Yann Giguere - Japanese Saws
Yann Giguere - Japanese Saws
Yann Giguere - Japanese Saws
Expand your tool
arsenal with handsaws
that belong to a
centuries-old tradition
of craftsmanship
By Yann Giguere
• Crosscutting teeth can be easily damaged
by misuse or accidental impact.
• Too long to fit in a toolbox. (But folding
pull saws overcome this limitation.)
• Dull or damaged crosscutting blade Kataba
blades are difficult and time-
consuming to resharpen. Dozuki
• Straight handle will feel
strange to Western- Ryoba
style saw users.
Photos except where noted: Micah Rubin; Saw photos: Larry Hamel-Lambert Aug/Sept 2016 woodcraftmagazine.com 45
Ryoba saws are
all-purpose performers
The workhorse of Japanese saws, the ryoba
is easy to identify because it has two sets of
teeth—one for ripping and one for crosscutting.
If you’re new to hand-sawing on the pull stroke, I
recommend using a ryoba as your “starter” saw.
Ryobas are often described by blade length (in
millimeters), because this usually indicates the saw’s
main uses. In general, shorter saws have finer teeth, One blade, two sets of teeth. This 240mm ryoba is a great
enabling you to do more exacting work. A 210mm general-purpose saw that’s also capable of precise cutting.
(81⁄4") ryoba is for furniture. I use my 240mm (91⁄2")
ryoba for general carpentry. A 270mm (103⁄4") ryoba fine enough for very precise cutting—the next-
is for larger work, like timber-frame joinery. If you best thing to a dozuki saw for joinery work.
look closely at the ripping side of a ryoba saw, you’ll When just starting to use a ryoba saw, it
notice that the teeth are smaller at the heel of the may seem difficult to make a straight cut with
blade, which makes it easier to get a cut started. such a flexible blade. The secret is to plan your
My 240mm blue hard Gyokucho ryoba (see cut so that the kerf you initially make can
Buyer’s Guide on p. 61) is a favorite of mine guide the blade as you finish the cut. Make a
because of its versatility. Though this saw’s teeth cut in stages, as shown below, and you’ll be
are ground for cutting hardwoods, they will do surprised at the accuracy you can achieve.
fine cutting softwoods as well. The teeth are
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