identify the transitional words and d. Quick “kumustahan”
phrases used in the different writing
patterns. A. Activity:
1. Brainstorming
3. write a short paragraph using certain Start with a discussion: Ask students to define narrative writing and share their
writing pattern; and favorite narratives (books, films, etc.). Discuss how different disciplines might use
narrative differently (literature, history, journalism).
4. distinguish the uses and the differences Briefly introduce the concept of patterns of development in narrative writing,
of each writing pattern. specifically focusing on chronological order, flashbacks, and descriptive techniques.

2. Interactive Class Discussion via Powerpoint

 Using a power point presentation discuss key patterns of development,
Chronological Order: Events are presented in the order they occur.
Flashback: A narrative technique that allows the writer to insert past events for
context or depth.
Descriptive Narrative: Involves detailed descriptions to create vivid imagery and
enhance storytelling.
 Share excerpts that exemplify these patterns (e.g., a literary excerpt with a
flashback, a historical narrative using chronological order).
 Discuss as a class how each pattern affects the reader's understanding and
engagement with the narrative.

B. Analysis
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions on a separate sheet.

Being a transferee is never easy. At first, I was hesitant to come but my mother
told me that I would find new friends in Masayahin Senior High School. I would
never forget the day I first entered this school, I felt so shy and nervous. I did
not know anyone for I was a new Grade 11 student. When I entered my first
class looking for a chair to sit in, a boy sitting beside the window sill asked me,
“Are you new in this school?” and I answered shyly, “yes.” Then, he offered me
the vacant seat beside him. He was Jasper, a former student in that school. We
got along with each other well in our class. We worked on our assignments and
school projects, he slept in our house doing our research work. After a year, we
both realized that in many ways we had a lot of similarities in terms of interests
in life. In the end, we became best of friends.

1. Where and when did the story happen?

2. What transitional devices are used to indicate the chronological order of
3. What event happened first?
4. What does the paragraph tell?
5. What sequence is presented in the story?

C. Abstract
Choose the best word/group of words that will complete the statements.
1. _________ is a writing pattern that is used to tell a story.
2. A narrative text contains the _________ which gives direction in the story.
3. _________are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one sentence
to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another.
4. Most of the common transitional words to show _________ of events are
first, next, then, after and suddenly.
5. The _________of events help to show the reader how the story moves.

.D. Application: Activity

Writing Exercise (10 minutes)
 Provide students with a writing prompt that encourages them to create
a narrative piece (e.g., “Write a short story featuring a pivotal moment
in your life, utilizing a flashback”).
 Instruct them to outline their story and decide which pattern of
development they will use before starting to write.
E. Assessment:
Analysis of excerpts demonstrating understanding of patterns of development.
Lesson 2: Description A. Activity
1. Brainstorming
 Begin the lesson with a brief discussion: Ask students to share their
favorite descriptive writing examples (e.g., a passage from a novel, a
poem, or a descriptive essay).
 Explain the importance of descriptive writing and how it can vary
across disciplines (literature, science, travel writing).
 Introduce the day’s focus: patterns of development in descriptive

2. Interactive Class Discussion via Powerpoint.

key patterns of development, such as:

 Spatial Order: Describing items according to their physical position or
 Chronological Order: Describing experiences or events in the
sequence they occur over time.
 Sensory Details: Using the five senses to create vivid imagery.
Present examples of each pattern, drawing from the provided excerpts or using
a projector for visual aid.

B. Analysis: Group Activity

1. Divide students into small groups and distribute different excerpts of
descriptive writing from various disciplines. Ensure a diverse selection, such as:

A literary excerpt (e.g., novel or poetry)

A scientific observation (e.g., a nature description)
A travel writer’s account

2. Instruct each group to read their excerpt and identify which pattern of
development is used. They should answer the following questions:

What pattern is used?

How does this pattern enhance the description?
What images or emotions does it evoke?

3. Each group should create a chart summarizing their findings and prepare a
short presentation.

C. Abstract

Choose the best word or group of words that will complete the statements.
1. ____________ is a writing pattern of developing paragraph using detailed
observation about the subject.
2. ____________ are used in writing descriptive paragraph.
3. ____________ can be in a form of word, phrase or clause.
4. ____________description presents impartial and actual picture of the
subjects without biases.
5. ____________ description gives the personal impression of the writer.

D. Application

E. Assessment
Completeness and creativity of the descriptive piece demonstrating the use of
at least one pattern of development.


4- Excellent 3- Very Good 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs


Ideas *“paints a *creates some *sometimes *poorly

picture” for clear images strays from focused on the
the reader for the reader the topic topic

*well-focused *focused on *ideas are not *ideas are

on the topic the topic well- unclear
*clear ideas *ideas are *few details
are well- well- *more details are given
supported supported are needed
with with details
and vivid

Organization *well-focused *generally *somewhat *not focused

on the topic focused on the focused on the on the topic
topic topic
*logical *no clear
organization *some lapses *poor organization
in organization organization
*excellent *no transitions
transitions *some *few
*difficult to
transitions transitions
*easy to impossible to
follow *usually easy *difficult to follow
to follow follow

Introduction Introductory Introductory Introductory No attempt is

paragraph paragraph paragraph made to state
clearly states states subject attempts to the subject of
subject of of essay but is state subject the essay in an
essay and not of essay but introductory
captures particularly does not paragraph.
reader's inviting to the capture
attention. reader. reader's

Word Choice *precise, vivid *fairly precise, *vague, *very limited

and interesting mundane word choices
interesting and somewhat word choices
*wording is
word choices varied word
*wording is bland and not
*wide variety sometimes descriptive
of word *wording repetitive
choices could be more
words are

Sensory Essay includes Includes Includes Includes no

Detail details that details that details that details that
appeal to at appeal to appeal to only appeal to one
least three of fewer than one of the five of the five
the five senses three of the senses. senses.
(taste, touch, five senses.
sound, sight,

Figurative Writer Writer uses Writer may try Writer does

Language effectively one example to use simile, not include
uses simile, of simile, metaphor, and simile,
metaphor, and metaphor, or personification metaphor, or
personification personification but does so personification
to describe to describe incorrectly. in essay.
the subject. the subject.

Sentence *uses *uses *occasional *frequent use

Fluency complete complete sentence of sentence
sentences sentences fragment or fragments or
run-on run-on
*varying *generally
sentences sentences
sentence simple
structure and sentence *simple *sentences
lengths structures sentence are difficult to
structure is understand

Conventions *proper *few errors of *errors in *frequent

grammar, grammar and grammar, errors in
usage usage usage and grammar,
spelling usage,
*correct *mostly
sometimes spelling,
spelling correct
make capitalization
*correct understanding and
punctuation difficult punctuation
*correct *some errors make
capitalization in punctuation understanding
and difficult or
capitalization impossible

Voice *voice is fitting *voice is fairly *voice rarely *voice is weak

for the topic clear and comes or
and engaging seems to fit through inappropriate
the topic
*well-suited *not always *no sense of
for audience *suited for suited for audience and
and purpose audience and audience and purpose
purpose purpose

Score: _____/40 pts.

Instructions for Students:

 This assessment will evaluate your descriptive writing piece based on

the criteria listed in the rubric.
 Make sure to incorporate at least one pattern of development into your
writing and pay attention to the completeness and creativity of your
 Consider feedback on organization and mechanics to enhance the
overall quality of your writing.
 Aim for an engaging piece that captivates your reader with vivid
imagery and originality.


Subject Teacher


Principal - I

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