Mutant Epoch CotA 08 Quasi

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Eric Tilden (Order #34788600)

Quasi Free Creature for The Mutant Epoch RPG Page 2 of 5

Version 1.0

Written by James Butler aka @Clock_punk
Illustrated by William McAusland
P oetically named after the literary character of
Quasimodo, with whom they bear more than just
a passing resemblance, these creatures are believed
to have once been the unfortunate victims of early ge-
Defense Value: -15 netic therapies that have since developed into a com-
Endurance: 40+2d12 pletely new race. Their basic form is comprised of a
bulky, muscular frame beset with odd oversized limbs
Movement: 8m
and a rigid humpback, whilst their faces – although
Initiative: -1 extremely misshapen and bedraggled – were once un-
Attacks: 2 slaps, or grapple (skill level 2) mistakably human. They are capable of basic, broken
Strike Value: 01-60 speech, but this is limited to a form of babbling about
Damage: d8+3 (slaps), d12+6 (bear hug – every current obsessions – which change almost day by day,
as some new item or creature catches their playful in-
three rounds held)
terest. For although their bodies are physically devel-
Strength: 71 oped, their minds and emotional control are nowhere
Agility: 55 near fully formed, and they live in a perpetual state
Accuracy: 53 of blissful ignorance to the savagery of the world, in-
Intelligence: 6+d3 stead existing solely for a series of temporary fascina-
tions and fleeting curious wonderment.
Willpower: 25 All Quasis possess a highly inquisitive nature,
Perception: 38 and are likely to try and steal any items which arouse
Valuables: 15% chance of a random item its curiosity (and is 80% likely to become a source of
carried (focus of obsession). obsession for which Quasi will do anything to
acquire), and subsequently suffer a high
Experience: 35
likelihood of breaking it through boister-
Morale: Poor ous manhandling. If any current item
Size: 1.4 m long, 1m tall of obsession is forcibly re-
Weight: 180 kg moved, its loss will send
(+/- 2d12 kg) the creature into a ber-
serk rage. The Quasi will
Mutations: 16%/1 stop at nothing to get
its item back, no mat-
ter how worthless
it is, which can
unfortunately give
the impression to
others that these
items may have
inherent value.

Eric Tilden (Order #34788600)

Quasi Free Creature for The Mutant Epoch RPG Page 3 of 5
Despite their bulk, Quasis are quick, nimble, and If impeded in their simple everyday routine, however,
very good climbers – a survival requirement given their such as being blocked from using their favoured den
reduced intelligence. As such, the dens they prefer tend exit, or barred from their usual water source, their tem-
to contain numerous objects they can climb, swing or pers can flip. They go from being calm to a destructive
scurry across, and otherwise form rudimentary ob- tantrum instantaneously, with little warning (physiologi-
stacle courses, which they innately learn to traverse cal or psychological), and vice-versa.
quickly without issue. This provides each creature with Always desirous of holding the dominant position,
a climbing skill level of d3+1 points as standard. Quasis reside alone (outside of the favoured ‘pets’),
If hurt, they will go into a rage and lash out at ev- and if they believe they are being forced into subser-
erything around them, even their ‘pets’ and items will vience in any capacity, will do anything to reverse the
be destroyed, and dens can be completely trashed. Any roles – even if the circumstances are to their best inter-
objects within tend to betray the signs of serious abuse, est (such as a character trying to help them escape a
looking battered and bashed to excess. If seriously in- dangerous situation), and revert to their basic lifestyle
jured they will openly cry out in pain, burst into an ani- described above. Long-term imprisonment and other
malistic sobbing, and likely curl into a protective ball, as abuse faced is quickly forgotten, just like their passing
befits their diminished mental capacity hoping to elicit obsessions, and so resentment and acts of vengeance
sympathy so they can either flee, or strike any opponent will only span a brief period immediately following any
who gets close enough to investigate. treatment that would elicit such a response.
A Quasi will attack using a combination of brutish Quasi offspring, produced by brief and savage one-
slaps and attempts to grab an opponent in a bear hug, off dalliances, will be treated exactly like their pets.
ostensibly meaning to hold it at bay until it can calm down Only infants who are strong and wily enough to survive,
and may be taken back to its lair, but the strength of these and escape their mother’s neglect and find their own
beasts invariably crushes anything held in this manner. den, will go on to live their own isolated existence.
Quasis are not maliciously evil creatures, rather
they are entirely incomprehensive of their strength and
manner of playfulness; for they possess a childlike un-
derstanding of the world, where all they desire is simple
Quasi Mutation List Roll 2d8
mental stimulation to ward off boredom. This is manifest 2. Furred Pelt: Clad in long fur of natural coloration, this
in their frequent attempts to capture a ‘friend’ - typically mutation allows a Quasi standing still to go undetected –
a wild beast which is caught when crippled by traps, then typically while it scans its surroundings looking for some-
caged, ‘played’ with, neglected, mourned briefly, and sub- thing interesting, and provides +2 to the creature’s initia-
sequently replaced. As a result, there is an 80% chance tive if it launches into an attack from such a situation.
of a single, randomly determined wild creature, in a poor 3. Spitter: Once every six rounds, this creature can expel
state of health, being kept within the Quasi’s den. This a huge glob of saliva with surprising accuracy, range 6m,
‘friend’ can be any creature, no matter how dangerous, SV 01-70, in an attempt to temporarily blind an opponent.
to which a Quasi is usually completely oblivious. Likewise, If eye or facial protection is not being worn, this attack
their neglect is not purposeful, but an unfortunate effect (made in lieu of one slap) results in penalties to the tar-
of their wandering fascination. However, given their juve- get’s movement (-3m), SV (-14) and Defense Value (+8)
nile state of awareness, any humanoid creatures of the
until the sticky spit is removed (taking d4+2 rounds).
opposite sex are much more likely to become the object
of a Quasi’s fascination, for which they may try to ‘woo’ 4. Extra Arm: This mutation adds one extra attack per
through the gifting of random debris acting to lure the round, allows a single attack whilst bear hugging an oppo-
individual to their den or – much more likely – just try to nent, or improves the grappling skill of the Quasi to level 3.
kidnap outright. Unfortunately, such quarry is treated in 5. Two Heads: increased babbling and arguing with itself,
the exact same manner as are captured pets. allows for a +12 bonus to perception, and each head will
One particular affinity Quasis do possess is setting have a separate obsession and desire for a different pet.
plenty of basic traps around their dens; simple me- 6. Spined Hump: Dozens of sharpened protruding bone
chanical ones are preferred and are treated like toys. spikes cover the back of this Quasi, providing it a -5 defense
Prey captured in these implements are ‘played’ with for value bonus in addition to causing 2d10+5 damage on a back
hours, expending much of the Quasi’s day. slam, which can be attempted instead of a bear hug when grap-
Fish, no matter how mutated, form a large part of a pling (at -12 SV due to the awkward shape of the creature).
Quasi’s diet, which they can capture bare handed with a 7. Mimicry: This Quasi has the ability to recreate the
high level of skill. Also on the menu are creatures killed by sounds of any creatures it has previously taken in as
their traps and discovered in time before scavengers locate pets (d6+2 randomly determined creatures), which it can
the snared or crushed beings; Quasi’s check their traps switch between at will. It typically conducts crude conver-
only sporadically, if remembering to check them at all. sations between these different voices.
These creatures do not plan for anything beyond 8. Slough Skinned: The creatures body is extra large, and
the immediate future in terms of survival preparation. covered in layers of fatty tissue that reduce any inflicted dam-

Eric Tilden (Order #34788600)

Quasi Free Creature for The Mutant Epoch RPG Page 4 of 5
age by d3 points, and can absorb d10+20 points worth before 9. Item – Bright orange flick-knife, worth 90+d100sp
being shed and eaten by the creature (once every 72 hours). 10. Pet – Calf, bearing a brand
9. Jumper: Already reasonably skilled at acrobatics, this 11. Item – Broken miniature RC helicopter, without
creature can leap every third round to a height of 8m, or hori- power or corresponding remote, worth 6+3d8sp
zontally 12m, allowing it to adopt even harder to reach dens. 12. Pet – Skunk
10. Gills and Webbed Limbs: This Quasi is capable of 13. Pet – Spotted Scorpion
breathing underwater (for up to 2 hours at a time), and 14. Item – Miniature disco ball, worth 5+d10sp
can swim at 8m per round. 15. Item – Pack of brightly coloured vacuum-sealed
11. Foul Gland: This mutant constantly exudes a stench coffees of different flavors, worth 20+2d20sp
of rotten matter, but once every 24 hours. Upon being sur- 16. Pet – Venomous Lizard
prised, it can release a concentrated cloud of putridness, 17. Item – Video game console joystick, worth 8+d10sp
spanning a 10m diameter around it that causes all others 18. Item – Laser sword, that flickers into action for
within to make a type C Willpower hazard check or suffer three rounds before shorting out, worth 2000+d1000
-15 SV and -20 DV. This disperses in 3d4 rounds. sp in this state. To fix costs 1000+d1000sp
12. Extra Long Limbs: The arms and legs of this creature 19. Pet – Gutter Rat
are even more oversized than found on a typical speci- 20. Item – Hula doll ornament, worth 3+d6sp
men, and adds +2m movement, in addition to being able 21. Item – Mostly unbent slinky, worth 2+d4sp
to strike targets at a distance of 2 meters. 22. Pet – Medium Snake
13. Absorptive Mind: There is a 60% chance that any 23. Pet – Cockroach
mental attack against this creature is simply absorbed 24. Item – Tatty and moldy pink bear, worth d3sp when
without any ill effect. cleaned and repaired.
14. Extra Mutated: Roll twice on this list, re-rolling any 25. Pet – Highly-irradiated Frog (treat as venomous, but with
duplicates. radioactive attacks, each bit inflicts a dose of mild exposure)
15. Ghost Mutant: A random ghost mutation from either 26. Item – Small metal suitcase, broken catch, filled with
The Mutant Epoch RPG’s hub rules (table TME-or other poker chips of various denominations, worth 250+d100sp
source at the GM’s discretion, which will be activated ran- 27. Item – Fluttering toy butterfly in a jar, powered for
domly whenever the Quasi is excited, and is never purpose- 400 years by a single power pill, worth 30+2d20sp
fully controlled. 28. Item – Old watch, motion-wound, skeleton style
16. Freakish Horror: This mutant beast features an addi- with moving parts and luminescent hands and face,
tional mutation from this table, in addition to being grossly worth 300+3d20sp
oversized. It possesses +60 endurance, moves 1m faster 29. Pet – Wild Dog (randomly determine sort)
per round, and does an additional +2 damage to slaps 30. Item – Plastic golden trophy, worth 5+d6p
and +4 to bear hugs. 31. Pet – Black Bear cub (half stats of full sized)
32. Item – Broken cuckoo clock with carved bird dan-
gling from open doors, worth 10+2d6sp
Sample Quasi Obsessions Roll 2d20 33. Pet – Two-Headed Wolf
Note: For a forgotten pet that may still be alive, re-roll until 34. Pet – Ground Hawk
one is determined. 35. Item – Rad scanner, cracked screen, but still opera-
2. Pet - Weasel tional, worth 1200+2d100sp
3. Item – Box of d12 highly polished copper high caliber 36. Item – 6 x 8 foot Canadian flag, worth
pistol bullets, bearing ceramic symbols in the four play- 100+2d1000sp
ing card suites, worth 60+d20sp ea. 37. Pet – Moaner, plague-infected
4. Pet – Jack Rabbit 38. Item – Sealed toy fish aquarium, worth
5. Pet – Skullock, d2 dislocated limbs 120+2d20sp
6. Item – Battery powered lava lamp, pill-battery 39. Pet – Mud Worm
drained, worth 100+d100sp 40. Item – Small ceramic tile decorated with a painted
7. Pet – Wild Boar bottle of wine, chipped, worth 5+d6sp
8. Item – Old light bulb painted in array of colors, worth
Free downloadable PDF for SOE (Society of Excavators) members and the gaming public. Learn more at
This creature designed and written by James Butler follow him on twitter @Clock_punk . The Mutant Epoch was Created By William McAusland © Copyright 2014 Outland All Rights Reserved. For personal use only.

Eric Tilden (Order #34788600)

Quasi Free Creature for The Mutant Epoch RPG Page 5 of 6

Quasi Player Handout Version

Eric Tilden (Order #34788600)
Copyright 2014 The Mutant Epoch
Eric Tilden (Order #34788600)

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