10.1515_cclm-2019-1141 13 hematological parameters
10.1515_cclm-2019-1141 13 hematological parameters
10.1515_cclm-2019-1141 13 hematological parameters
Chenbin Li, Mingting Peng*, Ji Wu, Zhongli Du, Hong Lu and Wenbin Zhou
standardized approach to estimate the BV, the EFLM rested 10–15 min in a sitting position. All samples were collected
Biological Variation Working Group (BVWG) was estab- into K3EDTA anti-coagulated 2-mL tubes (Greiner Bio-One Vacuette®;
Kremsmunster, Austria) and analyzed within 2 h of collection. Sam-
lished and the Biological Variation Critical Appraisal
ples were drawn from all subjects once monthly for 6 consecutive
Checklist (BIVAC) was proposed [13]. In addition, the months. Using this protocol, the pre-analytical variance was consid-
BVs of CBC parameters were defined by the BVWG [14]; ered to be negligible.
however, the study period was 10 weeks, which does not
cover one turnover period for erythrocytes (approximately
4 months) [15–17]. This feature may impact the BV estima- Analytical procedure
tion of CBC parameters. Additionally, nearly all published
studies involving BV of CBCs were based on Caucasian/ All specimens were analyzed in duplicate using one ABX Pentra
White populations [6–8, 10–12, 18–21]. Indeed, only two 80 hematology analyzer (Horiba ABX SAS; Montpellier, France) in
order to calculate the analytical variation. To minimize inter-batch
studies have determined the BV among Asian popula-
analytical variation, these specimens were assayed using one lot of
tions, both of which were short-term studies (1 [22] or reagents throughout the entire study. Prior to first-batch specimen
3 days [23]). The duration of the studies was too short to analysis, instrument calibration was performed using ABX Minocal
generate reliable BV estimates. Therefore, a long-term (Horiba ABX SAS). Internal quality controls (IQC) were performed
study estimating BV is warranted. daily using ABX Difftrol Control (Horiba ABX SAS) with two differ-
The aim of this study was to estimate the components ent concentrations to provide consistent determination during the
course of the study. Each assay was performed by one analyst.
of long-term (6 months) BV, the index of individuality (II),
reference change values (RCVs), APS, and the number of
samples required to estimate the homeostatic set points
(NHSPs) for 13 CBC parameters in a cohort of healthy Statistical analysis
Chinese subjects by applying a strictly designed protocol
The homogeneity of within-subject data was assessed using average
compliant with the BIVAC, as proposed by the EFLM BVWG.
of the duplicate results of each sample from one subject by Bartlett
and Cochran tests, respectively. In heterogeneity cases, outlier data
were excluded until homogeneity was achieved. The Dixon-Reed cri-
Materials and methods terion was used to detect outliers between subjects. To confirm that
all subjects were in a steady state, linear regression was performed
on the mean group value during the entire study period for each
Participants parameter.
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify the normality of
Forty-three healthy volunteers (21 males and 22 females; age range, between- and within-subject data. If the data were not normally
23–59 years; median age, 43 years) were recruited for our study. The distributed, the data were log-transformed prior to re-evaluation of
study protocol was approved by the Beijing Hospital Ethics Commit- normality.
tee and all individuals gave written informed consent to participate. According to the current recommendations of BIVAC [13], a
The exclusion criteria were as follows: surgery within 6 months; blood nested ANOVA was used to provide an accurate estimate of the CVI
transfusion and donation 4 months before or during the current study; and between-subject biologic variation (CVG). Analytical variation
pregnant or anticipating pregnancy within 6 months; breastfeeding; (CVA) was calculated from the duplicate measurements of each sam-
excessive consumption of alcohol (average alcohol consumption >60 ple. The 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for BV estimates were calcu-
g ethanol/day for men and >40 g for women); tobacco abuse (average lated as described by Roraas [24] and Burdick [25].
cigarette consumption ≥20 cigarettes/day); body mass index (BMI) Female and male data were analyzed separately. The signifi-
>30.0 kg/m2; and use of any medications. At the pre-study screening, cance of differences in CVI and CVG was assessed in subgroups by
all individuals were deemed healthy based on health questionnaires. estimating the overlap in the 95% CI. When the 95% CIs of CVI of
A CBC and routine biochemistry parameters (fasting serum glucose, females and males overlapped, it was determined that no significant
lipids, and liver and kidney function) were measured to exclude sub- difference existed between female and male BV data, and CVIs were
tle blood cell abnormalities and chronic diseases. During the study, reported for all subjects and these estimates were used in the applica-
the subjects were requested to maintain normal lifestyle habits. All tion of the BV data. When the 95% CIs of the mean values of females
subjects were asked to fast, cease smoking cigarettes and consump- and males did not overlap, the lower of the two CVG estimates was
tion of alcohol, and refrain from heavy exercising from 8:00 p.m. on used to calculate the APS.
the day before blood was to be drawn. CVI and CVG data were used to calculate the desirable APSs for
imprecision (IAPS), bias (BAPS), total error (TEAPS), the IIs, the RCVs, and
the NHSPs using the following equations [26, 27]:
Specimen collection
IAPS = 0.50 × CVI(1)
The blood samples were collected between 8:00 and 9:00 in the
morning by one experienced phlebotomist after the participants B APS = 0.25 × (CVI2 + CVG2 )1/2(2)
1284 Li et al.: Long-term biological variation estimates of hematological parameters
TEAPS = (1.65 × IAPS ) + B APS(3) lymphocytes (Lym), the mean values of other parameters
in females and males differed significantly, rendering par-
II = (CVI2 + CVA2 ) / CVG(4) titioning of the CVG data between genders.
The 95% CIs for CVI estimates of all parameters,
RCV = 2 1/2 × Z × (CVA2 + CVI2 )1/2(5) except the mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
and basophil (Bas [×109/L]), overlapped with the BIVAC-
NHSP = (Z × (CVA2 + CVI2 )1/2 /D)2 ,(6) compliant studies reported by Coskun et al. [14], which
showed there were no significant differences in CVI esti-
where D is the allowed percentage deviation from the true homeo-
static set point, CVA denotes analytical variation, and Z is 1.96 for a
mates between the two studies. Our 95% CIs for CVG esti-
p-value <0.05. We calculated NHSPs associated with 5%, 10%, and mates of all parameters, except Bas (×109/L), overlapped
20% deviations from the true homeostatic set points. with the CVG estimates reported by Coskun et al. [14],
Data analysis was performed using SPSS (version 16.0; SPSS which also showed that there were no significant differ-
IBM, Chicago, IL, USA) and Microsoft Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corpora- ences in CVG estimates between the two studies.
tion, Redmond, WA, USA).
The 95% CIs of CVI estimates for all parameters,
except red blood cells (RBC), Hb, and mean cell hemo-
globin (MCH), overlapped with the CVI estimates of
Parameters Sex Mean CV% This study Coskun et al. Buoro et al.
(95% CI) (IQC)
(95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), %
WBC, ×109/L All 6.03 1.84 1.48 11.61 23.05 1.49 NA 16.53 1.5 11.1 15.0
(5.88–6.16) (1.36–1.63) (10.57–12.88) (18.72–29.74) (1.38–1.62) (12.83–22.08) (1.3–1.7) (9.62–13.18) (10.9–22.5)
M 6.08 NA 1.47 10.40 23.85 NA 7.96 NA NA NA NA
(5.88–6.29) (1.30–1.69) (9.06–12.19) (17.79–35.59) (7.02–9.19)
F 5.97 NA 1.50 12.56 22.96 NA 12.82 NA NA NA NA
(5.78–6.15) (1.34–1.71) (11.09–14.48) (17.35–33.23) (11.51–14.46)
RBC, ×1012/L All 4.49 1.79 0.70 3.23 8.95 0.66 2.77 NA 0.64 1.8 9.1
(4.45–4.53) (0.64–0.77) (2.93–3.59) (7.31–11.50) (0.61–0.72) (2.55–3.04) (0.56–0.74) (1.5–2.1) (6.9–13.1)
M 4.81 NA 0.93 3.12 6.10 NA NA 5.58 0.6 1.4 7.8
(4.77–4.86) (0.82–1.07) (2.71–3.67) (4.52–9.13) (4.01–9.40) (0.5–0.75) (1.1–1.9) (5.2–14.9)
F 4.22 NA 0.75 3.26 6.11 NA NA 6.98 0.66 2.4 7.1
(4.19–4.26) (0.67–0.85) (2.87–3.77) (4.62–8.84) (5.15–10.65) (0.56–0.80) (1.9–3.0) (5.0–12.1)
Hb, g/L All 140.72 1.29 0.60 3.16 11.00 0.58 2.74 NA 0.52 2.0 8.2
(139.30–142.15) (0.55–0.66) (2.87–3.51) (9.00–14.11) (0.53–0.63) (2.52–3.00) (0.46–0.60) (1.7–2.4) (6.3–11.9)
M 153.45 NA 0.60 2.86 5.94 NA NA 5.81 0.44 1.3 6.3
(152.13–154.77) (0.53–0.69) (2.49–3.36) (4.42–8.88) (4.08–9.57) (0.37–0.56) (1.1–1.7) (4.2–12.1)
F 130.12 NA 0.59 3.46 8.47 NA NA 6.57 0.59 2.3 6.8
(128.70–131.54) (0.53–0.67) (3.05–3.99) (6.45–12.19) (4.83–10.01) (0.48–0.69) (1.9–2.9) (4.8–11.7)
HCT, % All 0.417 1.73 1.11 3.12 10.22 0.63 2.82 NA 0.60 2.4 7.4
(0.412–0.420) (1.02–1.22) (2.82–3.48) (8.36–13.12) (0.59–0.69) (2.59–3.09) (0.53–0.70) (2.1–2.9) (5.6–10.7)
M 0.452 NA 1.17 2.82 5.25 NA NA 5.46 0.58 2.2 5.7
(0.449–0.456) (1.03–1.35) (2.43–3.34) (3.88–7.88) (3.87–9.07) (0.48–0.73) (1.8–2.9) (3.8–11.1)
F 0.386 NA 1.04 3.40 7.62 NA NA 5.51 0.62 2.6 6.2
(0.382–0.390) (0.93–1.18) (2.98–3.94) (5.79–10.98) (4.03–8.41) (0.53–0.76) (2.1–3.2) (4.3–10.7)
PLT, ×109/L All 223.83 2.76 2.74 6.74 23.71 1.80 7.22 NA 1.09 7.22 15.4
(218.89–228.77) (2.51–3.01) (6.08–7.53) (19.39–30.42) (1.67–1.96) (6.63–7.91) (0.97–1.27) (6.27–8.52) (11.5–22.7)
M 211.57 NA 3.08 6.76 25.54 NA NA 7.23 NA NA NA
(204.17–218.98) (2.72–3.56) (5.78–8.05) (19.20–37.91) (4.93–12.42)
F 233.76 NA 2.49 6.71 21.96 NA NA 17.42 NA NA NA
(227.35–240.18) (2.22–2.83) (5.87–7.80) (16.80–31.51) (12.90–26.71)
MCV, fL All 92.71 0.65 0.74 0.69 4.61 0.18 0.72 3.96 0.19 0.9 3.9
(92.32–93.10) (0.68–0.81) (0.58–0.81) (3.77–5.93) (0.16–0.19) (0.66–0.79) (3.15–5.33) (0.17–0.22) (0.8–1.1) (3.0–5.6)
M 94.05 NA 0.76 0.50 3.13 NA NA NA 0.17 0.9 3.2
(93.65–94.44) (0.67–0.88) (0.30–0.68) (2.36–4.64) (0.14–0.21) (0.7–1.1) (2.2–6.3)
Li et al.: Long-term biological variation estimates of hematological parameters
Parameters Sex Mean CV% This study Coskun et al. Buoro et al.
(95% CI) (IQC)
(95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), % (95% CI), %
No (20%)
Coskun et al.
bility of conducting studies, were taken into account, as
follows: (1) The number of subjects was between 20 and
40 in nearly all previously published studies involving
No (10%)
BV for the CBC [6, 8, 10, 11, 18, 20, 23, 31, 32]. Recently,
Braga et al. [4] concluded that a minimum of 10 subjects
is sufficient to obtain a good BV estimate for each iden-
tified subgroup. Therefore, we enrolled 19 males and 22
No (5%)
females to participate in the study. (2) Based on the review
by Braga et al. [4], the study duration must be neither too
short (a few days) nor too long (years) to eliminate influ-
Table 2: The APS for hematological parameters based on biological variation, accompanied by the corresponding BV estimates in BIVAC-compliant study.
ence by additional causes. Based on the turnover time
for CBC parameters (i.e. RBC ~4 months), a study period
55.80 of 6 months was used in our study. (3) The number of
samples from each individual was 5–12 and the number of
measurements for each sample was 1–2 in previously pub-
lished reports [6, 8, 10, 11, 18, 20, 23, 31, 32]. Considering
that the CVA was calculated with all replicates for the same
subject, the number of measurements for each sample
was two in our study. According to the model of the power
No (20%)
No (10%)
No (5%)
RCV, %
of the analyte. Roraas et al. [24] and Braga et al. [36] pro-
posed that CVA derived from the laboratory IQC data is not
necessarily transferable to clinical samples. In our study,
Mono, ×109/L
RBC, ×1012/L
WBC, ×10 /L
Neu, ×109/L
Lym, ×109/L
Bas, ×109/L
Eos, ×109/L
PLT, ×109/L
MCH, pg
Hb, g/L
HCT, %
parameters (such as II, RCV, and NHSP) would be over- menstrual cycle [43, 44]. When the BVs of the WBC sub-
estimated. Therefore, we support the use of a duplicate populations for females are estimated, the influence of the
analysis to calculate CVA. female menstrual cycle should be considered.
The previously published BV data were compared The CVGs for PLT in the male group of the present study
with the data listed in the online 2014 BV database. We were higher than the CVGs reported by Coskun et al. [14].
reviewed the 15 articles cited in the BV database following Based on the findings of Biino et al. [45], the PLT count was
the standards in the BIVAC and found the studies had a stable for males in the 18–49-year age range, whereas the
low-quality score. Twelve articles [6–11, 37–42] received a PLT count was significantly decreased in subjects >50 years
D score because the instruments used were obsolete or the of age. The age range in the Coskun et al.’s study [14] and
methods are no longer used routinely. The estimates from the present study was 20–36 and 23–59 years, respectively.
these studies were considered unsuitable for application in The difference in age range might account for the differ-
clinical practice. Two articles [23, 32] were scored as a C due ence in CVGs. If we calculated the CVG using data from
to the absence of outlier removal, normality assessments, males <36 years of age, the CVG for PLT decreased from
and variance homogeneity examination, which affect the 25.54% to 13.66%. Therefore, the age distribution of par-
accuracy of BV estimates (over- or under-estimation). One ticipants might significantly influence the CVG estimates.
article [12] was scored as a C for lack of CIs around esti- The II has been used to investigate the utility of con-
mates of CVI and inappropriate methods of outlier analy- ventional population-based reference intervals (RIs). The
ses. Therefore, we used PubMed and Google Scholar to IIs of nine of 13 CBC parameters were <0.6, which suggests
retrieve relevant literature without any time limits, using that conventional RIs are of very limited utility. In these
the following keywords: biological variation (variability); cases, the RCV is a better parameter for monitoring of lon-
hematology; complete blood cell; leukocytes/WBC; eryth- gitudinal changes in test results in an individual [46]. The
rocytes/RBC; hemoglobin/Hb/Hgb; hematocrit/HCT/Htc; IIs of two of nine parameters <0.60 in our study are not in
and platelet/PLT. As unique inclusion/exclusion criteria, agreement with those reported by Coskun et al. [14]. Addi-
the recruited studies should have an explicit aim of the tionally, the II of MCHC was >1.4, which makes RI a useful
experimental assessment of CBC BV components. Nine- tool for test interpretation. Such is not the case for II of
teen articles were recruited [6–12, 14, 23, 28–30, 32, 37–42]. MCHC in the Coskun et al.’s study [14]. Additional research
These articles were reviewed by the quality indicators (QIs) is warranted to further clarify the differences.
included in the BIVAC. Four articles [14, 28–30] were con-
sidered to be grade A, which met the QIs of the BIVAC and
were reliable estimations. Therefore, we used the BV esti-
mation of these studies as the comparators. Conclusions
Our study showed that the CVIs for RBC, Hb, and
HCT were higher than those reported in two studies by In conclusion, the present study has provided an estimate
Coskun et al. [14] and Buoro et al. [28–30] (Supplemen- of the BV and the main indices of healthy Chinese adults
tary Figure A). This finding can be explained by the dif- following an experimental protocol with high power
ferent duration of the studies. The duration of our study and a rigorous statistical approach complying with the
was 6 months and longer than the two studies. Addition- BIVAC. With some exceptions, the 95% CIs of BV in our
ally, the CVIs of 10 weeks’ duration by Coskun et al. [14] study for CBC parameters overlapped with the 95% CIs
were also higher than those of 5 weeks’ duration by Buoro of the recently published BIVAC-compliant BV studies of
et al. [28–30], which followed the same trend. Within our a Europid population, which showed that no differences
study period of 6 months, we covered one turnover period exist between the BVs of the two populations. The BV data
for erythrocytes, and the CVIs for the erythrocyte group for erythrocyte parameters (RBC, Hb, and HCT) and PLT in
tests might be more reliable. Although the 95% CIs of CVI this study, however, were higher than those in the BIVAC-
between genders were overlapped for all CBC parameters compliant studies published because of the differences
in the current study, the CVIs for WBC, Neu (×109/L), Mono associated with the study period and age distribution.
(×109/L), and Eos (×109/L) in the females were higher than Our study will provide reference and aid for the global BV
those in the males. Significant differences in the CVI esti- database by EFLM and future studies on this subject.
mates between genders for leukocytes, Mono, Neu, and
Eos were also evident in the Coskun et al.’s study [14]. Author contributions: All the authors have accepted
This finding can be explained by the cyclic variations in responsibility for the entire content of this submitted
WBC and the WBC sub-populations during the female manuscript and approved submission.
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