Mutant Epoch CotA 08 Quasi
Mutant Epoch CotA 08 Quasi
Mutant Epoch CotA 08 Quasi
Version 1.0
Written by James Butler aka @Clock_punk
Illustrated by William McAusland
P oetically named after the literary character of
Quasimodo, with whom they bear more than just
a passing resemblance, these creatures are believed
to have once been the unfortunate victims of early ge-
Defense Value: -15 netic therapies that have since developed into a com-
Endurance: 40+2d12 pletely new race. Their basic form is comprised of a
bulky, muscular frame beset with odd oversized limbs
Movement: 8m
and a rigid humpback, whilst their faces – although
Initiative: -1 extremely misshapen and bedraggled – were once un-
Attacks: 2 slaps, or grapple (skill level 2) mistakably human. They are capable of basic, broken
Strike Value: 01-60 speech, but this is limited to a form of babbling about
Damage: d8+3 (slaps), d12+6 (bear hug – every current obsessions – which change almost day by day,
as some new item or creature catches their playful in-
three rounds held)
terest. For although their bodies are physically devel-
Strength: 71 oped, their minds and emotional control are nowhere
Agility: 55 near fully formed, and they live in a perpetual state
Accuracy: 53 of blissful ignorance to the savagery of the world, in-
Intelligence: 6+d3 stead existing solely for a series of temporary fascina-
tions and fleeting curious wonderment.
Willpower: 25 All Quasis possess a highly inquisitive nature,
Perception: 38 and are likely to try and steal any items which arouse
Valuables: 15% chance of a random item its curiosity (and is 80% likely to become a source of
carried (focus of obsession). obsession for which Quasi will do anything to
acquire), and subsequently suffer a high
Experience: 35
likelihood of breaking it through boister-
Morale: Poor ous manhandling. If any current item
Size: 1.4 m long, 1m tall of obsession is forcibly re-
Weight: 180 kg moved, its loss will send
(+/- 2d12 kg) the creature into a ber-
serk rage. The Quasi will
Mutations: 16%/1 stop at nothing to get
its item back, no mat-
ter how worthless
it is, which can
unfortunately give
the impression to
others that these
items may have
inherent value.